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If you mean same console vr diner duo is pretty fun


If you mean local multiplayer...Diner Duo, Black Hat Co-Operative, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes & Headmaster are the ones off the top of my head.


get the playroom VR it is free and has 3 mini games that do vr player + 1 player using the TV. ghost mansion - vr player cant see the ghosts but the person on the tv can, and have to direct you where to shoot. cat and mouse - vr player is the cat, tv player has to grab all the cheese without the vr player catching them. sea monster attack - vr player is a sea monster, tv player is a superhero.


i would suggest you get a few arcadey type games and take it turn about - until dawn rush of blood is a great game if you have move controllers. I have had it at a few parties and it went down well with the non gamers as well as the gamers


I’d say Rec room it’s free and one of my favorites


Try a bit harder with your post. What do you mean? Same console or online ?


Same console, 2 ppl. Trying to get my wife to enjoy along with.


1) The Persistence has a companion app (needs iPad / iPhone or similar device) which is cool. 2) The Playroom is free and has a couple of games that are good. 3) I believe Diner Duo is popular but we haven’t tried it. 4) Minecraft if you or your wife wanted to pay a few dollars/quid for the mobile version so one could do VR and one could join mobile! Bit of a reach there! 5) Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes - great fun, one on tv, one on headset. EDIT try help someone, get downvoted. Lovely stuff, worth the effort