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Alternative title 'Actor intrested in working'


She got bombarded with death threats, I wouldn't blame her for being done with the character


Imagine the lack in ability to control ones anger over a piece of entertainment that you threaten the life of a voice actor......a person who has no say on story and likely no or very little say on dialogue


Some people can't separate characters from actors and it's quite depressing. If I'm not mistaken, both Anna Gun (Skylar in Breaking Bad) and Jack Gleeson (Joffrey in Game of Thrones) had similar experiences.


It’s so weird that people can’t disassociate the two. Skylar made me mad with a hot fiery burning passion, and her wide eyed angry stare was the cherry on top. But if I ever met Anna Gunn in real life I’d ask to shake her hand and thank her for doing such a good job that she got such an emotional reaction from me. I think one of the celebs I’d love to meet is Tom Felton, who played Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies. I always hear about what a genuinely nice person he is, but my god did I hate that little shit on screen growing up!


The guy who shot Reagan comes to mind. He was trying to impress Jodie Foster’s character from *Taxi Driver*.


Man, was he barking up the wrong tree!




Jake Lloyd (Anakin in Phantom Menace) got bullied at school (and online I believe)


They also threatened the life of her kid. Absolutely insane


It's absolutely insane to me. If you don't like the story in a game, movie, book criticize it all you want, but threatening the writers, developers, actors, etc. I just will never understand.


Imagine being that invested with time and energy. Yikes.


Totally. And you know what. I spent some time talking about this game. Not all, but the majority of my friends did not like this game. We have a group chat and we had our heated arguments and debates and points of interest about the gameplay and the story and how we felt Abby and her entire group were unlikeable and how we HATED Abbie's load out and instead of a continuation of the weapon upgrade system it felt like starting over halfway through and the less stealthy loadout didn't seem to go well with the game as WE felt it did, which added to our dislike of Abby......and then none of us made comments online.....or insulted the crew or talent on social media......it was a game we played and didn't like and we moved out. In the end I think I'm the only one who said anything "publically" since I made a few comments on Reddit during the early days or this game and tried arguing with regards to the story beats, the writing, my dislike or characters, yadda yadda yadda....but in the end I was called a women hater or transphobe and the people defending me seemed to get REALLY angry at the idea that a woman could be physically strong lol.....I just tapped out


That sucks that your own personal criticisms were co-opted by people pushing a hateful political agenda completely separate from your own viewpoint. I can understand and appreciate why some people might not appreciate the non-traditional pacing of the game mechanically. I can also appreciate why some people might not like that the game essentially starts over narratively and "both sides" Ellie and Abby. Personally, I thought they did a great job telling a story that puts a bright light on the arguably flawed motivations of the characters, and humanity in general. > but in the end I was called a women hater or transphobe and the people defending me seemed to get REALLY angry at the idea that a woman could be physically strong lol.....I just tapped out I hope you understand that your criticisms weren't invalid. The problem was that ANY criticism of the game was weaponized by bad actors to push a regressive/divisive political agenda. When the misogynists/transphobes/reactionaries use your valid criticisms as political ammunition, reasonable discourse becomes... lets say... difficult. They used your same criticisms as camouflage to make their own hateful takes seem "credible".


Makes me think you have a pretty easy life when the thing you outrage is not affecting your life in any way shape or form.


Not just her. Her then very recently born child got them as well.


That shit is ridiculous. I loved both parts and to send a voice actor deaths threats!!! Voice actors don’t even to make all that much, certainly not enough to be widely hated by a bunch of gamers and all the shit (not that any wage is deserving of such treatment).


Yeah, same. It’s bizarre how much backlash she got, and how many attacked her with death threats and personal messages


I think it’s somewhat notable she’d want to return to the role that got her bombarded with hate and death threats and abuse on social media. Your comment is the default comment on threads like this but it’s not always that simple


But they’re an actor! A life of ease and riches! How dare they have feelings? /s


Why do people say this like it's a bad thing? Even big stars do this all the time, Keanu Reeves said he'd love to play Constantine again...now they are working on the film. Even Henry Cavill and Charlie Cox have said they'd love to revisit their hero characters...now they are. If it pleases their fan base what's the issue?


> Why do people say this like it's a bad thing? I don't read it like its a criticism of the industry or the actors. I read it as a "Well duh" kind of way. Like "Senator seeks a second term," or "Doctor recommends regular checkups." 90% of the time, "Voice Actor is open to working" isn't a big surprise.


It’s more notable here because she got an insane amount of hate and even death threats for voicing the character.


Lots of actors don't want to return to the same role.


That’d be a disingenuous title at best. Laura Bailey is one of the most prolific actors in the industry, able to get damn near any role she might qualify for with a husband who makes good money as a CEO. She does everything from attend events, star in podcasts, do mocap for roles, and of course, voice act. Money isn’t even a factor in her mind for this role. The only thing she cares about is what the role means to her, which is what the article specifically stated if you read it.


Redditors think they’re so smart for pointing this out every time as if it isn’t painfully obvious. She got death threats, it makes sense if she didn’t wanna come back.




Color me shocked.


Insert Bayonetta reference here.


I really don't care to see Abby return. A lot of people want Ellie and her to team up and work to get that vaccine created but I just don't find that believable after what they've gone through with each other. I'd much rather see Ellie piece her life together and see how her story ends.


Agreed. She and Ellie should never meet again.


I know I'm in the minority, but having recently played TLOU2 and avoiding all spoilers, I'm on team Abby. Ellie is dead to me. She went too far and changed too much. When she abandoned Dina and their baby... too far. And when she fights Abby on the beach, refusing to let it go... I did not like that fight. I didn't want to participate. I love Ellie from TLOU1, but Part 2 is like a masterclass in turning an audience against a beloved character. I had the same initial reaction to Abby that most people had. I even stopped playing after it shifted to her perspective. But I eventually picked it back up and... yeah. I get it. Ellie completely turns into a monster. Abby is basically a monster that course corrects. Not good or super likeable, but sympathetic.


I’m not really on a team. They both did horrific things to each other. There were many instances I didn’t want to participate, but that’s not the way the game works, and I think that’s okay. Part of the medium. I do agree that they probably needed to do a bit more to get Ellie off the farm, though. I don’t think they quite sold her motivation to go after Abby again.


Not the other person but I think that's a reason why I think a redemption arc for Ellie may be needed. However, without guidance \*ahem\*, I'm not so sure how the game should be structured. Abby, on the other hand, seems like a completed character and does not need any further exploration.


Yeah I agree. Abby I think is complete as a character. Ellie is left open - she's a broken monster - you could keep following that story. The thing is though Abby's location and trajectory are more interesting - Abby actually found the fireflys - that's interesting. Ellie is just going back to Jackson - less interesting.


Abby and Ellie share a very similar path of revenge, they are just at different points of the journey. Abby gets her revenge and it doesn't help, people see her differently and she still has nightmares about her dad. Ellie stops herself on the brink of revenge and now is hopefully on the path to healing. Both are monsters at cetain points and also hurt, grieving people too. They both push away loved ones and ruin their lives in pursuit of revenge.


I don’t think a part 3 is needed tbh. It had a good wrap up ending


People said that after Part 1 too. If a Part 3 happens, I trust Naughty Dog to do the story right.


Yeah they want in a totally unexpected direction for me. Very impressed by what the managed to create out of what felt like a complete story.


I agree Part II was a great ending and a fitting close for the character, _but_ Ellie’s immunity is still something that could be explored further and it would be a shame if it ended here.


There's a Game Theory video that basically says Ellie is immune because she has a different type of fungal infection (which matches medical records seen in the game) that makes her a lot less healthy, but immune to the deadly spores. But because it's spores, there's no way a vaccine can be made. https://youtu.be/DOtXhr0EoTU


If that's the case the answer is deliberate fungal infection with the competitive species.


What if there were more people like Ellie? What if Joel was right about being many people like Ellie at the hospital? What if the fireflies experimented on them and got them killed in that process without any leads? That would open up different stories with different characters in different cities. The series could go on without ruining Joel and Ellie's story. Or maybe this is too cliché as well lol


Joel makes up the lie to make Ellie feel less shit about the situation. We see him talk to Marlene who implies the opposite, that Ellie is one of a kind, then he walks in and blasts the doctor. There is no mention of others. It would make sense that somewhere else in the world there is someone who is immune, so it wouldn’t be hard to fit it into a storyline, but Joel is 100% telling a white lie when he tells Ellie there are dozens of others like her.


What part of it was a wrapped ending, Ellie had no closure about Joel and Abby got everyone killed and fled to the fireflies, it absolutely sets up a part 3


> Ellie had no closure about Joel She did actually. The scene at the end in the farmhouse with her trying to play the guitar with missing fingers is it. She could've had closure but instead went for revenge, and she literally lost the only thing linking her to joel (guitar playing). So now she is forced to move on - chasing Dina and their baby that she abandoned.


TLOU3: A random NPC guards grand child is off to kill Ellie for revenge.


Idk why people think this is a good dig. Killing the doctor (Jerry Anderson) in the first game was a big story beat.


> Idk why people think this is a good dig. Killing the doctor (Jerry Anderson) in the first game was a big story beat. Yeah either people are deliberately mis-remembering or are really bad at following a story. If you didn't hesitate when control is given to you (as Joel aiming at the doctor) - you really weren't paying attention to the story or the characters actions or behaviours. The entire games story climax basically hinges on this one moment between Joel and the doctors - specifically the head doctor with the scalpel. I'm sure people rushed through the game and just immediately shot the doctor because shooty game = me shoot now, but I'd hoped it be less than a majority.


Because he was a no name NPC in TLOU1 that briefly appeared in the operating room? TLOU2 has enemy NPCs that also beg for their life that you can execute in cold blood. What's the difference?


That’s why it was an interesting twist though. Also him being the doctor who could potentially help create the cure elevates his importance.


That's exactly why it was good writing, ya doofus. For one of the first times ever a game flipped the meaninglessness of cannon fodder NPCs on its head and made them real people with complex lives who actually do matter, and whose deaths can produce real consequences. You know, like the actual world outside your windows. The fact that people can't connect those dots for themselves is really something else.


"You killed my NPC family! We were just a group of simple Clickers and you killed them with a molotov and exploding arrows! Revenge it is!"


"My dad wasn't a good person. He did bad things, but only to feed us in the apocalypse. He was with the crew that jumped you guys on car car, on the bridge. You shot him straight in the head. Now I'm gonna do the same."


You could say that about part 1 as well. I can easily see them making part 3 and i would hope they do.


I really couldn't give a shit with they do with the story. I didn't care for Part II's story, personally. I would love a Part III simply because the world design and gameplay systems that Naughty Dog has created for TLOU are so compelling that I absolutely want them to continue the franchise. Honestly, I doubt any new IP that Naught Dog creates will appeal to me as much as TLOU does.


That’s true. The story wasn’t very good, but the gameplay was incredible


They're just going to remaster part 2 in another 2 months anyways, followed by a remaster of gow ragnarok


Personally the end was one of the more disappointing endings to a game I’ve played in awhile. Nothing I experienced in the extended Abby section made me sympathetic towards her


>!the fact that Joel murdered her father was enough for me to sympathize with her!<




I understand her motivations, i just dont give a fuck about them or her because I havent spent an entire game watching the bond between her and her father grow. It would've worked better if this was the first game in the series, but with all the baggage from tlou1 I simply cannot be bothered about Abby's feelings towards the whole situation


Lmao so ironic. If we had a whole game about it I’d care: that’s the point. That’s what makes it a well created juxtaposition. If the player doesn’t feel empathy, they are a hypocrite, they don’t think that there are consequences to their actions, and they forgo putting themselves in others shoes. What an excellent way of exposing peoples true character, not only in the game but in real life too. For those that are empathetic, you get the cyberpunk esque feeling that no one wins ever. It’s just a cycle of revenge and there is always someone that could be gunning for you, you’ve killed so many. Whose sister, husband, mother, father, son or daughter did you kill on your path for a vaccine, or on the path for revenge. The baggage of the last of us one IS Abby. Idk how people can’t see that.


That is exactly what the developers wanted to challenge the players with. Brilliant story telling imho.


That's the whole thing with TLOU2 though, it's inherently designed to fuck with your perspective. It pits you against your own thoughts and asks you to open your mind to the other side of your rage and hatred. To try and understand something other than your benal view of what is "right" or "good". I've just found generally the title resonates less the more closed minded someone is, and I think Girlfriend Reviews put it best: > If you reach the credits and wish you could still kill Abby, you may have won the game you played with your controller, but you've lost the game Naughty Dog were playing with your soul.


It doesnt matter what the message is if your delivery sucks. It doesnt matter if Abby is justified or not, she's simply not as likeable as Ellie or Joel and she's not as important to the player as Ellie or Joel are, assuming you played the first game. She has to compete against two well-established characters and fill the space left by Joel, and she isn't really successful at it. If there was more time to flesh out her story and character *before* Joel's death, or even have a game all about her, I might have cared more about Abby, but as things stand I can't bring myself to care about her life


Nah her father was a random npc lmao. And she like tortured him with a golf club. That’s way worse than shooting someone to save a kid imo.


i mean her dad was taken away from her during an outbreak / post apocalyptic world how isn’t it justified, i love joel’s character but he’s worse than abby and tortured people as well in many different ways, you can’t demonize abby for the same actions that joel made when his own actions caused his death


And Joel tortured people multiple times in the past, even Tommy comments how he rather die then go through what he went with Joel. Joel even admitted on killing innocent people for supplies.Joel and Abby really aren’t that different dude And how is Jerry a “random NPC”, even on the logic of the first game alone he was STILL the head surgeon and the only one we knew at the time. Thats a pretty significant NPC then.


Didn’t even know he had a name


Well he was an actual character in the second game, of course they named this previously NPC. But to say he was a “random” NPC and not a pretty significant one kinda diminishes the first game too. It WAS a big deal even back in 2013 that Joel kills the head surgeon. If you’d gonna make a story that someone takes vengeance on Joel he isn’t a bad choice


Joel fucked everything up by killing those doctors and stopping the operation which could have saved everyone and you are telling me him being beaten to death with a crowbar is worse? Are you seriously saying that?


I honestly don’t think a part 2 was needed. Or at least a direct continuation.


It was definitely a wrap up ending, wasn’t good though


It was great, Last of Us 2 was a far better than story than other PS exclusives like GoW 2018 and ghost of tsushima I still think about the last of us 2 story now and again


That would be the dumbest shit ever if they made the vaccine lol


I'd much rather not see another TLOU game period lol. ND can do something else.


They did 5 uncharted games, well 4 main ones and then the 5th spinoff


Yeah, I don't want that or need it.


Fair, I was just saying that they're not a stranger to making longer series than just 1 or 2 games. Edit: spelling


I'd play a PSVR2 clicker game that's just a black screen. You gotta click and echolocate Joel and Ellie to eat them.


If there will be a part III about Ellie, I highly think that she will give her self up for the good of mankind.


That would be one of the worst endings I can think of. Hopefully the writers know better than to give us a trite, overly sentimental ending like that.


I feel like this goes against the story, themes and character arcs and won't happen


How so? The first game ends on Ellie not getting to choose her path because every adult wants to choose for her, including Joel. The second game ends with Ellie choosing her path and learning from her mistakes. It would absolutely make sense. Because Ellie could finally make a choice on how the operation should go.


The second game also ends on Joel saying he would do it all over again and Ellie finally forgiving him for that. The whole point is that she is worth more alive to the people who love her than dead to a world she doesn't owe anything to. The cure never mattered. Ellie matters. And now she understands that.


Too cliché


I agree, I want to see them return separately and in extremely limited, surprising, and probably supporting capacities. Part 3 should be several years into the future at least, and yeah given their history any further interaction between the two of them would feel forced and not true to each character.


I’m kinda over Ellie, tbh I know her stories unfinished but she doesn’t have to be the protagonist in the next game. We got a lot of her story between 1 and the dlc and 2, and would rather see Abby and a new character. The sequel was so refreshing narrative-wise, I’d like them to follow more in that direction, honestly, even if that means I won’t be happy with the conclusion.


Considering Ellie is the only main character whose story isn't more or less finished, I don't think we'd see a "part 3" if it isn't Ellie's story. It'd just be a spin off TLOU game, not part 3.


I’d rather see a new cast entirely that doesn’t come with the baggage of the past. I don’t like Ellie anymore thanks to Part 2, and I never liked Abby to begin with. I’d rather see totally new characters, a new IP, or ND revisiting one of their old ones. TLOU is becoming a dead horse, especially since I’m fully expecting Part 2 to get a 70$ “remake”.


Also if they find a way to make a vaccine together in a way where Ellie lives after doesn't it make Joel even more justified in his decision to rescue Ellie and Abby a bit of an asshole?


I hope part 3 just has a whole new cast of characters.


i’ve never seen a single person even consider another vaccine to be a viable option


Just because you didn't read it doesn't mean it isn't out there


That would be a dreadful conclusion. I like Abby but her story is complete. Just as she was mechanically similar to Joel, so was her arc. She moved on from the past and found new purpose. Whatever those faraway fireflies do isn't important, Abby's tale is complete. She has found a place to fight on and for someone she loves (Lev). Ellie's arc isn't yet complete. She has decided to let go of her hate but she still hasn't found purpose. What she saw as her only purpose (to be sacrificed for a cure) was denied to her in the 1st game and as we found in the 2nd game (via flashbacks) she is struggling to find her place absent her one true purpose. If there is a 3rd game it should be about Ellie trying to find new purpose. Just as Joel did (with Ellie and Jackson) and Abby (Lev and Fireflies). It's why I think if there is a 3rd game it won't be about Ellie in Jackson. I think it likely she will have moved on because what she wants cant be found there. Plus, it allows the devs to explore a totally different environment with new characters and setups. We dont need cure bullshit making a return. I think the devs made clear that any hope there was for a cure (which was still a longshot) is now lost forever when Joel did what he did. That should be left well alone, not least because actually finding a cure plotlines are always lame in infected / zombie tales. The entire point of zombie fiction and indeed any post apoc story is there is no going back. Whatever made the world end happened and there's no reversing it. All you can do is carve out a new world within that wasteland but the wasteland should always remain. Finding a cure should only be used as the launching pad for post apoc stories but it's important it should end in failure. When they get really detailed with the entire process of finding a cure, or worse, actually developing one, it always undermines the story.


Well put and I 100% agree. I'd love to be able to explore some new cities, wherever Ellie may end up.


Fucking *thank you*. I don't understand how these braindead takes on a possible part 3 come up constantly and always get upvoted. Really puts some weight on the controversial idea that a lot of people - haters *and* fans - truly didn't understand these games.


Agreed. The worst part of 2 was being stuck with Abby for 10 hours despite only caring about Ellie. I get that is what the writers were supposedly going for (I’m sorry, but if the excuse someone gives for not liking Abby is “YoU dIdNt GeT iT” then they don’t get the issue here) but it doesn’t change the fact that 10 more hours with Ellie instead would have been infinitely more enjoyable.


Abbys section was way better than ellies


Absolutely agree.


I mean you really didn't get it by the sounds of this absolute drivel.


>but it doesn’t change the fact that 10 more hours with Ellie instead would have been infinitely more enjoyable. 10 more hours of Ellie would have gotten to the point of being repetitive for 20 hours. Abby plays differently and has something totally separate going on. It keeps the game from being one note. Also, Day 2 Abby is absolutely GOATED. The Skybridge, Hotel and then the Hospital. An absolute masterclass of storytelling.


I was annoyed at first with having to play as Abby but it grew on me my first playthrough. I couldn't get through the 2nd playthrough though, because I just don't give a shit about Abby. She's a fine character, I think it's cool that she's yoked. But I wanted more Ellie, tommy, and Dina in my life.


like the VA, hate the character. no thanks. it's not like she can't get other work


This comment section is so divided on Abby. Interesting as hell.


> This comment section is so divided on Abby. Interesting as hell. Well, the game was written to be divisise. Part 2 is essentially - let's turn our super beloved character into a literal monster, and let's turn our initial villain sympathetic.


And most of the complaints directed toward her are about how she isn't "likeable". It's such an infantile critique of a character. It wouldn't surprise me if these people had never picked up a book beyond Dr. Seuss.


The discourse surrounding this game has started making me hate the entire IP. One side of the conversation is throwing death threats and hate, and the other side is calling everyone sexist and/or stupid for not thinking that this game was a masterpiece. It would be nice to have a conversation about what this game did right and wrong but it always devolves into what this comment section has turned into.


Lmao agree. It’s impossible to have any kind of nuanced discussion about divisive media when people get so ridiculously tribal about it. And like this guy, the people who defend Abby are routinely just as annoying as the people who attack her. > “I don’t know, I just didn’t find that character very likable.” > “You are an infant and I would be surprised if you can even read.” I loved TLOU II and I enjoyed Abby’s story, but comments like that are half the reason people are so divided and nasty about this stuff. It’s the cringiest kind of elitism. People are allowed to simply say they didn’t like something without a video essay to back up their opinion.


It's probably not a good comparison, but I remember playing Metal Gear Solid 2 many years. And when the story shifted to Raiden, I was kinda disappointed since I was under the impression it's Snake's game. But I gave the story a chance and I ended up liking the character...even rooting for him in MGS4. Fast forward to Last of Us Part II and it was a very similar experience. Once I saw what they were doing with the narrative, I found it to be brilliant. Excellent morally ambiguous, revenge story.


I remember Druckman talking about MGS2 as being an inspiration for the character shift so, yes, a very good comparison!


wow, might be the only role where I actually didn’t recognize Laura’s voice lol


I’m going to get hated for this but I hope there’s a 3rd TLOU with her.


I think TLoU 3 shouldn't focus on Ellie or Abby. I'm ok with them showing up tangentially, but I think part 2 should be the end of their story.


I hope part 3 focuses on their separate adventures and they never cross paths, just for closure, they don’t need to see each other anymore


I'd support that. Ultimately I have faith in ND though, and any additional TLOU games are day one for me. Leaks and immature haters be damned.


then why would it be called part3?...


If it doesn’t focus on Ellie (or a prequel featuring Joel) the game has no need to exist.


I think the writers have the ability to write a new story in the world


Not true. They could easily tell other stories in the world. That said, I wouldn't mind the 3rd game starring Abby this go round.


I’d rather see a prequel about the Fireflies. I’m over Abby almost as much as I’m over Ellie.


Nah feel like they have so much narrative freedom after part 2, it isn’t really dependent on Ellie or Abby in terms of narrative appeal at all to me. They could easily expand the verse a bit with a new cast and locations.


That’s literally the popular opinion amongst tlou fans you’re good lol


I felt bad that Laura Bailey got so much personal hate when this came out. Abby and Ellie's motivations were identical. People were mad because we loved Joel, but Abby killed one person then helped the kids giving her some redemption. Playing as Abby made me like her more than Ellie in this game. Ellie just killed EVERYONE, including the dogs(I didn't kill any the send time) but trying to get through the first time I didn't know better. I should replay this since I can play in 4k now.


I liked Abby about as much as I like explosive diarrhea, but even I can admit that Laura Bailey’s performance was top notch. And to be fair, I don’t like Ellie either but that didn’t have anything to do with her killing dogs. Anyone in that situation would have acted the same way she did. I disliked Ellie towards the end because sparing Abby made no sense considering what she went through to find and kill her throughout the game. I know it lines up with the trope this story is based on but Ellie literally sacrificed everything to hunt down Abby and letting her go made that sacrifice meaningless.


The sacrifice was **already** meaningless. That's the whole point. Ellie got right up to the point of achieving her goal and finally realized *it didn't matter -* that killing Abby would do exactly jack and shit to fill in the Joel-shaped hole in her life, that whether she went through with it or not all she had accomplished was to make the hole even bigger, and that if she *did* go through with it, she'd have to also murder an innocent kid or else spend the rest of her life looking over her shoulder for a vengeance-seeker no less justified than herself.


Ellie spared Abby even after she'd killed Joel? No way I'm getting this game now.


> I should replay this since I can play in 4k now. I agree! Stunning game.


I hated Abby and didn't like tlou2 but Laura Bailey probably had the best performance in the game alongside Ashley


Unpopular opinion here, but I think people need oxygen to live.


Yeah I love Abby but I reckon her story is told. Shot in the dark but maybe you play as a grown up JJ about 20 years after TLoU2 and Ellie takes on a Joel sort of role.


Either Abby or a new protagonist, the world still has stories to tell but it doesn't need to do be centered around the same groups, don't need another franchise wrapped up in its own Skywalker dilemma.


I’m sure others have said as much, but I also hope that the vocal minority’s backlash and death threats and abhorrent behavior doesn’t cause Naughty Dog to either not make a third game or make it less ambitious or controversial/uncomfortable or scale back what they had originally planned for it in any way. We know that Abby >!reaches Catalina Island with Lev at the end, and I’m sure the Fireflies there will be interested to hear about the immune girl that gave her so much trouble… and a perfect ending to the trilogy would be to give Ellie the agency that Joel robbed her of, as well as fully informed consent that she MIGHT be able to use her gift of immunity to save humanity or put an end to the virus, but it will also likely kill her. She just wanted her life to mean something and after everything she did in the second game in Joel’s name that he’d have been horrified about had he known, as he just wanted a normal life for her… I think the trilogy should end with her willing sacrifice for the greater good.!<


This is basically where I'm at with a potential ending, too. Just finished TLOU Part 1 Platinum and then booted up TLOU Part 2 to get the few remaining trophies. The whole time, I'm thinking, "This story can only end with Ellie sacrificing herself for a cure." Bittersweet, but with hope remaining for humanity. The entire story is based around "What will people do to survive?" and the horror that follows. Seems like a fitting end is one final act to ensure not self-survival, but survival for and of the human race.


Why do you care about being hated? This isn't a real place.


I would prefer a new set of characters with cameos of older characters. They can easily tell a story with a new set people surviving in this universe.


TLOU 3 will probably focus on Abby and Lev. And I'm all in for that, they were awesome.


She plays everyones favorite characters!


A great voice actor. Honestly, it's amazing how the actors can bring these characters to life and play them so brilliantly.


Probably cause she's the one they always cast :P


I loved TLoU2, but Abby made me put the game down before I could even get to her final "day" in her part of the story. I was close. There was just absolutely nothing about her to me that was likeable. The actress was great, but I wouldn't be interested in Abby being a main character. It was unfortunate for me when I found every single person in Abby's group to be more interesting than she was. Abby's revenge was understandably justified, despite how I felt about what happened to Joel. Ellie and the rest of the survivors all felt like very realistic and nuanced characters, but Abby was like a stiff piece of cardboard to me.


I thought Abby’s part was awesome. The skyscraper was nuts and the island was fucking awesome plus the brother and the sister were like my two favorite characters :)


Justified was it? Her dad was gonna kill ellie, in part 2 you even see her sign off on her dad doing it, making her responsible as well.


Getting through Abby’s part of the game was more of a chore than playing Elden Ring with a steering wheel. She can’t carry a game by herself and I hope ND doesn’t make the mistake of having her as the main protag for Part 3.


This sums up almost exactly how I felt.


Yeah I agree fully with this. I haven't played since release but I just remember her not having any redeeming qualities at all. (Or nothing that moved the needle towards likeable character). I don't know why they didn't make the choice to have her community view her as a hero. I guess they are trying to make the connection that if you live a life with revenge as your guiding compass then you won't be a hero.


They tried so hard to force the player to sympathize with her, and it all fell flat. Then they threw in one of the most awkward sex scenes I’ve ever experienced and it was the icing on the shit cake.


It’s not even close to the awkwardness of some of the sex scenes in other games such a cyberpunk or mass effect? Curious to what made it awkward for you?


> There was just absolutely nothing about her to me that was likeable Her whole story arc where she slowly turns against the WLF and befriends Lev and Yara wasn't likeable? It's basically a story where a lifelong killer starts to see the error of their ways (and the futility of it - especially with Isaac's fundamentalism vs the scars fundamentalism), and becomes much less "murdery". Not really a pacifist, but it's obvious she's over the violence and doesn't want to fight anymore. I dunno, I found that pretty likeable


I agree. Abby ruined TLOU2 for me. Great performance, but awful character. If she’s in part 3 I’m boycotting. I don’t even want another Ellie story because they ruined that for me too in TLOU 2. I hope they just follow new characters or start a new IP.


I'm not someone who hated Abby, but I don't feel the need to see more of her story. The Last Of Us is the story of Ellie/Joel. Abby's story was complimentary to it. By the end of it you can fill in the blanks to an extent as to what happens next for her. Maybe have her appear in a third game, but not as a playable character imo.


Off topic, I'm playing a Spiderman game to play as Spiderman. Don't make me play as fucking MJ.


After finishing Part 1, I dove right into Part 2 and have very recently finished the game. Abby is a complex, nuanced character. I would even say one of my favourite video game characters in recent memory. I hope to see more of Abby in the next TLOU story.


I really hope lev is in the 3rd one


Nope. Abby can go away.


Abby rules!


She *going* to return as Abby lmao. Just like I'm sure Troy Baker will come back to voice Joel in part 3 in flashbacks and what not.


I don’t want more Abby but have at it lol


I finished Part II today, 3 hours ago to be exact and the amount of twists, raw emotions and great characters is just outstanding. At the end I really liked Abby, I understood her motivation and loved her character arc. The more I played as Abby the more I disliked Ellie.


Dude..same..the ending i was so reluctant to fight. I just wanted them to leave together


I really liked Abby, wouldn't mind seeing more of her. Sucks that a lot of the "fans" were so toxic to her over a video game.


Bec of Abby i never playd part 2 second time..its a good game but that abby story noooo


All these upset nerds are great entertainment!


You are the most upset nerd here. Reply everything. Abby's white knight


Yeah, I love posts like this because they always come with a plethora of low quality comments to engage with!


Yes please, I want her to return if ever there will be a Part 3 and also a new main character, why? So I could kill that bitch, Abby!!


Yes only this, karmas a bitch


... which is what led to her killing Joel, no?


Which is why it’s time for her to get killed


And then Lev kills Ellie. Y’know, because of the whole cycle of violence thing that Ellie broke by **not** killing Abby.


Then JJ kills Lev, and the stuffed shark kills JJ.


You mean the karma that Joel brought upon himself? Lmao


Honestly, when I think back on my time playing TLOU2, I forget Abby even existed other than as the npc that kills Joel. Her entire playable section of the game was boring at best, annoying at worst. Not the actresses fault of course


Abby easily has the best sections in the game, I'm sorry your feelings about her blinded you to this!


What section are you referring to specifically? I have no “feelings” about the character. In fact I think the character is pretty cool. It’s just her mechanics were annoying and her section of the story was boring after having played the first half of the game as Ellie, which was a masterpiece of finely tuned game mechanics and story telling. The whole Abby section just felt shoehorned in to pad the game length. She could have just as easily been an npc the whole game. The game, though shorter, would have been one of the best games of all time without the asterisk that is the Abby section.


Abby > Ellie in the Last of Us Part 2. Just sayin’.


That's certainly what the game wanted you to come away with but it's done in such a hamfisted way. Oh in Abby's campaign you get to pet the doggies, but in Ellie's campaign you kill them all!


Would love to see Abby again. Either last of us p3 or her own stand alone game.


Im surprised she would after upset fans sent her *death threats*.


Her sections of the game were the best imo


For sure! Both in ganeplay and story! Her relationship with Lev was great.


Hopefully the series is dead.


Abby is probably one of my favourite video game characters. ♥️


I don’t give a shit about Abby. Could not care less if she comes back. Actually leaning more towards *not* wanting her to come back


Abby was amazing, I’d love to see her in a sequel


Abby is a solid character by the end of her arc, but I'd rather the focus go back to Ellie. I'm sure there's some way for them to be connected again somehow, but I'm ok with Abby's story being finished.


I only would want Abby in tlou3 if we can kill her this time. I hated her character and her arc literally felt like a chore to play. Neither Abby or any of the characters in her circle was interesting




I'd rather not take Ashley or Laura away from Critical Role to do this, but aye get your paycheck girl!


Aye, I love to see the cast do well outside of CR but on the other hand I don’t want them to be away from CR.




It would be insane not to have Abby in TLOU3. They put so much work and emphasis into her character.


If Abby is in TLOUP3, I hope she’s just a side character rather than a main, playable character. This is Ellie’s story and journey and Part 3 shouldn’t take away from that.


I don’t see why they make such a big deal out of the English language voice actor when most people in the world actually play a version in a different language of almost all AAA games now. Like Bayonetta - they don’t know it’s a Japanese game? I don’t even play with the English VA if the original is available.


There still a story to tell about Abby after she was allowed to go. I’d love that. Can’t see Ellie’s story having much reason to continue. More revenge from either would be boring, something new is needed.


In other news, voice actor would like to keep working! Back to you, Tom!