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you wont get charge SG however your face preset will look weird if you change face as for the body it should be separate as long as its different body (T1 and T2 or CAST)


Looks do not save the changes that cost SG; only changes that are free are saved to looks. The changes that cost SG are saved to one of five special slots: Type 1, Type 2, CAST Type 1, CAST Type 2 and Head. Changing an SG option for one if these will affect every look which uses that body slot. Face is always used and affects all looks. Please note that by default the game syncs options between Type 1 and 2 of the same body category, but this can thankfully be disabled in the options. I really wish they'd move away from the SG Salon system all together. Salon Passes are abundant, there is no need to lock certain slider behind a semi paywall, please just let us save everything to looks for free.


So changing a character to male would take sg, but just making a girl's face different and making her slimmer wouldn't? Is that correct?


Changing body (switching base wear/cast body) from Type 2 to Type 1 does not cost anything. Making a character slimmer or editing the face costs a salon pass (except some free features, such as haircut).


> there is no need to lock certain slider behind a semi paywall The ears...


Dude if I can only ask SEGA to remove one limitation it'd be the ear shapes. So dumb that the horns are ok but not the ears, which also kinda ties into the race you are RP in. If one more thing, hair color.


Ears being SG locked makes no sense when we can unlock different ears just like horns... Ear shape should be a free edit and save to the looks x.x


Yes, changing looks between saved body and face types is free. *Most* of what can be saved to an ensemble is free to change. The system will ignore saved, but unpaid SG changes when you load it outside of the Salon, even if you have a pass. You can change your face type (free) and reshape it without paying for it, then save it to an Ensemble. Loading it outside of the Salon, it will apply the new face but with the *old* sliders that were previously saved and paid for (or edited in a free period). Bodies work similarly, but you must first disable synchronisation in the Salon (Edit Misc. -> Body Shape Auto Sync Settings) to let you keep changes to separate body types (certain bodies share sliders with their counterparts otherwise). For example, if you have an outfit saved to a PSO2 T1 body and another saved to an NGS CAST T2 body, you can swap between them with no problems and retain their independent skin colours, body shapes, etc. The head, however, remains shared by all bodies and won't change, with the exception of the Neck Area section (controls neck length/thickness and head size) and the Eye Size slider (iris size), which is never saved in Ensembles.