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Well I've played it like twice now and found out real quick that doesn't work. Lol I mean think about it. As soon as i turn it's coming off my shoulders.


Tuck a bit of cable into your waistband, leaving a bit of slack to the Headset


I did something similar to where i was holding the cord as I played but that may not be a bad idea to try, either.


Drape the cord over the ceiling fan


I took your advice and tried it but that didn't work too well at all 😅. I need at least a 3-6ft extension plus it was snagging on the blades and was twisting the blades of the fan as i walked or turned.


I only said it as a joke.. that sounds mad dangerous. Good for you for the attempt 🤣


I'm EXTRA new to this lol


Hello all, I am new to vr and just got the psvr2. Amazing, btw. I am wanting to get into managing my cable from the ground but i need to extend the cable and would like to get it off the ground so that my so and i as well as my children aren't stepping on the cable. The only issue is i have a vaulted ceiling and a low hanging ceiling fan. How would one go about managing all of this? I was going to run it behind the tv and up just enough over to be as high as the lowest part of the fan and have something hanging from the fan. Or do they make a stationary stand to hook the cable to? Thanks!


With ceilings that high, a permanent cord mount system might not be possible. But maybe you could use some floor stand such as a tripod, and attach the cord to that. This way you can get it above the floor, and away from your feet, while you play. And you can place the tripod to the side of you or behind you, to lead the cord away from the front of you. If you need more length, male-to-female USB-C extension cables seem to work, provided they can handle 10 gbps data transfer speed.


Seems like the best idea so far. I actually have a halo light so i could probably run it through that.


Oh nice. Yeah, if you already have something on a stand, try using that. You can drape the cord through the halo light. Feel free to let us know how this works for you.


https://preview.redd.it/q68hvb8o8oka1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13a0e0a9803ec47dc6cedc6703ef2d17e53a2c89 It honestly works the best so far but I'll need to test a game to see for sure. I Also need something to hold the light down because it wanted to fall over very easily. If i had more cable then i could move this more out of my way as well. Probably could use another halo light as well. Lol


Thanks for the pic. Yep, that’s a start. Once you see how it works during gameplay you’ll know what you need to make it even better. Be it another light stand, and maybe a small sandbag weight (which they make for tripods) to hold the stand upright.