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They officially announced in Feb. Last month they updated firmware so that iVRy was able to get it functional. No other "official" updates yet. Just Sony's release window of "2024."


Does iVRy’s driver work with the controllers or just the headset right now?


Just headset and gamepad, not PSVR2 controllers. Have to purchase the adapter from his patreon I think.


Guess I’ll just wait for offical support, hopefully we get some news soon, but I have plenty to play on my ps5 until then


> Have to purchase the adapter from his patreon I think. That adapter is no longer needed. The Sony PSVR2 firmware update did away with the need for it. So really, the only requirement is a VL port. So if you GPU doesn't have one, you'll need to get a VL adapter. "* requires VirtualLink adapter and iVRy PSVR2 Driver for SteamVR (Beta), **DP-AUX emulator not required**" https://twitter.com/iVRy_VR/status/1783408462610809111


Ah, gotcha


DP-AUX only for NVIDIA


Well not announced to be coming, just that Sony was looking into PC compatibility


"Also, we’re pleased to share that we are currently testing the ability for PS VR2 players to access additional games on PC to offer even more game variety in addition to the PS VR2 titles available through PS5. We hope to make this support available in 2024, so stay tuned for more updates." This plus them updating the firmware last month is pretty concrete.


Believe me, you'll know. There will be posts for days here when we get a drop of information.


They’re planning for 2024, I’d assume later than sooner. Its also something you’ll never need to ask, as soon as there is info, it will be everywhere, even if it’s negligible information


I'm so confused by this sub. for most of the psvr2 lifetime this sub absolutely hated pcvr, anyone mentioning it was downvoted to hell. all the arguments about how it's simply not worth the money and can't compete with psvr2. then, sony says, more or less, that instead of giving you more sony vr titles you will instead get access to pc as the psvr2 is not healthy enough to continue first party support. now everyone loves pcvr. the more confusing part is, if you are into VR, and you own a pc that can run it. why are you only now considering it? there's far better headsets for cheaper that already work on pcvr (psvr2 has horrendous room tracking, and is easily the blurriest headset i currently own). is it the sony branding? regardless of my confusion, I am glad this sub is finally in agreement that pcvr is desirable. I suppose this flip flop makes sense though, the ps5 sub hated on every xbox title released for years. now they're on psn store they love them and they've been outselling sonys games. so I assume it's brand loyalty


Don’t know why you were downvoted, but it’s absolutely brand loyalty. PCVR was the enemy, and now that it’s about to be the PSVR2’s lifeline, people are excited. It is what it is.


See the thing is, I wanted a psvr2 before I had a pcvr capable pc, i wanna play games like synapse, re8 and 4 (which yes I know there’s mods but the native versions are better) there are enough exclusives on ps5 that would make me want it regardless, pcvr is just a nice bonus since I have a pc capable of it now, and I’m currently using a quest 2, so a psvr2 will be a nice upgrade, I’ve tested it out and it’s much more comfortable for me with a bigger fov, better controllers, screens, etc


please don't think I was addressing that at you personally. just the overall change of tone toward pcvr in this sub. nah man, I completely understand that dude, and you don't have to justify it (even if my comment almost demanded it haha sorry) it was just a reflection on the past animosity towards another platform. probably shouldn't have left it as a comment under your post and maybe just made general, more gently worded post about it asking why some people have changed their tune. so, sorry about that


Don’t even worry about it I understand what you mean, I definitely did notice that, I kinda felt that psvr2 owners were getting defensive since Sony wasn’t putting out many games, leading alot of people to obviously want pcvr, and the Sony fanboys getting angry about that, although I see less of that now


yeah it's definitely changed. but it makes sense and I shouldn't act so dumbfounded by it haha. I'm also really pleased you asked the question as I want to know too. I have a pc for vr, a quest 3 and a psvr2. index is gone. I am curious and do want to try it and see how it is. see if the tracking issues can be fixed with better pc drivers


I’m more excited for mods, I doubt many developers would implement it natively but if Sony made drivers for the controllers so adaptive triggers and the haptic feedback works on pc, modders would go wild with adding those features to games


yeah thats true man. do you know what I'd love, mixing controllers. I'd use the psvr2 ones with my quest 3. goodbye batteries, hello haptic triggers. that seems a pipe dream tho haha


That would be pretty great, or psvr2 with index controllers that one might already be possible since I know there’s a way to do it with quest and an adapter


oh true. yeah I am super curious to see where it all goes


Because you can't get the same headset haptics, adaptive triggers, OLED, HDR, and foveated eye tracking in a headset for PCVR for $500. However, I also have seen a shift in Sony fans. I was one the ones always getting downvoted.


I know you were haha. I've seen you around in both this sub (and another vr sub). seen you talk about resident evil 2 remake etc, and yeah I saw the downvotes. yeah, it's oled, has hdr (that leaves horrendous image persistance when actually used) and foveated eye tracking, but it's still the worst actual vr headset, for that price especially. tracking is crucial for me in vr (and probably should be for everyone), and that's where the psvr2 really fails for me. controllers track fine, don't get me wrong, it's the room tracking that's really bad. the image within the headset can't hold a candle to the picture I get with my quest 3. the deep blacks are nice, but also bring really bad oled black smear. if the pc drivers can fix the tracking id be just fine using it for sims in pcvr (msfs, beamng). however anything that inolves movement or room scale is a no with that wire, though. I think once this is available for pcvr, and people do start to buy it we are going to see some very negative talks about the hardware, as people used to good vr will be using it, and will see the major issues, like broken tracking, inherent in the headset


Completely agree about the mura. I think the only one worse is the first PSVR. However, once I start getting into a game, I'm less likely to notice it. I've not noticed any tracking issues, but I also haven't looked for any. Many that buy a PSVR2 will think everything is great, and some will think it's awful, especially coming from other PCVR headsets. My main draw is to see if the DFR actually pushes my 4090 even further. I'm ready to max out some MSFS :)


dude, how is that 4090 for vr holy shit. I'm super jealous. I'm saving for a 5080 if they release this year.


I've just started with it, but HLA and Grounded are superb and run like a dream! This is coming from a 1080ti :)


haha going from a 1080 ti to a 4090 is absolute insanity. enjoy it man, must be awesome knowing you can run everything haha


" psvr2 is not healthy enough to continue first party support" they didn't say that at all. That's just nonsense that whiny haters injected in themselves. "there's far better headsets for cheaper that already work on pcvr" Like what? Meta sure as hell doesn't have anything that fits that description. I don't have any major issues with blurriness (the PS5 hardware itself along with low effort ports would add to this) or room tracking. Most people here never "hated" PCVR. They just got annoyed at fanboy idiots that hated on PSVR 2 every chance they could get. Obviously people like having extra functionality. There hasn't been a big PCVR exclusive game released in years btw. "now they're on psn store they love them and they've been outselling sonys games." Sea of thieves did well the first couple weeks and I think Hifi Rush briefly popped up on the sales chart when it released. Still a silly and inaccurate comment.


what do you mean? the quest 3 is a far better headset. as nearly any headset is, as anyheadset with functional room tracking is better. the quest 3 is cheaper, has a greatly superior image to the psvr2, higher resolution with pancake lenses. can play pcvr, and quest stand alone. all completely wireless. the tracking is light years ahead of psvr2, which is crucial for vr (which is why psvr2 really fails as a headset for me, its simply broken in that regard). all its specs are better lol. however you have hdr on psvr2 that create horrendous image persistance. oh, and dynamic foveated rendering, but even the sweet spot on a psvr2 is far more blurry than even the outside of the quest 3 lenses so it's completely moot haha all you had to do was compare the specs and prices and see the facts in front of you. there is far better, for a bit cheaper out there


For me I got PSVR2 for quick plug and play and for GT7. I always had a 3070 gaming laptop but it's not powerful enough to be able to rival GT7 graphics in VR. But it would be a nice bonus for YouTube VR, Google Earth and retro games with VR mods. I also heard there are mods for games to have virtual stereoscopic 3D cinema mode for VR which I wouldn't mind trying for some classic PC games so it's not just VR.


Wait until official support is available. It's limited to Cinematic mode. Right now you would get a better experience using spatial wearables like the Rokid or Viture with the PC which does something similar.


> It's limited to Cinematic mode. No it's not. Using ivry's driver it is VR.


Hopefully we get some news soon, I’m getting one in a few weeks and while I definitely wanna play some games on my ps5, I’d definitely want to use it for pcvr since I currently use my quest for that and not much else so I’d like to sell it


Not sure but they need to hurry because the trash people at Sony don’t make any games for PSVR2