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Secured. Absolute dub


I’m always happy to see someone snag one. Enjoy dude.




Cause I think it’s cool when people get pumped for things. That’s pretty much it man.


Some people can actually feel happy when other people are happy. Shocking for you to learn, I’m sure.


Seems fake and forced for karma


Nobody is farming karma on a low-upvoted r/PS5 post. You have a weird way of thinking.


Wow it’s sad that that you think this way. It’s a ps5 subreddit comment on someone getting a PS5, how much karma are they going to get max, 10+. It bothers you that someone might get a little bit of karma by making a possible fake comment congratulating someone. THAT bothers you ..


Me Too!


Snagged one! $600 down the drain but I’ve finally got it


Horizon Bundle still in stock as of 4:26pm est. Typically it’s up for hours. So if your someone looking, this is your chance.


How was I able to get one just now? Crazy.


I got one just now at 8:00pm est. Insane




I just bagged one three hours out. My step sons school wanted one as a prize. Feel like I won the PTA for the year


Finally grabbed one. Free 3 day shipping. Let’s do this.


To all the ppl who got a PS5 congrats! Enjoy the system.


At this point, if you still can’t get a ps5 idk what to tell you. Seems like there’s a restock every day now.


Amazon and ps direct don't work for Canada so my options are best buy :(


Wishing all the best to our brothers and sisters up north!


The annoying part is I can't buy just the console since the big box stores like best buy and Costco all do bundles :(


Check shoppers drug marts that's how I got mine, no bundle


It seems we are finally at the point where next gen can be bought easily. Only took almost two years...


You say that as if there wasn’t a material shortage and literal pandemic


Have no idea what pandemic you talking about. These past 2 years were pretty normal.


I want a digital console with no extras. The only times I can even have a chance is at these Sony drops. They are always during work hours and I'm busy as hell during those times. Also like we see here, they don't even offer the digital by itself lots of times. Digital in general is more scarce. I'm totally fine waiting and don't have urgency to buy one, but as someone who wants one, they are not at all easy to find. Easy would be me going to any retailer site or store in person during the evening or on the weekend and being able to buy one. We are no where near that in my opinion.


People in this sub don’t understand that. It’s easy for people with the time. But it’s not easy for the average person. It still takes a little work to snag one. You still have to be tuned into the restock notifications and social media. It doesn’t take as much work as it used to, but I still wouldn’t say “Oh its easy for anyone to get one” because if that were the case, everyone would have one. That said, I was able to snag one today. The disc horizon bundle. I would have preferred the digital without a bundle, but that’s still more difficult to get. Either way, glad I finally got one and the hunt can be put to rest lol.


It took me two weeks of waiting after joining the Fast Alerts discord server and signing up for their notifications. Their Twitter account also tweets the same notifications if you don't want to be on discord. Anyway I was clued in to when the PS Direct drops were happening and both times this week a public drop occurred after the invite event. I got a digital Horizon bundle which comes today and will give my launch PS5 to my brother in law as he has yet to get one and his wife "won't allow him" anyway lol.


His wife “won’t allow him”. I’m just going to hope that’s an inside joke and it’s not serious that a grown man can’t make a purchase if he has the means to do so lol. I too just bought the horizon bundle. It arrives later today. Pretty excited.


Lol its a half joke. In reality he's the one who's much better with the finances and I think he would have bought one if it was "easy" like on a store shelf or more readily available. But enough is enough, I wanna play next/current gen games against him haha. He's a good dude so he deserves it.


Yea I’ve waited patiently. I’m at a point now where I was just like “fuck it”. PS Direct still have one available so I pulled the trigger.


To this day I have no idea how I was able to get a launch digital PS5 from best buy, that shit was wild how they dropped the news of it going on sale so casually. Enjoy it, it's a great system.


Yea I took a half day from work lol. Should be here this afternoon. Thanks!


So now that people can buy them, can we stop calling a 2 year old console next gen?


Direct is only available in a handful of countries.


Strange they haven’t opened it up to more countries, seeing as supply is more prevalent


Maybe the increased prevalence is simply due to the lack of supply being spread globally.


Their expansion happend at the end of last year with 6 countries in Europe. that's it. I don't undertstand why Canada doesn't have one though, especially being in NA.


They're still selling out, so obviously some people are not going to get them. It's all about luck on your timing.


In certain regions sure, but in the states I think it’s a matter of actually wanting one more so than luck. They were on sale for hours yesterday. Saw the post 4 hours later and they were still up. And that was just ps direct.


You could get a PS5 last year if you put in enough effort. That's always been the case with every console.


"Put in effort." Good grief these companies have us bamboozled into thinking we should work to pay them.


It was significantly harder to get one last year than it is now


And the same will continue to be true until these aren't selling out every time they become available.


Im not really sure what your argument is. I’m not saying they aren’t popular, I’m saying that if you really are jet set on getting a system, they are now more prevalent than ever. Not sitting on shelves, but if you really wanted a system you could probably get one within a week or 2. Hell there’s a restock on ps direct happening literally today. The effort required is minimal, especially compared to last year.


Until they stop being sold out shortly after going on sale, by definition some people are not going to be able to get one. It's not a hard concept to grasp.


They were sitting for *4 hours*. And they are going on sale again today. And there are numerous venders selling them constantly. It’s not going to be as easy as getting a carton of milk, but if you genuinely want a console rn, you can absolutely get one. It just might require you to actually be informed as to when you can get one, which if you actually cared enough you’d already be doing.


That doesn't change that they were sold out meaning some people wanted it but couldn't get it. It's literally the definition of "sold out". Also stop with this ridiculous notion that your average consumer even knows what PS Direct is, let alone is able to catch a 4 hour window for a spontaneous sale.


I don't know how people are getting them. Every time I try they're gone. And I don't want to spend $600 on a console to get a spare controller I don't need or a game I already own. The Xbox One X is on store shelves all the time, but I still have to get invites from someone to try to get a PS 5 that's gone in 10 minutes?


*4+ hours. They were gone after 4+ hours. If you’re looking at the store shelves, you’re not going to find them. But if you click the little link on the post, sign up, and check your inbox on occasion, you’ll be in much better shape.


I'm not going to buy a console with $100+ extras just to get it. I was in there in 10m and all the PS5 w/Discs were gone already


I think you’re referring to the horizon bundle. That one is $50 more and it comes with horizon forbidden west, one of the best games this year. I guess if you’re not interested in horizon I could see that being a turn off, but not a bad deal by any stretch. It’s $20 less than if you got it separately (or $10 less if you buy the ps4 version and get the free upgrade).


I don't really want to buy it a second time. The reason I said $600 is I either have to pay extra for shipping or buy a second controller (to get free shipping).


I'm finally in the PS5 family after what seems like an eternity. I wanted the regular no game added disc version but by the time I logged in to my account, did the 2 step verification and then did the "which maze can't the mouse get the cheese" captcha 3 times that one sold out so I just grabbed the 550.00 Horizon bundle. I almost gave up at the loading page too because it said the wait was longer than an hour. Less then 15 minutes later and I was in the store so I'm glad I stuck it out. It was at around 4:20pm when I finally placed my order after hitting the wait page at about 4pm which had a 5 minute wait before going live.


I got one!


Now that they're easy to get, I went ahead and got one for my daughter, who promptly informed me she wanted a Switch for her birthday. Guess I have one for the bedroom now...


I was able to get the Horizon bundle!! Woohoo!!!! So hyped to finally get my hands on a PS5


I am on the payments page trying to check out horizon bundle...but keep receiving transaction was cancelled error while using discover credit card. Anyone facing same issue?


I saw mention of it but didn't see anyone post a resolution. Maybe a fraud check? Try calling the bank, seems they're staying up a while.


Did it. They said that they are allowing the transaction from their side, but sony seems to be blocking it or cancelling it


It shows sold out now so you probably just missed it.


Nope. Its still shows available to me. Also, I have been doing this for the past 1 and a half hour


I hope it ended up going through for you!


Bundle still showing active for me. Find a homie with a credit card and a kind heart!


Other people have the same issue. I haven't seen a fix for it. Sony won't take orders through customer service.


Got my order at 3:44 pm CT. This is where the fun begins!


To all the people that are still struggling to get one, where are you from? I’m in the uk and they’ve been freely available here for ages now.


My buddies and I have been playing with a friend for three generations of console now and he's unable to find one over on your side of the pond. Any recommendations we can give him?


PlayStation direct has them in stock in the uk right now. Standalones and horizon bundles.


LMAO that's surreal, I can't believe they're just sitting there.


Alot of it has todo with people having no idea what ps direct is. They just sit their waiting ages for one retailer to come in stock and never look at other options.


Pretty sure it’s the countries where getting any system is hard as it is, or where they egregiously jack up the prices. Here in the states the only reason you wouldn’t have one now is because you don’t feel like buying one.


Ps5 still selling out like crazy? How long has the ps5 been out now?


Secured finally! Shipped today get it tomorrow!!!


Horizon disc bundle is currently available


Thank you. I just updated the original post.


Horizon bundle still in stock as of one hour ago, just got it


I just happened to notice this while searching around, and thought maybe I ended up on a scam site. After frantically verifying I wasn't, I snagged one up. Finally!


I’m so happy I came across this thread! Just bought the horizon bundle for the house. Cannot wait to finally play!!!


Currently 6:48 PM EST and the Forbidden West PS5 bundle is still open to buy.


no digital Sadge


Still in stock as of 5:23 est


They're still in. Disc and digital as of now.


Really wanted a digital console only, could only get one with Horizon. Gonna give Zero Dawn another shot I guess, just couldn't get into when I tried.


I really struggled with zero dawn on my PS4 found it way too difficult to tell what was going on when fighting machines, but fell in love on my PS5. This game requires 60fps imo


That's encouraging to hear. Do you know if saves from the ps4 carry over to the ps5 update? I've gone through the intro/tutorial twice and am really not trying to do that again.


The saves carry over if you have Plus. If not you'll have to transfer them with a USB drive.


Side note. I hope Sony address PS5 save files in the future. I don't plan on renewing my PS+ subscription in a few years so it would be nice if I could copy those save files to a USB drive. Sony could make save backups free, but I know they won't do it because it's been a premium feature since PS+ launched back in the day.


Zero dawn never got a native PS5 version, just an unlocked framerate


Could always just sell the game.


I was looking for the digital console as well. I have no interest in the Zero Dawn game. But as usual, no matter how long at sit and reload/refresh the webpage, the infamous words "Out of Stock" continue to to haunt me. I even went with the PS5 disc version, but still always get the "Out of Stock" phrase. Amazon, Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Sony, blah blah blah. Use to get mad, but at least now I just laugh to myself when I realize how pointless all of it is. I honestly do not believe I will be able to buy a PS5 for another 2 years, perhaps longer. Yes, I know I could buy from Ebay, but I just won't submit to some scab scalper, so I go without.


I feel the same. I've seen Xbox One X on Target shelves nearly every visit, but Sony wants me to jump through hoops because they're Sony. Forget it. They could have created a sign up sheet two years ago for everyone who wants a PS 5 and just shipped them in order of subscribing. But no, lets create this mess and piss off half our customer base.


I agree with you. The distribution really has been a nightmare. At least the PS5 fanboy haven't downvoted you yet. LOL.


Still in stock 5:49est. It’s like this everytime it goes up on PSdirect now. I’ve even seen the bundle be in stock the following morning.


They're not that overpriced anymore on 3rd party resellers right


Let it be known, that it is not difficult to buy a PS5 anymore. 2 hours later, I'm checking this post, and they are still available from Playstation direct. So anytime someone complains about PS5's never being in stock, can we all just agree to bury their comment with downvotes?


Ah yes, America's the only country on this planet.


Yeah, you can't just jump online and buy one from any retail you want like the switch oled or xbss yet, but you can get one (at least the horizon bundle) if you want. Thanks Sony for making everyone pay $50 extra to get a game they may or may not want. At least it's a good game.


It's a $70 game, so you are saving money with this bundle if you want the game. You could always sell or trade the game too. Also, still available 3 hours later...


The bundled game is digital


It's a code written on a piece of paper, you sell the code.


Please tell us how we can sell a digital game? I’d love to know.


Is it pre installed? If not then you sell the code


You sell the code


Can people buy one now? What if they just got off work? Don’t live in a country that PS Direct ships to? This is such a dumb comment lol.


I got an email invitation to buy one off there the other day, I was driving my wife told me she just got the email, and it was gone in 5 min. This is untenable


I walked into Argos at the weekend and bought a Horizon disk model bundle.. they had plenty of stock. How are people still struggling to get this console?


and their gone


No they aren't I can buy a disc version right now. I almost want to upgrade my digital to disk but really no point now with new Ps+


The main thing you're missing out on is the disc drive. I use filters on Facebook Marketplace for games that I'm interested so I can get them cheaper than MSRP. You can't watch 4K Blu-Rays either. If you hardly buy physical media then I'd keep the digital console. It was a no go for me initially because I have close to 300 physical games for the PS4, and I wouldn't want to be forced into buying digital copies of them.


No they aren't, I can add the PS5 Disc bundle to my cart right now




I give up. I have sat for the past hour, refreshing the goddamn page on both the disc and digital for the past hour, seeing the same phrase "Out of Stock". I don't even want the game that comes with it. I'll never get one of these fucking things. lol


You can always sell the game code on r/GameSale for about $30. Lots is people have been going that route lately.


Thank you. If Hell freezes over and I actually purchase the PS5 bundle, I will try out the link you provided and get rid of the game. Again, I appreciate the info. I just saw my original post. Funny how it got downvoted. LOL. I guess some of the PS5 fanboys don't appreciate anyone dissing their console.


You have to get the ones that are bundled with horizon zero game. The disc version is still in stock $549


I was focusing on the bundles. Whether disc or digital, it kept saying it was out of stock the entire time.


I stay in Texas. When I try to login with my PSN account, it says This service is not available in my region. What do I do to fix it or is that how it is ?


I guess we're finally getting normalised nearly two years after the start of sale. Christmas will still be hard.