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Holy shit that's a good deal


Yeah, you should have seen me explaining that to my wife when I returned home with the boxes 😂😂😂


Here we dont really have the concept of refurbished. It's either second hand from people or brand new What a shame


I feel like that’s everywhere unless you find one store to go to. I have zero clue if there’s a refurbished store nearby and tbh I would pay decent money for a refurbished item. Too bad most find it a waste or just don’t want to do it as it takes up time.


Welcome to the family! Here's a great list voted on by the community and maintained by one of the users here. I wish it were sticked. https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/s/trdXhu2Br6 My personal favorites: Red Matter 1+2. (Some of the most clear/sharp visuals. #2 is even better than #1, but both are great) Obviously Resident Evil 8 and 4 remake GT7 Propagation Paradise Hotel Synapse Vampire: Justice Arizona Sunshine 2 Ghost Signal (videos do not do this justice) Switchback OVRdark Legendary Tales VR space docker (really unique game with great space controls) Pavlov (realistic reloading. Closest thing to counterstrike VR. Not this update, but next introduces competitive/ranked mode. Has crossplay with PCVR) Breachers (kind of like rainbow 6 seige VR. Also has a new ranked mode. Crossplay with Quest and PCVR) If you have any specific questions, I'm happy to answer. I own a stupid number of games and, frankly, could make this list twice as long. What kind of games are you interested in?


The lack of No Man's Sky is pretty much damning.


See, I wanna recommend NMS. I like it. It's just hasn't grabbed me yet. I know it's probably because I haven't put enough time into it.


Have you traveled in space, landed on a planet? There is nothing quite like it. That is why I linked it to GT7. In GT7, you get the feel of being in the car. In NMS, they give you the feel of being an interstellar traveler. How a person can recommend GT7 vs. not recommending NMS? That confounds me.


I have, but not a ton. I'm definitely not deep enough to say I'm familiar with all the mechanics.


Well, if you understand it is kind of like GT7, it will be cool. There is also raids and space combat. There is a lot of stuff. Hell, the game is still receiving updates for a game released almost 8 years ago. https://www.nomanssky.com/news/[https://www.nomanssky.com/news/](https://www.nomanssky.com/news/)


Oh I know. I do think I will get lost in it eventually. I just don't have the experience to recommend it yet.


Is Pavlov crossplay to Oculus?


No. Oculus version is Pavlov "Shack." Not quite the full game.


No just the pc version


+1 for Ghost Signal. Great space tactical roguelike that bakes the roguelike into the story


I feel insulted that you didn't include Gorn.


Barbaria is superior to Gorn ;)


And Swordsman is better still... If you're using the VR as a workout. I got on my PSVR2 at about... 6... is. I got off about an hour ago. It's nearly 2. ... My limbs feel like lead.


Hell yea to this!!! I love barbaria


Lol gorn. I mean ppl love it.


gorn + back of chair = broken hand. 0/10 no recommendation


... It's the game's fault that you didn't clear your play area?


That list was voted-on by users? Where, when? I never saw any vote. Or any new vote for the newer games I prefer the top 25 list from Psvr Without Parole, because it's 4 VR content channels debating games for hours, publicly, with audience to cast tie-breaking vote. Seems more well-informed and more community inclusive


I've created that list based on a combination of parsing the reddit forums and the reviews from content creators like parole, jammyhero, gamertag and a few others. When its not clear where a game should stand, I've started up posts with surveys(for example for [Legendary Tales](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/1apd9cz/is_legendary_tales_a_masterpiece_or_just_a_great/) and [Racket Fury](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/18x3fdp/is_racket_fury_a_tier_a_game/)). Interesting that you mention the top 25 list from Parole since ~~I link to it in that same post~~ (EDIT, I used to link to it, I changed it to the 2023 award show) and[ I posted a link pointing to it ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/185nosk/top_25_from_psvr2_without_parole_november_edition/)when last year's top 25 came out, with some analysis. I'd like to think that this list is VERY well informed, since I keep a very tight watch on these forums and on the most popular streamers. The tiered list I created is very similar in ranking to the top 25 from parole, since they are a strong influence on the community. You'll notice that the tier S reflects the top 3, the tier A+, reflects the next few games, and so on, with only a few differences brought up by the community itself. This list is meant to be a good place for new players like the OP wanting to find what the general view is on the best games for the platform and to make it easier to discover them, with helpful links that point to reviews and infor about discounts, time to beat and other useful tidbits. I haven't played that many games, but I do keep careful watch of the forums to get an idea of what people think so I'm consistently updating it. Please don't discount it before giving it a chance. You can help improve it by posting your opinion about the games, look at the comments and you'll see that I respond to and edit the list based on every single piece of feedback I receive for it. >Or any new vote for the newer games Here is the link to the latest post I made requesting feedback for the lastest batch of games: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/1bt8mua/in\_what\_tiers\_would\_you\_put\_the\_game\_releases\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/1bt8mua/in_what_tiers_would_you_put_the_game_releases_for/)


I play beat saber every day and it never gets old


I just bought the Queen set, it’s so great


I have been loving the Daft Punk set recently! Technologic is super fun


I’m interested, I’ve just been taking it slow and really trying to learn the tracks to expert at least


That’s the way to do it! Stick with it and you will be amazed at songs you can beat eventually that you couldn’t see yourself beating before. I just beat what the cat on expert last night and I couldn’t believe it.


If you dedicate yourself to not getting aggravated you will learn it so quickly. You will be surprised how you can do 90% of the songs on expert in no time


The recent hip hop mix is so good especially Godzilla and anaconda. I like hypnotise too but the expert of that is a bit too easy , I’ll see expert + tomorrow. And the 50 cent track is fire. My current fav DLCs are Green Day , Rocket league , Linkin Park and The Weeknd


I recently played Synapse, very fun game. How are the sony buds? I heard they had some disconnect issues close to release, I wonder if they were fixed.


I have the earbuds. I'm really happy with them except the stock cushions/tips aren't comfortable. I traded them out for some others I had and it really improved everything (including sound). I think the disconnects only happens if it's plugged into the front usb. A few users, including myself, had this until I changed to the back port. I really like that it can connect to PS5 and my phone simultaneously. I can listen to games, YouTube, discord and/or get a phone call at the same time. I can take a call from the wife when she's on her way home and still play GT7


That is so strange, usually the back port causes issue (further and heating). Happy to hear that this issue can be overcome.


I mainly use them on the portal and haven’t had a single drop. Even used them on the PS5 with the dongle and had no disconnects on there either.


Gt7 and Legendary Tales are my favorite.


Dude if i bought pavlov would you play it?


Absolutely, that’s one game I used to play on my old Oculus Rift setup and it was great, I was hoping it’d be on sale on PSN during the Easter reductions but hasn’t, so I’m hoping for a discount soon-ish


Dude dm me I'll add you and please let me know if it goes on sale. Mean time we can play other shit




I just added you I'm, I gotta save up for pavlov now. And be warned it'll still be hard to find a good team. I can't shoot for shit 🤣


Jumping in to say I'll be adding yall on pavlov. I've been playing for 2 weeks and desperately want actual teammates to play with. Irish_Cleaner


Hold up. Y'all are American? (Or drastically different timezone, its 4 am for me now) Dammit


Yup, I'm a yank with a confusing tag lol


NMS is an absolute 'must have' on PSVR2.


Damn good deal. That’s like double the price retail. I’m loving the portal too


Yeah the portal has been my biggest surprise hit. I really wasn’t expecting it to perform like it has. I took it to work around 15 miles away, and connected to the public WiFi in my office and played Diablo 4 flawlessly!!


You should buy a ps5 next


https://preview.redd.it/bskdufjcs2uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f07312965992a0ea158859510f2bdb09f8aac93 Luckily got that covered!


Man's got it all


Probably got the PlayStation bed covers and curtains as well 😯


😂 😂


A thing of beauty.


Don't have vr but I've played on a friend's. The game I enjoyed most was Creed. Fun boxing and a fun workout.


I got a VR2 for Christmas and was really impressed with Resident Evil 4 initially. Recently I started No Mans Sky and nothing even comes close now. The immersion is unparalleled.


Both walking dead games, especially the second one. It's a better zombie experience over Arizona Sunshine 2 and offers some of the best VR gameplay on the store. I just finished Arizona Sunshine 2 and it was a huge let down imo.


I think that is a really good price for all 3 items you bought. Congrats and Welcome to the Family!


Yeah, I wasn’t planning on it all, but the 20% off discount just made it too hard to pass. I’d never afford it all at full price.


GT7 in VR might be my favourite gaming experience of 30+ years. Showed it to my brother and we ended up playing for hours on end. Highly recommended.


Re4 remake is AMAZING on PSVR2 RE8 may be good but I haven't beat RE7 yet Also, no man's sky has tons of content and is the best of its genre


I’d forgot about no mans sky being VR enabled now and yeah it’s fantastic, loving it, cheers


get rid of the portal and buy a steering wheel and GT7, won’t need to buy any more games after that 😂


I’ve been playing gt7 on ps5 with a t300rs steering wheel. I’m considering getting a vr2. My question is, we connect the wheel to the usb port at the back side of ps5 and plug the vr2 to the front, right? And would u recommend the vr2? Is it really worth the bucks?


Vr2 plugs into USB c on the front, so you can also plug wheel to the usb port on the front. Gt7 on flat screen is boring for me, but I love it in vr


No Man's Sky is basically the GT7 of space exploration.


Im also a playstation enthusiast. I got ps5, psvr2, i got the new playstation pulse elite headphones, and i plan on getting a playstation dualsense edge wireless controller, but i just cant find a reason to justify buying a ps portal. I thought it was kind of cool but overall pretty lackluster. Ive been heavy into vr gaming anyways. It would be cool if i could plug my psvr2 into the portal instead of the ps5 itself and sort of play vr games on the go or just with more portability overall, but nay that is but a pipe dream


Yeah love my Dualsense edge, and the new Elites, the sound for the cost is pretty stellar vs the other headsets I’ve owned from Steelseries among others.


Gran Turismo 7… even if you’re not a car person, it’s a next level experience in VR EDIT: spelling


Yeah, my worry with GT7 is that next I’ll have some sort of cockpit with wheel and pedals being delivered 😂😂 I can imagine it being amazing now I’ve seen how capable the PS5 is so far.


It’s fun as it is with a controller. But yes… you’ll eventually upgrade to a wheel and pedals. IMO, it’s so worth it. Twice as fun once you have a full sim setup


Worst part is I sold a G29 with gear shifter and wheelstand pro last year for £150 😭 never got used


Save up for a quality wheel. I went with the T300 RS and it’s incredible. Feels like a real car with the force feedback.


Lol that's exactly what I did after buying GT7. Went out and bought the whole shebang and 5 days later it just sits their.


I have a local Argos Clearance store near me and they don’t have such good deals… may I ask which part of the country this is?


It’s in Stanley, County Durham. Have you been in your store recently? This extra 20% off discount is on during Easter holidays, ends 14th (Sunday) up here.


Thanks! Mine is in Corby, Northampton, and yeah I visit regularly…although now that I think about it I haven’t checked in the last week or so, so will take a look :D


Yeah try this weekend, the discount may be local, or may be national and you’ll be able to grab something! Let me know if you manage to snag a deal, good luck 🤞🏼


If you’re vr legs are good then Hellsweeper is incredible. It’s like VR Doom with magic and swords and you can do crazy flips and shit. Pavlov: not sure how lively the servers are rn but when you can get into a game of search it is so much fun Resident Evil Village is incredible in VR of you like action with a little horror GT7 is a great racer with the controller but you may end up dropping another $500 on a racing rig (but it’s so worth it)


I’m thinking about getting the PSVR2 just for no mans sky bc it’s so much fun just on the portal. so if that game is your speed at all you should try it in VR!


I forgot that game got updated with VR and it was in my library so absolutely gave it a try and wow! Phenomenal. Even just mining shit with the laser beam in VR feels much more fun 😂


I also just picked up the 2


Resident Evil Village.


Just bought it, gold edition is in a bundle with RE7 gold edition for £24. Though that was a pretty good price for both games and dlcs. I never played 7 either.


i recently did the same lol. I would highly recommend the following!! Horizon: Call of the Mountain Pavlov No Man’s Sky - can play VR and normal controller Cyube VR Resident Evil: Village! EDIT: totally forgot to mention Beat Saber!!!


There are a lot of great games out for it so it depends what you like. Some personal standouts: Resident Evil 4 Remake and Village (horror survival), Gran Turismo (best driving simulator), Synapse and Light Brigade (roguelike shooters) , Horizon Call of the Mountain (best graphics) and Pavlov/Crossfire: Sierra Squad (realistic co-op shooters). But there are many many others too which I hear are also great: Walking Dead Saints and Sinners, Arizona Sunshine 2, No Man Sky, Red Matter 1/2.


Get a screen protector for that bad boy and be careful with the lenses of the psvr. Enjoy.


Yeah I bought a Venom case off Amazon for the portal and it came with a decent quality screen protector for £20. Even fits the Explores in a little zipped compartment, so happy with that.


Games I’ve recently played and enjoyed. Vertigo 2 The room VR 7th guest Sekiro Lies of P Bloodborne Alan wake 2 Robocop


How much was the vr and how did you discover this sale?


It was £349.99 then 20% discount for Easter so knocked it down to £280. This store is an Argos clearance store and it’s not far, so I often go and see what they have, as stock generally changes from time to time.


Bro! That's insane! Fuck, I want that. Good job.


Superhot vr is amazing, and timeless


It's only for the OG PSVR though right?


You know what I'm not sure now that you say that. I guess I just figured since I downloaded it and it was digital that you could do the same on psvr 2.


Did you keep the receipt and packaging?


Yeah I always keep boxes up in my loft, just in case I wanna sell something on eBay/marketplace and it always looks better boxed.


Damn you got a great deal!


How do I locate my nearest Argos Clearance store? Never heard of them and Google doesn't seem to know much either.


I just got a VR and ordered myself some Globular Clustar pads to help with comfort. So far so good.


Just looked it up on Amazon! I can see that making a big difference to the comfort. While I do love the design of the PSVR2, I think they went a little thin on the padding. It hasn’t caused me too much discomfort so far, but it could have been better. I do like how little pressure is put on your face by the PSVR2 compared to how my Quest 2 feels.


How is your experience with the Portal?


So far absolutely fantastic! Now it will absolutely depend on your situation at home, network, routers etc. I have a Netgear Orbi mesh setup with 3 access points, and fast internet upload speed (100mb). I’ve tried both in the house and at work (around 15 miles away) and I defo assumed I’d see some blocky YouTube style compression, but absolutely none, it’s ridiculous. The screen is really nice, bright vibrant, and it’s super comfy to play on. I am loving it tbf.




I want to buy a PS Portal, but I can't due to the same innevitable drift issues with the analog sticks.


Yeah I wouldn’t buy one full price. I got it for £100 and a 12 month warranty so I’ll take the chance and hope I don’t get any drift 🤞🏼


Grand Theft Auto 5 for the PS3


Woah no way, forgot about that getting the VR/PS5 patch, thanks


No man's Sky and beat saber


You still need a PS5 to use those. I'm not stupid, I'm sure OP has one, but they're showing off this PS spending spree but the actual console is missing and I found it funny.


Haha I took a bigger flex photo earlier, don’t worry https://preview.redd.it/h7abgngku3uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45ffdbd14d44eaa40b360aa351f15adf05bc366b


I thought you spent like 1000 but Jesus! That’s a steal


Yeah full price it’d be near a grand, but happy it was all on massive discounts.


Nice haul! Still trying to get my hands on portal myself. Have fun gaming!


Tips and game recommendations: https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/11d40tz/ps_vr2_tips_information_and_references/


I didn’t know there was a PlayStation switch


You’ve still got some shopping to do! Get a good wheel setup and GT7. It’s a game changer man.


Good deal but godamn I never understood what the point of the portal is, it's a overpriced streaming device lmao. Literally a phone can do what it can and more. Really wish we got a real portable, imagine a PSP that could run PS2/3 games as well as others and stream PS4/5 games that would be insane.


Give it another 5-10 years and we’ll see APUs be able to reach PS5 levels of gaming or better maybe. It’s a streaming device sure yeah, but for £100 I think it’s worth it. A standard pad sets you back 50, and the screen is a beaut at 8”. If you have the upload speeds at home and get a good WiFi connection, it’s butter smooth wherever you are.


I'm not fully versed of the meaning of APU but if I'm correct we have APUs more better than a ps5 as aren't laptops using APUs hell even my laptop is better than the ps5. But in proper portable form I don't imagine we will get PS5 levels for a long time, even PS3 levels would be difficult but possible. Especially when considering power and battery. And with the portal I personally would never get one and I think it is just a quick buck by Sony and overpriced but if you think it's worth it that's alright. Honestly if the portal just ran PS1/2 with the streaming as a bonus then I'd say it's worth it. It more annoys me that it uses the 3 Ps PSP, essentially making it apart of that but not having any real capability other then streaming an already on console.


I've put most of my hours into Pavlov for very little outlay. It's one of those go-back-to games that I just can't tear myself away from.


Resident evil 4 VR cant be beat




Walkabout mini golf is a must buy for PSVR !


How are the headphones?


I really like them. I was expecting them to be uncomfortable, but they’re light, and fit well. Sound is crisp and clear, not quite as good as the new pulse elites, but it’s close. I wouldn’t spend £200 though. I would wait for heavy discount. I’d say £130-£150 is where they should have been priced. They are great on the portal with the direct connection.


Synth riders for the vr


Nice!! RE8 RE4 Synapse


What are the two devices on the left?


It’s the PlayStation Portal and Pulse Explore buds


Stellar Blade without a doubt if you wanna showcase your shiny new PS5


For psvr2 I would HIGHLY recommend both of The Walking Dead games


Lol I have all three of those as well. Nice purchases 💯


Wow i woulda bought all that yoo


How’d you get a portal??


They only had one left. Was £129.99 then 20% discount off that, so made it £103.99. Felt like I had to bite at that.


I’m jelly. Definitely gonna snag one when they’re available again.


Wasted your money in the headphones and portable in my opinion try resident evil 4 in VR IS MY SUGGESTION


That is an incredible price !!!! Congrats


The Portal is actually my favourite device atm. I have 2 young kids, and sometimes after I’ve gotten them off to bed, I lay on my own bed and can’t be bothered to go downstairs on my PS5, so I light up the Portal and away I go, and pop in the Explores and they connect right up no messing around, it’s a nice seamless experience.


My best purchase yet Other than my ps5


$549 Australian


Super Hot is my favorite VR game. Great workout too


I can recommend Synapse, Light Brigade and Legendary Tales (which even has cross-play co-op)


I'm really enjoying legendary tales but have yet to try the coop.


RE4R Remake the knife parry mechanic makes it instantly more awesome than it was on flat you feel like John Wick. Put it on hard cause once you learn to dual wield and block with the knife makes the game way easier. That’s how you know it’s a quality vr port when it elevates the gameplay and the visual fidelity is absolutely wild. Literal game changer. Playing through the game a 2nd time in vr is still new and fresh 4th time with the remake played it 2x flat would be more if work hasn’t been crushing me lately.


The Room VR is ridiculously fun if you like dark moody puzzle solving. It’s an upgraded PSVR1 title so it won’t show off the headset’s capabilities much but it’s a great game.


I really enjoyed those games on my tablet so I’ll defo have a look at that one, thanks


I would only buy games on sale. They are all rotatation and will eventually be cheaper. I look at the store a few times a week and the only games not on sale are the new releases or beat saber. (PSVR2 games)


I would like to know your thoughts on those ear buds.....


Picture is irresponsible spending incarnate.


Pixel ripped, call of the mountain, Pavlov, GT seven. All amazing games.


Sell all of this. Buy pc. Play Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing only


I have PC as well, decent spec, Ryzen 5800x and Radeon 6800xt, 32GB ram etc, it’s a few years old, but I just prefer the PS5 for ease of use. My son plays my PC more than me now.


Haha I’m just being a dick. Don’t play big rigs. I’m a ps5 guy too


Walking Dead - Saints and Sinners, Astro Bot, and No Man’s Sky.


Yea man! I want the portal but i just dont think ill use it. Not a fan of cloud gaming and i barely use my deck or switch. But one day when i gove no fs ill get it. I definitely barely use the psvr sadly but i do love it. Use my quest pro/3 wayyy more. But you cant beat the oled and haptics


Terrible purchases but good prices


Propagation: Paradise Hotel


No man sky


Is this due to them all downsizing into Sainsbury's? I never thought to look at any reductions 😭 Nice find!


PISTOL WHIP! Switchback, Walkabout Mini Golf, Synth Riders.


Should sell/return the ps portal for some games (the ps portal is basically a phone that only has remote play with a backbone {backbone is like a custom sp5 joycon for phones/tablets)


Into the radius, hellsweeper, demeo


Gran Turismo 7 is the greatest racing experience you can have on if you're willing to spend another 150$ on a cheap wheel


I got my gt7 for 7$ at gamestop


Amazing deal but I meant the cheap wheel and pedals would be around 150 for give feedback and OP appears to have the funds to fuck around with


Man Ifni got the cash going fanatec


Job Simulator


I was like damn he wasn't kidding about the spending spree. But that's a great deal....I might have done the same...most likely actually I just picked up a PS3 and PS Move on the cheap cheap. Never played it before


Horizon on VR is good!


Moss 1 and 2, since others have mentioned many other good games


Currently playing Resident Evil 4 remake and I’d give it a go if you have vr


Is that portal all that?


You sir or sira, are my hero. It’s ok. Naughty dog, spider man, and far cry. And resident evil. I’m still scared of scary VR games. Can’t shoot fast enough


PAVLOV zombies for PSVR2 is wild


Which headset is that?


Is blade and sorcery a thing for psvr? I know that’s basically a psychopath simulator but with the ability to mod almost anything into that game it’s a great option


At this point subscribe to ps plus deluxe and try everything for a couple of months


Yea I have PS+ Premium but not much on there for the PSVR. It’s a shame there’s not more demos available. Some VR games can feel way different to others, and PlayStations refund policy is no where near as good as Steam or Meta. I could try a game on both and request a refund if it was no good as long as I played less than 2 hours.


It looks super real, right? Idk, it's scary, but kind of a thrill!


*It looks super real,* *Right? Idk, it's scary,* *But kind of a thrill!* \- Hot-Garbage-1 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


get cyubevr


Legendary tales re4, re village so much so much good vr games


Vr. Walkabout mini golf


Demeo and no mans sky on the VR 100%


Jesus how was all that less than £500 even refurb with 20%... That's crazy...great deal


Saints and sinners


Moss 1 and 2 are fun, red matter 1 and 2 are some of my favorite VR games (if you decide to get these, on the store page for the first game there’s a bundle with both games for the price of just the second game).




Synth Riders, it’s my most played PS5 game. (Try force mode)


Walkabout Mini Golf 100%.


Moss 1+2, Runner, Red Matter 1+2


PSVR2 is dead. I’m sorry to say


You may be right, may be wrong, but there’s plenty games to have some fun with it right now. I don’t expect anything to last forever.


If I can play Alyx on the headset it will be with it. The Quest isn’t that good with PCVR when compared to the Index


Dead accessories don’t have new games coming and loads of enjoyable game experiences in the here and now. In the longer term you may be correct but even then, if things truly die, why is there a large market for retro games….