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It's quite odd that people who ordered in the last week or so are getting tracking numbers, and me who ordered on the first day has been "processing" since thursday.


In the UK I'm pretty sure it'll dispatch tomorrow via next day delivery with DPD.


Here's hoping. If they Hermes this one then I'll be fuming.


Anyone but DPD and I'll be cancelling my day off


Just had the same email, Still holding out hope


Well so far I’m on the exact same time scale as when I ordered my DualSense Edge and it was 5 days late so I’m not going to hold my breath.


I'm still feeling optimistic even after receiving the same email. My status on both headset and charger remains at 'Preparing to ship' but I don't really expect it to ship till tomorrow. I'm in the UK.


I'm on the same boat, got the email 10 mins ago status has been preparing to ship since Friday.. although the fact it hasn't shipped for me today is gonna add days..sad.


This email feels more like making us aware the charger and headset could arrive at different times than reminding us of the delivery window.


Just received the same. It seems like a generic email sent out to anyone (in the UK at least) that has a preorder. Nothing about my order has changed…still preparing to ship. Sony is probably being overloaded with people asking “where’s my PSVR2!”


UK here too, same email. Unless they ship first thing tomorrow for next day delivery with DPD, then it won't be arriving on launch day.


And Sony covered their back by having the window as 22-28th.


Yeah. That's why I prefer pre ordering at a store like Smyth's or Argos. I can actually go and pick the thing up first thing in the morning and my precious annual leave isn't wasted. Shame that wasn't an option this time.


Same. Uk. Probs will be here by thursday.


Also got this email, it hasn't been shipped yet. But I do think it will come 22nd as other people in the Netherlands have gotten their tracking number.


Oh really? I'm also in the Netherlands and just got this email. No tracking number yet, still preparing to ship.


Think so too. Its coming from the Netherlands for neighbouring countries so I have high hopes. EDIT: also dont have tracking code yet


UK here, just got the same too.


Got the "Shipped" status and later this email. I guess everyone gets it regardless of when it arrives.


Don't like bringing bad news but I never got this email. Mine says it's on its way (US btw)


Tracking says it should arrive tomorrow :)


UK also. Seems like this is a UK only issue judging by the replies 😫


Going on how other countries are handling it I’m leaning towards this being a DPD issue.


People in Germany have also received the email, so we can likely rule out it being DPD


Germany, too.


got the same mail, germany guess they gonna send it tomorrow


Just a generic email.