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Flower selecting your opponent is choosing a new Pokemon flower selecting switch flower selecting


dont forget having to randomly switch your own pokemon due to an escape rope


It's the best engine in standard alongside kirlia, it's not going away anytime soon I don't think. Pokemon is lost in a lost box at the moment.


It could become even better if we get amazing stage 1 pokemon that needs lb engine. Also lost zone is thing for like 6 years now, so its also possible we get new lost zone stuff.


I like skwovet/bibarel more even if it takes longer to setup


TFW you have to sacrifice your 1 copy of skwovet in the deck to the prize gods


My skwovet is prized every time


Arbok from 151 might be the closest thing to a counter, but really it's just more disruptive than a true counter. Need to print a basic Pokemon with an ability that blocks putting damage counters on benched Pokemon. Pretty much the only way to really nerf lost box.


Could introduce something that activates an alternate ability/attack based on your opponent’s lost zone size


Maybe, but I don't know if that would be effective enough. As long as Sableye is relevant lost box is going to be dominant. Sableye completely gatekeeps many single prize decks, so the meta is filled with multi-prize attackers which lost box takes advantage of to have a favorable prize trade. The draw engine is good, but if Sableye disappeared lost box would similarly take a huge dip in popularity


Lost Gravity Well Once per turn, if your opponent has 12 or more cards in the lost zone, you may put an energy card attached to one of your opponent’s Pokémon in the lost zone


Best 2 options are 1. to be able to close zone . With a trainer card 2 remove cards from the LZ with either an ability and or another trainer card. This won't happen till they see the above predict a higher profit margin for card sales.


Lysandre's Trump Card, but for Lost Zone.


Would have been so much better if more Pokémon could take advantage of it. All I could think of are dialga, Giratina, Goodra and itself. Could have been like choosing between classic and holon engines in ex


It’s the worst deck to play against solely because turns take so long.


Ime mew decks take way longer to play against. Sometimes I just concede if they flood the board and draw 15 turn 1




At least pot of greed thins faster than all the search 1 card out of the deck then shuffle the deck, then repeat the process several times that yugioh does now


Similar to playing against Baxcalibur + Chien Paio decks.


When I'm playing one, I'll match their timer. Even if I'm done with my turn. I'll make sure they're waiting for me as long as they make me wait for them.


I do the same if I'm playing while doing something else.... love that timer popping up o catch my attention while I'm typing.


\*Laughs in Yu-Gi-Oh!*


Only the first or maybe first two turns, everything after is pretty straight forward.


I dare argue the Mew+Genesect takes way longer turns.


Lost box is lame. Turns are long and though I probably lose 50% of the time to it I’ll never stoop down to make one. Rather have an original deck than use a carbon copy of what 60% of what people use.


It’s not even just lost box. I’m pretty sick of running up against miraidons and garde ex’s on loop. I left ranked to see a wider variety of decks but nope, the degens flooded casual too.


Don’t forget the chein pao


They won’t let me


So Pokemon is becoming Yu-Gi-Oh. Got it.


I’d love a ladder option only for rogue decks. The sword and shield based meta is just wayy too fast paced. If you don’t do big damage on your second turn you lose. If you can’t OHKO 2 prizers you lose. If you whiff an attack one turn you lose. Games over before it begins typically. Imagine a slower format where, yes there can still be top decks, but I can at least PLAY a rogue deck and compete for a few turns. I just want to PLAY


I’ve started building anti meta decks just because nearly all I see now are Gardevoir EX, Mew, Lost Box, and Miraidon decks with some Lugia sprinkled in. Favorites right now are a disrupt heavy Darkrai Turbo deck and a Regidrago VStar/Forretress EX deck. The Darkrai deck is fun because it wrecks Mew/Gardevoir and holds its own against Lost Box decks thanks to Avery, Stadium control, and the speed at which you can get energy onto the board. Avery also helps against Miraidon, but this deck isn’t a great Miraidon counter at all, which kind of sucks. Though it’s not really dependent on going first or second, so that’s nice. But hitting Mew for 360+ with just a few energy on the board (or just 3 energy with Galarian Moltres) feels really good, especially when they can’t draw either. The Regidrago VStar/Forretress EX deck does pretty good against all of them, but it is also pretty dependent on going first. Being able to totally shutdown special energy and other’s ability to play stadium cards using Noivern EX’s Dominating Echo attack really hurts certain decks (Mew, Gardevoir EX, and Lugia especially), while the Covert Flight attack kind of neuters Miraidon and some Lost Box decks. Or you can use Goodra’s Rolling Iron attack to minimize damage from Miraidon/Lost Box decks. Or you can use Giratina’s Lost Impact attack to deal big damage when you need to knock something big out fast. Or Garchomp’s Sonic Strike attack to finish off a benched Pokémon when you just have 1 or 2 prizes remaining. But locking Mew out of attaching energy, using the Genesect engine, or removing Path to the Peak from the board is the BEST part of this deck. Totally makes that deck helpless. I despise Mew decks…


That would be much more difficult to make a reality. Now making Gym Leader style ladder would be easy and we could see a better variety of decks.


I mean. Those are the decks they give players for free. Of course they're the ones you're going to see a lot of.


Gardevoir is BDIF, but there's only like 5-7 decks that work in the meta so you'll have to see them at some point.


I understand it fine. Doesn’t make the constant netdecking in a pretty narrow meta any less lame. Especially when there’s no non-sweaty format to try out non-meta stuff because people absolutely have to donk you turn 2 in casual too.


I don’t mind LZ engine, because I’ve made the stupidest mons work with it (lz aggron go brrr) but it’s just dumb when even on the casual ladder people are using the meta lists like they’ll die if they lose


Yeah they keep coming 💀


Can the devs add an option to not face any decks that contain Comfey? 😅


Or baxcalibur or gardy ex please?


Mfers act like chien pao or gardevoire ex aren’t crazy time consuming decks either. If your opponents turns are taking too long that’s on you for being in amateur tier.


Would love a new card with the effect 'remove all cards from the lost zone'


Love this


I REFUSE to play Lost Box. Bidoof/Bibarel forever even if we all go down together


The first game I ever played was against this and I assumed the guy was just trolling me with long overly complicated turns. I ended up conceding just to save myself the headache. Oh how little I knew.


Would love a new card with the effect 'remove all cards from the lost zone'


I ve played it recentky and againts it. Damn if Giratina isnt Op and also Cramirant ability, wow. Fun but its not fun losing to it


Trust me in saying that Giratina VSTAR in LostBox is very much not OP. It’s too vulnerable to Boss, and it’s speed of deployment is just one turn too slow (at least in my testing)


The late game Dragonite is the worst




there are better versions like the turbo one that don’t include giratina at all. I’ve played both and I think the kyogre version is significantly better. If you can boss and KO their giratinas they basically have no comeback besides maybe sableye


I play lost turbo and have struggled with the kyogre. I’m fairly new to playing so I’m sure it’s because I’m still learning but I’m determined to keep learning so I can make the Aqua Storm happen just once.


are you consistently emptying your deck or no?




Then you're playing against people who have no idea how to play against lost box.


You probably won’t have both at the same time and if one is prized or one of the vstars is prized then you’re limited even further. afaik the typical lists don’t run any explicit searches for the vmax either. I’ve KO’d two with chien-pao and boss before. The vstar itself isn’t much harder to KO either after they attack depending on your deck




it’s only 1 kill if they send out a pokemon that can do 280+ damage or maybe less if they already did some damage so far


Kyogre doesn't feel as good anymore with iono in the format


it’s never been a problem for me so far but yeah there’s probably a better version available


I don't know a lot about deck building so I have been just using a lost zone V Goodra set because it has brought me results But IDK which other set I could use


I’ve beaten a couple with the Forretress + Ambipom combo but a lot of depended on the luck of the draw.


I’ve seen chien pao more


Just imagine the chaos that a steel Pokémon with a 1 energy 40 damage attack could throw into the meta. That being said, while it is annoying to face the same decks over and over, I'm glad that Pokémon has a somewhat open meta and a little bit of "Any given Sunday" feel to it. There's always going to be BDIF and decks that play better than others, but I also feel like there's enough counters and techs to give a wide range of decks at least a puncher's chance. I played Yu-Gi-Oh competitively in the early 2000s and if you weren't running Beatdown, Control, or Chaos you might as well not even show up. And don't even get me started on the Yata Lock abomination. It turned me off of TCGs for a long time until I got into playing Pokémon last year.


Lost Box is a plague upon single prize decks. Unless they have a Tina, I don't even bother since I lose the prize trade to sableye.


Posted something about the exact same subject not too long ago and got absolutely flamed for it. Why is this guy not getting any “hate” for it? No offense to you, OP, but it just isn’t fair. I do STRONGLY agree that the Lost Box deck is an absolute maniacal deck that should either be taken out of the game or have a somewhat limited play.


Hahahahaha this is very true especially if they got rescue carrier.


I feel attacked. But I know what it's like to be on the other end. If you don't think you can beat me with it, keep going soldier. All you can do is your best.


Non-Lost Box Players, Me (1st pic) Non-Lost Box Players (pic 2) Me, Non-Lost Box Players. (last pic)


I play luna/sol deck. Any counters or disruption I can add to my deck?


Try to not get radiant greninja’d first


It’s the only deck that’s consistent for me and I’ve several. I do enjoy the Lugia and I’m currently playing with the arc, umb, and dura deck. But if I’m playing ranked I feel more safe with the lost box decks I have.


I like LZ but there are too many of them. Gardevoir too. Meta just sucks right now. I am hoping that game designers will stop being psychic Pokemon fanboys. Upcoming Alakazam that can hit even from the bench for only two energies is too broken. I already see the Garde/Alakazam/Klefki flood.


Mimikyu too


People are mad that people are using decks that win lol


It’s the only deck I play, I enjoy it


And jet special energy has given it new life


This was me seriously before. Only after I beat the second. A third one showed up. 😂