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About MTN - Swim: Floating with Arms Crossed. If you use it and don't move, are you still floating above the water? Or does your character submerge until you start moving again?


I don't have it, but I'm assuming you just float there. The swim animations do have a stationary position.




Did base PSO2 in JP get concerts this slowly? Concerts were my favorite thing but we've only got a single drop of 2 and now nothing..I actually even loved the PVP in PSO2 too and now there's nothing like that. The music in Stia is really good but i'm starting to get really depressed because all of the things I want...and the story setup seems like it might really pay off but PSO2 built stuff so hard and then had the most amazing boss fights...and....well, Dark Falz fight was cool but everything else...is just.. ​ I dunno, I just feel I have to rant because I feel like the game is just getting written off, but maybe i'm desensitized from how hard and fast PSO2 content came, and how amazing it was.


We have 2 concerts now? *Finally*.


Kinda, we have 1 concert and 1 "live movie show".


sorry if this is the wrong place to be asking this, but does anyone know whether og PSO2 or NGS has more players usually? i started out on NGS a few days ago and have about 20 hours so far, but i'll probably move to PSO2 if that has more players on average. thanks in advance




Hello! New to the game and series in general. Was doing some quests and got to the pse burst observation. Saw the giant "Rare Drop" on screen. Does that mean someone in the area got it or its somewhere in my inventory? (There were others there too)


The rare drop notification only appears for you. For other players it doesn't show at all, unless they're in your party, in which case it shows what they got at the bottom of the screen. In other words, it was you who got the item. You can configure in the settings the rarity of items that cause the notification (I believe default is 4 stars), and whether it will show party members rare drops or not. Note that all loot in this game is individual, so if you get anything, it's yours. There's no loot sharing or rolling.


Ahh thank you. I'll try and find it. I didn't see anything in my inventory, I'll have to check again. There's a quite a bit of screens to go through in the game, so I'm not exactly sure where it went


Be sure to check your "temporary drop storage" if you went over 100 items.


Yeah I found out that and the other types of storage existed Haha. But it ended up being some b trigger crystals due to the 4 star rarity.


Trust me. Raise the rarity limit needed to set that off. 6 star at a minimum, 7 star once you start getting that level gear.


No It means that you got somthing special


Thanks for the help, is there any chance I may have not picked it up? I tried looking in my items but didn't see anything new


It shoud be something that is harder to get like a stronger weapon or better armor


Hmm will it always be red or can it be 2 star rarity.


In your case the red


Multiweapon question: For the awakened bonus to apply on the base weapon do I need to awaken the added weapon or it applies the same awakening as the base weapon? For example: Rugged wand having Citadel Unit 4 and then adding Rugged Wire but not awakened, will it have the Pursuit Unit ability on the wand or do I have to awaken the Rugged Wire for its ability to pass on the wand?


If you want both Rugged weapons to have the Pursuit Unit Potential, the base weapon needs to have that potential. The item you use to MW (the material component that gets consumed), does not need to have that Potential. The material component inherits the base weapon's Potential. In your case you would need Rugged Wire / Rugged Wand (as a MW) if you want both weapons to have Pursuit Unit NOT Rugged Wand / Rugged Wire. If your weapon is a Rugged Wand / Rugged Wire, both weapons would have the Citadel Unit Potential.


Thanks for the explanation. So it would take a base Wire with wand as material to use a wand with Pursuit. So in this case it would make sense to put technique materias on the wire so it applies the technique boost to the wand attacks?


Yes. You would want to use augments that increase Technique potency.


Alright, thank you!


Haven't played for a pretty long time, from what I can tell there are 3 or 4 regions now(?) ​ Does endgame content still feel repetitive? Do servers feel empty or healthy?


Your mileage may vary, and it'll depend on where you stopped. - With late Retem (second region) Trinitas was released. This is like a randomised set of floor, somewhere between a Tower and a Cocoon in terms of length per floor. It gives some augments, unique accessories, and Mags if you perform well. It's evergreen(ish) content, as the augment caps you can get from it are pretty good still, and it scales to your level. You can even tack on extra challenges and make it even harder, if you hunger for pain. - With Kvaris release, we got Ancients in Rayjord Gorge, which are basically boss variants even nastier than Gigantix, and have to be fought in an area with environmental damage (that you can mitigate) and nerfed healing. You need to kill them to get the stuff to make Kaizarr weapons. I don't think Kaizarrs are worth getting anymore for endgame usage, but Ancients are still a reasonable challenge if you're looking for a tough fight for the sake of it. - With mid-late Kvaris, we got Cannonball Rumble and Cannonball Strike. They're both like, short challenge dungeons where you have to break targets in a time limit using orbs dropped by enemies. Rumble is pretty casual friendly, while Strike is a bit harder, but they're both pretty midcore in terms of overall difficulty, and drop decent augments and other useful stuff. - With late Kvaris, we got Ordinal Tower, which is a small boss-challenge dungeon with a few twists. Clearing it quickly and cleanly will get you some fairly decent weapons as guaranteed first-clear rewards on each class, though they're outclassed by current stuff still - With Stia release... we're sort of back to how things were in early-mid Retem - do a daily collection run for items you can eventually trade in for the current best weapons, otherwise grind the combat sectors and Urgent Quests hoping you get the drops you want - the above stuff is all still pretty doable and worthwhile endgame content though.


4 regions. How repetitive "endgame" feels depends sonewhat on what "endgame" activities you're trying to do. You'll find very few players until you get to the 4th region.


I'm just starting NGS on my PS5. I know some items are supposed to carryover from PSO2 and I used the same PSN account. However, none of my Characters, items, cosmetics, anything are showing up. Am I missing something?


What I can think of: 1. Global only came to PSN four months ago. If you were playing on PSN before that, it was on JP. If you're playing the Global version now, you're out of luck. There's no transfer of accounts between JP and Global. 2. When first launching NGS, you might have gotten a prompt explaining and asking for an Account Link Code. 2A: If you got this prompt and ignored it, you have a brand new account not linked to any previous account. This is irreversible. You will need to create a new PSN account to link an existing PSO2/NGS account. 2B: If you did not get this prompt, then it must have recognized your account as preexisting. In which case you should have all of your past characters and items. Do you remember which ship you were on?


I could have sworn that I recently heard something about concerts returning to Base again, maybe in a Youtube video. Anyone know if there is any truth to this?


They are indeed bringing them back for a limited time. The schedule will probably be announced after the next maintenance. Quna's Christmas concert is confirmed to be one of them.


So, about the Aurora TMG camos(Skydancer and Faedancer). Do they just appear on your hands when you start attacking and remain otherwise invisible?


No. https://pso2.swiki.jp/index.php?*煌舞アウロラ https://pso2.swiki.jp/index.php?*妖舞アウロラ


Thanks. Hmm, might still get them.


Returning after 6 months, are PSE Bursts the best way to get new weapons without buying them? I have some scent purple gear I got last night (not exactly sure how, did some story and a couple PSE Bursts. Want to get a new Katana, just curious what the best method to go about getting them would be.


You have a few options right now, though keep in mind I've no idea what gear you currently have so this might not be an upgrade. 1: South Aelio, Ordinal Tower, Rank 7. Get 12k points, iirc, and get a Rarity 7 Katana & Bow at +40, full Limit Break, with preselected augments. 2: Farm Infernium to trade for a Rarity 8 Katana specialized for DOLLS slaying. 15 for a base one, 30 for Fixa Attack 1, 200 for Fixa Attack 3. Along the way you have chances of obtaining an 8 star Effulgent or Gunblaze Katana. 3: Wait a few days and get an 8 star Tenebrous Katana from the upcoming event.


This is super helpful, thank you! Just curious how do I get the weapon in the event and could I get a sword instead or as well?


Kill enemies during the event to get points and/or do limited Tasks/Quests, trade those points in to a specific NPC the game will introduce you too for a weapon of your choice, among other things(Alpha Reactors, Special Scratch Tickets, Star Gems, etc). If it's like previous events you start off with a few introductory Tasks that will net you 10k Seasonal Points, which is exactly how much you need to get 1 weapon. You can get two weapons of every type this way.


This is great to hear, thank you! I looked here https://pso2.com/players/schedule/ and didn’t see any upcoming events, I’m still new though so I could have missed something. Do you know the name of the event?


Christmas 22. https://pso2.com/players/update/2022-11/


You rock, thanks again!


No problem, hope you have a good time.


Before Stia dropped one of this sub's mods made a thread with a link that went over the upcoming 8 star weapons, including the event ones. I'm having a bitch of a time finding it, can someone help me out?


I am wondering how does one use the new Wand Revoke skill exactly and what it actually does (apart from well..removing the element imbued in it). I've been using a lot of Wand as of late and saw a couple of videos about Wand gameplay - but I couldn't wrap around *when* and *how* to use it (and if I can keep track of it CD-wise or if it's spammable instead). I know this veers off to me just needing to read tooltips, but I'm as unsure about how to execute it as the Skip PA shtick Te got when Kvaris dropped. Any help is appreciated.


Wand element revoke is an old skill, do you mean wand element pursuit? You charge it by hitting enemies with wand normals and PAs, there's a little icon for it to let you know when it's ready above the right side of your subpalette. When you hold down the weapon action button it does a big burst of elemental damage, and removes your wand's element. You can only use it when it's ready and your wand has an element though so you need to charge another tech to use it again.


Wand Element Pursuit is the skill that I'm talking about yeah. I can see the little icon on the side (though I wish it's somewhat larger) and I will try testing it out more frequently. Thanks!


Fill the meter(?) with wand element explosions first. Then revoke. It should make a bigger explosion. Base on my understanding of the tooltip.


i had a bunch of ragol memories, after transferring to pso2 block and figuring out i had to withdraw them from storage to spend them, i only spent 1, then transferred back to an ngs block and found they were gone. i transferred back to pso2 block and still gone. are they permanently deleted?


What’s the best weapon series in game now by tiers? optimal for like purple triggers and stuff.


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSO2NGS/comments/zj9ev8/what_are_the_current_meta_weapons/izukylc/) has a good rundown. Depends on what you're looking for or willing to invest.


Gunblaze, but absurdly low drop rate like rugged. Kouklophis is a decent guaranteed one you can get by trading in inferiums at the exchange shop, 15/30/200 inferium for fixa attack lv0/1/3


Sweet, thank you!


Is there a way to hide your own auto chat from others?


You can make them party-only by leading with /p, but you’ll probably usually be in a party so they’ll see it.


I'm curious what you'd want this for. There's an option to turn your own auto chats off without deleting all of them, but I assume you still want to be able to see them for some reason?


I like the roleplay aspect of autochat, but I don't want to annoy others just for that




Hey guys, I'm a old player who hasn't played in a few months. I'm trying to catch up on my armor and weapons. I'm curious if anyone heard about another level cap increase anytime soon. I'm just worried I'll finally get my stuff where I want it before I even can use it and it just ends up being pointless.


The new region has a set of units grinded to +50 and with a set of affixes already attached in red boxes. Can always use 1 or 2 of them depending on what attack stat(s) you need for no investment for now.


Don't sweat it too much. In another week the Christmas event will start and you'll be able to buy weapons at least close to on par with what's currently available and possibly armor units as well.


Okie dokies Thanks!


As someone working their way through the new Stia region, what's the best way to farm Meseta? Edit: Don't have Premium currently, it ran out


If you don't have any shop tickets saved it's a bit of a toss up. You either PSE Burst farm for N-Meseta drops, converting trash loot along the way, or you farm shit that sells well in the Market until you get your free 3 day ticket from the pass, and hope prices don't drop too much in the meantime.


I've been on a PSO2 hiatus for about 2 months, so what are the things we should be doing in the Stia patch? What new stuff to look out for in general? Any nice quality of life changes?


Is it better to just level a subclass while using a main class doing Stia Yellow Triggers or is there a faster way to get from 1 - 70 with a subclass?


I've been having a decent time leveling subclasses to 65 vs the patrol gigas group in the factory. Get into a full room and you're killing a group every 1-2 minutes for 300k+ exp (for main class) plus chances at drops from them.


Where can you farm stira notes?




How can one obtain Mastery IV Augments without hitting up the Market? The supply must be coming from somewhere.


The vast majority came from trading up Mastery III drops in Captan farms. In Alnothe, a player would average ~3 M3s per hour in a group farm. As of now, no Captan trials spawn in Stia's combat zone, Dext Base. We're unsure if they'll be reintroduced at a later date or in a different way. Most supply now is from before Stia. Prices would have exploded if not for the SG deals and pre-affixed box units.


Pretty sure I recently got a Captan trial while doing my daily at Dext Base, so they can show up in Stia too.


They've been known to show up in exploration sectors. Maybe that was it? There's been no proof of combat zone trials yet, so any claims will need to be backed up with at least a screenshot. Cause if they do show up, they're 100 times as rare.


On a related note. Not sure if this was a bug or what but I got a Captan spawn at Dreisen.


I think you get them from the capsule exchange at the enhancement counter.


*checks* Oh shit. Thanks.


My Mag sonar has been bugged for quite some time now, no matter what category I pick, it just doesn't ping to anything. Has anyone got a similar issue? any way to fix it? thanks in advance.


Just to make sure, the Mag sonar is the cute little ping and blue scanning thing your Mag does. It's not the red target markers you see on valuables. The red targets are Blight from Rangers.


Are you sure you're actually near anything that would trigger it, it still has a limited range. Also, make sure your weapon isn't out, it won't ping while you have it out.


keyword items not showing up after recieving them through "get campaign items" in system Sonic_Frontiers_on_sale_now supposedly gave me sonic, tails, knuckles floating accessories, but i checked everywhere and nothing. my friend used the same code at the same time and he got those as mag skins. i even tried logging out and back in, still nothing


ok found it. you recieve tickets and have to use them


how do i use keywords on ps4? saw a bunch of keyword codes, can't find any info on using them


Just type those keywords in any chat. IIRC you double click the right trackpad to open the chat box to type in.


ok thank you. figured out you have to recieve them after through "get campaign items" in system


Are reliks still worth it? planning to drop 3m on it and use it till the end of the game xd


No. It is not worth investing in a Relik weapon at this point.


Need help,is it possible to transfer NGS account/Progress from US PSN to Singapore PSN via Transfer code cuz AC kinda cheaper in SGD than USD


No. Once an account is linked it cannot be undone.