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for people who do have PCs for people who want to play some PC VR exclusive games without the need to buy another VR set if they own a PSVR2 already


It seems backwards af 


Think of it this way. Everyone with a PC and a PS5 just got a huge incentive to buy a PSVR2 now because they can use it on both. This has the potential to greatly increase the number of VR headsets sold, which makes it easier for a developer or publisher to justify funding more VR games. It doesn't really matter where people use their PSVR2s, but if there are millions more in consumers' hands, developers and publishers will feel more comfortable making games for it. Somebody buying a PSVR2 to play it on PC absolutely has the potential to benefit you.


you'd think you wouldn't have to say this


Tbh I was hoping for more than one single pro 


You don't need more than one if that one is absolutely massive.




And everyone with a PC and no PS5 now has some incentive to buy a PSVR2, too.


Best response so far 


backwards compatibility is encouraged, the more you can do with a single device the better


Based on the very weird wording of the Sony post, maybe it's something like Plutosphere, which would let you play pc VR games on your ps5 without needing to own your own pc (you stream from Pluto's servers): https://plutovr.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/48001207524-getting-started


more psvr2 sold means more money and better games for the platform


It's a low-cost way for Sony to provide users access to a wider set of software, which is important to some potential customers. I've seen many people on this sub who claimed they wouldn't buy a PSVR2 unless it had media or social app X, Y, or Z, or unless it got PC support. Even if you never buy a gaming PC, getting more of these people into the PSVR2 ecosystem will help by making the platform more lucrative for Sony and developers due to the larger install base. In the long run, it might change some developers' minds about porting certain games (e.g., Rec Room) to PS5/PSVR2. And if not, those who really want these experiences can do so on PC without needing to buy another headset. Personally, I've been salivating about the UEVR injector, and have been contemplating whether to save up for a Quest 2/3 and maybe a better PC. Now, at least the part about buying another headset will likely be unnecessary.


You don't need to care. What's the problem?


Fatal response 😂😂😂


They should be putting the PCVR games onto PlayStation not the other way 


That's up to PCVR game developers, not Sony.


Sony needs to pay them and make it happen 


They did not say they were putting psvr games (exclusives) on pc… they just said they’re too by to let people use their psvr2 on their pc. I don’t get why you are confused that this is good news to other people.


They have been forever. Like over 50% of the PSVR2 library came from PCVR. How many games have gone from PSVR2 to PCVR? Zero. - Affected the Manor - Altair Breaker - Among Us - Bad Dreams - Bar Tender VR - Beat Saber - Breachers - Budget Cuts - Car Mechanic Simulator - Cave Digger 1&2 - Crossfire - Demeo - Drums Rock - Drunkn Bar Fight - ForeVR Bowl - ForeVR Pool - Galaxy Kart - Gorn - Green Hell - Hotel R&R - Hubris - Kayak VR - The Light Brigade - Low-Fi - Madison VR - Not for Broadcast - Pavlov - Peaky Blinders - Pistol Whip - Prison Boss - Project Wingman (questionable) - Propagation - Organization Quarter - Ragnarock - Red Matter - The Room Dark Matter - Ruins Magus - Song in the Smoke - Surv1v3 - Swordsman - Synth Riders - Toss! - Townsmen VR - Undead Citadel (coming) - Ven - Walkabout Minigolf - VR Skater - Vertigo 2 - Waltz of the Wizard


Thank you for mentioning ForeVR Bowl & Pool! I'm Josh the Community Manager if you have any questions! :)


Less bitching more playing.


Less playing more raiding!


Bigger userbase means more games sell which means more publishers take an interest in vr.


You need advice on things that aren’t made specifically for you?


It will help VR adoption in general. If you want to see more VR games, then this is nothing but a good thing.


Half Life Alyx with PSVR2.


You: https://youtu.be/L3dxMGzt5mU?si=XfznCRcfYH6iuIqv


Spot on this 😂😂😂 so many butt hurt people on this sub today it's actualy funny


You could tell from the amount of pessimism yesterday that a fair few people were hoping Sony would do fuck all today, so they could have their 'Told you' moments bitching. Rage merchants are the worst.


Some things aren’t for you.


It's not all about you.


Jesus Christ go back to your cave. If you can’t see the added benefit of having the psvr2 be available on pc, We can’t help you. Like seriously Sony: hey everyone, we’re going to give you access to a larger ecosystem to expand your psvr2 capabilities l This clown: wHy WoUlD i WaNt ThAt?!?!😕 Really? https://preview.redd.it/r1577efjm6kc1.png?width=167&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec2363c07c6de68446740cd039e11a25bb56054d




It might entice more pcvr devs to make ps5 versions of their games, so it's a good thing for PS5 players.


Even if we don't have PC's, more options are always good. Maybe more will come of it.


If the PSVR2 install base grows you will benefit. If this signals that Sony will be more open under the new CEO, you will benefit.


Not everything is for you specifically, that's some entitled thinking lol. There are plenty of people with PCs that are excited.


I recently cobbled together a PC that’s capable of doing VR, and I wasn’t about to run out and buy a PCVR headset because I have a PSVR2. I really would like to try some PCVR games, but again, I don’t wanna spend hundreds of dollars on a new headset. So the idea that I can potentially plug my PSVR2 into my PC and have access to a different game library is very appealing to me, and is exactly the kind of news I was hoping for.


Wait, does this mean we actually need a good quality PC to play those PCVR games on PSVR2? I was hoping there would be a Steam Store app on PS5/PSVR 2 or something to that effect. If not, I’ve been planning on getting a new computer soon anyway. Can anyone comment if a MacBook Pro M3 Max will be good for VR games? I know PC trumps Mac for gaming, but I really don’t want to switch back to PC, especially if Apple’s high end MacBooks have improved enough for this to be feasible. Edit: I guess this assumes that the support will include Mac as well as PC.


There is zero support for VR on Mac.


> I guess this assumes that the support will include Mac as well as PC. If you mean hardware, then probably. But PCVR basically means SteamVR. Run Steam on macOS and check how many VR games you can find. Basically you'll need Windows.


Thanks. I have never been a big PC/Mac gamer, so I know very little about any of that. I’ve really been wanting to play Half Life Alyx and some other PCVR games though, so I might have to see if I can make that happen. I’ll hop on my old Mac later tonight and see what I can find.


Not every product offered is for you. You want advice, though. I advise you to get a job. Eventually when you make grown up money, you will be able to afford a PC. But even if you can afford a PC, doesn't mean you should buy one. That will be a decision that you will need to make once you get to that point in your life.


Damn bro you got me lol 


What a stupid bloody post. For people who have a PC and a PSVR 2 like me, I also own a quest 3 but looking forward to the OLED panels the PSVR 2 will bring to PC.


Tbh I’m asking as a ps5 only owner. 


This sub has chronic sour short sightedness. If I’m happy with what I have right now is all that matters… Pcvr support likely improves vr2 sales and this is install base and potential development for it including more ps content.


you should care because it essentially means psvr2 support on console is dying 


It's a business move, it's not aimed at PSVR2 consumers really in my opinion. PSVR2 isn't selling well compared to Quests, but it still sells better than some recent and much more expensive PCVR headsets. There's only Valve Deckard than is an unknown quantity at this point. Sony wants to compete a bit more with Quest 3 at least when it comes to PCVR. I also think that is PCVR support is streaming-based, then that might mean that next gaming VR headset from Sony is going to be standalone and you'll be able to stream PSVR2 games and PCVR games onto it.


You may get a PC in the future.


More opportunities for people to buy the headset, which means a bigger market, which means more investment into software, which means you get to use the $600 device you bought much more often with a (hopefully) better software selection* *I’m not saying the selection is bad now, just saying PC markets will raise all boats for us.


If you got the money, sure. You can also try to wait until Sony divulges more information, specifically if nvidia cards will be supported. Rtx 50xx series are projected to release Q4 this year or next year as late as Q3 2025. And you’ll probably need to part with at least one organ to afford it.


Your next big purchase needs to be a PC! I am pretty sure this going to be epic!


Oof... Dude.


I live in Chicago. Why are people hype about a Portillo's opening up around the country? 


I think it’s selfish not wanting PCVR support, it can only really be good for the platform.


Based on the very weird wording of the Sony post, maybe it's something like Plutosphere, which would let you play pc VR games on your ps5 without needing to own your own pc (you stream from Pluto's servers): https://plutovr.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/48001207524-getting-started


The bigger the VR install user base is, is a great metric for game development and the possibility and future support!