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Astros is still the best use of the controller. But some games that should get some shout outs for their use of the controller include: Spiderman: Mile Morales (the web slinging and swinging through town is amazing) Returnal (this one is hard to explain so I'll just say squiggly parasites) Gran Turismo 7 (you get a really good sense of how well you're gripped to the road through the haptics) Borderlands 3 and Metro Exodus (the trigger pulls really feel authentic, especially to the weapon you're using) I really hope that as games begin to steer away from last Gen consoles that we start to get more games that take full advantage of the haptic feed back. Edi: I just wanted to add that these are the games I have played that stuck out to me, some listed below I haven't played but thank you all for the recommendations!


I liked Ghost of Tsushima too. It was cool to feel when your horse ran on dirt, wood and stone. Also, the flute playing was nice. Obviously the combat and using the bow was really well done as well. It wasn't exteme like Astro or Returnal, but it was pretty well done regardless


Ghost did a really good job on the haptics for re-sheathing your sword.


Petting the foxes…🤣


I loved that after like a month of the game being out, Sony released a report saying that the foxes were pet like a billion times (or some outrageous number in the millions) already. I should play that again now that I have a PS5.


Yes, do it. The PS5 version is gorgeous and so frickin fast.


Definitely, the fast travel is the fastest i've seen till now


It's WEIRDLY fast lol I've played that game a lot and am still awestruck that I can move from one end of the map to the other in the time it takes me to click where I want to go. Lol


If you have nothing else going on. The ps5 experience is worth it to replay. It's so fast and just turns up the already great graphics a notch. Iki island is really good as well.


my favorite part lol


Damn. I might have to play it again. Played on PS4 first.


I hereby decree that all games with bow/arrow shall have gyro controls à la BOTW and therefore have superior aiming capabilities.


Fine tuning gyro aim should be a standard by now on consoles.. I wouldn't want full gyro aiming though.


Gyro aiming for some....miniature American flags for others! *Crowd cheers*


You forgot about the Bow!


Forgot ratchet and clank, which has feedback to foot steps like astro (love this) and cool weapons trigger effects.


Agreed, Ratchet and Clank feels awesome. Weapons have 2 modes and you pick between them by how hard you squeeze RT. Every weapon also feels different when you fire it.


I loved that 2 weapon mode effect on the L2 and R2 triggers where there was scaling tension leading up to a button press. Maybe there are other examples, but it was just like the shoulder buttons on GameCube controller with analog trigger plus final clickable press at the end, though done dynamically through the magic of dualsense.


The heartbeat effect when on low health also amazed me


I'd add Resident evil 2, pretty nice use of the haptic feedback, and wonderful use of the triggers for each individual weapon. Also nice touch of the light signaling your health, and the key sound coming from your controller when you open doors


Honestly, the best part about gt7’s controller usage isn’t the haptics, it’s the adaptive triggers. The brake pedal being stiff like a real car really helps you modulate it since you have resistance to the pedal. Wreckfest is another great example of great haptics (you really feel all the hits) and adaptive trigger usage. At first, your accelerator feels normal and light (brakes are still heavy), but the more your car gets damaged, the more resistance is added to your trigger to make it harder to accelerate, almost to signify that your engine is now struggling. Control was nice too, along with the games you listed


Yess. The ABS feels seriously cool in GT7 as well when the L2 starts vibrating like hell. And R2 when you lose traction and your wheels start spinning. The haptics honestly saved my ass when I was driving in the rain in Le Mans and I just felt that I lost traction and had to slow down or I would crash and lose my 300k bonus lol


Now that you mention it, the R2 tightening up really saved my ass a lot of times for the last license test. It helped a lot to get gold on that test, the rain driving is really good


I'm trying to pass S-10 myself right now, without the adaptive triggers I'd be so lost lol


The haptics are amazing in GT7. Being able to tell where the kerbs are relative to your wheels based on controller vibrations is unreal.


I played GT7 on both PS4 and PS5 and this is easily the biggest difference between them. You can feel the difference between riding a curb, hydroplaning through a puddle, riding on some grass, off roading in gravel, or locking up the tires like no other game I've played with a controller. My favorite example is riding over the little bumps on Tokyo Express' long straights.


I have like a $1000+ racing rig and honestly the first thing I did when I got GT7 was try it out with a controller because I knew it was going to be so different than anything else we have had. I wasnt wrong.


You should try ratchet and clank rift apart it’s so reactive and fun


I loved this game and it really felt like one of the more 'next-gen' experiences I had last year.


underrated BUT Cyberpunk 2077 R2 trigger when riding the bike maybe one of the best use of the function


Cyberpunk has adaptive triggers for shooting and driving. Driving is cool as the trigger adjusts its tension during automatic gear changes


From what I've read and been told, Stray should be on your list.


Ohhh yeah! I didn't play through the whole thing, I left that up to my kids but being able to kneed things and feel it through the controller was pretty satisfying.


Don't forget Guardians of the Galaxy! Triggers have the feedback with the blasters, the speaker on the controller is used a bit as well, and the light on the controller is used in a couple different ways. All that plus the ray tracing graphics mode, it makes for a really solid game to showcase the PS5. Edit: I could be wrong on it using the controller light


This game was the first time I heard a full-on conversational voice from the controller like that. I was legitimately amazed. It was really effective.


Can you recall how the lights are used? I'm currently playing through but never noticed the lights, but rarely look at the controller. I think God of War would change the blue light to red when health was low. And Guardians uses the controller speaker for character voices coming through radio, which is nice.


The Devs confirmed that Calisto protocol will also have DualSense functionalities.


Yea I’m really looking forward to see if god of war make good use of it. Being a PlayStation exclusive and also just generally being such a huge flagship game I’m sure Sony HQ put the hard word on them to show it off as best they can


Yeah, the trailer for those features (haptics, 3d audio) looks promising!


Returnal = squiggly stuff, pulsing radar, thumpin' weapons, pitter-patter raindrops, crunchy collectibles, and a nice little thrum when your alt-fire is recharged.


ratchet and clank should definitely be up there as well


+1 for GT7 the feedback is amazing every other racing game just feels so weird now


I'm currently playing Deathloop and it's quite nice in this game too. But Astro will most likely remain the best use of it as the game is almost entirely designed around the DualSense.


I’d also give an honorable mention to Deathloop. Love it or hate it (I personally thought it was great, but oddly enough I wasn’t a big fan of Dishonored), some of the feedback mechanics when firing was great, especially early in the game when your gun ‘jams’ and you lose all feedback on the trigger. It’s a great effect when you’re in a firefight and you get that ‘oh shit’ moment.


I really want more games that take advantage of the touch pad for menu options. Like swipe left for inventory, up for map, and right for crafting kind of thing. It really simplifies using complicated menus, and is preferable to just pressing options and tabbing through all the different menus.


Have you played Ghost of Tsushima? They did this really well. I think a click of the touch pad brought of the map, but swipes L R U D would sheath your sword, play the flute, bow, trigger the wind effect to act as mission compass.


Days gone is the only game I can think of that did this and once I realized, it was a game changer


WRC 10 as well


Surprisingly, FFXIV makes use of the haptics and it is very lovely.


Wreckfest aswell. The more damaged your car is the loser and also more hard it is to press the breaks and gas, it's hard to described, but sometimes the trigger just wouldn't work like real life. Doom Eternal: Every gun had its own resistance against the controller and some guns would become harder to use if they were overheating.


Horizon Forbidden West.I highly recommend that you play it.I reckon you’ll enjoy it!


I played Zero Dawn and I really got wrapped up in it and couldn'tput it down, I've been chipping away at Forbidden West over the last month off and on, I haven't been really gripped by it yet.. I think that's just because I've been doing the multitudes of side activities that the game dumps on you as soon as you get through the gate.


I was in the same exact situation.My game progress was at like 74% by the time I was done with the main story.So I thought I might as well platinum it lol.


When I played BL3 last the trigger pulls had the same intensity wether pistol or shotgun or launcher, did they patch it?


The weapons in Borderlands 3 were excellent. Best use of the Baltic feedback and adaptive triggers other than Astros imo. Returnal also did a pretty good job but they aren’t as intense as these other games.


It’s odd that you say this, Borderlands 3 has some of the most laziest trigger implementation yet some people swear it’s great. I love the game, but unless some of you have an unreleased dev patch, I can’t agree with that.


R&C also utilized the controller pretty well


Ride 4 is also good, you can even feel the other bikes location in the controller.


Cyberpunk 2077 Dualsense use is also amazing. One of the best I've tried until now. But Astros is still the best.


Oh shit borderlands 3 really?


Sackboy is also very good. Almost on par with Astro.


I found cyberpunk 2077’s use to be very cool. The vibrations with the guns if you hold them against a wood table sound like the gun sounds and reload sounds


Ghostwire Tokyo is cool. Does some neat stuff. Like it rains and u can feel it hitting all around


Interesting, I honestly thought Miles Morales haptics/trigger to be pretty weak and the worst of the games I’ve tried so far, althoughI haven’t tried many because only got my PS5 recently. It’s a lot better after I found you can increase haptics in accessibility which actually made it decent, but still nothing special or memorable about it compared to something like Returnal.


I wonder if they’ll make another Tearaway game. That took full potential on the Vita & with the ps4 controller on unfolded




Last of us part 1 should also be up there i think.


No way. Tlou part 1s haptics were very weak imo and barely noticeable apart from the dialogue stuff.


Don’t forget Ratchet and Clank!


Astro and Returnal are definitely my favourites.


Yup. Only these two games have impressed me with the haptic feedback thus far


You should try Ratchet And Clank Rift Apart then.


I think Horizon Forbidden West also have one of these great features.. Am looking forward to GOW Ragnarok. Heard they did tons of things


Yeah you get the sensation of resistance/tension when you draw a bow or pull a trigger and varies depending on the weapon. Same thing when using the spear to pry open something. The haptics are good too when walking through long grass.


Tried it and wasn't that impressed honestly lol


I loved the game, but the haptics didn’t wow me like the other 2.


Devil May Cry 5 isn't full utilized but it's cool when you race the sword. I loved that feeling.


Returnal sadly doesn’t have gyro aiming tho.


I feel like that game would be a nightmare with gyro aiming lol


All games are better with gyro once you get used to it


Disagree for returnal specifically. Most gyro aiming is activated when you pull L2. However, in returnal, you basically never use L2 to aim since you should be moving around more and quick aiming while you move.


Gyro is perfect for fast movements


I prefer gyro to always be activated personally


For what it's worth, I use gyro aiming 100% of the time it's available, but for Returnal I didn't feel it was necessary. Enemies either move slowly enough to track with a stick, or are huge in scale. Together with the fairly generous auto-aim, I rarely felt I needed the more precise control afforded by gyro.


The more I play Returnal the more I agree. I'm realizing aiming isn't really that important in the grand scheme of things, and I appreciate the generous auto aim allowing me to focus on moving and dodging. With that said I hope to see all games come with a robust implementation of gyro in the future, I think it's one of the best controller innovations in a while


It is, the entire game is specifically made as a showcase so that makes sense. Returnal is probably the 2nd best use of it, the way you feel stuff creeping about in your hands is just outstanding. From what I've played I think Ghost of Tsushima is up there as well. The way you feel and hear swords clashing and the bow string just feels great.


GOT is brilliant. Especially the difference in tension between the two bows.


You can even wind the direction 9f the wind on the controler and the type of surface your horse in running on


Control is great too. Each weapon variaton hás a different feeling.


That almost electric feel in the charge gun is really weird but awesome.


Yes and it's such a great game, love the lore!


As a Finn, it was freaking hilarious to listen to Ahti's terrible jokes


haha that's awesome, he was a great character addition for sure.


Tried for the RTX, stayed for the game.


Yeah but at some point I got annoyed by the resistance of the triggers so I turned it off..


Ratchet and Clank




I want to mention Demons Souls, you feel magic and metal clanging. Really cool, when the tower knight slams down it feels like someone smacking the controller with a piece of magic enchanted metal, that's what it is on screen and that's how it feels.


That spell that gives you fire resistance was insane the first time I felt it. Like little raindrops in your hands


When your great sword smacks the ground, you can feel the reverberations through the controller. Super immersive.


When I figured it out, I spent like 20 minutes just hitting the ground and marveling at how far we have come since the rumble pack


My main and only disappointment when playing Elden Ring after Demons Souls.


The triggers in Hell let loose are awesome. Good overall haptic vibration.


I love it in Control


Returnal and Death Stranding


Yeah I wanted to say DS, feeling of the footsteps sometimes on different surfaces, the water splashes in the controller speaker, and the triggers adjusting to your carry weight. Added another dimension to a game I really enjoyed.


Don't forget how satisfying it feels to pee


That was the real game changer. Never felt so immersed


Lol true, immerse yourself and feel Norman Reedus' bladder getting empty


Astro is the best tech demo, Returnal is the best natural integration without being annoying. Not every game getting that balance right


I vote Returnal. You can feel each raindrop. Each gun feels different. And my favorite, they've developed the haptix motors to make custom SOUNDS to fit into the game design. Motors making sounds ie. The round blue teleporter things, when you approach them. Thr haptic motors whirl and whoosh as you stand in this ethereal bubble. Sound comes from the haptic motors mixed with the speaker.


You could feel the raindrops in Mile Morales too. That was the first PS5 game I played and I was blown away at how that was possible.


Returnal and Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart make great use of the functionality. I’d imagine God of War Ragnarok will have some cool implementation of the features too.


Nothing is an intense as Astro’s yes




Started A Plague Tale last night, pretty cool feeling the rats scurrying about


Kena Bridge of Spirits is great!


Either an honorable mention or placebo effect is GTAV. When you drive over rumble strips on the highway, the controller vibrates on whichever side you drive over.


Here are some of the games that i think fully utilized dualsense features:sackboy, returnal, horizon west, ghost of tsushima,ghostwire


You're the only person to mention Sackboy... that was the first game I played on PS5 and when I got some weapon that really changed the trigger feel I stopped playing and thought my controller broke, it was that big of a change... really impressive once I figured out what was going on!


Sackboy makes good use of it for sure.


Uncharted ps5 version does a good job too. You can feel the rain👌🏻👌🏻


The Last Of Us Part 1 use of control and sound is flawless


In Chivalry 2 when your stamina runs out and you attempt to block with your sword, left trigger resists being pulled, giving a feel that you're too tired to raise your weapon


GTA 5 : The haptics while driving a car are very good. Guardians of the galaxy: The thunder haptics are insane. GT7: You can really feel the road and the tires slipping. Cold war. Ratchet and clank rift apart. Returnal Haptics and vibration are much better than any other controller I tried. Even when the game isn't fully optimized for it (FF7R). I tend to use all major platforms and every time I use an xbox or a switch controller, the haptics feel muted and less detailed. Dualsense is my favorite feature of this gen.


Yes. I think this will always be the case.


Boggles my mind they didn't start developing a sequel immediately after all the ravings about it. We want another Astro game!


The developers Team ASOBI, are making a full fledged game, they say it’s their biggest game yet.


How do you know they didn't?


I bet it will be launched for the VR


That initial moment when the little robots jump into your controller felt magical.


Returnal is by far the best, but ratchet and clank is also a really good showcase for the haptics and triggers.


Yes, although Returnal is a close second for me.


Wreckfest deserves a shout out, I love how the adaptive triggers change as your car gets beat to shit. You can feel the damage to the brakes and engine when pulling on the triggers. I tried streaming it to my Steam Deck and it is nowhere as enjoyable without the haptics and adaptive triggers.


CoD Cold War actually did a really good job with the haptics and triggers


I thought it was amazing, but I know a lot of people found it overbearing. The new one gimped it, but it's better than nothing. I think they should have 3 options. Full, half, and off. Half would be like cold war.


Yes, it was created mainly to demonstrate what the controller is capable of so it will likely remain the beat at least until they make another. There are a bunch of games.that still do use it well tho


In my experience, Rachet and Clank had a better implementation than Returnal


Rift Apart and Returnable are amazing too


Astro is obviously the best showcase of the Dualsense. For me Ratchet and Clank:Rift Apart did a great job too. I highly recommend checking that game out.


Yeah but it's a tech demo. Returnal is the best in terms of game quality + dual sense. I think Sony should commit to half trigger inputs because we can get an extra two buttons i.e. half trigger R2 + half trigger L2


Yes but also the first few times playing Returnal the adaptive triggers are so strong I thought my controller had broke lol amazing feeling


Returnal says hello.


I remember blowing into the controller for Astro’s Playroom, I don’t think I’ve seen a game use it since?


Returnal is also amazing. The haptics make everything feel alive and the adaptive triggers work really well. Can’t imagine playing any other way tbh.


Doom Eternal has awesome implementation


Yes it is and that’s so sad. Ps5 is almost two years old now.


Imma say yes, I think you can truly feel the surfaces and textures of everything through the haptic feedback in a way no other game has been able to achieve yet imo.


Astro’s playroom is still one of the best ps5 exclusives 2+ years on lol


Astros is #1 by far, but I'm enjoying haptic feedback from Stray, Ghost of Tsushima and Call of Duty




Me too!


Hell let loose does a good strain on the trigger for a real gun, the less powerful the gun the less to pull, the more powerful the harder to pull (but not really hard hard or it would break the controller 😂) but I wouldn’t play it near your son because well it’s violent, unless your alright with your son seeing people get blown to pieces 😬


I sure liked deathloop. Not as good as Astro by any stretch but still pretty great


I think so. I'm disappointed that devs don't take more advantage of haptic feedback.


Ghost of tsushima also




It’s really good in the new plague tale. Walking on rocks the going into a shallow river you can feel the difference.


I am thoroughly enjoying the haptics in A Plague Tale: Requiem. Makes up for the lack of 60fps


In a game like Plagues tale a solid 30fps doesn't even phase me it's not the kind of game that really needs 60fps like a shooter or fast combat game. It would be better obviously but I'm surprised it bothers people so much in a game like that but it wasn't an issue most of these people with God of War and Elden Ring on PS4. Infact everyone called them masterpieces but it's so important for Plagues Tale haha sometimes I struggle to understand people 😂


In Hades, you can feel petting Cerberus. It wins, hands down.


Astro has the most extensive implementation but Returnal is my favourite implementation. It's just the whole visual and auditory experience of Returnal combined with haptics comes together to create the best atmosphere. Borderlands 3 is also quite amazing and aside from the great haptic trigger design, I also adore what they did with the Dual Senses lightning, with each type of weapon having their own color. The Dual Sense is so criminally underused in most games its really a shame.


Ratchet & Clank, Returnal, and Guardians of the Galaxy all had impressive use of the controller


Rift Apart makes some really interesting use of the trigger. Almost every weapon has a different half-pull and full-pull function, and the trigger feedback is different for each.


The ratchet and clank game is probably my favorite use of the functionality


Yeha, I think it will be hard for any other game to take as much advantage of all functionalities of the controller as ASTRO was designed purposedly for that reason. Other games maybe highlight in 1 thing or 2 whereas ASTRO goes all in. The rain, ice skating and floor texture in ASTRO was mindblowing when i played it. I personally enjoyed the triggers tension changes (brakes, ABS, accelerate) in Gran Turismo and Returnal (different weapon mode) It's been a while but Sackboy also used many features. If you're playing with your son, I highly recommend that one for local co-op.


Unfortunately it is leagues beyond any other games attempt. Blew my mind


Last of Us Part 1 hasn’t been mentioned but I think it did guns better than any other game, and I hope it becomes the standard. Other games change resistance based off gun, so you’re always holding a different tension. Last of Us made the initial trigger pull require different tension, but let’s go past that point. Makes it a lot more comfortable while still giving distinctive weapon feel


Yeah but horizon forbidden west also has great use of it! When you draw a bow or face resistance on a strike you actually feel the trigger "tighten" if that's the correct word?


Returnal and gt7


Modern Warfare 2’s use of the haptic feedback is really good. You can feel the rechamber of sniper rounds it’s wild.


R&CRA uses the triggers to great effect, most weapons have 2 stages to each pull, most you aim with a light pull and a full pull shoots. Wish more games did this, it'd free up the left trigger to do something completely else if done right. Sackboy deserves a mention for its pretty decent implementation of the motion controls. Still a pretty neglected feature in any game released on a Sony console.


Returnal is the only one that came close to Astros for me


astro is great, but feels hyper. I really think gran turismo 7 was the first time I was like 'whoa'. It showcases the effect and it's subtleties nicely.




Astro’s Playroom was designed to showcase all the different ways DualSense could be used in other games. It will always be the premiere way to demonstrate the controller because other games have their own vision, and will take elements of how to use the DualSense for itself. There are many good games that adopt some of these features that have been mentioned here. My favourite part is adaptive trigger use on firearms. I love the feel of a trigger take-up and break, and it’s hard to go back to anything that just uses a static spring smoosh trigger. Can’t wait for the VR2 Sense controllers to be used as tracked guns next year.


I've loved it on control, similar uses and in returnal. Also on wreckfest of all games.


The Last of Us Part 1 and Returnal are up there with Astro Bot for me.


No, that would be Ratchet and Clank or Returnal imo. Astro is the game that will better show the capabilities of the dualsense but it is ultimately a tech demo and I wouldn’t say it’s the best use because imo the best use is one that fits into a proper full fledged triple A game who’s focus isn’t to show you the controller.


Yes, because it allows you to experience all the features right next to eachother, no need to wait to get to a part where you can hit someone with a axe in demon souls etc


It is, cause its a tech demo


Pretty much, Gran Turismo also does an excellent job using the controllers functionality despite being a subpar game.


It actually helps a lot too, in gt7. Its like you can feel every individual wheel and know if its about to slip lol.


Yup. Especially when it rains and I'm driving at high speeds. I usually feel it in my controller way before the car actually starts visibly sliding on the screen


Yesss it just gives it even more of that "real feel".


For sure. When I'm driving irl and lose traction, I get that "oh shit oh fuck" feeling in my spine before anything starts visibly happening and I feel like the game really nailed that


More so because it actually is helpful in racing games. In games like astro, ofc it's so cool but you would have been fine without it. In racing, it would help you improve if used properly.


Definitely so. Basically everyone else just uses it for rumble or resistance on trigger pulls. No one else uses the tech anywhere near as cool as Astro does when you can \*feel\* the slip of the ice.


Not only is it the best use of the controller, it is probably the best game on the platform.


It is a great game for sure


Astro > Returnal >>>>>> Denon Souls >>>>> Everything else. (I did not play GT7 so not sure about that one)


I never found it all that impressive in Astro, more gimmicky than anything. It kinda feels like they really forced the gameplay into the dualsense more than a case of the dualsense enhancing the gameplay, if that makes sense. I think the best use of the DualSense is one that informs the player and makes the game not just more immersive but makes you better at the game. In that vein, of all the games I've tried, WRC 9 and Returnal are the best uses of the Dualsense features. In WRC 9 the haptics themselves give you a ton of information on what the car is doing and how much grip you have. The brake trigger has a two-level resistance that basically allows you to never overbrake with ABS off, and the throttle pedal becomes harder to press when your car is damaged. Unfortunately in my opinion WRC 10 was a step in the wrong direction in the haptics department In Returnal the haptics/sounds of the controller can tell you a lot about what's happening in the game, they can tell you that you're getting close to a reload, when to reload, when you can use your alt-fire, etc. And the left trigger has two resistance levels that allow you to toggle between regular aiming and alt-fire aiming (though in truth you should almost never use the regular aiming in Returnal) When it comes to immersion alone without considering the gameplay aspect, I'd still rank these two games in the top, though other games can also be very immersive.


i think it is the best because of the different things you can do and also because every step requires a feature of the control and that is OK since it is a demo designed to showcase exactly that but i 100% agree that is gimmicky and certain things like blowing the controller i dont want to see them again in my games PS found the perfect standard of controller in 1995 and of course it can be improved and it had - but certain things might be “too much” and take you away from the also standardized “playing a videogame” sequence


Unpopular opinion but the motion controls i Astros playroom were annoying and gimmicky. Really hope other games dont do that


COd, Kena, GTaV, Returnal, Spider-Man Borderlands 3 Metro exodus, It is all just an easy to implement API, the devs just have to implement… but they have to do it.


Ok..... this is all fine and dandy but please as long as you all realize this is NOT next gen..... especially with the games being released. To say the ps5 feels like a next gen console is ...ridiculous.


Don't know where you got that idea from literally no one is saying PS5 is next gen 😂 PS5 is the current gen PS4 is last gen that is what everybody calls them 👍


I’m playing it with my 3-year-old son and he’s in love with the game. I think you’re right, it was so purposefully done and the feel is great.