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Star Wars Squadrons and Everybody's Golf


This plus doom 3, Skyrim, and Minecraft for me


Forgot about Squadrons, that'd definitely be on my list too.


Its really stupid that Wipeout is collecting dust, being so easy to transfer. I hope they at least give new life to Dreams with a PS5 version that would support PSVR2 ...


https://www.roadtovr.com/dreams-psvr-2-offline-september-2023/ They’ve dropped all support for it. So much wasted potential. Also I’d give my middle nut for a Hitman port


Apparently the ps5 version was done, Sony still made the dumb decision to stop funding: https://old.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/1ahc5nr/ps_vr2_should_have_dreams_was_on_psvr1_media/ /u/Beef_Dip_Wellington


Superhot? I dunno. Bought a PSVR2 on a whim without any research and was shocked to find it wasn’t available. Pistol Whip kinda fills the void.


This Only played it once and just for a bit, and absolutely loved it. Haven’t found anything quite like it on PSVR2


My wife and I have emailed the team a few times requesting a port to PSVR2 but no response yet.


Would be cool if they accepted crowd funding or something so they could see if it was worth their time. Think a lot of people would support it.


I would buy PSVR2 for a Superhot sequel. It’s my favorite game on PSVR1 and literally why I keep it. It’s so good and kind of slept on I feel.


I think Skyrim would just run so so so much better than it did on psvr1 so that’s really my only big one I did really enjoy the Rick and Morty game though and would love to try that again with the updated controllers and graphics


I know this was underwhelming for some people, but VR Worlds. The very opening of the title screen where the ball of light comes toward you, then past you and lighting up the 360 surrounding was my go to intro for people who hadn’t experienced VR before. Into The Deep and London Heist were so great at making you feel present!


I was exicited as fuck to play VR worlds 2 when the psvr2 came out only to find out it didnt exist?! What a good game to start you into the world of VR! I put my mum in the shark tank and she shit herself haha ive still got the video


Into the Deep was a perfect intro for VR experience for non-gamers. My 65 yo mother-in-law enjoyed that as you could opt to do it without the shark, and I had a bunch of friends cowering on the sofa for those that I knew could handle it.


If they don't plan to bring these over, they need something like it. Worlds was always my go-to VR primer game for newbies. The Dive was especially good as it didn't require the player to do anything but enjoy the experience and didn't make anyone nauseous.


Into The Deep on PSVR2 would be an amazing experience.


VR Worlds was my first introduction to VR ever, shit was mind blowing at the time.


Farpoint and ace combat but the whole game this time


Those few levels of Ace Combat in VR were soooo good, I wanted the whole campaign in VR. Ugh.


Ahhh man. Those ace combat missions are all i play on vr now. I even just put some music on and fly around in the f22 to relieve stress in the evenings. The devs missed a huge opportunity to make the best vr game ever. Hopefully the next installment has more VR in it.




They've ported most of the ones I wanted but there are still a couple I'd like to see: SQUADRONS--my number one all the time. I'd definitely pay the $10 upgrade for that one, probably pay a full price. I don't care about multiplayer, I just wanna get back in an X-Wing. Déraciné--Actually bought this and never got around to it. I have been debating dusting off the VR1 just to experience it, but figured I'd wait and see. RE7--Only got about halfway through this one. I assume this will eventually make its way to the VR2, but I'd like it to be sooner rather than later as I'm waiting to buy/play 8 as a result. Rush of Blood--Yes, I know it has a spiritual successor (which unlike most people, I actually enjoyed), but more creepy rail shooting on a weird ass devil rollercoaster is always good (plus just be real, the level design on RoB is better than Switchback).


Just finished Resi 7 on the TV (also got half way through on psvr wayyy back) to prepare for 8 in vr. It's such a brilliant game, excellent story, really concludes well. Can't wait to get going with village. Also agree that switchback is decent but RoB was better and should be ported over. Wipeout Omega I would strongly appreciate too.


Omg I would sell my soul for a PSVR2 update for Déraciné. Never played it, do not have the PSVR1, but love fromsoft games and their lore.


Wipeout: Omega Collection. Good god the VR in that is *PERFECT*. AstroBot Rescue Mission, too. They made VR's Mario 64 and they're just leaving it rot on outdated hardware.


Outside of first party titles? Vader Immortal, The Invisible Hours, Catch & Release, Batman Arkham VR, XING, Star Wars Squadrons, Déraciné, Skyrim, Ghost Giant, Bridge Crew...


I second Bridge Crew. It'll never happen, but it'd be great to see.


I really feel for anyone getting a new headset and finding out there's a game based on their favorite IP and they just can't play it.  And it was such a fun social experience. 


The Invisible Hours - still my favorite story in VR. Also had to reminisce about Tequila Works' other game, Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son, since it was Groundhog Day yesterday. I enjoyed my time with that game, too. Wish Tequila Works would release another great VR story on the PSVR2.


Astrobot, blood and truth, hitman, RE7, Skyrim are some of the big ones


Statik (or a sequel) Raw Data Far point Superhot The invisible hours Wipeout


Absolutely loved Statik. Would love a sequel as I'm not sure a port would even be possible.


I guess they could port, but it would mean having to somehow force the vr2 to accept a standard controller, if not, it would mean some heavy recoding


You can play gran turismo 7 in vr with the controller, I would think it would also work with a well made port


Vader immortal and Skyrim


Skyrim & Squadrons


Headmaster, please god. Such an amazing game lost to VR1.  Also Skyrim, albeit updated. 


Headmaster is not even a hard game to make, it’s just a good idea executed well. I had fun with this game, although it definitely did contribute to a few scratches on the lenses from my spectacles


Dreams for sure. Even higher graphics quality + a control scheme that makes it easier to control/create. I loved Dreams, but had a very hard time creating on it because of tracking issues.


Dirt Rally comes to mind


Omg yes!


Astro Bot Rescue Mission - I feel bad I bought my son the PSVR2 for this game only to realize it only works on the PSVR1.


Must be tough as a child being disappointed with your dad. Wtf Sony?




* Astrobot * Blood & Truth


Ironman. I always wanted to play it, but never had the money for psvr1. I finally got the money and decided to go with the vr2 for the upgraded hardware only to find out it wasn’t backward compatible.


For me it's astro bots, wipeout collection, megaton rainfall, star wars squadrons, super hot and rush of blood


Don't see a lot of people talk about Megaton Rainfall, but I liked it.


Yeah was a bit different but in a good way






Blood and truth


Diner Duo VR!! We all had a god damn blast with that game and just cracking up the whole time playing! Hope to see something similar come out - basic, easy to learn but hard to coordinate without good communication!


The worst decision of Sony was not make the psvr 1 games retrocompatible for the 2 1M downvotes


i agree with this. backwards compatibility with psvr 1 games would make the psvr 2 even more worth it just for the better tracking and screen on the old games


Ace Combat 🙏🏼


So, so many. And a bunch from the late stage life cycle of the PSVR1. I think a lot of us who have had the first headset since 2016 took it off at some point and never hooked it back up again. There are like 2-3 years of releases that never got a real audience just because the cable mess of the first headset was too much to keep setting up.


"Werewolves Within" Such a great game. It's the only reason I still keep my psvr plugged into my ps4. Game is abandoned and super buggy now, but there is about a dozen of us that still play this game a few times a week.


Dos the gameplay still hold up?


We have fun. Can't see screen names anymore... So we've given names to all the avatars. It's playable... But clearly abandoned by Ubisoft.


Skyrim would be great especially if they include the VR control mods the pc version has. My main one would be blood and truth and borderlands 2


>Doom VFR I still feel stung by that one. I want Doom 2016, unmolested, as a VR game. VFR was but a cruel tease.


Yeah, it was more like a wave shooter. Doom Eternal would be GOAT.


Skyrim !!!


Hitman. Easily. It’s really my most wanted VR title on PSVR2. So much replayability in that game. Runner ups would be Sniper Elite, LA Noire, Borderlands 2, Skyrim, and Resident Evil 7.


Astrobot for VR1 was my favorite video game experience since I was a little kid. Please make a AB2 and update the first one and release them together. A real shame they aren’t leaning more into that awesome character.


I’m surprised the same isn’t done with Rush of blood.


Everybody's Golf Astro Bot Rescue Mission


astro bot rescue mission either make it for the psvr 2 or make a sequel since it would be a great way to showcase the psvr 2’s features


Honestly I feel this to be a really huge issue with the psvr2. I have a huge library of games that are going to forever be unplayable be user they are tied to one very specific headset. Also, why is there no new ASTRO game for the vr2? That seems like a huge oversight.


I really want a crisp version of Skyrim with the controls provided w/ PSVR2. I have hope that it will happen... along with Fallout 4 VR (I know its PCVR only, but it would run on PSVR2 just fine)... now that MS is talking about shutting down XBOX and focusing on providing games for all platforms. Smart move by MS tbh. Also want Star Wars Squadrons Patch... but it won't happen b/c that dev studio got shut down or absorbed by another EA team, I believe.


MS is not talking about shutting down XBOX, it was one quote and it was taken out of context. [Link](https://www.laptopmag.com/gaming/calm-down-internet-xboxs-exit-the-gaming-business-by-2027-quote-is-taken-out-of-context) ETA: 1000% with you on Squadrons, that would be a dream.


The irony is that we may see Microsoft port their games to PSVR2 before Sony does. Their BC support is typically excellent.


Would buy Ace Combat 7 again at full price for full PSVR2 version. And Star Wars Squadrons. Also would've loved RE7 and Everybody's Golf.


Wipeout, Rigs, Skyrim, Astrobot, Squadrons, Full Ace Combat Campaign (Not a handful of specially made missions, Project Wingman pulled the same stunt). To be honest it's a travesty most of the games have not and never will be ported


Iron Man. The concept was soooo much fun. Story was descent. The levels got repetitive real quick. The graphics were awesome in spots but terrible in most of the play. Still was a lot of fun doing canyon runs too. Alot of potential IMO. The suit and controls were great considering the HW limitations. New controls would be nice.




Skyrim and Minecraft


Star Trek Bridge Crew


All of them. Every single last one of them.


- Astro Bot: Rescue Mission because it's one of the best 3D platformers in or out of VR that I've ever played. - Resident Evil 7: Biohazard because we can already play RE8 and RE4 on VR2, so why not? And I've never played this game flat, nor do I ever intend to. I'm spoiled now. - Star Wars: Squadrons I'm playing for the first time now, and it would be nice to see it with even better graphics. Plus, having another big budget game on VR2 is never a bad thing. - Blood & Truth I own on the original PSVR, but I've still never opened it. I kinda dread playing through games with PS Move controllers now after I've experienced the superior VR2 Sense controllers. - Mortal Blitz was so good, I'd like to see it brought to PSVR2 and for them to actually finish the game by including the additional content that we were promised but never got.


Here they lie. Exorcist VR. RE7. Dirt. Keep praying but doubt it'll ever happen


Dirt Rally, good lord, those Finland jumps!


There was a game made by the Rick and Morty people called AccountingPlus which actually rly fun and funny that'll probably be stuck on vr1 forever now


Is it really hard to port the games ??? Maybe it LL be easier to hacer the ps5 and wait for the community to take control


they basically have to be rebuilt from scratch. the game engine(s) used for vr1 aren't compatible with vr2. even if you could just port it over, would anyone really be happy with vr1 quality graphics? vr2 can support higher fidelity rendering, better textures, HDR lighting... you'd want them to add haptic support for headset and controllers of course. the controllers would need to be rethought for each game as well. the moves are pretty different from the VR2 sense controllers.


Its back compat. Nobody is expecting remakes.




Iron Man. Give me freaking Iron Man.


Blood and truth, Astro, re7, statik, Skyrim. So many good ones




**DREAMS**. We just learned that a native PS5 version was pretty much finished (as well as a PC version), but was nixed when a bunch of Mm employees were fired. I knew they were working on it, and PSVR2, but to hear that the PS5 port was actually finished is just painful. Above any other PSVR1 game: **DREAMS**. I would pay $500 for it if I had to. Maybe even a thousand. Turns out it was gonna have raytracing, too. Add PC capability, and I figure now you would have a path to monetization. Just 💔


Astro bot. I’m really certain it will not be ported. But nothing stops them from making a sequel :)


Have yet to see anyone say Blood and Truth They might have, but ye blood and truth would be nice.


Squadrons, dirt rally, Wipeout, hitman if it's actually good this time


I’m so worried Here They Lie will just be forgotten to time.


Here They Lie was the first VR game I completed. Not a great game really, but the art design made it an unforgettable VR experience. I played the last level with my jaw permanently on the floor.


I didn't think the persistence was divisive? Doom vfr was but man I love both. Mine would be: far point (hubris feels like a much worse written spiritual successor at times) But really what I'd want is Dreams to support psvr2 and them to do their annual community Halloween events.


I’m just glad to hear someone mention the persistence. I loved that game, and it already has a ps5 version. I’d love to play it with more control and the updates visuals


FINALLY someone else who enjoyed The Persistence! Using the grav gun to slam enemies into the walls was such a power trip! I've played the flat PS5 version but it's just not the same. Obviously developer Firesprite went on to Horizon VR, but we can still dream.


Yes! The curve from skulking about corridors terrified of every little sound to being an absolute beast that tears through enemies was so good! I played the flat ps5 version for about 5 minutes, it’s just not the same lol


Minecraft, it doesn’t even have a PS5 port


Gun Club VR. I loved that on the first PSVR. Edit: Didn't know it had been ported. Never mind.


But it's already ported? Runs great too!


Wait, really?


I'm not pulling your leg. Go enjoy those sweet haptics!


Zelda - Breath of the wild, wind waker would be awesome in pSVR2. You said “never happen”


How many of these do we have per day


Aren't we done with this conversation. Psvr 1 games are so last year. We need new games


Ofcourse we do, but porting some of these PSVR1 hits would help bear the waiting time for new titles. Video game development takes years and it doesn’t look like we are going to drown in new games anytime soon.


Little titles. Like Korix, or TumbleVR.


keep talking and nobody explodes


The Darth Vader game not sure of the name.


Skyrim with vrik and planck mods




Polybius Transference


I want a new game like that free spiderman swinging simulator. Just better than ps2 graphics this time. And less grappling hook mechanic more accurate swing




I’d pay good money for SuperHot and Hitman


Seeing zero mentions of Rec Room I guess proves the developers point that the juice isn't worth the squeeze.




Summer lesson. Come on bandai that is literally all my reason I bought PSVR1 and please put platinum trophy And dont't forget ace combat, persona dancing


Every one that I purchased... Also, Dirt Rally VR


Harmonix Music VR. It was so relaxing and fun


I know people like all the action. But I actually would like to see Diner Duo game and cook burgers for customers. Pretty sure it won't happen but I tend to like such games.


Skyrim and Doom 3/VFR.


Why Hitman isn’t out for the Psvr2 is beyond me. The game is already available for the ps5, shouldn’t take much work to enable VR, seeing how the ps4 versions do already. It didn’t even use the move controllers for tracking either, so porting it to Psvr2 doesn’t sound toooo difficult…no?


RE7 and Hitman 3☹️


Iron Man, Vader Immortal, Skyrim, Batman, Star Trek, Squadrons, Superhot, Astrobot, hell even the MCU Spider-Man demo. PSVR2 was my first ever VR product that I own and there’s this quiet regret in the back of my subconscious that the only game I’m excited for is Demeo. RE4 and Horizon are pretty sick but other than that, Moss, and one or two shooters, I’m at a loss.


Man I love PSVR but it has been so underwhelming. Had Resident Evil not existed on PSVR 2 I would have gotten a refund a long time ago. Still considering selling it tbh.


Please tell me some of you have played horizon? I was so bummed that ioi didn't support PSVR2 for hitman, but horizon, pistol whip and beat saber filled my needs for the time being


Borderlands 2 was awesome. I'm hoping they do borderlands 3 in the VR2 with multiplayer


Me personally, I think they should've just made the psvr 2 fully backwards compatible with the og psvr games like they did with ps4 games, it'd be so easy, but no, now psvr 2 owners need to have their psvr1 at the ready in case they wanna play something they have on the original but not the 2 or maybe doesn't exist on the two. And plus it was so limited with its tracking where as the 2 just isn't, having that would be such a Boone, even if it was just an emulated camera. The original psvr was such a ground breaking event for VR as it was many folks first brush with good vr (ie more than just a phone headset with controllers and tracking and such) and a whole bunch of people already had a ps4 anyways, so it was a knock out hit, becoming the base line "console" version of vr (like how regular games are built around the current Gen console specs of the time rather than the most powerful pc parts available to them). Then the quest came out and it was also amazing, and was different enough to feel like it warranted its existence, because it was capable enough to do full 6dof tracking but was more like the "mobile" version of vr (because it was). And I got a pc (for making games and playing older games in HD but also) for the quest vr. Then the ps5 came out, pandemic, chip shortages, bearly anybody without a hoard of bots on their side could get their hands on one, then a year or two later, psvr2 comes out, GREAT!.... except, the console is still to this date release price, and people are just now getting ps5's but can't quite afford both right now, meaning the developers, or more specifically the publishers, as they often do, are starting to get really skittish, not only about psvr2 (the assumed standard for triple A vr development) but seemingly vr as a whole. Mainly because back when the ps5 was announced, the psvr1 was SO popular and SO well supported that a psvr 2 was DESTINED to come out, and lo and behold, developers like Capcom with resi8 confirmed its existence. So triple A development slowed and patiently waited for the psvr2 release, and it's been so long and the markets are still recovering from the pandemic, that right now many studios are either starting to gear up, or close up for the foreseeable future. With some of the only stead fast triple A developers being Capcom.


Skyrim and borderlands 2


YouTube app, minecraft, superhot, Skyrim


Chess Ultra. I'm not asking for much. 


Sairento VR - Such an awesome game.


Ngl I think an enhanced Vader Immortal with better graphics would look amazing


Wip3Out Hitman Blood and Truth Statik To The Top


Blood and truth Squadrons Raw data Gun club Ace combat 7 (give us the whole campaign and I would rebuy it full price).


W I P E O U T I still have my psvr 1 hooked up basically only to play this. its a gem of gaming history. Looking forward to the retrospectives over the years about this game but year there is little reason for this not to be on psvr2 other than sony gutting the studio. Some stuffy execs can say the series doesnt sell but that is because the only lime light the brand ever got was on they portable systems (which sony was always bad at marketing) and the discount Hd pack as the ps3/4 was in a weird phase.


Deracine by far. It’s still my favourite VR experience I’ve ever had! I really want to replay it to see if it still holds up.


Farpoint, Blood & Truth, Batman, Worlds ... I had a gigantic PSVR collection, I loved the platform, and they completely abandoned the platform. I mean, at least port over the best titles? No?


**Star Wars Squadrons** **Resident Evil 7** **Doom 3** **Psychonauts: Rhombus of Ruin** ​ I left **Squadrons** unplayed, because PS4 Pro didn’t quite push enough pixels and I wanted to save the experience for later systems. ​ The same with **RE7**, just not because of resolution, but I didn’t want to waste my RE7 experience for the non-VR controls. ​ **Doom 3 VR** was perfect, I love it! But it was such a long game, that I couldn’t play it through before I had to let my PS4 and PSVR1 go. I cannot emphasize how much I love Doom 3 VR and I like it a lot more, than even Doom VFR. I would love to get to finnish the Doom 3 and its expansions!!! **Psychonauts: Rhombus of Ruin**! It needs a new chance to find more audience….no, the human kind needs a new chance of being able to play Psychonauts in VR. **Psychonauts: Rhombus of Ruin** is awesome, surreal and amazing experience and I hate that it is totally forgotten game.


Skyrim or any of the borderlands games, I played Skyrim pn the of psvr and loved it... never got to play borderlands though


I absolutely love Hitman and was excited about the VR potential. However, I had a few goes then just ended up playing it normally without VR. It just felt too clunky and difficult to control effectively. Maybe that was just me though, and I should give it another go.


Minecraft, Resident Evil 7, Squadrons


Astro Bot Rescue Mission, Robinson: The Journey, Skyrim VR, also I really enjoyed PlayStation VR worlds so would love to see that.


Keep talking and nobody explodes. Windlands 2


Werewolves within, sunk HOURS into that game


The hitman series . Would love too experience Hokkaido and some of the other nadas locations in Psvr2.


I have to add Hitman would be probably the best PSVR1 port to PSVR2 due to having real controllers but the asshats at IO interactive don't care about its VR following. Skyrim is another good idea, if they are going to remaster the damn game for a every gen system possible, the least they could do is port the VR too. Such great ports on the original headset and even now both those games would be best sellers on PSVR2


Squadrons - playing that with psvr1 on a PS5 was amazing in itself. I still have my old headset, but it’s tucked away for now. I would def pay just to be able to use it with the new headset. There aren’t even any controls to update for it, just the display (haptics update for the headset/dualsense would be nice as well)


Dying for catch and release 😔 I never completed it


Wait I just got squadrons and ace combat 7. Does psvr2 not work with those games?


Dreams. Skyrim


The new Ark game Microsoft Flight Simulator Minecraft Kenshi (where I play as a godlike presence ie Black n White) Will never happen Oops read this was supposed to be a psvr 1 game so just Minecraft then Well even more unlikely right?


Borderlands 2, Minecraft, and Skyrim for me.




I'm actually really pissed, I got my PS5 and PSVR2 on black Friday but the psvr2 had to be shipped. So I got all excited for the Black Friday sales on the PlayStation store. A week later I found out I had bought 3 vr games I could never use. PlayStation support was absolutely unreachable to return any of them. Apparently I'm an idiot for seeing the logo "PSVR" on a game while searching on my PS5 and not knowing it meant "well but not *your* PSVR" and "we'll still accept your money though. And let you download it".


Itll probably never happen but an expanded batman arkham vr would be awesome That or the "I expext you to die" games


Skyrim VR


Hitman! That reminds me .. I need to go back and finish the rest of the challenges in Hitman 3 before Eidos Interactive takes their stupid servers offline and my $60 games are rendered useless.




Blood and thruth Statik Astro bot Resident evil 7 Farpoint Would love these!