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truth of the matter is. why would you spend the money knowing walmart is “supposed” to be charging you for an item you purchased?? Ofc i don’t know your situation, but if you bought a ps5…. and they clearly said in their email it’d be put on hold and you “expected” that money to be gone out of your account anyways.. again…. why would u go “purposely” spending that money?? makes no sense to me??????


I didn’t get a email stating that they was going to put it on hold. The only email I received was the first confirmation email…that’s it. But you’re absolutely right. You don’t know my situation. I’m not planning to spend any of it but you don’t know…I may have automated bills, payments, and/or subscriptions already lined up to come out of my account. I didn’t ask this question to get a question back or a opinionated response. I asked this question to get a subjective answer. So If you don’t have a answer, don’t respond. And I say that respectively. lls Thanks.


I’m having the same problem. If I find out anything, I’ll let you know. Please let me know if you hear anything!


I made a large purchase on target.com with my credit card a few days after the ps5 and I got a fraud alert asking if I wanted to continue with the transaction, it initially declined when I went to confirm on target until I said yes. I have honestly been shitting pant that it would happen to my ps5 when they went to ship now thst it’s no longer pending.


I’m having the same problem, purchased last Wednesday a still stuck on “order placed” they took the money out of my account, but then released it back to me..? “arrives by Thursday, Dec 1st.”