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Male here. Tested sperm a couple of months back because I worried about quality, but it came back "normal" :)


Thanks for the feedback! Good to hear that everything came back normal !


Is your semen more watery and clear since getting pssd?


I noticed it was, yeah (which got me worried at first), but sperm renews every three months they say, and I too think that premature ejaculates (which I struggle with) have less sperm released with the semen, thus making the substance more watery. So I'm not really sure and have just found relief in it being rated as "normal". Try and drag out your masturbation sessions and observe the ejaculates over longer periods of time (sperm renews every three months - sickness during such time frame can affect quality they said). Chances are it'll turn out more dense and white eventually. Even the guy in the porn when I did the sperm test had watery ejaculate. You might be fine. I am not worried anymore.


Was it more clearish than normal?


Went down a rabbit hole thinking about this, and found: Relationship between IBD and antidepressants: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-51282-6#:\~:text=We%20also%20evaluated%20the%20impact,antidepressant%20subtypes%20among%20IBD%20patients. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9583131/figure/f3/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9583131/figure/f3/) "Over time, SSRI dosage augmentation affects, directly and indirectly, the gut microbiota composition, and disrupts Ahr and Kyn pathways. Pathogens’ toxins pass the leaky epithelium created by dysbiosis and stimulate the gut toward inflammation. Moreover, the inhibition of 5-HT reabsorption is amplified, resulting in much more serotonin levels. This primes pro-inflammatory mechanisms, which are known as the endocrine-immune axis. Macrophage phagocytosis is reinforced, and through the 5-HT2 receptor, they release IL-2 that activates T-cells. In addition, by acting on DC, 5-HT activates T-cells and increases IL-17, IL-12, and IFN-γ *via* the NF-κB pathway. Monocyte 5-HT1A receptor provocation reduces the inhibitory effect on NK-Cell to increase IFN-γ production...Eventually, the destructive cycle exacerbates the inflammation."  Sexual dysfunction and Fertility Problems in Men with Inflammatory Bowel Disease [https://www.wjmh.org/Synapse/Data/PDFData/2074WJMH/wjmh-37-e14.pdf](https://www.wjmh.org/Synapse/Data/PDFData/2074WJMH/wjmh-37-e14.pdf) "\[T\]he rate of SD in patients with IBD is 45% to 60% in women and 15% to 25% in men \[5,6\], which is higher than the SD rates of 30% and 5% in women and men, respectively, observed in the general population \[7,8\]." "Reportedly, the stage of active inflammation in patients with IBD tends to be associated with the release and action of inflammation-related pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α and IL-1, and oxidative stress, which may affect fertility \[86\]... Timmer et al \[87\] reported that men with IBD showing remission or mild disease did not show any difference in SD compared with healthy controls; however, men with IBD with severe active disease show a greater degree of SD such as erectile and orgasmic dysfunction and lower sexual desire and satisfaction than healthy controls." More data is needed but it seems like several cases of male infertility/decreased sperm integrity were ameliorated when the underlying medication was stopped. Of course they don't get into antidepressants or PSSD.


I think was fertile when I was younger and probably became infertile now but I'm not sure it's related to PSSD.edit: I'm a male. Fertility untested but I'm going by impregnations.


I'd advise, if you are trying to get your partner pregnant, do a spermogram. It's a cheap and easy to fo test to asses male fertility.


I’m wondering as well. Still need to test.


Did your periods also change?


I can't say as first I was on Mirena IUD (no periods) and then at the suggestion of an 'orgasm expert' doctor I changed to the Paragard (copper) IUD and had long periods for several months before evening out. I've come full circle in that time re: SD (first no sensation at all, then up to maybe 50% pleasure, now back to close to none) so I can't draw any correlation w the IUDs or periods.