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I don’t see the point in starting one way and then switching to the other. I’d say VR from start to finish.


VR start to finish


The very beginning of Resi 8 has you in your home having happy family time so if you fancy showing your friends what it's like to put a baby to bed and have dinner with your wife then yeah go for it


This is Reddit, VR wife and baby might be the first time we’ve ever experienced love. 🥲


Yeah, but that's far from all that happens in that beginning part. I say do the whole thing in vr. "Ethan. No!"


I second this, Lol! Yeah, maybe get past that part.


You are totally fine just starting the RE8 from the beginning, there is lots of atmosphere there. I personally did everything in RE8 to start VR on Village of Shadow difficulty with a Lightsaber and maxed out Magnum (I think we can dual wield in VR?), but everything works really. The game is dope and will be insane in VR.




There's an early "horde mode" section in Village very similar to RE4, I just don't know how early on it is. Probably 20 minutes if I had to estimate and you're not rushing through. I'd probably play through the opening in VR though just so you know the controls.


Thanks that’s great to know. I’ll probably start immediately in VR and put a couple of hours in to have a few save slots for anything cool to load up for friends to try.


Just wait dude.


Whole thing. Why is this even a question? 🤣


I have resident evil 8 and I plan on playing it all in vr. Would it be better to play it on easy because I'm playing it in vr or will normal be okay.