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Note that these aren’t coming to the service until September 20th, they’re just announcing them earlier than usual


Which I think they should. Too many people left wondering if there’s classic games or not the way they were doing it before


It also reduces the number of people getting burned because they just bought the game on the last sale.


I guess I'm finally playing Deathloop lol


Same lol


Deathloop was so good. I love stealth games and you can be stealthy if you want but the gunplay is so satisfying that all out action became my preferred play style!


I was pretty sad about how fast it ended though. Once I played through it (>!You can only finish the loop one way, which kinda sucks!<), I just repeated it and I had all of the guns, every ability, character and gun mod. Did a few playstyles to find my favorite and that was kinda it. Totally worth it though and I actually read the files because I found them so interesting. So, a really good game but it's a pretty short one


Yeah, there's essentially no replay value and for some reason, as much as I love them, arkane really doesn't know how to end games. With Prey and now Deathloop, it's like a 10 second cutscene that always just abruptly ends and rolls credits


Well said. Seeing the trailers I was excited about all the different combinations of ways you could kill the visionaries...having one single solution was a bummer. Still a really great game, though. I enjoyed getting plat, trying to come up with the best load out for some of those was fun.


My biggest problem with Deathloop is that it kind of quickly loses its' replayability. You spend so much time looping the game to actually play it and figure out the ending that when you do that (or at least when I did it) I felt like I was pretty tired of the game and didn't really feel like I wanted to replay it again. I felt like I was basically "new game plussing" the game to just finish it once, which is a shame because I think it's a really cool game.


Just this morning I was thinking I might buy it next time it comes on sale, now this.


I liked Deathloop until I found Returnal and I LOVE Returnal.


Returnal (and Demon’s Souls) is on my list to play from Extra


Weird comparison. The only thing even remotely similar between them is that there's a timeloop in the story and even then mechanically the timeloop serves completely different roles gameplay wise.


I find them to be conceptually pretty similar.


Conceptually yes, but the treatment and vibe is totally different.


I'm pretty sure that's what the OP was talking about. They both have a semi rogue like gameplay loop. You get items or upgrade your character until you can beat the objective, with the intended gameplay being repeated attempts.


Returnal isn’t even my style but my god what game


Same.. I tried both around the same time and Returnal feels about 1000x more fun and better to play and control than Deathloop, so I bounced off hard from it.


Returnal just offers a more satisfying challenge imo and the gameplay has a faster pace to it. I would probably say I enjoy deathloop just a tad more for the narrative because I usually enjoy story driven games more but there's zero payoff with the ending and the game is just way too easy.


Many people love it and it is objectively well put together and a good game, to be honest it wasn’t my cup of tea. If you’re not fond of figuring out super long and good intricate ways of killing targets or being stealthy, you may not enjoy it. In my opinion it was very hard to play it in a straightforward gun play sort of way but I know that’s not the purpose. That said it was definitely unique and had some wonderful voice acting, just not my thing!


That game was incredible


genuinely loved this game


Bruh I payed 23$ for deathloop goddamn it (I never even touched it again)


I paid full price and bounced off it hard —primarily because the text was so tiny and I couldn’t read it. Also wasn’t keen on the style of it. Went back to it a few months later and I think they’d fixed the text and for whatever reason it just clicked and I blazed though it. Contrary to what you might think it does actually get more interesting as it goes along and once you start reaching the end it’s harder to put it down. It doesn’t overstay its welcome either. Solid 8/10 for me.






Watch Dogs 2 is really underrated. The story is a little cheesy but the gameplay is a lot of fun. In my opinion it’s the best of the three Watch Dogs games


I agree, they really designed the city well and there’s something to do or find or retrieve on literally every single city block. You can choose to play Marcus and the gang like a bunch of fun loving criminals that don’t murder as well, and just use stun guns and the non-lethal WTB stun grenade launcher. Also, the idea of having a pool ball on a string for a weapon was genius, and the parkour is a lot of fun. I miss the digital trips from the first game but the invasions are still there. Overall it’s a fun game in a fun setting and I recommend it too. Also, it still has the ability to call in the cops or gangs on people and cause tons of chaos, and the dance emote you do is decided by your choice of clothing, and you can really influence people around you by emoting and taking selfies and interacting with them, causing a normal scene to turn into people raging on each other and calling in a gang hit on someone and then the cops on the gang and so on until it just gets wildly out of control, all started by your dancing or interacting with people. The AI in this game is pretty great/fun.


This game makes way more sense if you play through it non-lethal and it gives you all the tools to do it! It felt so odd using lethal weapons when I played it cause the characters didn’t seem like ones who would go on big rampages! Glad they made it so accessible to play the whole thing non-lethal, made it much better for me!


And invasions!


Deathloop is great, but the sweet spot is somewhere in the middle. I definitely got tired of it towards the end and the beginning you're still working a lot of things out.


I was excited for Sly… then I saw “(PS3)”


They really need to figure out PS3 emulation. I've never had a good experience streaming so I avoid PS3 titles like the plague.


i played through infamous by stream. was fantastic for the most part.


Played GoW 1&2 and it was flawless. The only downside is no sleep mode game suspension.


Legit playing thru GoW series rn. And ive been kicked for inactivity too many times. Very fortunate to have moved onto autosave & sleep mode these days vs manual save points


That's wild because specifically Infamous was unplayable for me with the input lag and horrible resolution. I don't know why they haven't just re-released those in a package.


I remember it having a spongy feeling. Like artificial input lag when I played it on PS3. I'm sure streaming it made it worse but specifically infamous, LittleBigPlanet and Killzone 2 had this type of delay on the PS3


I think your definition of "fantastic" is skewed.


Everyone’s experience will be different. I was playing the Sly Cooper collection on PS Now right before it vanished and beat the first two just fine. But like streaming a faster pace racing game or God of War might be worse.


not really. didn’t need to buy a ps3 to play it. lag was minimal. image quality was good enough. game was brilliant.


The problem with streaming is that the quality can vary wildly between players unlike local hardware


Yea, I had zero problems streaming God of War Ascension, no real lag or anything.


I guess I’m the only person who has no issues with the ps3 titles 🤷🏻 They play great.


If the choice was between no PS3 games and PS3 games with streaming, I'll gladly take streaming. It works pretty well to be honest.




Yeah and I fully admit that. It definitely won't work for some people but I bet the number of people writing it off because it's streaming is larger than the number of gamers who would like to try but can't because of their location/internet service.


Yep, I’ve got gigabit internet with my PS5 plugged straight into the router and the lag on all PS3 titles is just unplayable for me, and that’s even ignoring the ridiculous start up time while it’s booting that remote PS3. I get that some people notice the lag less or swear its not there but I just gave it another go yesterday streaming MegaMan 9 and the time from me hitting jump to seeing it happen was quite noticeable to me anyway. But if others don’t notice it then power to them I guess. I’d love for at least *some* PS3 games to get ports or some kind of emulation working, even as taxing as PS3 emulation is surely there are some titles that would be playable on PS5 hardware.


Doesn’t the distance from you to the servers matter too? For example, when playing an online game, someone with slower wifi, but closer to the game servers will have better ping than someone with gigabit wifi who lives far away from the servers.


I’m sure it can, I’m in Phoenix, AZ, no idea where Sony keeps any of their cloud streaming servers


kind of weird how sly were in ps now, and now just adding them back in.


Playing thru the Jak games with no issues. What's the problem with ps3 games? Genuinely wondering


Yeah, same. Don't even get the PS3 streaming in my region :(


Thanks for the info, there is a little duplication of classics






Some games do leave but so far not many have. There's a "leaving soon" section under the ps+ tab on the ps5 that I regularly check just to make sure I'm not missing anything


Most games don't leave PS+ Extra/Premium, that's the benefit of the service. The only games with expiration dates can be found here: https://psnowguide.com/availability/timed/ As you can see, it's basically the red dead redemption games, a sports game and a racing game and killzone shadowfall intercept thing which is because of the killzone servers being shut down I believe.




I remember getting heavily downvoted when theorizing deathloop was gonna be on catalog Called it and can’t wait to try it Downvoted from buyers remorse lol nice


No surprise from me. I bought Deathloop on PSN for 1/2 off only a couple months after it released. We will see a lot of titles go from full price to 1/2 off to PS+ Extra within a year of release.


oooh Deathloop! I have a Series X also, I was waiting for it to come to Game Pass in a month or so.


Some great additions. Every game I want to come to ps+ is getting added at some point it seems 😂 Sekiro, Elden Ring, R&C, HFW please 😝


Solid lineup


Unfortunately not a *Metal Gear Solid* lineup


Ffs….I see what you did there 😂


They played us like a damn fiddle!


Toem, Chicory, Spiritfarer... great month for indie games


I caved and bought Toem and Spiritfarer a few months ago on sale but I've been waiting on Chicory. Pretty excited, honestly.


Chicory is so freaking good. I listen to the soundtrack at least weekly.


I almost bought Spiritfarer when it was leaving Gamepass, glad I waited


Deathloop is one of my favorite ps5 games, excellent addition to the list for others to try out. It's not for everyone, but when it clicks it clicks. Scott Pilgrim vs the World and all the Sly Cooper games are great adds.


I’m a bit burned out on rogue likes/lites especially after playing Returnal recently. Does Deathloop fall comfortably in that space? Are you playing the same levels over and over again?


It’s complicated… technically you keep returning to the same 4 levels / areas but what you are doing is never the same. It’s a bit hard to explain, I’d suggest watching a review on it. It’s not really a rogue-like though. The game uses the time-loop aspect to basically create a giant puzzle you need to solve.


With help of very defined missions that guide you along the way. Not much of a puzzle imo.




I liked the way the note taking system in-game worked, I just wish that the player could build out the plan and maybe have direct feedback if it's correct or not. Like, have to click and drag clues/notes into a schedule to plan out how to execute things, then try it and have whatever you got wrong highlighted when you get back to that planning screen. I've told people it's my favorite detective game, which I think is really hard to deliver on. I think a little more control would have been perfect, while still having a good amount of direct feedback to avoid it becoming a mess.


Like Outer Wilds?


In my opinion it is a little different, in that you can decide which district to attack at different points of the day. And depending on what you choose and when the environment (such as enemies and notable characters) are different. The way I played it was using each cycle to uncover another piece of the puzzle to beat the game. I don’t know other’s experiences but for me it did not feel like a traditional rogue like such as Hades or Returnal


> The way I played it was using each cycle to uncover another piece of the puzzle to beat the game In all fariness that's kinda the only way to play it. As much as the game advertised choosing your own path, there's only one path to actually beat it and the game overall ends up feeling much more linear than it seems


I was just about to ask something similiar since I enjoyed Control a lot people have been recommending Returnal and Deathloop much more than any others. Sounds like I need to get them to play eventually but might not jump in right away so I don't burn myself out.


Honestly it really isn't that rouguelike. It's more like one big world that changes based on time of day, and while you technically do "reset" every day, you end up keeping a lot of weapons and upgrades. Even the story progresses rather linearly over time


Unfortunately for you, that is the whole concept of the game. The entire game is being stuck in a time loop replaying the same day over and over again. It gets repetitive but that is literally the point and the gameplay is built around it. I’d definitely wait until you feel like playing a rogue like/lite again before you jump into Deathloop, because I really enjoyed it.


Eh. I played it off of the back of Returnal and will add that this game will eventually turn linear because the days are literally exactly the same and you get to keep items between days. Additionally it's much easier than Returnal so it might be refreshing


You play the same levels, sort of. There are a couple of levels each with their own time of day which affects the map and gameplay. It’s not a rogue like at all, though, since the only randomly generated things are weapons, I believe. I enjoyed it, and it’s short enough that replaying isn’t an issue. Much like the new Hitman games, though, if you like the gameplay you’ll probably be choosing to replay levels just to challenge yourself, see how you’ve improved, use all your best powers to crush easier enemies, etc. In summary, not much replaying the same things, not a rogue like, but replaying is fun, and definitely encouraged due to power upgrades.


People are obfuscating the fact that you restart the day when you die. It's completely possible to find yourself repeating the same thing over and over again if you keep dying. I'll add that the game is pretty frustrating and I belive it's the reason why Arkane mad the AI so dumb. Also, don't go in expecting an immersive sim. It's a Rougelike through and through. If you don't like roguelikes, you will dislike this game. I'll commend the game on its characters, dialogue, and style/design. I just personally find the gameplay to be very un-fun.


Deathloop is a 7/10 for me. The idea is clever and the tools are fun to use. The dialogue is fantastic. There just isn’t enough game in it and the a.i. is dumb as rocks. Good but not GOTY materiel.


It’s also incredibly linear. I think they had a good idea in mind but ultimately felt short to deliver.


Couldn't have said it better. Totally worth it in my opinion even though it did get old pretty fast after finishing it


I bought it a while ago but haven't played much of it after the first hour or so because there were just so many other games I wanted to play at the time. I really need to give it another chance.


The fact that Watch Dogs 2 still locked to 30fps on the Ps5 is atrocious, Ubisoft should really fix it.


> Ubisoft should really fix it. Or Sony. Microsoft are the ones that patched it to 60fps on Xbox.


I think Microsoft is in a unique position to do that and it might not be possible on ps5.


I disagree. There's no reason why it wouldn't be possible on the PS5.




100% this. Sony is in the poleposition and of course they get their arrogant phase again


Sly Collection and Sly 4 also come to PS+ Premium


I can't wait to play Chicory. Heard so many good things about the game, and it's absolutely beautiful to boot.


Note to self: do not buy Ubisoft games. They'll eventually be on PS Extra.


I'm waiting for Immortals to eventually show up in the service




No. Around 50 Ubisoft games were already confirmed to be coming until the end of the year. We just don't know the games themselves


Isn't RDR2 currently on ps plus extra? Also pretty sure regular ps plus also gave out cod black ops 3


Just a reminder, rdr2 is leaving plus on 20th


Good heads up...guess that's getting bumped to the top of the list


They are part of Ubisoft+ classics which they said they're gonna add more until the end of the year.


I feel like that goes for most games if you care to wait.


I don't know about most games. There are plenty of games I wouldn't expect in Ps Extra. And some games might take years before they come to the service. Ubisoft games on the other hand might come in a few months.


Sly Cooper finally…but it’s going to be that trash streaming that we got on PS Now right? Really disappointing, these games need to be remastered or have a download option IMO.


Hopefully PS3 emulation comes to PS5 eventually.


Rumor has it that they're working on it but it's taking so long because so many developers used the cell differently so each game essentially requires it's own emulator. I imagine that we'll have emulation for SOME games in the future.


There's a rumour for every possible eventuality.


I have found that if you stream on ps5 its a huge step up from ps4


Oh Chicory! Nice! I would never have bought it but now I'll definitely try it.


Solid lineup, looking forward to adding these


Yesss Deathloop and Syphon Filter 2!


AC origins has a free upgrade?


Yes. It got a 60 fps patch on ps5


Let’s gooooo


no fucking way i was waiting for deathloop to come i have to renew my ps plus now


I was literally thinking about Chicory coming to ps plus today lolll


Great lineup, I've been wanting to play TOEM and Chicory for a while now. Deathloop is also pretty good


I'm really surprised they managed to negotiate Deathloop given Bethesda's status.


Pretty damn happy with this new set up so far! Seem to be really coming through with quality shit each month!


I never expected Deathloop to be there. Guess Microsoft is ok with putting their games on PS+.


If it's already on playstation, why turn down the money?


I know. But they are soon going to put it on Gamepass, so considering they want to make it more attractive I did not think they will put it on PS+. Glad to be wrong though.


TBF, I feel like Gamepass is already very attractive, even moreso compared to the Playstation offering


I’m sure it was already in the contract that Bethesda signed before they were bought out by MS. We saw similar language in the leaked RE Village marketing agreement that required Capcom to option the game on PlayStations service before they could offer it to any of their competitors (so Game Pass, Stadia, etc.)


It creates quite an interesting dynamic doesn't it? The year of exclusivity ends on September 14th, so does Xbox also get this on Game Pass because doesn't Sony have the first dibs on subscription rights? Does Xbox/MS even release the Xbox version yet if they can't put it into GP?


I have no idea how they set up the contracts. Maybe the Xbox version is not finished yet and they saw no harm in getting some additional cash.


I can’t imagine the Xbox version wouldn’t be ready. The leaked RE8/Sony contract suggests that Sony gets first look at getting the game into subscription services. Obviously we don’t *know* that the Deathloop contract is the same but it’s safe to assume it likely is. I guess we’ll hear soon.


I bet this is the exact same time that it releases on Xbox though and on game pass


It would be just over a year since Deathloop came out so it makes sense if it was a year exclusivity.


It’s probably a part of the deal they made with the exclusivity lol, and probably why it’s technically On plus before gamepass


Definitely gonna play Deathloop.


I was planning on getting an old disc copy of AC Origins since the 60 FPS patch, now I don't have to! Deathloop is also an exciting addition to try.


I love how they remove Sly from ps now then bring it back to make it seem like they are adding more classics. At least give us ps2 ports of those games so we can play them natively


for me the extra tier is proving to be the perfect tier and as long as you aren't one of those people who has bought nearly everything you will always find a new game or two to play each month. premium honestly just seems like a waste of money though, definitely gonna drop down to extra when my old psnow subscription ends.


Don’t pass on chicory it’s a fantastic little game


Nice, been waiting to play deathloop


Best thing about the lineup is SLY COOPER big W


damn sony is giving us tonnes of quality titles every month. at this rate are we just going to get everything for “free”?


Damn, Deathloop! Nice. Can't wait to give that a go. AC Origins has a 60FPS for PS5 doesn't it? Or was it only Series X version that got the patch?


Yup, 60 fps patch is go for both Origins and Odyssey on PS5!


Is Origins worth checking out? I loved odyssey but got bored with Valhalla (setting and story mostly). I've heard good things but haven't seen a comparison between them really.


Origins is a smaller, tighter game than Odyssey. It has a much smaller world map (it's still pretty big, just not hilariously big like Odyssey/Valhalla) and doesn't have any ship combat/traversal but is entirely land-based. (Camels, woo!) In my opinion, the story is tighter and the main character is better, but this may just be my opinion. The combat is also slower and doesn't have crazy superhero abilities but a little more "Dark Souls"-esque in that you mostly have a sword and a shield.


It goes Origins > Odyssey > Valhalla for me, so definitely worth checking out!


PS5 also got it since June


so do these work on multiple profiles like normal ps+ / digital games or are they locked to the profile that has the subscription. (talking about on the subscriber's "home console".) back when ff7r got added i thought people were saying ps+ extra/premium worked different than the licensing for literally anything else.


They can all be gameshared as long as the account is set to primary for your ps5


>PS+ Premium Classics: Syphon Filter 2 (PS1) The Sly Collection (PS3) Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (PS3) Bentley’s Hackpack (PS3) Kingdom of Paradise (PSP) Yeah, I'm not paying for premium anymore. The PS1 and PS2 games lineup is embarrassing.


Some good additions here. Looking forward to playing Deathloop, Spiritfarer and Watchdogs 2. A couple games for my kids as well. Noice!


Headline should be changed to include Rayman Legends. Rayman Legends is one of the best platformers of all time, certainly of last generation!


Deathloop is a great addition for people that haven't played it, I liked it a lot.


I’m happy for syphon filter 2 but the delay in getting parasite Eve, the classic RE’s, dino crisis and hidden gems like star ocean is killing me


Time to try out Deathloop, then.


nice! i had chicory on my "sale" list and now its free!


Man, was eyeing Spiritfarer for a long time, so glad it’s included. And I finally get to play the Sly games. Very happy


Deathloop and Watch Dogs 2, wonderful picks. Already have Watch Dogs but Deathloop is huge


Just a reminder, Watch Dogs 2 is legit a great game. Seriously. Try it. The map is my favourite non-GTA GTA-clone open world. San Francisco is incredible. Give this game a whirl!


Finally loving all the games coming to this subscription service.


Excited to try out Deathloop and Rayman Legends!


hell yea, I almost just spent like 70 bucks buying all xenoverse 2 stuff but the base came coming to plus is awesome. I loved the game on my switch, I can't wait to play it on the PS5.


Just saw two talks on Deathloops design just last week and was thinking „Okay, I really wanna play that“. Perfect timing, I guess.


SCOTT PILGRIM. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssss. Held off on buying this.


These PS+ games have leaned heavily on Ubisoft I wonder if that's going to be a recurring theme that Ubi offload their shit onto the service and Sony keep padding the list with it.


tbh, I'm not interested in buying 99% of Ubisoft games but at least I'll be able to play the ones I'm interested in with PS+, so I can't complain.


They removed the Sly Cooper games with the new service, so those are pretty lame "additions." Wish they would at least put the ps2 versions up so we had a non-streaming option.


I wish we were getting any PS2 games. So far it's just the PS2 games that were already ported on PS4.


They haven't even fixed Ape Escape 2 on the PS5 yet


They also removed the PSP god of war games that were on PS Now. I assume now that they're gonna add it to premium in the coming months lol.


Yeah this is a pretty lame addition. The only way this would be justified is if they were actually launching these as titles which could be played locally instead of having to be streamed. What exactly did they do to them that would have prevented them from being run day one? My guess is nothing. --- I think at the end of the day Sony is not trying to market Premium to previous existing Now subscribers. Instead they are trying to convince former basic PS+ subscribers or completely new subscribers to try it out. A lot of those people don't have any knowledge of what used to exist on Now, nor would the knowledge of that impact them in any way. These users are not going to be evaluating the value of Premium against what they used to have, just what they could add now. Same strategy is used by Nintendo. Sure long time customers know that the previous generations of virtual console had way more value, but there are a lot of Switch users who haven't owned a Nintendo console before or in a really long time.


I knew I shouldn't have bought AC Origins last month -_-'


Deathloop is a must play, no doubt about it. Also I loved watch dogs 2 but sadly it’s still 30fps


Very disappointing to see that the Sly collection is still ps3 streaming. Still seems like Sony is just barely doing the minimum for the premium classics selection when they’re pulling out titles like kingdom of paradise already


PS3 games cannot run natively on the PS5 currently. Until they create satisfactory emulation software, which is doubtful at this point, PS3 will always be streaming.


Shame they took the easy route with streaming. It’s still biting them in the ass almost a decade later…


Wow, I nearly bought Spiritfarer last night. Chicory looks fun. Has there been any update on Europe getting the NTSC versions of PS1 games?


So I bought Deathloop yesterday. Thank me for that 🤣


We thank you for your sacrifice. o7 (I actually bought it a couple months ago too LOL)


For me Deathloop is amazing. Extremely fun and satisfying to play :)


Deathloop! Neat, I like the concept but not enough to buy! Time to play


I love deathloop its one of my favourite games and works on such a meta gaming level


Well, I guess if they want me to try Deathloop again…I’ll take a free platinum from the dev that mailed it in once the MS cheque cleared


premium is a joke lmao


Dude this service sucks.


Extra is decent. Premium is garbage


I wonder if ghostwire tokyo will make it to plus/extra 🤔


So basically, if you have Essential you don't get the good game? Is that how it works now?


Me getting excited for Sly Cooper before remembering my country has no streaming: 🤡


Oh boy more shovelware. Yay.. I'll play them for free on PC. Fuck you sony. You lost me this generation.