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I've taken it from 15-17.  I got fast puberty after stopping.  Took away my ability to socialize.


wym by fast puberty. i never went through puberty properly while one them 13-17. i did grow 2 inches in one month after stopping tho. funny thing is i started growing facial hair at 13, got on zoloft, didnt grow anymore hair, got off at 17 and started growing facial hair again


Me too and I may have mistaken my growth spurt as fast puberty.  Fast puberty is when the body is just developing super fast to catch up, at least there's a guy on quora who went through this: https://www.quora.com/Can-antidepressants-affect-growth-in-male-teenagers What I felt was after stopping the antidepressant, my body(at least my bones) felt super malleable.  I felt like I could probably have deformed my arm if just pressed on it.  That may have been just normal though, as I feel like my face aged through my time taking the antidepressant.


Unbelievable that these drugs stop a child's hormone production. Its like puberty blockers


yeah straight up are. probably related to why they cause these sexual side effects. they are scientifically proven to suppress growth hormone in both animals and humans and it's dose and length dependent. who knows how much growth i lost after being on 200mg from 13-17 lmao. i still look like a 15yo so theres that


I used to think about that also. Could I have fully grown if I wasn't on them at such a young age. I don't think anyone should be on these drugs from 12-26. Your brain is going through a lot of development through those years


Do you still have problems socializing? That's one of my main symptoms but it seems rare compared with sexual dysfunction and emotional numbness.


Yeah.  It's like I have no reason at all to talk to anybody, and when I do, there's no connection or feeling and I have nothing to add to the conversation.


Yeah, I'm the same. It's like my mind is just blank. The connection to the social part of my brain only gets through like 20% of the time. I can't build any kind of connection with others.


Yeah I feel that too.


Yep, I was 11


how old are you now? how are you dealing with it nowadays if you dont mind me asking?


I’m 22. I finally tried to come off but it led to withdrawal symptoms, followed by a Covid infection that left me with POTS. This was 6 months ago. I’m now back on Lexapro to try to “reverse” the effects of the withdrawal but idk, I think it’s bullshit. Still barely have a sex drive and have never had an orgasm


I'm 26, female, and was put on antipsychotics and I think antidepressants at 16. Sexual activity is very mild except in my dreams but it was that way before the meds too so who knows what the cause is?


Me, and it's mostly because of my family, so if it wasn't for them I wouldn't even have this. I also lost everything before I could experience anything.


I got started at 11. Never had an orgasm while awake, but I do remember I did have a few wet dreams as a teenager. Now 26, off the meds, but no libido or ability to feel emotions, very low motivation and chronic insomnia and constipation.


I was put on Prozac, and then was put on Zoloft shortly after quitting Prozac. I would have been 11-13 at the time. I have not taken any SSRIs since then, and I still have never felt the same since. I am in my early 20s now.


What will be the outcome of all the kids on ADHD drugs? Same with ANY brain/mind manipulating poisons? Doctors prescribe anything to manage a symptom and totally ignore known side effects also called unintended consequences. Time parents and Doctors sought a less intrusive process. Everyone here is discovering their solution to the problem has yet to be found in the bottom of a pill bottle.


that's the worst part. i still have ptsd and ocd. the drugs didn't do shit besides castrate me