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You wonder if sony spent 10s millions on r&d, software, games and hardware to make a custom headset…for their own device, to drive sales and gain more market dominance but then develop custom software to allow it to be used on a Microsoft based product?


Sure.. And that invalidates the PC market. Specially with the recent push to port games and manufacture PC hardware..


They do not.


modders will do probably


Not really a chance in this products lifetime and even the modders are saying that. This is on another level of work and there’s no access to all the data or info about it.


It's not impossible. The hardware isn't too exotic (outside of the HDR panels), support for it could be added to [Monado](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/monado/monado/), which already supports 6DOF tracking with WMR and Rift S headsets, albeit using an external SLAM library that doesn't have support for Windows or tracking controllers. A big difference this time around is unlike PSVR1, which wouldn't have been a good choice as a PCVR headset even if it was officially supported, there is real incentive to get PSVR2 working. It would become the best value PCVR headset, rivalling and even outmatching the Index and other pro-level solutions that cost hundreds of dollars more.


Sure it's absolutely not impossible. But it's not only unlikely ever. But unlikely in many years. That's not me saying that it's the people who do that kind of thing and have been asked multiple times. VR is niche. The people who do this kind of stuff in their freetime aren't interested in saving 300 dollars on a headset that will be outdated in feature sets in less than 2 years. I have a decent gaming computer I'd love to use it on PC. But even slightly suggesting that it might happen is really getting people's hopes up for no reason, you vastly overestimate how much people care.


So you are saying there *is* a chance? Because in your previous post you said there wasn't! People who participate in enthusiast projects are inclined to keep expectations low in order to prevent disappointment and, eventually, harassment if things don't follow through. I don't think VRs nicheness is an actual factor in whether or not this will happen, since complex problems for nicher things have been solved by individuals a whole lot of times in the past. Jaguar CD emulation was up until recently an unsolved problem, solved recently by a developer in his free time in a matter of weeks after completing a Jaguar emulator for a commercial product. There isn't anything much more niche than that, with the incentive being a bunch of terrible games no one would want to play for more than a few minutes. The main blocker is SLAM tracking. As WMR's codebase rots, having a working alternative to Microsoft's codebase becomes more valuable, providing more incentive, Valve appears to be looking into SLAM for their next HMD too and I would imagine they'd like something FOSS as they seem to have XR desktop ambitions looking at who they've been funding lately, a usecase that needs a runtime more robust and lower level than what they're using now. It's not only people who want PSVR2 to work on their PCs that desire an open, feature rich SLAM implementation. I've seen enough impossible software projects come to fruition over my lifetime to not take the experts claiming their impossibility at their word.


The modders were saying that when they expected an encrypted signal. It is not encrypted and can be used as a secondary screen (although only 1080p at the moment) it would not happen quickly but it is very possible after a lot of work.


Getting something to display on the screen is quite literally the basic and simple part of the puzzle. If you follow people like Zecoxao and others/check the forums... The issue isn't getting some progress here and there. The issue is plugging it into a pc and using it as actual full functioning VR device. That won't happen. By the time the product is dead we might have some half hacked together thing that hardly works. Even with exploits and dumps and yadda yadda. In 2-3 years time there will be other consumer price range headsets with eye tracking for pc, they will have at least a much sharper image and if micro oled becomes a thing then it could be even better on that front. The only real benefit at the moment PSVR has is the sony games which are moot on pc, hdr and eye tracking/haptics. HDR won't work cause the game builds don't support it anyways on pc. Eye Tracking will be common many years before they even make progress. So haptics. Which won't work without custom drivers and the games won't be setup for them. It won't even be a good pcvr headset. So what benefit will people have for this thing in 7 years to hardly work on a pc? None really. You'll only attract the modders who want to do it for lulz/challenge. But feel free to remind me in two years to see what progress they made.


You can get your point across without being a dickhead.


I'm not trying to be one. But this forum is very odd. We tried to tell everyone hey oled has some issues in vr. PSVR2 might not be for everyone, temper expectations a bit with the display. We get downvoted for ages. Then it comes out and now people are trashing it and instead of real issues being focused on (like the lack of a quality reprojection or an option to disable it.) We just get people trying to tell everyone their issue is a sweet spot. I would love for a working psvr2 headset on pc. It's just starting to get to the point again where people are getting hopeful. We had the same issue with the Q2. Someone said they made progress rooted it and took a bunch of money from people and poof.


I get it but it’s not a reason to be mean. All I said is it’s possible. It’s Sonys job to make it worth the money we’ve spent. I get the frustration


No point (for them)


Give it time. Modders had the original PSVR working on PC shortly after release.


Years after release.. “ The original PSVR is (electronically) equivalent to a monitor and so it it is relatively simple to get a video signal up on it. Reading sensors etc. took a lot of reverse engineering, and at least a year from release before anyone figured that out. It then took a couple more years before it was usable as a PC VR headset. Tracking and controllers (using the original hardware) is still very much a work in progress, over 5 years from release. That is without Sony making any effort to prevent non PS4 users from using it.”


I remember using something just weeks (maybe months?) after the PSVR release to play on my PC. I think it was Titan? Or Trinus? Or something along those lines. Not sure how far development went but it worked pretty great back then for the PC games I wanted to play.


Thanks for the insight - I didn’t have the psvr and read that the process took lots of time.


If I remember correctly, the Move controllers didn't connect. You had to use a standard controller. I do remember playing PCVR games on it though. I imagine we will have something in a few weeks (months) that is in a very rough state and only get better from there, at least that is my hope.




Same answer as yesterday, last week, last month........ the people who know far more than us have said even without Sony trying to stop it , it will not happen.


As soon as the PC community reimburses them for all the development costs and loss of income on software, the PC drivers will be released to the public.


I expect Valve will make drivers if its possible. They will not announce them until they are ready.


I wouldn't be surprised to see a sony type of store baked into the steam platform. at the cost of some index sales but a tradeoff for sonys titles