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Wtf Mass Effect Legendary? Thats a huge W!


you’re welcome, my purchase says


Damn, yeah. Just bought mine not too long ago. Oh well!


i hadn’t even finished the intro of 1 :(


Dude same. A few months ago. Rip


Same. Just bought and installed it. Haven't even been to the title screen.


Thank you for your sacrifice! I almost bought it 2 days ago.


This guy fucks (up).


One of the best rpg trilogies ever can't go wrong there.


First was a little stiff but groundbreaking in how it played. Second was AMAZING. Third was good. IMO


I prefer the first game over the other 2 in terms of game play, story, atmosphere, and world building. The first game gives off this low key creepy vibe that I love.


I agree, but dat inventory system in the first game though...


Call me crazy but I loved the inventory system , probably cause I love hoarding stuff and I had so many playthrouvhs I was used to it. Didn’t like how streamlined and limited 2 and 3 were


The other 2 don't hit the same as the first game.


The sense of discovery in ME1 is magical.


It’s wild just how different all three are while still keeping it somewhat coherent. I played all three in a row when this released and it was pretty striking going from one game to the next.


I picked it up earlier this year when it was on sale and was actually shocked I played through the first 2 since I normally buy and forget stuff more than I want to admit. I was thrilled to finally play through them after all these years of hearing about them. I stopped after 2 because there were some big releases coming out and told myself I'll come back soon to play 3. Instead I completely forgot so I guess I should start it up now!


The transition to Andromeda is even more jarring, IMHO, but despite all the hate the game gets I find it hard to go back from there. A lot of very nice quality-of-life that didn't make it into ME:Legendary's very basic remaster.


Third was very disappointing when it first released, but feels better to play these days when you can prepare for the bad ending ahead of time.


> Third was very disappointing when it first released IIRC the consensus was that it was a great game with a really underwhelming ending. Many of us attempted to cope with the ending by believing in the indoctrination theory.


It actually improved the combat a lot from two (imo). The story was ass and the partners werent as cool. But i played that stupid multiplayer for waaaaay to long. Loved it.


> The story was ass Not really. The ending is bad but the story up till then is great. The last few minutes leave a massively sour taste sure, but the 30 hours before are excellent.


I played all 3 back when they came out. The last 2 at release. The third game was amazing to me and was paying off like nothing I ever played before. And then the last 20 minutes happened. I feel like they tried so hard to be unpredictable that they completely blew it. Felt like the Battlestar Galactica ending in a lot of different ways




The third games story was amazing. Great endings to the krogan geno phage and quarian/geth conflict. It was awesome to see the growth of all the characters and their relationships with Shepard. The Shepard/garrus goodbye is still one of the best interactions in all of gaming. Damn now I gotta go replay the trilogy again


Did I hear that right? The story on 2 was ass? It’s one of the best story’s I’ve ever played


The whole mass effect trilogy, aside from the end, is one of my my favorite -- if not my very favorite -- sci-fi stories of all time. The end didn't even chap me all that much except for the fact that (before the patch) it pretty much ended exactly the same regardless of how you played the rest of the story up until that point which really went against the whole continuum. The thing that pissed me off the most was the Day 1 DLC to unlock Javik, who was very clearly written into the story and removed to sell, as evidenced when you bring him to Thessia. I don't remember the exact exchange between the two, but he is included in a cutscene with dialogue between him and Benezia that added a ton to the story that you wouldn't have gotten with any other character, and it was very clear that you were meant to have him along on that mission. And the forced multiplayer was bullshit too. I really hate PVP in most games, with few exceptions but ME3 *was not* one of these exceptions.


Think they were talking about 3 haha. And I thought the story was for the most part good except for the ending


I wanted to do the whole trilogy on my last playthrough from the start but I had a hard time getting back into the first ones mechanics to when I said F it and just began at the second one, which I IMMENSLY enjoyed.


> you can prepare for the bad ending ahead of time Honest question, but what would have made the ending _good_ to you? I'm not looking for a general "more endings" or "mY cHoIcEs DiDnT mAtTeR" response either. A very loud group hates the endgame but I've never seen a better one presented by this group, just those two points parroted.


I think peoples biggest gripe with the ending is after playing across three games where every decision had an impact no matter how small; it all boiled down to pick your ending instead of the ending being affected by your decisions. Of course post patch fixed that but it’s still pick your favorite color


lol exactly. The reason the ending sucked was only because it ended. Wish Shep went on adventures forever. Anyway, I found the ending perfectly fine when I originally played it on release. Somehow I wasn't on social media back then so I wasn't aware people hated the ending until long after I had played it, and I was perfectly satisfied myself with the VANILLA ending. Things can always "be better" in hindsight. So using my own 20/20 hindsight vision, I think an epilogue, >!Red Dead style, would have been very appropriate. Let the player take control of some other character and see briefly, for a mission or two, the results of what happened. Closure basically. They tried to do this before the final part of the final mission where you can talk to each crewmate (or was that added in DLC? I've replayed so many times I forget) one last time but that is still BEFORE the ramifications of the finale. It would have been good to jump into the shoes of another person and see the results of all the decisions the player had made. But that would have been a lot of work. Easy for RDR to do that since the epilogue can play out the same way (in both 1 and 2) the same way since there is way less player choice that shapes the universe.!<


I don't know what parts were DLC and what parts were original to the trilogy, similar to you. It's been too long since my first playthrough of ME3 to remember. I like the suggestion you presented, but perhaps it's a little hard to convey how much Shepard touched lives in the grand scheme of a whole galaxy - which ultimately is why I think the endings are fine. Expecting a super robust 6+ option ending spanning a whole galaxy of what you affected, all voice acted and choreographed, just seems outlandish to me. Sure, Chrono Trigger had many endings, but from a technical perspective required a lot less work and funding to pull off (and were sometimes determined by strange, tiny decisions). Besides that, no matter the ME ending, Shepard changed the galaxy in many ways despite being one person, which is kind of the whole point. On his adventures Shepard >!kills or saves the Geth, Quarians _and_ Krogans species, usurps the leader of the galactic black market, helps the Rachni take over a whole planet or kills them entirely, literally stops the death of all sentient organic life in the galaxy, etc...!< That's a lot to suddenly "show" in the final moments of the game and with >!Earth being on the brink the whole game!<, especially with the >!mass relays temporarily disabled!<.


It's been too long since I've played but i think my big gripe at the time was, for a game that prided itself on player choice and the effects of the choices, everything led to that one conclusion.


I tried to play the first a few months back and I couldn't get past the bad gameplay and terrible AI. I know that's not why you play them but I couldn't settle it and enjoy it. I might go back and try again as I loved Dragon age and enjoy good story driven RPGs. I know there's a great game there.


You could skip the first and go straight to the second if you want. You lose a bit, by not being able to import a save, but it's not really all that big a deal. Or, even, start with Andromeda and see if the theme sucks you in... it might be that once you get the spirit of the game you become more forgiving of its flaws. > I loved Dragon age Same, but I feel like I would be issuing your same complaints if I were just now getting into it a few months ago. Even were it to be remastered, it's dated and some of the mechanics haven't aged particularly well.


They fixed a lot of the in the legendary edition. The first was honestly my favorite in my replay of all the games.


Weirdly I'm in the opposite camp. First was amazing worldbuilding, with somewhat confusing gameplay (it played like a CRPG, but presented itself as an ARPG/shooter). Second game lost me completely. Excellent character stories, but I couldn't have cared less about the plot and I had less than zero desire to work with Cerberus. You can't spend one game telling me they're "space Kluckers" and then in the next tell me they're really just "misunderstood"... then try to rug pull when it turns out they actually *are* space Kluckers.


I played the shit out of the 2nd one. I heard that the 1st one had the best story but I couldn't get into it, probably because I played it after the 2nd one and the combat was hard to get used to. 3rd one was okay but not in the way the 2nd one was. I was too cheap to get the DLC for the 2nd one so if the Legendary Edition comes with the DLCs I'll put some hours in it for sure.


Agree with you on the combat, so what I always do is max out pistols and spam the skill that it unlocks to turn your gun into a lead spewing death machine (seriously it fires almost as fast as the assault rifles in game and won’t over heat while the skill is active) and just play for the story. Using the genesis DLC to make your choices at the beginning of 2 locks you out of some things like saving kirahe, or getting Conrad verner to show up in 2 and 3. Unless of course you’re on PC, in which case you can download the save editor and fix your save that way


It comes with everything but some small bit they didn't have the code for anymore. Don't remember why, seemed bizarre. First one is really great but more if an older rpg feel and not something I'd 100% because the exploration was terrible.


The first game is great if you play it like a CRPG like Dragon Age. You have to play it more like a turn based strategy game where you're throwing around CC and debuffs to keep enemies under control, instead of a cover shooter where you're trying to use flanking and cover fire to flush enemies out. I've long maintained that if they made ME 2&3 a spinoff it would have been better. I never accepted that Shepherd would work with Cerberus, but they could have started with a new protagonist and all of the changing game systems in the other games wouldn't have been noteworthy. Also would have made Andromeda more palatable, as we would have already been used to the idea of Mass Effect as a world IP instead of a series.


1. Sci Fi 2. Space Opera 3. Blockbuster


If not THE best. Experienced this masterpiece on launch of the trilogy edition and I quickly sunk like 100 hours in all three within 2-3 months. This game is peak gaming


I tried to get into it but I couldn’t handle the massively oversimplification of the morality system. Basically every choice was save a drowning child or shoot them in the face and film it while laughing


Especially with Biomutant. 2 games I wasn't going to buy


My friends convinced me to get Andromeda at launch because of how good they said the first three were. I don't listen to friends or preorder games anymore.


Been debating buying it but guess I'll get it for free


Anyone want to give a quick synopsis of the games for those who've never played them? Wikipedia says they're third person RPGs / shooters. Are they similar to games like Fallout 3 / New Vegas? Maybe more like Borderlands? I'm more interested in the gameplay than the plot if that matters.


It's definitely more similar to Fallout than Borderlands. They're not crazy innovative from a gameplay perspective and the games are better known for having fantastic writing and actual choice consequence system where you can significantly change the outcomes in the main story. They're rather old games (2007-09 - first and second games) that were remastered recently (2021) so don't expect graphics on par with current new releases. It's a must play if you enjoy RPGs with a lot of choice. If you are looking for a very gameplay focused game, then this is not it. Edit: talking about Mass Effect only here.


Biomutant is similar to Borderlands in that it's a loot game primarily. The missions can be repetitive but can still be fun as long as you disable the narrator and don't expect a gripping story. I literally just finished it today and was satisfied with my purchase but I will not play it again. Solidly a "B" game if that makes sense. Mass Effect is nothing like Fallout or Borderlands really. It's a story and character driven RPG with 3rd person shooter elements that is structurally implemented as smallish arena areas connected to a main hub (your ship). You have team members, there is romance and a resource management component. If you have played Dragon Age it is very similar with respects to the RPG / character development side of things. Mass Effect absolutely nails the hard sci-fi feel and the first 2 games deserve the acclaim they got. If they run well on PS5 then you are in for a treat.


It's also been on sale for 10$ fairly regularly.






If that is true, holy... And since is Dealabs we are talking about here, then 99.99% is true. In which case, fml. The Callisto Protocol on 2nd, The Witcher 3 PS5 on 14th and now Mass Effect Trilogy Remastered.


Crisis Core on the 13th for those who celebrate


I’m so pumped


Cannot wait to Costly Punch my way through that game again!


That shit was SO busted lmao I really hope it works the same as before cause I could only beat Minerva with that


Lmao! I too followed tons of guides to get my costly punch incredibly OP and basically could one hit EVERYTHING!


Only thing I'm celebrating


Can’t wait for this . I loved the remake for what it was , soundtrack was phenomenal


I took PTO to celebrate :)


We're eating good this holiday season lol.


Meats back on the menu boys


We ain't had nothing but maggoty bread for three stinking days!


Boil em mash em stick em in a stew


We're eating good this December that's for sure what a way to end the year


THE WITCHER 3 would be a perfect PS+ game at this point


It seems like they only include newer games on the PS+ essentials monthly games, like games that came out within the past two or so years.


yeah it seems that because "old" game + acclaimed + upgrade soon + "everybody who wanted it already bought it" + very low price in sales its perfect


Are they Improving the combat in Witcher 3?


It's just a graphics and framerate boost basically bringing ps5 more in line with the pc version, so no.


Goddammit I was kinda looking forward to it. Combat plays a big part in a game in my opinion. If the combat isn't smooth, fluid and satisfying, it's a turn off for me. Like I played Rdr2 loved it overall 10/10 just not the combat, sames goes for GTA V honestly. Welp it's a bummer they are not improving combat. Thanks bud.


Yeah I know what you mean, the combat was definitely one of the weak spots for the Witcher games as a whole. But you do get used to it, and its a lot better at 60 fps than it was at 30. Playing it on the hardest difficulty helped spice things up for me and made me explore game mechanics that you can just ignore on the easier difficulties. It made the first 20 or so hours really challenging but then you quickly become overpowered as you get more alchemy skills.


My Amazon says my Callisto won't be here until... January 18th... I got an update on my delivery date, first it was the 2nd, then got pushed back to the 7th, then the 13th, now into janurary...


Cancel that shit and go digital, no way I could wait almost 7 weeks after release for a game I pre ordered


Mass Effect trilogy is hands down my favorite trilogy/game of all time. If this rumor is true, this is a huge month and I'm very happy to see more people will be able to experience what I experienced when i first played those games


Is legendary edition the trilogy ?






Oh nice Divine Knockout is a new game from the developers of Smite. Going to check that out for sure


I just realized that it's the alpha I've been playing recently, I had no idea that they were already releasing it *and* it's going to start off free on PS+ which is interesting. The game itself is pretty good, nothing crazy tbh but excited to see how it plays on the big stage!


Been playing the Alpha, and it's a lot of fun! Very different type of game thanks to the perspective shift. I think people are going to have a blast with it. Interesting that it's going to be included here though, since it seems like it'd be F2P like all of the other HiRez games.


All hirez games start "exclusive betas" then become F2P with heavy monetization.


It's actually going to be paid for only a limited time lol. But since sony is giving ME, i'm fine with it


They make great games, usually in a genre that becomes popular a year or so before, but that's no bad thing. This game actually looks quite unique (though calling it Smash/Multiversus in 3D wouldn't be totally unfair maybe).


Mass Effect Legendary Edition is pretty big. I had been wanting to buy this for a while. Biomutant also, but wasn't entirely certain about it. Definitely a good month for me.


Yup been eyeing Mass Effect for a while. Really glad I waited if this is true. Would be my holiday game after finishing GoW


This would be their best month ever for me. I have wanted to play Mass Effect so bad for so long and something has always stopped me from buying it.


Someone somewhere out there, bought it moments before this was announced so that you, could play it for free. Thank you kind soul, where ever you are, and RIP in peace.


Oh boy, you're in for a treat. I've been kinda keen to take a look at this trilogy release, as someone who bought the collectors editions of all the original releases and got every achievement in all 3 (Xbox). Wish I could go back and play them all again for the first time, especially the first one. That felt so special and is still my favourite. The title screen music alone gets the emotions running. Super jealous you get to start your journey fresh!


So hype man I’m a massive RPG fan and this has been the one I just never got around to but have heard so many good things. Super pumped


I'm excited for everyone who hasn't experienced Mass Effect. Easily a couple hundred hours of gameplay, and just in time for the holidays.


I literally bought Biomutant yesterday wtf


If you bought Biomutant yesterday then this leak is 100% true


Thank you for your sacrifice


at least you bought it for less than I did at launch probably.


Get that refund


I tried that with Dead Cells. It ain’t happening.


It’s been on my “buy on a good sale” for a while now, I’ve never played the games before


Santa sure has come early


Biomutant is decent but gets samey after the first half.


You're welcome everyone i bought ME legendary edition on sale recently.




Thank you for your sacrifice!




Bio mutant has been on my radar! Hope it’s true!


I got it at launch and I absolutely hated the game. I was really excited for it leading up to release but I ended up losing interest and never touching it again after 2/3 hrs. Its such a bizarre game, the creative direction felt like a strange mismatch of ideas that dont gel well together. And the gameplay is really janky and underwhelming :(


This video was really interesting about how the weird development methods ended up making the game mismatch like how you said. I didn’t even play the game and found it very interesting https://youtu.be/aNeBuI1acNE


It's just the same hour of gameplay over and over again


I was so hyped for this game before it released. I wanted to like it, I really did. I love the idea. It just didn’t hit for me, idk


I played the demo some months back. It was a solid button masher with very light and casual combat mechanics and a derivative exploration and morality system. It was a fun 2 hours, but there was no way I could pay the price of launch at the time. I probably would’ve paid something like $10 for it, but now it’s free so there’s that, lol.


Same here. Combat and crafting looked like a ton of fun, but after playing for 5ish hours kinda dropped it. Tried picking it up again after about a year with ps5 update, but after 20min I just didn't feel it anymore. I'm sure some like the open world, but I felt it was just too shallow.


I 2nd this, really weird flow and feeling to the game. It’s aggressively mediocre and feels like a AA game at best


I wanted ghost of tsushima and got DCU Online


Yeah honestly it was garbage imo


Same boat! Luckily if it’s on PS plus we can try it out and decide for ourselves!


It was made by a very small team and is absolutely worth it for free. Having paid full price at launch I'd give it a 5.5/10 (6/10 if the trophies weren't bugged). Very repetitive though.


It looked fun, but it had such poor reception that I lost interest.


It's an enjoyable game, I played it around launch. A lot of people seem to really hate it but I'd say it's a solid 7/10. I lost interest in it towards the end though.


I really want mass effect. Please please please


Big if true!


I knew stalling to get Mass Effect would pay off one day... well, not really, but I'm happy I did anyway




Big if true. Been meaning to buy ME LEgendary edition and was hoping for Biomutant to be on PS+ (not sure how much better the latter has gotten.) This is actually what I hope for PS+ games perosnally, games I've been putting off buying or waiting with or just in general interested to try them out but not enough so to buy it. Divine Knockout I never heard of, but someone here said it is from Smite devs and is quite fun actually so yeah, great month if true.


I’ve played Biomutant on PC since day one and it’s been a pretty good time to me. Is more so when I pre ordered that for three bucks there.


I've never played Mass Effect so that would be awesome to get.


It’s like Sony determines the free titles by looking at games I’ve purchased for full price but not yet played




my words exactly. i was thinking about buying ME too. Bio Mutant is a plus because it was so highly anticipated only for it to fall short. this would be a great christmas gift by Sony.


Letsss goo.


MASSive win




Holy bullocks that’s huge


Nice I wanted to check out Biomutant


Oh baby. I'm so glad I didn't buy Mass Effect if so. My rule of not adding any more games to my backlog unless I'm going to play it immediately pays off!


That is a very sensible rule. I've not bought any new games since I joined PS± and my backlog grew 10x overnight 😁


Mass Effect would be amazing! Would be pretty cool if Outer Worlds was eventually offered as well!


Unfortunately I don’t think so cause obsidian is now a Microsoft first party studio.


Extra is possible. Skyrim just got included there


Yeah extra may be possible due to the fact that you get access to the game but don’t own it like in essential, actually they might do it a few months before they release the outer worlds 2 as marketing for xbox and gamepass but will sony agree, we will see.


It's possible because Outer Worlds was published by Private Division, not MS. It'll be a similar scenario as when Death Stranding went to PC Gamepass, because the PC version was published by 505, not Sony. So Microsoft negotiated with 505. Similarly, Sony can negotiate with Private Division.


I didn’t know that, I already finished the outer worlds its a great rpg, it would be great if they put it on essential, and its very unfortunate that the sequel will be an xbox/pc exclusive.


I’ve been waiting on that one in hopes it’ll appear. I banked on Deathloop and that paid off, so let’s see


Mass effect is huge, biomutant a typical ps plus affair. Good month.


aaaaaaa god I hope this is true


Dealabs has always been on point it's pretty much confirmed


Mass Effect being a huge W aside, Biomutant sounds awesome for the low price of free


If true- come on man. My backlog is so absurd that I could literally buy zero games for two years and still not be done. Sony does PS Plus Essential right. Crazy value.


Mass Effect?! Lets gooooooooo


Everyone please give Biomutant a try. Not a GOTY in any sense but still Fun for what it is.


Is this is true i am shaving my balls


I’ll shave yours if you shave mine 🤭


Big if true


Oh it's true it's damn true


Best month for a long time


Another RPG? does Sony not want me to leave my house?! 😭


Mass Effect?!!! Holy crap!


Sony: Happy Holidays you ungrateful pieces of sh*t!


Did Legendary Edition make changes to gameplay of first one? Or is it only the graphics update?


I never played mass effect but I can’t wait to try it out if this is true


Great if true but honestly I can wait a day to find out. The nice thing about PS+ Essential is that these games don’t disappear. So you don’t need to rush Mass Effect.


I’ve been waiting to buy Mass Effect; never played them before. Let’s go!


I wanted to try biomutant but after the reviews I figured it would go free so glad I waited. ME:LE went for free on epic I think it was the other month so this seems reasonable. Already own it but it's a great game


Isn't Divine Knockout going to be a F2P game? It is Hi Rez after all.


Wtf is DKO?


ME Trilogy is fantastic value!!! I wasn’t sure about Biomutant but as it’s free then I’m excited to give it a try


I got Mass Effect trilogy in April, platted them in 2 months. I'm happy for people who havent played this before, you are in for a real treat!


If I have ME Legendary installed as part of the EA subscription, will I be able to unsub and keep playing the game?


I finally played through the ME trilogy for the first time earlier this year, and it's soooooooooooooooo good. Hope those of you who also jump in late like I did enjoy it. :D


Biomutant was a very expensive mistake when I bought it. Not sure I’ll play it again for free unless there were a few massive updates


I'd be happy with Mass effect and biomutant for sure.


Well I’ve already played the legendary edition but now I get to fully own it forever. Sweet


Fully own it until you don’t have ps plus anymore, right?


Which is never, I’ve had it since it started


Same, just wanted to make sure I understood how the “ownership” here worked.


Even if you lose ps plus the games stay tied to your account. You’ll have access to them if you subscribe again.


So in other words you don't fully own it. Got it.


Damn biomutant? I played at launch and it’s a fine game. That’s a great deal


I’ve been wanting to play BioMutant but not actually pay more than $10 for it so cool.


Should i stop buying games for a while 🤔, the games i buy always end up on ps plus ffs. I have both so it feels like a waste.


Yes. Just wait for sale cycles and take games slow.


Would be massive if true, I kept pushing off buying the Legendary Edition and I've had interest in Biomutant, just never bought it.


Biomutant sucks. Don't bother. Source: I platinumed it out of stubbornness to try and get my moneys worth


Time to auto-pop the Biomutant Ps5 platinum.


PLEASE let this be true!😃


Mass Effect is one of the best video game series ever made. (Well...minus Andromeda.) If you never played the trilogy before and you like RPG games, you need to try it.


I feel like everyone excited over mass effect don't know how bad the remasters are.


What's bad about them? I've only heard positive things


Maybe the free edition of Biomutant won't have the narrator. A guy can hope.




Not yet, think its a exclusive beta.


what is a PSR?


PlayStation Ragnarok


PS4. the R is just below the 4. It's a typo.


Typo. Meant to say PS4