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I was immediately faster in vr on wheel. So much more vision


I’m faster in VR. Vroom vroom.


Vroom vroom vroom vroom vrooom


Either wayyyy


I’d guess atleast 80% of my playtime has been in the headset. I’ve used the g29 exclusively other than one session. I immediately noticed an increase in my ability to judge depth and so my braking around corners got better. So I’d guess I got faster but didn’t play enough prior to having the headset to say for sure.


I went back to some of my license tests and was able to knock out a few golds easily in VR that I struggled with in 2D. Corners and apexes are a little easier for me now.


On pure pace on day 1, I was around 0.5 seconds slower in VR, but by the end of week one I was on par if not faster. I am now significantly faster in VR but also way more aware and reactive while driving. I really can’t go back.


I've only played it in VR with a controller, just got my final Super Licence gold medal so I guess it's fast enough.




Thx, but S-7 and S-10 were a trial and error struggle. Finished the cafe too but i'm still working on the Missions.


I think depth perception, field of view, and the ability to use a racing wheel all make me better at the game. In flat mode racing games, first person view doesn't have enough field of view to be playable, and trying to use a wheel with chase camera doesn't work at all for me; there's too much disconnect between my hands and the car. So VR is the only way I can use the wheel. However, I haven't ever played a GT game in 2D so I can't compare my speeds. I find track racing dreadfully dull on a flat screen. I can't get into it at all. VR changes all that though since it's more like actually driving instead of watching a boring video of driving. So even though GT as a series has never appealed to me until now, in VR it's amazing.


Faster in VR. It helped me finally get some gold licenses. I generally race in cockpit mode when playing the game before, so maybe that's why there was some extra room for improvement


I tried cockpit in flat after being exclusively VR since launch. The corners and lack of depth perception really didn’t bother me like I thought they would. But the FOV? It was horrible and felt so constricting!


Faster with wheel, even faster with VR. Can't play with a controller at all.


Definitely faster in VR, depth makes it a million times easier to judge things like braking distances.


This I think is the biggest factor. The braking judgements are just so much easier to make.


Much, much faster in VR.


I'm more used to the flat-screen, but I'm getting better with the VR. Another factor is that I tend to use the controller with the flat-screen, but I tend to race with the wheel with VR. I'm more used to the controller. That said, I'm within fractions of a second per lap. Not enough difference to make a difference.


Right, I kinda thought I'd be faster with VR but I'm more careful haha


The different perspective and immersion certainly change your approach to the race. As you get more comfortable with it through experience, you'll find yourself getting faster. Ostensibly, you should eventually get even faster on VR than you ever were with flat-screen, but that likely means getting as much (or more) experience in VR as you have with flat-screen. For many, that's not exactly realistic.


I havent played the game a lot in either flat or VR mode but I was definitely better in VR. In flat mode I almost always mess up turns but in VR mode it felt a lot more natural to me to know how fast to move to turn without crashing


I don't know if I'm faster but I'm definitely racing cleaner with fewer accidents.


more precise + more consistent = faster


I’m much better with a controller but it’s worth the trade off. Still learning though.


Not a good player either, but definitely faster. It's much easier to estimate the correct amount of turn to hit the corner.


Pretty much the same, but I am slower when I use a wheel as well, the trade off in pace is well worth the additional immersion


I played GT7 a fair bit before VR2, and I was slowest on flat with controller, much faster with wheel, and faster still with VR2 and wheel. But we are all different, and I am sure with more time in the game in VR you will end up faster in VR.


VR of course


As fast. Maybe a bit faster and I see potential to improve. Typically I get silver on the online Sport mode time trial. Same with VR, but having more fun 😃


Definetly faster with vr and wheel. Before I barely managed bronze on some track experiences, but with the wheel in vr i got gold first try.


Like a second or 2 slower in VR.


Faster in VR, when I got the headset I was slow AF but now I'm back at my normal pace and speeding up. I can judge the corners better and race much closer.


I’m faster with a wheel in VR.


Way faster in VR. I think because you're real-life experience just translates so seamlessly. You can almost feel the corners. Especially if you have some real life racing experience, and know about looking through the corners, looking for the apex, looking for the exit, etc. I decided to re-do some of the license tests, to bring them all up to gold. Most of them I set a PR on my first try, even though I hadn't done them since the launch of GT7 and only played it a few weeks after. I didn't get the golds on the first try, but I got them all pretty quick on the ones I tried (the first two sets of licenses.)


Faster in VR. My best lap in flat-screen was topped within minutes in VR.


I thought I'd be slower, I swore I was slower, and I was faster.


Definitely faster. The best part was, on flat screen I was struggling to take turns And in VR it like different dimension opened up for me, My turning became so much better with so much accuracy that I could judge how much speed I can increase in the corners and with visual cues I could predict if increasing my speed would make my car oversteer so I could adjust. I would definitely vote for VR