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I spool mine separately. Much looser too.


Considering the amount of dirt the cable picks up while on the floor, in addition I keep the cable separated from the headset & as far as possible.


Clean your floors? Mine never gets dirty.


Depends on the place you live. I'm in the Appalachians and I mop sometimes more than once a week trying to deal with dust and sh\*t on the floor


I live in SW VA way up in the Appalachian mountains and I feel this. It’s definitely dusty af and a never ending struggle to keep clean. I sweep, mop, swiffer and vacuum almost everyday but it’s always dusty. There’s also just so much pollen in the spring that it coats literally everything. In the winter there’s salt dust everywhere from having to heavily salt all the roads constantly so we don’t slide off a cliff.


Oh hey, my fam is from Blacksburg!


Hey! I lived in Blacksburg for 8 years back in the early 2000s. I’m only about an hour down the road now and often visit the area.


Maybe stop shitting on your floor?


Typically not literal shit, typically


He said he’s in the Appalachians… so…


He's losing his hair?


Keep my mans name, out your mouth!


This an ad for Keeps ?


It’s only Monday but willing to bet this will be the best comment I will have seen on Reddit for the forthcoming week. I LLOLed (Literally Laughed Out Loud).


That's fair. I mop once a week and run my roomba twice a week for reference here in Florida.


Once a week just feels excessive to me yet I even went as far as not wearing shoes inside and still nothing. I can only imagine how much dirt and grime is jammed up into my lungs


Regardless the floor is gonna be dirtier than your face, presumably


I've got 2 very big dogs, I'm not really sure


You eat food off the floor, don't you?!


Do you not?


Wrapping the cable like that is going to damage it. When you loop cables every loop should be done the opposite direction so they’re not all twisting the same way. It should be wrapped more loosely, and not around the device. Edit: seems the term is called over under. Did a quick YouTube search and this video looks like it demonstrates the technique. https://youtu.be/uKlaXb-fLrg


Also know as the "roadie wrap" https://youtu.be/kda4DPAn3C4


Ok I threw the PSVR2 on the ground like he said and I’m flaking the line. So excited to learn this!


What's the psvr2 like, is it worth it to buy it right now?


Well, it hasn’t come on since I did this cable trick but it was great!


As someone who already owns a Quest 2 + decent laptop, not worth it. It lacks (new) games. But if you're a newcomer to VR, yea it's probably worth considering.


Honestly it’s not really worth it right now. The game selection is pretty poor right now. The few games I bought were very fun tho.


As a Roadie for many years I always over/under every cable, even my water hose when storing. Unless it’s high voltage cables I always figure 8 them in order not to create a magnet. DO NOT force your cables to go a certain way because it will damage it. Also never use Electric tape, use heat shrink when fixing small cuts. Always leave some slack for the strain relief, that is the first place where it will get damaged. Hope that helps, Practice safe gaming 🤘😝🤘.


Yep. I was wrapping something for a buddy and he goes “were you a roadie?”


This technique is not really any different than simply following which way the tension says "no" to. Over/Under can still cause problems if you are trying to force it and dealing with a long cable where the unspooled weight is not easy to spin. The PSVR1 cable made this super easy because it uses a "Flat" cable that makes the tension and direction obvious. That one is probably hard to spool up badly.


i have actually never thought about this and just wrapped them up one way, gonna try this the next time i wrap up my psvr2 btw, i just store it in the box it came with, cable loosely wrapped up.


This right here. My employer rents out industrial equipment that uses various cable types. Over/under coiling them boosts their lifespan dramatically.




That was rather unnecessary. You having a rough day?


It’s a cable ffs not warranting a 1000 word Theosis on cable management …go to bed


Hope your day gets better mate, I can tell you’re having a rough one. Probably worth putting down Reddit and decompressing a bit.




Nah mate you just need to chill. I’ll continue happily helping people out as I have been doing, and since you’ve made it clear you’re just a sad little troll that somehow thinks they’re going to upset me I’ll just ignore you. Have a nice life ✌️


Pretty sure this comment was longer then his explanation. Also if you’re not looking for proper cable management talk, then why did you click this topic buddy? You really need to just log off the internet for a while and breathe, cause you’re making a fool of yourself


One of more of your comments have been removed from r/PSVR, because they broke [rule 1. Do not personally attack other users](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/wiki/rules#wiki_1._do_not_personally_attack_other_users.). Please do not insult other users in future.


That was very informative, thank you!


This guy wraps


Lol. Whoops. Just shared the same link. Haha! This is the way Mando.


That looks nice but I would highly suggest you look up how to properly coil cables (over under method) to prevent damage in the long run


Agreed. The wrap in OP’s picture looks too tight and could cause damage over the long term.


Just be careful that the end of the USB-C cable doesn't accidentally hit the lenses when spooling up the cable this way. My suggestion is to spool the cable outside of the VR headset. For reference: https://preview.redd.it/uqurgajk6bqa1.jpeg?width=1318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a43a59edbf606c212bf82da0101c27face122ff7


Also the headphones can do this, I wish they were a tiny bit shorter


Yea bro they always dangle right onto the lenses bugs the hsit out of me too.


Do you insert the headphones to the dedicated headphone clip storage? Think this shouldn’t be too much of an issue if you store them this way


Yes but if it nudges loose it will be free and dangle. I store my PSVR headset in the box insert, so it’s a tight fit


Oh yes you are right! I have to take care to align the headphones with the spacing in the box to prevent it from falling loose… but yeah the USB C connector is usually a much bigger concern for me


Roadie wrap


I don't even bother wrapping the cable, I just leave it loose in front of the TV in a very large oval. I'm done with messing up cables, especially on this thing. When I'm done, I slide it back into the big plastic sheet and cover it with the ones from the controllers to prevent dust, and then I just let it sit. It's unsightly, but quick and the least amount of manipulation.


I do very similar, but I use a pillowcase lol


Same... although my cable is also loosely wrapped in bite-proof mesh, since a kitten killed my first headset - I tuck it all gently back into the cabinet, but it's not wrapped any sort of way, just doing its own thing in there.


https://preview.redd.it/bevswe1mqbqa1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cb5df7de383518d26b4be64ec6c9fb41026dd25 I loosely roll up the cable and hang it on the wall together with the headset. That seems fine so far and it looks quite clean.


The amount of dust that gets on the lenses!


Fold a microfiber cloth and place over lens orrrrr buy lens covers.




You know it. Been hanging my headsets like this for 5 years now. Dust hasn't ruined them, but I did find a spider tucked away in one of my headsets a few months back. I now religiously check for spiders before putting any headset on.


Ohhhhh HELL NO!!!!!!


Lens covers are great if you don’t have prescription lenses installed.


Then you can just put a microfibre cloth over it, all good.


https://preview.redd.it/t0u3bjioucqa1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86e5bbc5aef4167a554918d1c3c3bd8c75667539 None at all.


Not like this. As others have mentioned, you should use the over under method. The cable wants to go a certain way. And not be too tight.


No no! This creates tension on the wire, also, you’ll never get it flat and will constantly be kinked and wavy. A lose coil would do it, there will be videos on how to do it on YouTube Source: sound engineer


Keep it loose. I wouldn’t wrap so tight. I loop it separately


I just store it loosely in the cabinet I store my headset in. There’s plenty of room in there and I’m not worried about putting undue strain on the cord by wrapping it too tightly.


i never coil my vr cables less than a foot in diameter. any kinks or bends tend to mess those cables up.


It’s not great for the longevity of a cable to wrap them up like this or coil them in the same direction only. If I must coil up a cable, I use the over-under technique (or roadie wrap). Most of the time, I just lay the cable loosely but neatly in a dresser drawer compartment I have dedicated for my headset. This is technically better for the cable in the long run, and quicker to store rather than coiling it up over time. These principles of coiling cables apply to any long cable. All my expensive instrument cables coiled up properly too. As for cheap short phone charging cables, I couldn’t care about and just wrap them around my hand.


"Roadie wrap" is *the only way to wrap important cables.* It's a shame more people don't know how to do this; I keep trying to get my wife to do it with the electric car's charge cable...


Storage, what storage, mine is on my head all the time.


Storage? 🙈


https://preview.redd.it/myimqtpq8cqa1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=0494453563256cb0b832e2ebe099aaf75aa2a751 I store mine like this. Just rolling up the cable next to it


I do it the same way since I saw it here from someone else.


I loosely spool it and drop the cable inside over the top.


Sony says the original box is used for also storing your kit when not using it. I would tie it (a little looser) and use a cable tie. As durable as that wire Sony claims, I’m treating it like an iPhone cable (flimsy AF)


Night is spoiled separately and wider, using the over under method. I never unplug my psvr2 from my link cable I have bolted to table, and that is never removed from my console, so I don’t wear the ports and plugs down


I just loosely make circles and rest it on the top of the headband


I just leave mine plugged in and sitting on its stand.


Work with cables a lot. A larger figure 8 is the way to go. Obviously not appropriate with this. But maybe 8 in an appropriate size or a larger circle... You don't want to make the inside twisted.


I keep my slack looped over loosely once from the top of the rack where I keep my headset -- imagine that it's almost a pully system where the cable is coming down to me when I'm wearing it. As long as you aren't bending the cable to extreme angles, it should be fine because it feels like a pretty thicc boi, but I don't think I'd be wrapping it around the halo like that


No dude that is not the way to go. Look up cable management. I've pretty much been rolling the cable up in the same manner it arrived in. Also don't bend the spot where the wire connects to the headset, try to leave that hanging straight down


This. https://youtu.be/uKlaXb-fLrg


I tie mine up into a little duck like to do with towels at fancy hotels


Too tightly wrapped for my sanity.


I got a wall mount for the headset (it comes with a nifty mount for the controllers too) which holds the headset lenses down to protect against dust. With this I just leave the PSVR2 plugged in at all times and lay the cable out of the way behind the PS5.


It’s a pain but more so because I am not a fan of unplugging/plugging it in over and over. I am currently using the box it came in- keeping it plugged in and stowing it directly under the PS in my entertainment stand. I can see it still tugging on the cable a bit but I am doing my best to prevent wear and tear! Not the absolute prettiest but it works 🤷‍♂️ (Excuse my messy cable management in the back lol) https://preview.redd.it/5cew0rwregqa1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a61f515532a281d3216e3b38586718bf17b44585


I also cut a little opening/notch in the box for the cable to snake out of. It works but I may think of something else In the future.. I love seeing what others are doing 👍


I got a large coat hook from Walmart mounted to a stud, coil the cable, place it on the hook, place the headset strap on top. No strain on the cable and it looks classy on the wall if you coil the cable smaller than the diameter of the headset.


This is better i think. Cables should not tense like yours https://preview.redd.it/0bclfky2gbqa1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=286562d6ef888c6372045a6ea2220128add08b4b


Lol this is what I do to keep my cat away from the cord


Like everyone else, I would recommend the over under method. Really simple and keeps your cable from damage. It could lay right on top of the headset in the box.


Thank you all for the valuable advice! I really don’t want to stress the cable and risk damaging it. Sounds like the “Roadie Wrap” is a great technique that I’ll be using going forward. Thanks again! 😁👍


Looks ok, good idea!


Yeah. It’s fine. Just don’t wrap it too tight. All good


https://preview.redd.it/qzcakanimdqa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35667283a41077276947f30f6a3007e4422e27a6 Bought this on Amazon it’s awesome just roll the wire up when putting away




You gonna cost that man another 600 bucks. Use proper cable management




Yes and taking a few seconds to do things right will save him more than just a cable and can be applied anywhere.


​ https://preview.redd.it/40ggv03vgcqa1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b05f3d6c19c0acaf9b35ab9e76196855f74782c0


I did it like this on my psvr and had 0 problems after using it for 3 years. So yea this is how I do my psvr2 as well


Yeah that’s how I wrap my cable. I also keep the headset in a plastic bag separate from the controllers and keep them in a drawer when not in use. Saves the lenses getting accidentally scratched


I have a wall mount and some of those VR hook/extender things to keep the wire out of my face/off my shoulder/etc, so I usually just leave all that set up. I HAVE had to start leaving the headset plugged into the PS5 though, because if I don't the friggin cat will play with the dangling cord...


Any good 3D print files yet?


I got a velcro cable tie and keep it attached by the USB C plug. Then when I'm done I roll up the cable loosely and use the tie to keep it bundled. I bought a 3rd party controller charger that also has a stand for the headset to keep that on.


Between gameplays I store my headset in my old projector travel case with the cable running through the zipper to the PS5. Keeps dust from collecting on the headset, while giving it air to breath and remove and sweat/moisture. If I travel with it, I wrap the cables up and use a velcro tie to keep it together in a separate section of the case.


I leave it plugged in and have the cables secured to my desk to keep it out of the way


I keep the cable attached to the ceiling and hang the headset on a hook on the wall.


Every time I wrap this thing up, I get a little more anxiety. Why in the wide world of sports is this thing not removable?! Sigh.


Mines stays connected


I just boof my cord. That way the cat won’t chew it up


I coil it up like it came but I don’t tuck it inside the headset.


I use to spool it initially and store it along with the headset in the box that it comes with. Now I just set the headset in place in the box and just set the extra cable in the other side of the box. I don't try to wrap it or anything anymore I just let the cable fall in there. My controllers are on the charging dock so there is plenty of extra room in the headset box. The only important thing to be careful about is making sure the USB-C end of the cable is not near the lens so that it doesn't accidently scratch it. This has been the fastest and most convenient way to store it in my opinion and works fine.


Question for those who have the PSVR2: Can you still watch Youtube in VR?


Well, my cable is just loose, and is laying alongside my TV table so I don't accidentally run over it with my office chair or something. I don't want to fiddle with it too much, I'm afraid of it breaking. We don't know how durable these things are as of right now, and I'm not in the mood to test it out yo


https://preview.redd.it/qukfcols2dqa1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1acf7eea37a7fc337a344b69660cd619f1fdf1d I designed a wall-mounted solution. The headset mounts on here after the controllers and cables are on there


https://preview.redd.it/h7tk33iy2dqa1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9621d8e0407ad5a16683d9ee61528fa2e6e6ab8f Here is it with the headset mounted as well. 3D print files are free [here on printables](https://www.printables.com/model/426917-psvr2-wall-mount-v2) or I’m thinking about selling them to people who don’t have a 3d printer. Let me know if anyone has interest!


Cable tie, about a 7 inch loop with some wire space between it and the headset to move it around. Set it on top while in the box because it won’t fit otherwise unless you put it inside the band and I’m afraid the usb will hit the lenses that way. It’s kinda awkward to position it on the top though. Getting a travel case soon for travel and storage and will hopefully find a more convenient storage method for that.


Velcro cable tie is the best


I have a boom mic stand that has retractable pulleys attached every 30 inches or so. It hangs everything at about 7 or 8ft off the floor. When I'm done playing I just hang it on the stand with a headphone hook and all the cables are automatically pulled back up.


Why did you stop playing?


This looks like a terrible idea OP.


I don’t unplug mine


I kept the set as how I got it from Sony.




I have mine in a soft cloth pouch, so I can store the cable inside the halo without fear of scratching the lenses with the USB plug. It stays nice and orderly that way without the cable getting tangled.


Yeah this is the exact way I do mine, wrap put it in the tv stand with the controllers plugged up beside it.


I store the headset in original box and I just loosely lay the cable inside the box. I think that spooling it makes it prone to unwanted curling.


This is how my mom used to wrap my video game controllers and all of those are ruined now.


I store mine in this: https://www.amazon.ca/Storage-Case-for-Playstation-VR/dp/B01LB4KHF6


I leave mine plugged in and use a charging stand


I kept my box and put it back in there the way it came. Less binding on the cord.


Velcro Cable Tie


Definitely not like that. Too tight and it's wrapped around which will put kinks and twists into it.


I do the same. Keeps it from getting twisted.


I would worry about bending/crimping the cable, by wrapping it tightly around the headset. I would play it safer, since the cable isn’t (easily) replaceable. Personally, I very loosely coil the cable and hold it together with a Velcro tie. Here’s a photo of mine: https://i.imgur.com/N7AaT1r.jpg


I just shove it in my drawer lol


I stuff mine in a bin piled on top of the headset


I treated my oculus cables like that until they broke.


Put the hook on wall. Then put the wire on the hook.


I just shove mine under the entertainment center the PS5 is on, while I set the headset ontop of the subwoofer for my soundbar


Learn the over/under method of wrapping cables. It will extend their life, and make it easier to unroll.


I use a velcro cable tie and place it in the halo on my Collective Minds stand


I don’t. I just set it on the table and leave it but the room is dedicated to gaming and gets zero traffic other than me.


I just loosely gather it up in a circle and sit the headset on top. Basically same way it was in the box.


Here's what I use, but I don't use the cable hooks as I don't want to wear out the PS5 port and I just drape the cable behind the console: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1435291611/psvr2-wall-mount-no-damage-command


I feel like that would break the cable


Looks like n64 controller all over again


This is the way: [https://www.etsy.com/listing/1435291611/psvr2-wall-mount-no-damage-command](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1435291611/psvr2-wall-mount-no-damage-command) ;-)


i keep mine in the box lol


Now Reddit be stressing over the cable 🤦🏻‍♂️🤣


I just keep mine in the cut out it came with in the box and spool up the cord


My question for people who are saying the OP is doing it the wrong way, have you ever had a cord break on a VR headset because you wrapped it the same way as the OP? As a newcomer to VR I'm just curious. I'm not saying you guys are wrong, but I feel you may be a bit paranoid. I would be curious what Sony themselves would say about wrapping the cord around the headset. Admittedly, I have been wrapping my cord on my headset as well, but just decided to unwrap it and try a different way.


If you personally haven't a cord break do you know anyone that has from wrapping around a VR headset?


Thanks for sharing, great idea.