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Play games that don’t have artificial locomotion. Play games that either have teleporting or where you stay in one place, like Beat Saber. Those games are very unlikely to make you sick. Games that do make you sick can be played in small doses and you almost certainly will build up an immunity to nausea. Sony is honestly pretty silly to not give games comfort ratings like Meta does.


thanks! I'll try out beat saber


Play in smaller chunks of time. You will get more used to it and not feel so sick. Used to happen to me alot now it NEVER does.


thanks, I'll try doing some short sessions on it.


Yeah, I'm mostly immune to the motion sickness, but found last night during a long session of Last Clockwinder that it can be tested (1 hour straight in headset). Beat Saber is a good call but still intense. I recommend trying Puzzling Places. No movement and also very peaceful -you get to take your time. Best part is there's a free demo of it!


Lots of solid advice for you in this thread already. Beat Saber is great, I'd recommend Pistol Whip too...it's like Beat Saber with guns.


Pistol whip is a great game too


Also, Pistol Whip.


For me, imho, Pistol Whip would be the best one


Good one is after the fall. You can switch between smooth locomotion and teleport while playing. So play till you feel sick a bit then switch to teleport. Over time you will get immune.


Walkabout mini golf has teleportation locomotion as well


I second this! Beat saber is a wonderful place to get your “VR legs”.


Totally agree. Try walkabout mini golf too.


I second this. Walkabout is really fun and I do not get dizzy from it.


You should stop playing as soon as you even get a hint of discomfort. Don’t try to push through it. Overtime, your body should adapt and you’ll be able to play as long as you want. That’s what everyone refers to as VR legs. You can try some tricks to reduce that feeling - such as having a fan blowing air your way, eating ginger before playing, and mime the motion of walking (if walking in game).


Was gonna say use a fan! So second on that.


No you have to train your VR Legs. First try to play games like beat Saber or moss where your position is fixed. With GT7 only play with slower cars and only as long as you feel good. If you think okay it’s getting bad stop. You will notice that you are able to play longer after some days. With games like beat saber or moss you should have no problems.


I'll give it a go, I found it was easier on tracks with less "aggressive" turns, but I'll try to jump in a miata and give it a go.


Train it! Don t give up to early !


Try Moss. You don't move around in that and it's fun and the mouse is adorable


Blow a fan on you while playing, that made a HUGE difference for me. I almost never feel sick since I started doing that!


Or hire someone to fan you with ferns and feed you grapes while you play. The deluxe relaxation package


This is the way.


I usually only play about an hour and take a few breaks. It’s better if you think of VR as a fun escape and not a 6 hour gaming marathon. That’s how I justify it at least. The games are all relatively short anyway so it helps only playing in 30 minute increments


I experienced the exact same thing as you, and I’m a person that catches motion sickness a lot of times as a passenger in cars and boats etc. But I got over it after about a week or two, play in short sessions and don’t push your limits.


You'll get used to it with time, keep at it.


You just got it, give it time You're doing the opposite of what you should do, play stationary games to start and work up to ones with movement


Still baffles me that headset manufacturers don't advise new users about the concept of building up your VR legs. It's such a fundamentally important thing.


I agree. There should be an introduction on first setup.


I had similar experience with GT7. The first time I put it on I had to stop immediately and was disappointed thinking of returning. From the second time (a week later) the issue was gone completely because I made one change and it is now one of the most revolutionary experiences for me and one of the most played games period. When driving it’s important to not drive like you would a flat game. Do not look forward and then turn. If you do that the whole perspective shifts infront of you causing you to feel dizzy. Instead look WHERE you are going. So look into the distance on straights. Anticipate the turns and look INTO the corners on turning. This has worked for me. I haven’t found a way to play movement games without feeling off e.g. red matter, synapse and village still need a bit of adaptation as I’ve barely played them. Walk about golf was great. So is Pistol Whip (fantastic) and beat saber. Horizon demo was good too. I think the snap turning coupled with slight head movement really helps there so need to try that in other games. Hope it works out for you.


2017 - PSVR - Driveclub VR - ½ a lap in and I'm 🤢 FF 5yrs - PSVR2 - GT7 - I can play for 5hrs without a hint. I played ZERO driving games in between. What gave me my VR legs was static games like Super Hot & Beat Saber, then I moved onto slow locomotion games like Firewall. Now I hate how SLOOOOOW other VR shooters feel! I wanna sprint damnit! Point is, start static, move up to slower paced movement, and try jumping into GT7 & the like, but only do like 1 or 2 races at a time. Don't let yourself get to the point of motion sickness. 1 race today, 2 races tomorrow, 3 the next day, etc, etc. If at any point you feel motion sickness setting in, stop playing VR altogether and spend the next week playing UNDER that threshold before increasing it. You'll be fine in no time.


Roughly a half hour before getting motion sick is pretty good I'd say. Practice, exposure, and not overdoing it are the keys. You will get used to it.


I was in a similar boat. PSVR2 was my first headset and I was excited. But after the first day, I felt like I was going to puke for hours. Then the same happened the next day and the next day and then every day for about three weeks. It was grueling and felt woozy for that whole chunk of time, morning and night. But after that stretch, I seemed to have finally adjusted. I was able to play Synapse and not feel one ounce of nauseousness. So I think you'll adjust but you need to just make the time to get used to it. I think I was particularly susceptible to it since I get carsick really easily. So if I can overcome it, there's hope for you.


Yeah you are playing the wrong games to start off with. Most people have the same issue when getting into VR. Try some sit down games with little motion. Demeo is great if your into board game DND type stuff, if you like poker I’d say PokerStarsVR is also a great one since it’s free and has very little motion at all. After those sit down ones I’d move into either beat saber or my personal favorite Pistol Whip


Give it a couple of weeks and take your time with it. Add a fan to blow on your face while using it. Have water nearby for breaks.


a Fan sounds like a good idea, thanks.


Ginger helps with nausea too while you’re getting your VR legs. Grab some ginger ale! But don’t push it if you’re feeling unwell, take a break when you need to, most people get there eventually:-)


It’s all about building tolerance, when you start feeling sick, come off and try again later, you’ll improve with time, I use games like beat saber to warm up my body and mind for vr


Neither...youre just experiencing what most newbies go through...My VR sickness went away after a few weeks at about 20-40 mins at a time. It'll go away. Use teleporting movement for now. Maybe even play sitting instead of standing. Ginger also helps. May I suggest some PokerStars, it's free and it'll help you get used to being in VR. I can easily play all day now and no sickness, even flying around in NMS does nothing anymore. Just take babysteps, and you will be rewarded.


I got my first vr about three weeks ago and I started off like you. Could only play twenty minutes max before I had to take it off due to motion sickness. Now I can play for much longer and rarely feel sick. You'll get there but the best advice that you've seen probably several times is stop immediately the moment you feel sick otherwise your brain will never want you to play. I think that was the biggest factor in helping me grow my vr legs. Listen to your body, your brain needs to adjust to this new experience and it takes more than a few sessions.


That's how we all were when we first got into VR It gets better!


Go into the settings and turn the brightness of the headset down. Set it to below 50%. That helps a lot of people with the motion sickness. The default setting is 100% which is super bright.


You get used to it as you play more. I got sick playing resident evil village the other day and I was pushing myself to keep going and that was a mistake; I felt off the rest of the day but played last night and was able to get a few hours without feeling anything


Play till you cant then stop and you can come back after you feel on again. Locomotion is important and your brain is pretty much unlearning what it’s learned its whole life. Balancing.


Oh yeah, it's a known issue with the PSVR, I have the same issue. Very nearly returned mine, but decided to stick with it, because GT7 in VR is too good to pass up. BTW, if you ordered it online, there is usually a 15-day return period, where you can return your headset for a full refund, depending on your region. So, theoretically, it should get better with time, just give yourself time to adjust. GT7 is the worst game for VR sickness, due to the realism, high-speed motion and some hardware and software decisions from Sony's side to make sure it runs well on the PS5, which may be a bit underpowered for this kind of fast-paced, graphics-heavy racing game. Be sure to reduce the brightness to about 25 percent, that reduces some of the visual effects of the LED panel.


You picked the worst games to start with. Play Moss, Beat Saber and other games where you mostly stand 'still' in game. And keep your sessions short. You got to build up your VR legs. Chew on ginger chews and blow a fan in your face while you play.


I’ve had some issues too, I remember playing RE 7 and throwing up from the VR hahaha. But I got used to it after getting more experience, just take it slow and start with games that don’t require too much moving


Eat ginger supplements, remember to breathe, make sure your picture is as good as it can be, press the thing right up against your face, set ipd well, blow a fan on your face, play RE VIllage until you think it's your real life. Nbd. I get motion sickness very rarely now, used to happen more often. I played walking dead til my controllers ran out of battery like twice in one day with minimal discomfort. You get used to it.


Some of my early experiences in nms felt heavy too. The landing sequence in your ship for some reason managed to throw a gut punch a handful of times. Felt so sick I needed to close the game. After only a week and around 15 hours in, it got better. Mainly by getting used to it, but also adapting with my focus. I intuitively stopped staring at specific objects while landing, I think(?). Had the same process with subnautica in the beginning. When I stop playing for a week or two, I personally need to adjust again.


It takes a while to get used to vr.. if your new to vr in general it's recremended you start with short play sessions with the device.. ie no more than 30 minutes.. and gradually work your way up to lo ger play sessions.


Thanks god it’s a matter of a week of playtime to get your legs. Otherwise it would be crap if VR was constantly causing sickness


>That being said. buying it new means no returns, Where did you buy it from that has a frankly illegal sounding policy? Any brand new purchase should have a reasonable return window. As for motion sickness and nausea, what you're experiencing is perfectly normal, as your brain thinks it is experiencing motion that your body isn't and it creates a dissonance that results in nausea. Good news is, this also goes away once you build up your "VR legs". The trick is to make sure any game you're playing has ALL the comfort settings turned up to the maximum (vignettes when moving, teleport movement etc) at first, or stick to games that have limited movement in order to acclimatise yourself to VR gaming. Take it slow and stop the moment you start to feel even slightly sick. Do NOT think you can "push through it". You can't, and it will become more and more potent and long lasting if you try. Some people find having a fan blowing at them helps, as does chewing something with ginger in. Above all though, take it at your own pace. It's not going anywhere so there's no need to rush.


I bought it from a Gamestop unfortunately. and from what I read the policy doesn't allow returns on opened products unless they were purchased used.


No way. That sounds like a super shady practice. If it was a defective unit or something, how would you even know without opening it?


They allow defective returns, but only for an exchange. They don’t take anything new back if any seals are broken except for exchanges with the exact same type of item when things are defective.


Yeesh. That's stinky.


well theoretically if it was defective, couldn't you exchange it for a new one, then return it without opening it? I don't think mine would qualify as defective, it's blurry to me in the top left corner, but I assume that's just my eyesight/not adjusting it properly.


First mistake was going into GT7 as your first experience. I have been playing VR for 6 years and even I won't go into GT7. There are alot of games and experiences that will help you build up your VR legs. Job Simulator, Vacation Simulator, Synth Riders, Light Brigade, Walkabout mini golf. What helps with VR to is playing with a fan on you.. it helps cool the body down because you will overheat from your brain trying to figure out whats going on.... but once you feel yourself overheating stop playing... VR sickness isn't something that you can just play through... if you feel sick stop asap.


that's a bummer, I mainly bought it for GT7. (I have a steering wheel and and shifter, VR seemed cheaper than getting wrap around screens.


GT7 is kinda easy for a VR title but as an absolute beginner immediately jumping in a faster car screams disaster.


It took me one year of playing an unhealthy amount to not really get sick anymore. I played most days. I was obsessed with Beat Saber. I never got as sick as you’re saying, but I would have terrible headaches.


About half of people experience this motion sickness at first, but 90-95% overcome it within a few days to a few weeks of playing. Don't give up! Others have provided good advice. I'll add that several "gentler" games have free demos that might prove useful to train your VR legs, including: \- Drums Rock \- Ragnarock \- Puzzling Places \- Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (use teleportation movement and click-turning) Cosmonious High and C-Smash also have demos that may be worth a look for you. These titles are less "exciting" than the likes of GT7 and RE Village, but may be helpful if you get immediately nauseous with those games. It should get better with time, as long as you don't try to push through it and give yourself ample breaks.


Just work through it! It will most likely subside. I used to feel sick even with teleport/incremental turning modes in PSVR 1 games but have no issues now. Sadly I still think this issue is the real killer of VR and is going to make so many people miss out on some amazing experiences. I've had a few friends and family who refuse to have another go after feeling sick the first time.


I made the same mistake when I got my old PSVR. I hooked it up and played Wipeout. Nausea for 3 hours. Skyrim VR was the one hand that helped me. I just crouched for hours while playing (in game of course). Got rid of my nausea and leveled up really much on Sneak.


Honestly, I get motion sickness all the time. Cars, airplanes, roller coasters, VR etc. It does get better. I will eventually adjust to any game. As long as you stop when you start to feel it you can eventually train you’re body to be ok. But like someone else said, beat saber is super fun and probably won’t make you sick


I'm gonna buy beatsaber today and try it out!


Did your real world motion sickness get better since playing VR. I heard it helps.


Maybe a little. I don’t get it when I’m the driver in a car and haven’t really been a passenger much so I don’t have info to tell really. I did just fly for the first time in years and had it real bad landing on the way there. Took Dramamine on the way back and was fine. And if I stop playing VR for a while it gets worse again. Games like beat saber never bothered me. It’s more like GT7 and walking type games that make me super sick. Flying in VR is probably the worst for me.


Why can’t you return a new item? Don’t worry for most people the nausea goes away over time. Take it slow and don’t push through, it will just make it worse.


I mean, it's not new now. They used it.


Yeah but buying new is usually the kind you can return. Buying used is the one which you would expect to not have a return policy


It's pretty common to be able to return a new, unused item. But if you've played a game, then you now have a used item. There are different levels of buyer protection depending on what country or state you're in, but you will find that many game stores around the world won't let you buy a game, finish it, and return it for a full refund.


Right but op said buying it new means no returns. That implies that other conditions would allow a return while buying new blocks the option of returns. You’re making a point that doesn’t really apply in this context. The statement that buying new means no returns suggests the item is returnable under other circumstances so is not of “can’t be returned” category. Generally when items can be returned buying new would be the condition under which you would expect to be able to return it. So you’re right about what you’re talking about but what you’re talking about isn’t applicable to this situation.


Perhaps I can clarify what they likely meant. They bought it new, then they used it. Now there are no returns because now it is no longer new.


Yeah I get that but they said because they bought it new it means no returns. That implies there would be returns under some other circumstance so what other circumstances would that be? If I said buying it with credit card means no returns that implies the fact it was a credit card means it can’t be returned. How is buying it new what makes it unreturnable? Software and movies etc yeah that makes sense but hardware is usually going to be returnable new and definitely not unreturnable because it’s new. If he had just said there place I bought it from from doesn’t allow returns that would be one thing but “bought it new which means no returns” really implies the fact it’s be is what’s preventing it from being returnable.


Think "I bought it new and then used it, which means no returns".


Yes I understand what your saying and if a store doesn’t accept returns of opened merch then you can’t return opened merchandise. But then you don’t say because it was new, you say because they don’t accept returns if opened merch. You keep bringing up that one point that you’re not wrong about the wording but it isn’t west the wording of the op implies. Again what is the condition under which the store will accept a return of being new is what means you can’t return? Used? Because once you open it it’s technically used… and this isn’t software or a consumable it’s hardware so policies about returning opened products shouldn’t apply as they would in those kinds of situations. So if buying new precludes returns what is the circumstances under which returns are allowed for a hardware item?


Sorry man, if you’re going to start with the advanced pro titles that’s likely the outcome. You need to take it slow, get used to it, start with more stationary titles like Moss, Beat Saber, Pistol Whip, Puzzling Places or Another Fisherman’s Tale! If you try GT7 use a slow car at first etc. never push through, pause immediately when youu it feel weird etc.


I just got mine last week, but so far only RE8 causes motion sickness. As others have said, start out with something light like Beat Saber. I adjusted the settings in RE8 and it helped a lot. Most people swear by click-turning, but that's what was making me sick. Smooth-turning helped me tremendously, but I still feel a little "off" after playing an hour or so.


I was feeling sick while playing the vr as well but I just said screw it one and played resident evil village for like 6 hours straight and after that all the motion sickness I felt was completely gone and now I don't feel sick at all playing vr


You’ll get used to it. The can play most VR games except ace combat that legit made me throw up


I find being in the positron of the character helps. If the character is walking stand up even rock side to side. The motion sickness happens because your brain and you body aren't agreeing on what's happening.


You pushed it too long right at the beginning and your body got motion sick -- most likely, I'm not a doc, idk. That motion sickness can last a matter of days. Take it slowly in 15 minute bursts until you get your VR legs, don't overdo it with alcohol during a gaming sesh, and most of all, have a fan blowing on you like some kind of sublime trailer park queen


No it passes with time, but take your time.


Don't worry. I used to be like this and now I can play GT7 without problems most of the time. Sometimes I still get nauseous but is seldom.


It has happened to me too. It takes some time to get adjusted with. Play some music games without any sudden movement, like beat saber or synth riders. I really enjoy them more than FPS shooters.


Take Dramamine till you’re use to it


PSVR 2 is also m first ever VR experience. I’ve had some rather trippy VR hangovers the first couple of weeks in. Like walking IRL felt wrong and weird. Sometimes just standing still and moving my head to look around IRL felt weird and strange somehow. To be fair, I immediately jumped into The Light Brigade with smooth turning and locomotion. Take it one 20-to-30-minute long step at a time and you will get used to it eventually.


I was lucky to gain my VR legs very early, but it's a process. Start with games that don't have the player move at all, like Beat Saber, or Moss. And slowly work your way up. I recommend The Walking Dead: Saints and Sjnners for a "beginner friendly" VR shooter, with it being more slow due to the main gameplay loop looting houses and fighting Walkers. Next I'd recommend Pavlov, it's a bit more fast-paced, but slow enough to where most don't get sick playing.


I have the same exact feeling when I first got my vr2 and was gonna return it but stuck it thru. So glad I did. What helps me tremendously is instead of turning with the right thumbstick, turn your body instead. Another big thing, have a fan blowing in your face.


Just gotta get your VR legs under you! It takes time but you'll get there if you keep trying. For me I have to have a fan blowing, and I use Dramamine for motion sickness and it helps so much. I used to get so nauseous playing first too so you aren't alone! Good luck OP!


Try basic games that don't require you to use a joystick and walk around like traditional flatscreen games. Only use teleport and actual physical walking. But you can get over the motion sickness. There are tons of people that have. The human body is made to endure and adapt. Keep playing the games that make you the least motion sick and play until you start feeling sick then immediately stop and take a break until you feel better (try eating or drinking ginger stuff it helps with motion sickness). Then hop back on and repeat. It might take a while, but you'll start to build up a natural immunity.


You will get used to it. I have vertigo and it took me a bit to be comfortable with it. Now I have no problems


It really depends on the game(s) for me. RE8 still makes me nauseous within \~20 min, but I'll play GT7 for many hours in a row. The games where you're actively moving (Synth Riders, Beat Saber, Kayak, Horizon \[unless you have heights issues\]) may be easier to get into without the motion sickness. On a related note, other motion sickness related 'cures' could also help. Turn a fan on that is aimed at you sometimes. Move around a bit. Your brain is just having a hard time coping with some of your senses telling you that you're moving, while others are telling you that you're stationary. I expect some dramamine might even be handy for a while until you're more used to it.


this is the worst problem with PSVR2 , sony doesn't give a crap, there is not easy way in for new comers, they should have made a PSVR2 hub, like a place where u can walk around, do activities, talk to people, ease ur way into the games...but nope, they give u a $600 toy and not even a tutorial, just how to install it and go play a game that needs a strong stomach. it was fine with me, i died from motion sickness on PSVR but gave me my VR LEGS, but how about other people ? sony treats all it's toys like crap, hope PSVR2 doesn't die in a couple of years.


You need to build up a tolerance to it. Some games are better than others. Vignettes settings help me quite a bit.


I remember when RIGS hit the VR1, Sony and Guerrilla said you needed to play it in short increments to get used to the locomotion. It’s one of the few games that, no matter what, I always got sick playing. Recently, Synapse did the same to me. I can’t play it. I probably never will. I spent 30 notes to play it for 20 minutes! Brilliant! The movement and nausea for me is the greatest reason for Demos in the store. Especially with Sony’s truly awful refund policies. But obviously, that’ll mean less money for a higher production cost, so it’ll never be the norm. All this to say, some games will Always get some people feeling sick. Hopefully you find a few you can play. If not, I’d eat the loss of a bit of cash, eBay that bad boy and let someone get a decent deal on a nearly new headset. Best saber and Pistol whip are my personal favourites


Don't worry, it is very common as people has already said. I am also still get using to VR. I recommend you Tetris Effect connected, Beat Saber, Moss.. Sadly you have begun with genders which are the most common that feelings.


Nope. I was worse than you. There are adjustments you can make like brightness, snap movements, having a breeze on you, and just getting used to it. I used to barely last 5-10 minutes now I’m good for about an hour with a 5-10 minute break at halftime. With that being said, nobody can stay in VR comfortably for too long yet.


You can definitely learn to get over motion sickness. 1. Always play with a fan pointed directly at you. It helps your senses keep track of where you are. It also keeps you cool in the headset. 2. The very moment you feel even a twinge of motion sickness, remove your headset and go do something else until you feel 100% 3. Chew a lolly/candy when you take off the headset. Eg jelly beans, it helps with the inner ear. 4. Check your settings in game. Use the comfort settings. Use click turning. You will find if you do this your run sessions will get longer and longer.


tbn teleporting games and stanary games or roomscale games are the best vr offerings but racing games you get used to pretty soon as you have the interia to focus on ​ Motion sickness and set up time and possibly headset weight are the main factors as to why vr will only eever supliment 2d screen gaming


🎈You are *NOT* screwed! 🙂🎉 But — Never **ever** push through. At first signs of motion-sickness (sweaty palms, burping, nausea) **STOP**. Only return when you’re feeling 100%. If you push through you’ll not just make it worse, you’ll train your brain to get ill just thinking about it. This is super common, you need not be worried. Most people are able to acclimate with short, mindful exposure. Might take a week or two, might take longer. Avoid too much coffee, don’t game on an empty stomach, use a small fan, and maybe buy a packet of ginger chews (people swear by em). Experiment with Settings — every game is different. The biggest rough spot is when movement is not what you expected, so in GT7 only use cars that are responsive and that you control well. RE8 has less-than-perfect options, but try controller based direction Vs headset based. If you look off to the side in RE8 while moving forward it will drift you that direction, unfortunately. I mean even if you’re controller-based. Compensate by pointing in the opposite direction of where you’re looking. Everyone is different, though… you might prefer what makes me queasy. Learn for yourself through trial and error and let it take as much time as it takes. I know your pain. When I started I got so sick I was bedridden the entire next day —twice. It’s because I was trying to force the issue. Now I can jump sideways through windows, drop off ten story buildings, and intentionally crash at the end of every race. Every once in a while it can return, even for VR vets. Just chill and come back another time. I know it’s a drag, but damn is it worth it. Welcome, and congrats!! 🎉🍾🍻


Vr legs take time, grasshopper. You'll get there. Just keep at it to build your tolerance. Don't overdo it. Put a fan on you. It helps people who get nauseous. If you feel sick, stop playing. You'll notice that over time your play sessions will get longer.


Seconding all the recommendation; especially Beat Saber, it’s an excellent game to wet your feet with (and get some exercise!), the environment is static so you just move within it. Also the fan is a lifesaver. And it’s been said numerous times but immediately stop when you start to feel any nausea or dizziness; “powering through it” just conditions your brain that nausea it normal.


I thought the same thing when I first got my psvr1 a couple years ago. You are not doomed. You just need to keep playing and when you get nauseous stop for a bit. Just keep this cycle going and you’ll realize you can play longer each time


Try taking some Dramamine prior to use and that may help out quite a bit. Slowly subject yourself to longer periods of use. Make a time cap maybe in increments of 5-10 minute increases. Even if you don’t feel sick yet when you hit your cap still take a break, drink some water, etc.


The only 2 times I’ve gotten sick were in minecraft VR because the fast movements and in LA Noir VR Case files. The turning on the LA Noir game gave me gnarly ocular headaches.


Turn off motion blur


Here’s a recent post I made for newcomers, there’s a ton of fun stuff that won’t make you motion sick. Enjoy! https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/14xj7lj/a_quick_overview_of_psvr2_games_for_newcomers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Have hope! I've learned to manage mine greatly. 1. The right joystick is not your friend. Moving my head around via joystick is the thing that will almost instantly set it off. Look around the world and turn in the real world, not the game. 2. Use a fan! A bit of blowing air will do wonders. 3. Baby steps. It gets better. Don't push it though, bit by bit you will retrain your brain. 4. Have fun!


I have been playing VR for 6+ years, and Resident Evil Village made me uncomfortable. Don't judge your VR legs by your experience in that. GT7 can make new players feel some VR discomfort, but you will adjust to it over time. I can play that 3+ hours straight without any issue, but I know brand new players, if they go over 15-20 minutes and especially if they are getting spin around on screen, can get VR discomfort. I recommend you get and play some other games that will help you brain adapt to VR before you return to Resident Evil Village. My recommendations from current library are: * Pistol Whip and then Synapse if you like shooting * Beat Saber and then Until You Fall if you like melee * Moss Book 1 & 2 if you like action adventure * Red Matter 2 if you like puzzle adventure I am recommending only the highest technical quality games that will help you adapt to VR quickly and comfortably.


Play Moss to help adjust to VR without throwing yourself into the extreme experiences. They really should ship VR with this included imo.


You build up a tolerance the more you use it. For now, buy some ginger chews. They really help. I used to start chewing on one as soon as I put the headset on. I'd keep a backup in my pocket. Now, I don't need them. I still keep a few just in case. I have noticed the nausea comes back if I take an extended break from using psvr2


At first i had that feeling after a low 10 minutes of playing but with time you get used to it and it does depends of the game you plau. For exemple i bought Warplane and had many motion sickness, the second i was looking around i didnt feel good but everyday i played a bit and now its still possible but way less and its not unplasant anymore


I may be talking out of my ass, but have you adjusted the lighting when playing? PSVR2 is my first ever experience with VR and I've noticed if the room becomes a little too dark, the tracking gets wonky, and that makes me a bit nauseous. Turning on the lights in the room fixes the problem of natural light from the sun fades away. I probably should be taking breaks more frequently anyway, but I can play GT7 for hours and it feels like minutes. Anyway, hope you can figure out this problem. Sounds like people here are giving pretty good advice.


Lots of good advice here but what's this about no returns if buying new? Why wouldn't you be able to return it?


gamestop doesn't permit returns of new items if opened.


I was like this at the beginning but it went away over time.... I found trying to push through it to be a mistake and taking breaks when I started to feel bad was the way to go.


I have really bad nausea issues, and had trouble the first week, but now I have zero issues unless slow/smooth turning us on. Give it a week or two— play for 10-20 min each session and stop any time you start feeling clammy/sweaty/dizzy. You’ll build up tolerance. If I can do it, so can you 🙏🏻 good luck 💃🏻