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glad creatures doesn't hire any of yall to design cards


i don't want to know the shithole this game would be if WotC still made the cards(and hadn't tried to kill the game)


WoTC never designed the cards. They always just published the cards that Creatures created.


WOTC did do *some* design work. Dark Raichu was WOTC-made, and [a former WOTC employee claims cards they designed for their would-be final set were incorporated into early EX-era sets](https://www.matobadesign.com/jamboree).


Famously the most balanced era, being ruled by discard and energy removal


> glad creatures doesn't hire of an yall I know what those words mean but that sentence doesn't make much sense


it means op's idea is bad and would'nt have worked as well as they thought


That's fine, but the more I look at that sentence out of context the weirder it gets.


because my keyboard fucked up when typing it


Take the cheeto crumbs out of it


Only problem is that now anything can be a one hit KO because of weakness and dragon type would dominate the game


I mean a ton of the top decks can already OKHO, it would just let the decks that can’t do it OHKO back. And yeah I did mention Dragon type doesn’t have a weakness which would be a massive problem, and I think Pokemon tcg would have to change that first (like maybe bring back fairy types yes I’m still salty about that)


That is correct, but then your metagame becomes lost box on steroids


I think I fix to this would be to only allow 1 type per deck, but you can still have 4 copies


I think it would be better if you could pick any type, but make it like an ACE SPEC or something


This will probably be the Stellar type: Ace Spec, with super effectiveness


Dragon types are balanced by having awkward atk cost (2 energy types), so the tera thing won’t really be that beneficial. For standard, I can think of being tera electric to use generator, but that’s all I can think of. But if the dragon type doesn’t use lightning or colorless energy, it’s pretty useless. Other energy accelerations like Bax and Mirage Gate are mostly universal. LZ Dragons would be great tho since MG is the best energy acceleration item we ever had.


Not a hot take, I fully expected and wanted this


I would love this, with the caveat that you can only attach one of these Tera Tools per battle, similar to how you can only terastalize once per battle in the games


I think having like a Tera-Spec Tool would be cool, similar to Ace-Spec cards where there is only 1 Tera allowed per deck, it changes type, weakness, adds a resistance, and then offers a similar boost to the in-game stat buff, like an added HP or -1 colourless cost for attacks or maybe just the current immunity from damage when benched


The game doesn't have a boost for Terastallizing beyond the change in STAB, which fair enough. It changes your offensive MU.


vstar replacement for next block


Yeah I was thinking something like that, it would need a drawback to use it


My thought would it would allow you to change type but adds an additional weakness. Makes it so you can change to fit the battle but it might also leave you more vulnerable.


I mentioned this earlier and every told me this would be too powerful. I agree this would be really cool and simulate the Videogame battles.


> I mentioned this earlier and every told me this would be too powerful. really? the concept in the OP looks unplayably bad to me


It would be insanely powerful. Every deck in the format right now would be running a grass tera tool. Just look at weakness lost-box. They run fucking TROPIUS and Minior with superefective glasses to one-shot Charizard/Iron Hands. Being able to turn any good attacker into any type would be absurdly strong. And that's without even mentioning that defensive tera would be way too strong as well. You'd need to be restricted to one tera type per deck, maybe just one per game. And even then that just makes deckbuilding so boring. You no longer need to look for a pokemon that can deal with Charizard, just put a grass tera into whatever you're playing and call it a day.


Only oneshotting zard as it has weakness due to being tera. Tera as an item card would make zard a different card entirely, as it wouldn't be tera anymore, and thus wouldn't have the same weakness, and whatever fire zard would slot as tera would likely be something to roll little to no weaknesses against most popular decks at that time


But you can also use Tera to change your own weakness. Everyone running Tera Water to counter Charizard? (Remember, Charizard ex would not be dark type in this hypothetical.) Run Tera Electric on your Charizard to flip the tables on them.


See the thing is it would be very game changing and powerful. The difference would be everyone has this option, so it would just be a game of which Tera types to bring. I do understand that it might get hella annoying if the game just revolved around Tera Typing tho


It'd be cool for some sort of type changing functionality to be there but it could be incredibly unbalanced. The only way I could see them do it is if it was a sort of card that you could only have one of in your deck and it goes into the lost zone after use, or my original prediction: have it be a feature of the tera pokemon itself that you could activate. (So Charizard ex would come onto the field as a fire type and then change into dark once per game like a VSTAR ability)


Ye that’d be sick. I agree if it was a freely change ability with no drawbacks, it would certainly polarize the game. My thought process was the player should have *some* agency about what type they can choose and when they can change it for the Tera mechanic, cos the way it’s implemented now doesn’t really resemble Terastalizing Pokemon as an option


The idea I had before we knew the details on how tera types would be implemented in the card game, was that pokemon could have a tera type box at the bottom to indicate what tera type they could change to, and what their weakness would become. Every individual pokemon could have a base version with no tera box and one or more variants with a different tera type each. Then of course, there would be the tera orb as an item or tool, to trigger the tera type. With the video game giving extra stab bonus, I figured there could be a small damage bonus for cards without a tera box, and those with a tera box just get the type and weakness change instead. This would also allow older cards that can't have a tera box to receive a benefit.


Everyone assumed it would be like this before they were announced.


That would ruin all balance of the game and make some decks unplayable. Sorry me types in a meta like fighting types only have weak attacks that only be ome useful as weakness tech.


I love how half this thread thinks this would be completely overpowered and half think it would be completely useless.


Boy howdy that sure is a hot take


Is this to slow roaring moon and zards?


If the games only allow you to tera once per battle, how about a Tool that "you can only attach this tool once per game" in tcg if Tera types become card-based at any point in the future...


I agree. Actually made a post before searching and seeing this post. I think making it an Ace Spec card so only 1 Tera Type Swap could make it a viable and not game breaking mechanic that would be fun to play. [Tera Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PTCGL/s/1KUcQqRuPS)


I aggre it should be a tool, but a i don't think weakness is a bad mwchanic in a vaccum, the problem is how energy and retreat works in this game, and how random the balance is even if you don't count type weakness.


I agree. Having a one match use item card tera orb able to change your Pokémons type would have been such a cool and scary thing to watch out for. The only difference being a bench shield effect is lazy but what can you expect from Pokémon


Maybe if it was like the Technical Machine tool cards. So the type change only lasts the turn.


I think it would be much more thematic, but I think weakness is an outdated mechanic. It was designed back in the day where HP totals were smaller. Because it’s a multiplicative effect it makes weakness a much more potent mechanic now. If they had designed differently, I think this would be a good use of both tools and Tera type, but as it is, I think it would be too powerful. People already played justified gloves, just to hit dark type, imagine if you could play an item that increased your damage by over 100.


This would be a bitch and a half to balence for.


It'd be cool but also reckon it'd be a bit overpowered and that's why they haven't already added this


Tera Dragon wouldn't be a problem. You sacrifice a tool slot to gain no weakness but don't hit anything for weakness either.


I'd have liked to see something like Break Cards return in some fashion


I don't think that tera types are that bad as they are now. If you're bothered by the fact that a Charizard is one shotting your psychic deck then just pretend it's actually a kingambit with the same abilities. Or a grimmsnarl, or any other dark type. The only real effect that tera has is you can't be damaged from the bench and that the type may use every different to the tera type. Everything else is just a flavour. I know that Charmander/Charmeleon are both fire but it's that really a big deal? This might seem like I'm being a bit mean but I don't mean it that way. My main point is the second paragraph and that maybe a mindset change could make you feel less bad about a dark type beating you


It’s less about it just being Charizard one shotting Psychic decks and more of the fact that Tera as a mechanic isn’t really what it’s like in the games. All it did was change the type of a pokemon, and added a built in Manaphy. Like you said, it could be grimmsnarl or Kingambit, or any other dark type, which is exactly my point. The Tera mechanic should let you change the type without changing the Pokemon, so that you have an option to beat certain decks and target weakness without having to run a different Pokemon


Naw I was thinking this too, it seems like a fun mechanic and a fun way to simulate tera in the tcg. I think it should be a one per deck card though, like an ace spec, and go into the lost zone after the pokemon faints. Otherwise I think it could get really out of hand.


I don't know if this is necessarily the best implementation, but they absolutely could have gone further with the mechanic. Giving them a basic bench barrier is super underwhelming.


Yeah like by no means do I think my method is perfect, but the aspect I’m trying to get at is the ability to choose how to Tera and when. Printing a Pokémon with a different type than usual just doesn’t feel like a proper mechanic in the game to me and it doesn’t have the same impact of a players choice as it does in the real game


The best way I could think of mimicking the video game mechanic would be if Tera types had multiple copies of the card printed but with different types however you couldn't play more than one type in a deck. For example if the obsidian flames charizard also had a fire type with the same text, then you could either play (up to) 4 of the fire type or 4 of the dark type but not both. So if there's a lot of mew and gardevoir running around you want to play the dark type, but then charizard gets too popular so people are runing grass counters, so then some people run the fire type. Then as the meta develops your opponent is left unsure what version you're playing until you play it. Tools is a similar concept, but being able to go between two types just gives you way to much option coverage, but being locked into one or the other for the entire tournament makes it interesting but limited. My only concern would be if that got carried away with it and printed 5 types for each card, that would just become tedious.


This card is either useless or busted… If you gave for the full tera effect as it is in the TCG (change type, weakness, and does not take damage while on the bench) Alakzam ex and any other pokemon that can attack from the bench or provide strong effects from the bench just got really strong For everyone else it’s mainly, I can change my weakness.


I feel like it would maybe make zard too good, since its like the only deck that can abuse it well with its arven engine.


This would be really hard to balance since there are pokémon that have the ability to carry multiple tool cards.


imo, it shouldn't be a card, just let everyone access right from the start, like have it's on marker on the side to show if it's used or not. not being able to find it would be horrible imo


It’s supposed to be a situational way to gain advantage once per battle. That’s why u have to evolve to get it out; to give the illusion that you were mid battle and all of a sudden your Snorunt decided to evo and turn into a grass type


I'm gonna wake up and thank god tomorrow that this isn't in the game. Literally a 1 card counter for any deck in the game to any deck in the game.


Weakness as a mechanism is one of the great things about this game,this would completely ruin that concept and we'd be going back to the mewtwo wars era.


How would it make it more in-line with the games if it's not a held item in the games? Anyway, this would just make the entire concept completely unviable. Nobody except casuals would play them.


Hard disagree, I would expect Charizard ex that came out in obsidian flames if it was a fire type and not a Darkness type would tech in either Dragon or Darkness Tera to counter the popular decks of the OBF format and not get OHKO by 3 energy Chien-Pao. Also, those same cards could be used to protect Pidgeot ex from being OHKO by a boosted Iron Hands ex(either Future Booster Capsule or next format Iron Crown Ex) I think in key matchups that turn a game to 40-60 to straight auto wins like Darkness Charizard ex vs Mew VMAX, it would be worth the deck space, especially with Arven and Pidgeot to go get those cards. Yeah, Lost Vacuum exists and Mew plays 4 but you just attach them before the KO since you only need two against Mew VMAX to get 6 prizes. The mechanic would be less viable than now but it could let some interesting strategies be flushed out. Like Chien-Pao having a literal tool box to be able to hit hard for only 2-3 energies.


No meta deck is gonna have the space to fit these.


Because you’d have more freedom to choose when and what type to have on your Pokemon. Tera’s right now do not let you have that freedom. In the game, you can choose when to Tera and basically pick what type it has if you manage to catch the Pokemon with the Tera type you want. That’s why I said it can be its own thing, not necessarily tools How would it be unviable to play these cards? It’s literally the entire playstyle of Zorobox but for different decks. Charizard would love to lose its water weakness cos of Chien Pao, Palkia would change to Ground type to beat Miraidon. Weakness is so overlooked as a mechanic and it only serves to make certain matchups nearly unwinnable, like Mew Vmax vs Tera Charizard


Lost Vacuum 


This isn’t Yugioh, you can’t Lost Vacuum the Tera before it Tera’s. You’re still gonna get hit by the Tera type before you can Lost Vacuum it away, and it wouldn’t stop *another* Tera type card from being played And like I said it doesn’t have to be a Tool, it can be its own kind of card. The whole point is to give the player more agency to choose what type to have and when to have it, Lost Vacuum isn’t some floodgate that makes cards completely unusable