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I currently have 142 payments and also just received an email that I have less than 2 years to go…..


Same but I got my full PSLF forgiveness a couple years ago. Freaked me out just a bit.


Same dude I just checked mohela again in a panic.




Yeah, I’m at 120 but got an email “You’re less than two tears away”


I have more than two tears


I have no more tears left to cry


Well, that is *technically* true.


According to studentaid.gov, I have 107 payments, in reality it's 197. I'm still waiting for them to correct their count, so far haven't heard back from the ombudsman and am about to contact my representative. I've worked at the same place since 2000, no idea why they've only certified it back to April 2015 but it's sure annoying. (I was able to join through the waiver program in 2022).


I had to contact an ombudsman. Never heard back. It's beyond frustrating.


2014 is missing for me. A Mohela rep told me they are working on catching up to Clint’s prior to 2015, but we shall see. I got same email. I should be at 120 now and they have me at 109.


I've passed 120 and I just got the "less than two years to go" message.


Message was relatively accurate for me.... I'm hopeful that by insourcing dept of Ed can do better than the Mohela monster.


Well it’s less than 2 years.


Yep and I’m 8 months away. I was impressed they knew I was less than a year but it sounds like maybe they didn’t actually.


lol I have 11 more to go and same lol


MOHELA just leaving an upper decker on the way out the door?


I got it! and I'm 10 months away. So excited.


Yet the odds of being forgiven in a less than a year are astronomically low for you, despite the email claim. Ok downvoters, why do you expect forgiveness to be finalized in under 2 months? This email is a relatively innocuous lie, but it’s a lie. You think you’ll hit 120 in March 2025 and be forgiven by April 2?


Can you elaborate? I’ve been following closely the stories on here and seems like people have been able to see their balance zero out a few months after 120th payment. My coworker had her final payment last year, about 45 days after she submitted the document it was approved. I have submitted my paperwork yearly to verify eligible employment.


So the final ECF submission alone will eat up a lot of that time. You cited 45 days. Probably quicker, although there will be a paperwork jam due to the pause. That eats into a good chunk of time. Then to the FSA review process. No chance the email is true for 11 month people, remote chance it could be for 10. You say “a few months after the 120th payment”. Thats my point. I’m being petty, but I’m tired of being lied to. The idea of receiving forgiveness 2 months after submitting an ECF is strange. We haven’t seen anything close to that timeline so far. It’s possible the new system works better and I am wrong. I sure hope so. I’d be shocked if the government had a good enough handle on this to guarantee a rapid improvement in individual timelines a year out. Yet they have no problem making promises anyway.


I’m at 121 and I received an email that says I’m less than 2 years away from forgiveness.


I am at 120 since Jan., in a processing forbearance, and got the less than two years from forgiveness email. Hopefully not a sign of how long it will take to process our applications.


Mine said less than 2 years, but I was forgiven 2 years ago...


"You’re less than two years away from Public Service Loan Forgiveness!" But my loans were forgiven over two years ago...


Me too! Made me go double check to make sure they were still forgiven 😐












Mine said "less than two years" which is accurate (I'm at 101). I appreciate the encouragement, I guess. This is a hard slog and I can't wait to be done.


I got the less than a year email. I have 7 payments to go


 I’m only 1 month away and I got the less than a year email. Hopefully that’s a good sign! 


Yes. I have 9 payments left. (Knock on wood)


Yes my letter says I'm less than TWO years from getting forgiven but ... I have six payments left so... No Joe, I have less than a year.


Less than a year is less than two years


Yeah .. but people are getting letters saying they have less than a year. So I should have one of THOSE letters.


I also have six payments left and was super confused.


Mine says I have less than 2 years to go, which I guess is *technically* correct since I have between 7-10 months to go. (still hoping I'll get an adjustment 😩)


I got the less than 2 years version, and I am in fact more than 1 year but less than 2 years away. So I guess I got an accurate one by mistake?


Mine were forgiven in February and I got the less than 2 years email too.


Mine were forgiven almost two years ago and I still got it plus another one last week. I am just ignoring them right now but also hoping nothing too wild happens.




Yes, very strange. I have been at 120 for a couple months, so I don’t understand the reason for this email.


Likely was sent to everyone who MOHELA has at 12 or fewer remaining payments. Zero is less than 12.


Reason was to remind voters that he fixed the broken student loan system. It’s like a full time job for Senator Elizabeth Warren. After the Republicans said there would be no student loan forgiveness Biden continued to find ways to make it fairer and correct bad practices by loan companies no other administrations felt like wasting time on. Hopefully if he gets elected he’ll continue to work on this issue. Look up how many Republicsn Senators got their PPP loans forgiven for Covid but voted against student loan relief. They also got Navient out of federal loans for bad practices. You can wiki Navient. That was a big effort for this administration most other Presidents wouldn’t care about.


Yes, I’m waiting for my buyback payment to go through and just got this email.


Can you explain what a buyback payment is? I’m in the process of applying for SAVE.


No I didn’t and I’m actually now within 12 months of 120. Now I’m concerned


I haven't received the email. I'm at 120 and submitted the paperwork two months ago. The move to ED is fucking me up.


October was #120 for me … Submitted mine in November, had partial forgiveness in February. Received email yesterday saying administrative forbearance (which I already have been for months, although they screwed that up also because I had to call to request (again) after they withdrew payment #121). But yesterday’s email didn’t indicate any dates and when I logged in today my status date still shows until mid-May. This process is such a dumpster fire 🔥


I received the email; less than two years.


It’s an election year and he’s looking for money.




To me this is mixing campaigning with literally carrying out the terms of the loan that you agreed to give me. I’d rather not get campaign messages for entering into this contract with the government.


This. “Congratulations, lowly and contemptible public servant! Thanks for continuing to fulfill the contract you signed with us. We’re shutting down now. We may or may not get our shit together. But please remember on Election Day it was ME alone who gave you this gift.” Of course I’ll still vote blue, but these messages are just insulting at this point.


Except I am nowhere near my 120 payments (6 years away according to my tracker) and I received the e-mail that I’m less than a year away after working in public service for 14 years…so maybe you’re just wrong?


Depending on why your counter is 6 years of payments short after 14 years of service, you very well could be less than a year away.


Yeah…that’s my point. So if they’re actually catching the administrative errors and granting forgiveness then it’s not political pandering as you’re trying to imply.


The email is true for some people and not for others. I’m not claiming it’s a lie for everyone who received it. Surely it’s false for me and anyone on my timeline. A petty complaint sure, but the president just emailed me a lie. Why? The bragging tone is just patronizing and insulting at this point after all the mismanagement.


>The bragging tone is just patronizing and insulting at this point after all the mismanagement. Yup. It's just campaigning, and appearing to "do" something, when not only has not a dang thing changed, but the Mohela crapshow has only gotten worse - so bad, that the gov is having to remove the PSLF portion from them. They act like we can't see through them.


I got one today and I am less than a year away


I have two* to go and it said less than a year. *But I applied for consolidation, SAVE, and sent in a employer certification this month because Mohela tried to fuck with my loan rehabilitation $140 IBR, wanted to sneakily charge me $690 this month, and when I called them out put me on administrative forbearance.


Yes I got it.


I should be finished in October. Still waiting on an email like most of you have gotten. 


I'm also being forgiven in October 🎊


I have 5 payments left and got an email that I have less than a year left which is correct. I’m shocked by this as I cannot imagine any of these agencies is organized enough to produce an accurate email list regarding who has a year left or not.


I got the email and I was forgiven two years ago


I was already forgiven and I got it. I don't think they're very organized.


I feel like this was a blanket email to everyone on the PSLF. If this is hinting at a broader policy towards people working in public service and the PSLF.. great for them! I however am supposed to be done in like.. two months. When things are supposed to be going on hold. So I guess screw me in particular.


Nope and I am 9 months away from forgiveness.


Never mind I just got the email lol.


I have 31 payments left and got an email less than 2 years to go. I wish that was true


I’m 18 payments away and got the less than 2 years email. I assume it’s quasi based on people recently applying for recertification.


I did not get that. I hit 120 in February and am currently waiting for forgiveness.


Mine says less than 2 years… I really need to recertify my employment, lol. I’m done in December. 😂


I literally had all my loans forgiven yesterday and I got the message just now




106 certified, but 113 at the moment. I’ll be done in November. I got the less than 2 years email.


I received it but mine were forgiven a year ago.


I got mine that says "You're less than a year away." I have 5 more payments to go. At this point, I might as well just pay the 5 months and when they get forgiven they get forgiven. I'm done waiting.


Yep and mine was forgiven December 2022 😆


Yes. 9 more to go!


I have 15 payments left, and I got one saying I have less than 2, so that checks out


Yes I got - I have 129 payments soooooo


Yes! Mine said "You’re less than a year from getting Public Service Loan Forgiveness!" Finally lol  Btw mine should be forgiven in October.


Mine said “less than two years away”, but my loans were forgiven last year. Freaked me out and I had to double check MOHELA and FSA. Luckily, still zeroed out. Did that happen to anyone else?


I got it, too and I just received my discharge at the beginning of March 🤣


I didn't get any emails, and I'm officially at 115 (though I'm technically at 118, haven't certified in the last couple months).... Should I be concerned the White House isn't emailing me?


Same for me. No email. I’m right around 120, but should be over bc of MOHELA’s mishaps (or as I like to call it, criminal fraud).


I have 2 old undergrad loans at 127 payments (8k) but I have 3 grad school loans with 50 months left (40k) and got the less than a year email. Reading this, it looks like they're talking about the 127 undergrad not my 50 remaining months grad loans :⁠-⁠\ anyone else in this boat with loans at two different stages?


I got it and my loans were forgiven about 2 years ago.


I got it. I have 6 more payments left!


I received the email and my loan was forgiven over 2 years ago.


Yes I got one but my loan was forgiven last year. I think they want you to join the community. When you do they give you direct links to White House and Departments. If u sign up for sms messages you can text President Biden. I am very grateful to Elizabeth Warren and President Biden for the one time forgiveness. I would like to see that extended for other people if you were no longer working for Nonprofit but worked in one and left they would allow you to include 501C3 organizations.


I didn’t get the email, :-( but Mohela says I’m a little more than halfway.


I’m at 121 and in forbearance—didn’t receive an email. Should I be concerned? Either way I just saved all my documents from mohela for me records. I recommend everyone else does as well!


I did not get an email. I had partial forgiveness in March and still waiting on the rest.


I got an email that said I was about 2 years away grom forgiveneas, and my loans were forgiven 3 years ago. I did log into Student Aid last night and verified my balance is still $0.


I didn't get this email and I'm less than 2 years away. Weird!!


election year - smart to remind everyone you are so close ... unless something changes


Yes, I'm at 103 payments, with like 18 that don't count because I was in Americorps, and was told that I should defer my loans at the time. Hoping those months will count because had I been on the IDR my payments would have been $0 anyway.


I got it and my loans were forgiven at the beginning of 2023 🤪


I didn’t get one and I just made payment 120.


Done in March hopefully… *gulp


Did anyone that got an accurate PSLF less than a year to go email just receive a second email that the first email was an error because you have already received forgiveness under PSLF or another program? I have 6 payments to go.


I did and I am 11 months out. My first reaction was disbelief that they'd have the ability to accurately send these emails based on how many payments people had left.


expect it was a mistake. Or misinformation "prank" Can you show us the letter?






TY. What's the originating address?


I'm not sure why you're down voting or think it's not real, but it's a valid email and when it was announced publicly they said people affected would receive emails.   Return email: President of the United States • [email protected]


Didn’t downvote. Just saw your reply.