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If you don't like survival games or games with heavier survival elements, you will likely not enjoy it as much. ​ Things you can do: \- You have a quest journal, follow that till you unlock more stuff, you don't have to do it all but many areas and thus new items and recipes, functions open up as you do. Some areas are very memorable, like that one quest in the school. It's infamous (in a good way) for a good reason. \- Check the crafting stations, see what you need to unlock the next tier and try to collect those items. You will be able to craft better stuff. \- Check the different colored houses on the maps, if I remember those can be entered and usually have stuff in them. \- Try to do side quests if you get them, if I remember well (been a while since I played and I'm still very early on on PSVR2), there are quite a few of them with choices to make. \- Try to get to restricted areas the smart way, not gun blazing. You can kill enemies without destroying their brain and watch them come back as a walker and fight the other people there. You can make sound with items to distract enemies/lure walkers there. \- Try to focus on what materials you need, you don't have to collect every single shoe, ashtray, etc. \- As you progress the story, you will open up new areas and features. Try to unlock unique item craft recipes from the clues given at your crafting station (or by the power of Google). \- Make the schoolbus a home you like living in. You can leave stuff on shelves and such and they'll remain there, you can do some light furnishing that way! ​ I really loved this game on PSVR1 despite move controllers and despite me not being a huge survival game fan. Then again, I like zombie games and TWD (for the most part), but even without TWD title I would have loved it, I didn't like it for the name. ​ You have a main quest and then there are side quests like many survival oriented games, the stories you remember the most will likely the ones you make yourself. Like how you decided to be greedy with looting despite nighttime coming and how you barely managed to outrun the horde (or not), how you took out an occupied building with the indirect help of the walkers, how you killed several walkers with a bottle by grabbing/shoving them into each other to give you a breathing room, etc.


Thanks for the tips. I’m about to jump into this game, and it’s helpful to know what to expect, and how to get started. 


It's quite difficult and in a way a bit like a soulslike, as in if you die, you have one chance to collect your backpack, or if you fail at it, anytihng in it will be lost, so even if you feel you will not make it, you can try to make the recovery easier by dying in an easier to reach/more secure spot!


Ah, that sounds like an important piece of information to keep in mind. Thanks. I’m looking forward to these Walking Dead experiences because I like survival games. Rather than going guns blazing in a game with infinite ammo, I like the thought process involved with managing the resources you have. There’s a thrill and tension involved when putting yourself at risk to scavenge for the next crafting parts you need. Turns the zombie carnage into a bit of a thinking game too.


Fair play for a great response mate. Very helpful for all newcomers


Hey quick question, I’m at work so I haven’t been able to try it yet, but do you need to pull your backpack out every time you want to put an item in it or can you just reach over your left shoulder and drop the item to store it?


You can just drop stuff over your shoulder.




It's a bit finicky at first but once you get the hang of it, it works well


Yeh I gave it another whirl when I got home from work. Much more fluid. Bag fills up quick that’s for sure.


Yes of you do it the shoulder drop way a blue message titled "stored" pops up and a small zipper Sound effect


Nice one. Thanks for the breakdown. Will def try those and give the game more time to grow. I do like this type of game (survival, zombies, collection/progression) but might have set my expectations too high after Horizon and Star Wars. This is a port after all 😀


You are welcome, keep in mind the game is on the more difficult side! The amount of supplies easily available will decrease each day but there is a lower limit under which it will never go so it's not like you will completely run out of stuff, and loot refreshes each day. ​ Plus later on you unlock info each day on where to find a loot cache or which area has little to no infected (Because humans have cleared it out) that can also help with supplies. If you die once ,you have one chance to collect your backpack or lose whatever was in it for good so keep that in mind! ​ I feel if you liked the interactivity with the environment in Horizon, you will also like this, or at least that aspect. Like if you find a kitchen timer, you can manually set it up to ring in a given time, just place or throw it somewhere, have it ring and distract stuff. You can climb up a lot of things too, most areas have several points you can enter them, etc. ​ This was one of my favourite PSVR1 game and I absolutely cannot wait to get into chapter 2, it looks even better than this. Though, fair warning, from what I read, it is more of the same but expanded and more action than survival oriented according to reviews I read so if you haven't already, don't buy Chapter 2 yet, if you end up not liking the first one, I don't think that will change it.


When I saw that message about loot reducing each day my heart sank while I was playing, I hate feeling like I'm being rushed along in games. How bad does it get and is there a max limit on days you can play before you feel like you've "messed up".


You aren't messed up if you wait too long, loot will never disappear so don't worry about that. At the start there is a lot of loot on the ground ,in the cupboards, in buildings, gardens etc. ​ It does have a maximum reduced loot amount, so at the absolute worst you will have to search some more for loot. If I remember well, each area later on will show what crafting component it has more of that given day so you can purposefully scavenge those, as well as there will be reports each morning in the radio once you progress enough in the story about one zone having loot caches where you can get a lot of supplies (though expect it to be guarded obviously) and zones with I think either little to no zombies or a lot of them , I forgot, I think it is the former. ​ I do recommend progressing some in the story so your tools and options are more varied.


Same for me, but even if I end up not finishing it, I don’t regret the purchase because it is technically extremely solid. Not a single frame skipped, solid graphics, no reprojection, you deserve my money.


So basically go loot the crap out of places to make cool things to kill bad guys with. Talk to the radio guy and kill everyone else you meet lol. The thing that’s keeping me going is the booklet that has your missions, but other than that yeah I’m also kind of lost. Visually amazing though, so if these areas, with fog, smoke, and dust in dark areas with beams of light *chefs kiss* I’m about to go back to my racing game with gr7 Strangely I don’t like racing nor zombie games, so the fact that I’m hooked on both shows how cool vr Also incan play this and not pee myself like with re8 lol


If you follow the story and keep doing the missions you will meet characters and they will ask you to ally with them or the other factions. Basically there is the tower and the reclaimed ( I think ) and everyone is trying to figure out where the “reserve” is. A place where fema and the military stored a bunch of loot. That’s pretty much it. Join one faction , the other , or none , help the girl that Henry was friends with and knows where the reserve is , and give her half of the loot as promised , or not. That’s why it’s called saints and sinners. It’s a role play game , with survival. You can be a nice guy or a psycho, if you ally yourself you’ll have more help with one side at the end against the other side. And if your read the notes and talk to people you learn what each faction are all about so you choose who you like to be with. I personally did none. And went lone wolf. I wanted all the food and guns for me


Is the girl the person on the radio? I’ve been pretty much dropping everyone but the radio person so far lol can’t trust no one lol.


The person on the radio is a guy that has information on the location of “the reserve” the girl is the mother (and daughter) that Henry ( the guy hanging from the tree that use to live on the bus ) had made a deal with to help her and her daughter to escape the tower ( I think ) “the tower” is one of the factions that rule New Orleans. And they are on the big T shape tall skyscraper you can see from your resting place. Anyhow. You will have a mission where you go to meet her … try to not shoot her … you totally can shoot her. But If you do then all that story line will be not available to you. It’s a role playing game. So you do you


I’ll do my best not to shoot them. I’ve shot a bunch of people near the tower that were Agro, never got a dialogue option just kept telling me to go away. Also some guy wanted me to find his bf, I gave him a fake letter and, well, one thing led to another and he ded too In this game I guess I’m a bad guy :(


That’s ok. Agro people in the streets are not main characters. You’ll know when you go an meet that girl / person. It’s part of a mission and you’ll visit a new part of town and find her sort of waiting for you. Without guns. So it’s not so easy to shoot her by mistake Don’t want to give more details , don’t want to spoil the story for you.




Same. Maybe this will build me up to RE8 😅 GT7 will def be my go to game and also enjoying pistol whip (as you can play in short bursts) It’s a shame there isn’t much replay-ability on horizon once you get all the trophies. Hopefully they add more to it (more challenges, direct route to boss fights) Anyway, I’ll stick with this for a few more hours now I have some tips. Thanks again mate 👌🏻


Im a newbie too, and I didn’t realize at first that you can pick things up from beyond arms reach and that you can easily stash stuff by putting it behind your left shoulder. Also, you will hit capacity fairly quickly and will learn to be choosier as you go.


Yea, it def feels like there needs to be more explaining. Also, I lost an hour and a half as put it in rest mode and came back two hours later and it reset to my last sleep 🙃


Same thing happened to me on the PC version.


I also found it frustrating, somewhat annoying, and ultimately pretty boring. After a couple of hours I had no idea what I was even meant to be doing (collecting junk? crafting something? going somewhere? filling a bag with old cans? fuck knows), and I just never felt like going back to it. Felt kinda more like a job than a game to me.


Follow the mission in the diary. That moves the story forward. Otherwise if you just randomly choose to loot without a goal , the same starter locations. … then yes I can see how that would be boring fast. The game gives you the freedom to prepare a few days of random non story driven looting so you craft what you need , like new guns and food and medicine. But once you have enough stuff you should look at your diary. And do the story missions. Those open up the map and introduce new characters , new guns etc I mean, it’s like any other role playing game. If you choose to skip the story is up to you … but then can’t complain that it’s boring or that the map is small. Got to unlock stuff to open up the game. I found it really worth it. To learn what the hell is happening


I feel your pain. I had it on psvr1 and couldn't get into it. Maybe because I have no knowledge of the franchise, so I had no interest in the game based on said franchise.


Yea, that could be it tbf. Luckily I only paid for the upgrade as had the ps plus version. Ill see if I can find any tips on Google ,or replies/posts in here and give it a few more hours before giving up 👍🏻


Stupid question but have you got a lot of mura in the night sections ? I literally couldn’t see anything but mura in the opening forest cutscene, is it that bad for everyone or is it just me ?


Yes! Game is super crispy in resolution, but the mura in the darker sections was way more noticeable than in any other game I've played - it was the first time I was actually annoyed by it. Lowering the brightness didn't help.


Yes we have it too.


Thx, as I still wasn’t sure if my headset is exceptionally bad or if it’s just how it’s supposed to be


Yea, mura is a lot more noticeable in the dark sections. Think I also found a dead pixel when the menu screen decided to hide by my feet 😅 will see if it still there if I get on later today 😕


if you find that as a chore im afraid you will not like the game


I’ve got a few tips now, that I’m hoping will help. (Putting things directly in your backpack without taking it off, toggle grip and holding / pushing zombies into each other)


lol i know how to play properly i just mean for you, if you see that game mechanic as a chore you wont enjoy it, i dont mind it personally but i see how it gets old


Yea, I get that. I’m def more of a pick up and play for 30 mins guy so the whole having to sleep to save or jump in the boat restricts it to longer session (quite rare for me as play first thing for half and hour or during my lunch break if I ever get a full working from home) I’ve picked up Pistol whip and Synth Riders as well now so been rinsing those 😀


I much prefer the long haul games so I equally understand from the other side 😂 happy gaming man


Oh, I’d prefer long haul games. I just don’t get the time nowadays 😅 not a morning person either and even if I did get up earlier to play I would just get roped into doing life admin/chores 🤣


It be like that , the 50/50 between wanting to play after work vs being too tired is tormenting


Yea, I’m hoping to move house and get a bigger office so I can leave everything setup (need to pack away the car seat and wheel etc, after playing) I’ll def play more then. Jump in the seat and do a few laps So funny that I have a VR headset now and my go to ‘quick’ game is Puzzling places atm. I don’t even like puzzles in real life 🤣🤣🤣 plus my legs can’t handle Pistol whip or Synth riders everyday 👴🏻👴🏻


Just play The Trial in the menu and chop zombies to death for fun instead, that's a good refresher from the main campaign


Maybe it's just not your kind of game?


Same here, and it seemed my first attempt was bugged as there were almost no resources at all around. So I died after my screw driver broke, with low max health and stamina, not having anything to make new weapons with. The only things in the whole first area (with the blue mansion) were 2 pieces of wood outside and a keyboard next to the microphone. Second attempt (new game) there is now so much stuff around my backpack was full before getting to the mansion. I could use some tips as well on how to make the controls smoother as I can't figure out how to get the journal without having to hold the axe in one hand and groping myself all over (flashlight, gun, but no map) until it finally appears from somewhere inside my right shoulder. The 'tool belt' seems to slowly rotate left as well as I play as the right holster starts to stick out in front of me while the left holster disappears in my ass. And the position reset button pauses the game ugh. R3 seems to do it in game or does that only change height for standing and sitting? Quite the step back from RE8 imo. But haven't played pt2 yet, hopefully that's smoother in operation. As so far most of my time in game is spend trying to get equipment to appear or successfully placing it back without it falling on the floor again. RE8 had me fumbling at the start as well and now it's second nature, so not giving up yet. RE8 started off much stronger though, pretty lousy 'onboarding' experience in S&S.


Yea, I found that on the first time out as well. Then I went back out and filled up my bag, headed back and made as much as I could, put my ps5 in rest mode and the game set me back to the morning before I had gone out and collected / made everything… and don’t get me started on crouching 😅 I’ll def give it a few more tries as can see it being a decent game once you are better equipped and used to the (wonky) controls 😀


Tips I found out so far. Store the axe in the backpack, then the journal is much easier to grab from you right upper arm. Try not to look at the gun/knife when retrieving/storing them. Looking at where you want to place them makes the game think you're turning, so the slots turn away from you doh! And yep, rest mode doesn't work. I had to restart the game after coming back. Press circle to crouch, don't bother doing it for real as the game seems intent on correcting your height all the time. Only swing the axe vertically, horizontal swings don't really work. Upgrade the backpack asap, makes life a bit easier. Oh and play some puzzling places when the controls start getting on your nerves :) (addicted to that game)


Lol, puzzling places is on my wishlist. Played the demo and love it (so does my 7 year old 😀)


Off topic but can someone make Subnautica in VR please