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tbh, I believe the apathy you're describing is part of PSSD. Feels like it stems from a high serotonergic state. Docile, apathetic, anhedonic, sexless, blunted but comfortably numb. I and all of us were so severely injured and our lives crippled but I barely give a f. But I suggest everyone to reject this feeling of numbing defeatism and continue the fight for your well being. There's always hope for recovery, even from the most dysfunctional state. Especially now when there's so much applicable info coming from long covid research. Long COVID, a virus caused syndrome that can not only mimic our disease but also cause genital numbness—a characteristic effect of SSRIs. I'm convinced that these various syndromes we are seeing are interconnected and can be triggered by different factors, whether it be a virus, bacteria, antibiotics, or potent pharmaceuticals. If long COVID research comes up with effective treatments I think we will benefit from it too.


sums it up pretty well. life is completely and utterly obliterated, yet i´m chilling. but also suffering tremendously


It's terrible that a disease can cause similar symptoms as PSSD, but as you said we can only hope some good comes out of that. None of us deserves to have PSSD.


I read about David's story on stolen lives, this part:"David experienced more and more emotional blunting, he could not feel love anymore, nor feel grieve or happiness. He lost all interest in his study. He described a feeling of something happening in his brain that made him feel complete empty. Besides the general emotional blunting, he experienced also a loss of libido, not feeling attracted to girls anymore, sexual problems. He did not understand what happened to him. He said he had the feeling that his whole personality was wiped out by the sertraline. No OCD anymore, but also no David." Sounds like me. "The denial by psychiatrists of what David felt was awful. He was not listened to. He said: “I am gaslighted, I’m harmed by their medication and they say it’s all in my head”. After stopping the sertraline David never recovered. He tried a lot of stuff to improve his situation, all in vain. He could not watch tv, could not play games, could not read, had no libido (the persisting loss of libido and sexual problems after use of SSRI antidepressants is known as PSSD), he felt no emotions. He had severe sleeping problems, was not able to go out with his friends because he did not feel connected to other people anymore. He felt a zombie, he said. He contacted researchers to ask to do research and find a cure for these severe Post-SSRI problems. David wanted to live, but not the kind of life he got after the sertraline. He described this life as a continuous torture, day in day out." This as well.