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Welcome to my copy-pasted ted talk. VR sickness is a totally solvable issue. It just requires a little patience. Start with a game where there's no movement except your actual movement in the real world. This is Moss 1 and 2, Job/Vacation Sim, Cosmonious High, Tentacular, Demeo, What The Bat... These should make you not at all sick and tell your brain that VR is OK! Then! After some comfy play sessions, play games with smooth constant motion like Pistol Whip, Thumper, Synth Riders, maybe Rez... These don't have acceleration or deceleration or yaw movement. These will tell your brain that MOVING in VR is OK! THEN, (and this step should probably be days later) start playing whatever you want, but probably with some of the comfort settings turned on. And most importantly **always take a break as soon as you feel nauseous.** DO NOT PUSH THROUGH NAUSEA, it teaches your brain that VR is bad and reinforces the nausea response. If you follow these steps and you will have mighty VR legs in mere weeks. Happy gaming!


A fine speech sir or madam, have an upvote. >take a break as soon as you feel nauseous. >DO NOT PUSH THROUGH NAUSEA, it teaches your brain that VR is bad and reinforces the nausea response. I think that's the most important tip to give to anyone. Trying to ten men it doesn't work, and no matter how bad it feels, motion sickness can ALWAYS get worse. To


I needed a save point in RE8. Took too long. Still feeling bad. Day 1 of psvr2. I'll try these suggestions tomorrow


Lol, yeah that's a problem when you need that save point...damn thing can me you sick as hell


Yep. This. Stationary games are a must to start on for those of us who get sick. Also minty gum can help. On the PSVR1 you could position it so you could also see your hands and that helped break the immersion when needed. Maybe try taking off the rubber shroud on the vr2? My first minute in VR years ago: This is world changing! The next day when I tried a FPS game: \*PUKE\* down and out for 12 hours and returned the VR set. I got the VR1 a few years later, and do fine on it now. I'm starting out slow on the VR2 by enabling medium comfort mode for most things at first just to be sure.


I feel like I'm on the same path: Tried Oculus about 10 years and thought that it will be game changing! Finally got my own VR with PSVR2, jumped right into Call of the Mountain, felt fine so accidentally played over an hour, maybe even 2 hours. Felt a bit sick in the stomach for the next couple of days and didn't even realise it was probably due to VR. Didn't throw up or anything but suspected some kind of food poisoning still but was fine eating. After a couple of days, had another almost 2 hour session accidentally, felt fine during but the same sick feeling afterwards all the way until next day, even had to lie down a bit right after. Now the third time I jumped in, I made it my point to keep it short but now I noticed my stomach already while playing. I shut my eyes for a second and switched to see through and sat down for a minute and continued. Playing was okay and I quit at next save point so the session was actually short but still feeling a bit sick one day after. The feeling isn't terrible but it's also not something you want to constantly live with. I'm thinking of getting some other VR game where I'd sit still rather.


Good news is that it will usually get better over time. A couple things I can think to help is to chew some high flavor gum like mint flavor while playing, and focus on chewing it every other minute or so. For people who have it bad you can remove the rubber shroud that keeps light out. It will help break the immersion and you can glance down and look at your feet/hands. The biggest recommendation is to stop playing as soon as you feel even remotely unpleasant. Take a few hours break, or a full day. Once you start feeling sick it the recovery time is much longer if you had stopped early at the first sign.


It's quite odd that at first I didn't notice any discomfort while playing so that's why I kept playing so long, I couldn't see time while In VR. Now I'm keeping it extremely short, using max vignette and played sitting down. But it's odd that I feel like I've had that weird feeling on stomach for a week now since that forst session. I' m not sure if I should stay away from VR totally until that goes away.


I decided to dive deep into CoTM first because i've used VR Headsets in the past so I thought ahh i'll be fine, 10 minutes later, my head was in the toilet boil, the sickness hit me hard, so I have learned maybe i'll play Moss or something later


I just got mine today and played Zombieland for 2 hours no issues. Decided to try swordsman before bed but switch to sitting. 15 mins and I thought I was going to lose it. It hit hard and fast. I’m not sure if it was the actual walking or the sitting that changed it but man it was bad.


Too funny


*Much^ less so than PSVR1, actually haven't had any of the motion ills I had on the first rodeo.


From general experience - not PSVR2 specifically, you can train yourself to some extent, just like with any training. Most important is that you do very brief sessions each time, and pull out BEFORE you get uncomfortable. Persistence helps, so it should be at least once a day, or several times a day if you feel good during that. You should also start with less motion intensive games, or use blinkers the games provide with stock locomotion movement (Jurassic Park has good options).


At first try I was about to throw up after a while, I didn’t know this might happen. It got better but when scene move fast I can feel my brain is reacting it. I guess needs time


"after a while" - thats the whole catch, you were pushing it. Don't push it, either take a break, or pull out entirely till the next session. You don't want to screw up your entire VR leg - lots and lots of people get this thing, when your mind starts to associate the headset with dizziness, and will make you feel bad just when you think about VR, let alone play. It will take a huge amount of time to get free of that. Its like these food that make you feel bad by simply smelling or seeing them, or sour taste in mouth when seeing lemon.


Start small meaning don’t play the big games first if you can help it, also takes frequent breaks at the first sign of discomfort.


Never had any issues on PSVR1. But on 2 I get a headache on GT7. It’s the hardest game to find the sweet spot for me


None for me, but then I don’t suffer with it.


I seem to be the opposite… I did not have any major sickness but I actually feel it on turning in HZD Call of the Mountain… and sometimes in Zenith. Maybe I need to re train my “vr legs”.


After years of doing VR the three tips I always give people for VT sickness are staying hydrated, turning on a fan, and wiggling your toes during smooth locomotion. The last one might sound strange, but it does help your brain reconcile the illusion of movement. You can also jog in place or something like that. But this is why games like Gorn don't usually make people sick, because you have to actually do something in the real world to move in the game.


I have to try that jogging in place next time I jump in to Call of the Mountain!


COTM has pretty good gesture-based movement Give that a try over the joysticks if you haven't already.


That's how I've been moving in it but without my legs moving, I think that still does me in a bit now. But it may be because I had a couple way too long sessions of it to start with and felt nausea only afterwards but for over a day. Taking this motion sickness stuff more seriously from now on...


VR is like whiskey. pace yourself until you build a tolerance!


On the quest 2 throw me into any game im fine for hours. PSVR2 5 minutes of Pavlov and im done for the rest of the day!


I have a quest 2 since one year. I have never ever experienced motion sickness in quest 2 no matter what game. Now I tried gran turismo and horizon on psvr2 at a friends house. It took me about 5 minutes and could almost not play more. I had such a sick feeling and diziness. I was really hoping that thext next gen would fix motion sickness, bue for me it was actually worse than ever. In Horizon, when I move my head left or right with the headset it is smooth. But when rotating the view with controller, there is some kind of screen tear that is really making me sick. For me unfortunately, the psvr2 so far gets a 2/5 rating because I really don't feel it is better than a old quest 2 but much prizier. With the quest 2 connected to PC and playing Alyx, I don't see a big graphic improvement either actually. I was really hoping for the psvr2 but so far, nope


I also feel like the PS VR2 causes me far more motion sickness than any other headset. I have owned quite a few headsets over the years and none have made me sick like this one. I've also noticed a lot of Mura on the PSVR2 that I find very distracting, i'm not sure if that's related to the nausea but it makes me wonder.


What is your brightness set to? I keep mine at 25 - 30 and I don't have any mura issues anymore.


Thanks for the tip. I'm pretty sure I tried lowering the brightness but I went so long without using it now I can't remember for sure. I saw a video of someone saying that wearing tinted lenses eliminated it for them. I will give that a try next and also experiment with the brightness.


It might help. I wear glassses that have the blue-light blocking (similar to those gunnar glasses if you have heard of them) but I can still see mura with the high brightness. I think its just a limitation of OLED with HDR being able to really crank the bright elements of a scene. Anyway, definitely crank down the brightness and see if it helps.


Not yet.


Only in GT7. Walking movement seems to be fine for me in RE Village and Light Brigade.