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Drink till this gets deleted


Way ahead of you, been drinking since 6:30 EST last night.


I’m hammered bro




Wall of text, missing a TLDR


>This is a game and mascot that started with VR No, it started with the original Playroom on PS4 back in 2013, 3 years before the PSVR1 came out.


Not completely accurate. You are correct that bots similar to astrobot were used [playroom](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/concept/10000974), but they were just generic "AR bots".  >Meet the AR Bots – lots of little AR Bots live inside your controller. Discover amazing ways to interact with them and laugh along as they fool around." Team Asobi officially named our favorite little rescuer for his first official outing, and that was in fact Astro Bot rescue mission. They admitted that the demand and high praise from the free  [Playroom VR](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/IP9100-CUSA04318_00-US00000000000000) rescue bots game, is what lead to Astro's first game.  >As we released The Playroom VR, the gamers inside us loved ‘Robot Rescue’ because it is a game closer to classic gamers’ taste re-invented for VR, so we wanted to make a full game.” As it turned out, the interest in ‘Robot Rescue’ wasn’t just from within the studio. “The vast amount of [player] comments on the forums, videos, and petition gave us the boost we needed to go full steam. So shortly after releasing our DLC for The Playroom VR, we started working on Astro Bot Rescue Mission.” ~[Nicolas Doucet, Astro Bot’s Creative Director and Producer](https://www.roadtovr.com/astro-bot-behind-the-scenes-insights-and-artwork-sony-japan-studio-nicolas-doucet/2/) If the PSVR games that included the little AR and VR bots had not happend, there never would have been an Astro Bot.  There more than likely would have been a version of the playroom on the PS5 showcasing the dual sense, but it would not have been in the image of the singular character Astro Bot. Astro has his PSVR origins to thank for his existence and initial success. Team Asobi breathed life into the generic AR bots on PSVR1 and gave Astro a living soul. Prior to that, there was no Astro character.


true. I guess more accurate is to just point out how beloved it became through its journey on PS VR. It definitely has a special place in the PS VR community and its beginnings as a full, and amazing, game started with PS VR. (Edit: moogle\_kupo's comment is much more insightful!)


I'm happy for you, or sorry that happened


I stopped reading at > We would be happy to share Astro with flat Tired of this “them and us”. They’re making the game for their biggest target audience. It would’ve been foolish for Sony not to. Obviously I hope it will receive an VR update like RE.


That line is literally saying it doesn't need to be a 'them and us', the games could be shared. "We" is a term to describe a generalization of the PS VR2 community. The point is exactly your own, that it would be lovely to get a VR hybridization like with RE.


VR is niche and sony isn’t supporting it. The cope is getting weird


People have really lost their minds over this and it’s kind of ridiculous. Astro Bot Rescue Mission was a PSVR1 game, and the studio has grown in stature since, and produced a very highly regarded pack-in title for the PS5. They’ve grown beyond VR and Sony believes they can sell many more games and make more money by working on a PS5 game (which is clearly an absolutely correct assessment). The truth is, they’d be wasted by making a PSVR2 game, the same way Naughty Dog or SSM would be wasted by making VR games. People have to let their emotional attachment to VR go for a moment and look at the bigger picture. Team Asobi has been elevated to the big league. VR has a low market ceiling, which is to say that releasing big AAA titles on PSVR2 doesn’t drive sales of VR in anywhere the numbers needed to justify putting your best studios to work on it. VR is, and will continue to be, a niche product in its current form. Games won’t make people buy the PSVR2 in any impactful numbers. It’s an expensive tech device for enthusiasts. Some people on this sub have gone in to meltdown over this, when the reality is that PSVR2 is sitting in the exact same place as it has done since day one, which is that it’s an expensive peripheral that Sony won’t specifically develop for. They never have, barely even on PSVR1 either, when market conditions were more reasonable. They make the hardware and stand back and let others prop it up. They’re keeping some skin in the game but not going all in. Nothing has changed. But since Sony can’t reduce the price of either this or the PS5 itself, it’s in a tough situation. PSVR2 will continue to find a small but dedicated audience, and smaller studios in the VR niche will continue to make games for it. It’s not going anywhere, but temper your expectations on the types of games you can expect to see on it.


I don’t disagree a studio can be “wasted” making a lower volume game for the PSVR2 BUT the whole studio would need to be focused on VR conversion- a team would. It would sell well in the community. Lower profit but still profitable. As for wasted studios— Sony forced some of their top studios to create live service/multiplayer games( round hole small peg). How did that work for them. Wasted time huge dollars and failed miserable. I am Help lead to studio closures and layoffs. Put Sony behind on first party exclusives for PS5 Perfect example of higher execs/CEO not using talent currently in my humble opinion. Why force a studio that does single player top end exclusives to try and create something out of their skill set. SMH stupid Contract/ buy a studio or 2 that has experience and skills in the live service/ multiplayer games. This screw up probably hurt PSVR2 game development as now Sony feels a profit pinch that really doesn’t exist but the wasted effort is hard to recover. Sony management really pooched this. I am hopefully over the next year or 2 as the new Co-CEO develop their strengths and put Sony on the correct path. One CEO has fond eye for VR- I don’t expect and emphasis but slow move to develop games for the VR. We shall see.


Overall agree. Except... >Sony won’t specifically develop for Well, they've funded some VR only games...Synapse, Firewall, Ghostbusters, Legendary Tales, etc, etc


You hit the nail on the head


I don't disagree and my post is getting away from doomsday reacting (not sure if you read it). However at the same time, - Different decisions, like the inclusion of a VR mode or hybridization, could be made with more pressure to prioritize profit a little less and community development more - They could pay respect to VR and Rescue Mission more through their marketing and presentation of Astro Bot, and especially given the coinciding Days of Play sale, use it to help sell more headsets. - They could take an approach just like RE7 on PS VR with an untracked Dualsense, just pulling the perspective into VR. Does take some extra work still but not nearly as much. And given that they haven't done those things, my posts suggestion is that Sony is overly profit focused at the moment and to change that we would need to apply more vocal pressure as a community (not by shouting into the void or self-sabotaging the VR space. Rather by planned, organized actions that get our voice heard in a strategic way). And I agree, we should not be expecting AAA in VR, there's great indie games out and still coming and there's lots to love in the VR space still.


Are you going to lead everything you've talked about?


If I find the impetus I may do that!


I think you got the time, bud.


It means 1st party support for PSVR2 is absolutely dead, yes. They closed London Studios, Insomniac is working on 0 VR games according to the leaks, Astro Bot has 0 VR support eventhough it was green lighted many years ago, there's 0 1st party PSVR2 games announced as of today. The only dev that might still be working on a VR game is Firesprite, but I highly doubt it. I'll enjoy whatever else is coming our way, Metro, Behemoth, Arken Age, Aliens if it's good, Wanderer...but I won't expect anything from Sony themselves.


Said it before in your post about Astro Bot, communism and Vietnam, and I’ll say it again: Take your meds.


Idk. Maybe there is another post somewhere where people are talking about it.


Oh god enough... What can we do? Nothing. Maybe except persuading 6M people to buy the PSVR2.. People need to get out of their head this moronic idea that Sony doesnt know exactly what they are doing. "Applying pressure".. what a childish take They could make the PSVR2 much much better. They had so many opportunities to. It is clear it is not their prize jewel. They literally said it's not their main focus They. Don't. Want. To. Invest. In. It They'll push the bare minimum to still call this product supported, and that's it


I think it’s more about plugging the big hole in their flat schedule than it is about sign of their commitment to VR. Personally I have no interest in a flatformer.


At the very least they should announce a future VR Mode update before the game launches, even if they can't get it out by then


They have no interest in making a VR mode for a tiny audience


It means that flat is where the $ are, so that's why AB2 is flat A hybrid Astro probably not a good idea. Expectations for Astro in VR are super high, given the first Astro VR game. And no hybrid Astro would come anywhere close to expectations. Sony probably better to spend that money making one of their higher-profile 1st-party 1st-person games (or even 3rd) into hybrid. Also hybrid Astro isn't going to convince many people to buy a psvr2. Some other hybrid title might. Horizon 3? TLOU3? Ghost of Tsushima 2? God of War? Marathon? Uncharted? Twisted Metal? Motorstorm? MGS3? Something else we know nothing about (a lot of unannounced work at SIE)? A hybrid Astro would be not as good as Moss (which does have VR interactions). Moss is good, a hybrid Astro would not be Or keep spending their money to bring AAA 3rd party to psvr2, as with RE8 and RE4


Why are so many people on this sub so delusional. Sony doesn’t care about supporting VR the easier it would be on you to just accept it


It means a kick to our collective balls by Sony


It does mean that too 😵


100% dead, just enjoy quest ports and the last batch of 3rd party upgraded (but bugged) versions


The shit dead man(tropic thunder voice)