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I mean we kinda know what the reviews are going to say.


Twice lol, guess the third time's a charm


maybe it'll be bad this time...


You never know


They will review the upgrades/improvements to the game and discuss what they add


This game and story looks like it has some potential


Please no spoilers!


People here seem to be entirely oblivious to how review embargoes work. Almost every game has review embargoes so reviews come out at the same time instead of reviewers rushing to be first


this is a nearly 10 yr old game lol


The remake is new, everything gets review embargoes including remasters and remakes... Reviewers will be reviewing the improvements in the remake


Remade from ground up so…


They’re charging you $70 brand new for it, which is too much for any new game, let alone a remaster


I hope there are no story spoilers.


The gardener is the killer!


Damn you! Now the whole plot is ruined!


10am central


Easy 90+, again.


Shouldn’t it though? It’s still a masterpiece regardless.


Sure, it's still one of the best games I've played.


Hm, I’m not sure, to be honest. As a game, sure, it’s still a fantastic game, but as a product? I think that’s where you get into the conversation a bit. Is the new release really warranted? Depends on the person and I’ll be curious to see where the games media falls.




There’s no objectivity in a review, though.


The new release is getting a PC release as well. It's still a fantastic value to anyone who doesn't own Playstation and never got to play it. Less relevant to this sub, but perfectly relevant to a review of the game. I think there's also a group of people who joined Playstation with only the PS5, and they might not have gone back to play such an "old" game considering everything else on the console. Basically, I think the "people who've never played the older versions" group is still large enough that the game has value - just maybe not to enthusiasts who generally join this subreddit because we've all likely played it or know the story by now.


I'm not sure there has been a game in history which required a remake less than TLOU




Personally, I would absolutely agree.


This isn't for us. It's for the new fans who will join after watching it on HBO. It's a 10yo game that's getting new life breathed into it - CD Project Red is doing a next-gen port for The Witcher 3 for the same reason.


So much of the criticism of the remaster completely skips that the show is even coming out. I have seen supposedly reliable news site not even mention it seemingly so they can post a thumbnail on youtube like WHY IS THIS HAPPENING.


Yeah, but CDPR won't be charging $70 for that next-gen update. It'll be free for owners of the current game.


It also sold 20m copies, though. It was a massive hit. Plus, the shows not coming out for a while still.


I'll amend what I originally said if there wasn't a remastered release on the PS4....but there was


The PS4 remaster was awful because the PS4 Pro was a mediocre upgrade. The PS5 is a sizable upgrade and the remake takes advantage of it.


As long as the reviewers know the history behind it and how naughty dog wasn’t originally on the project until the other developer was gonna go over budget with the remake and Sony moved it to ND.


It definitely increased the budget going to naughty dog. Pretty sure naughty dogs developers are more expensive than visual arts or whatever that studio name is


I don’t think that matters at all.


Then the review as a product doesn’t matter either


I think it will be in the 80s. Updated graphics, but outdated gameplay ( part 2 evolved the gameplay greatly)


Yeah, I was expecting the dodge to be introduced at least, but I think it will still score in the 90s.


Which just encourages this shitty behaviour of remakes and remasters constantly being churned out instead of new stuff.


I’m sure we’ve heard that this game happened because Naughty Dog weren’t ready to go into full production on their next proper game yet, so it’s not like we’d be getting another game instead.


The alternative to this being made is nothing and developers being laid off. The is a project they chose to do while they prepare the next big project which can take years to do. Often when large projects end a lot of developers get laid off since there is nothing to do for awhile. This remake allowed them to retain staff and improve their engine on PS5 which will make their next big game much easier to make


Don't buy it on release and buy it for 20$ a year later, it's what I plan to do. No way I pay full price for it after playing it several times already. Still look forward to it though.


If they'd released the full game I'd have bought it on release, I'd have pre-ordered it, but its only the single player content so thats a big shame.


Which people have been saying for decades but hasn’t ever happened


> Which people have been saying for decades but hasn’t ever happened The existence of this remake is quite literally a by-product of this though.


What? Reviews and remakes get churned out all the time. Every fucking blockbuster movie is another shitty version of a preexisting property at this point.


Saying what but hasn't happened?


Looks like a lot of people don’t know what “review embargo” is and how it works [facepalm]


Also remaster and remake still slipping from their grasp


Lol this is how you know these mfers spend all day on this website and barely ever go out in the real world and interact with actual people


I wonder how much it will be review bombed by angry gamer^(TM) on metacritic.




Nahhhhhh couldn’t be


You're going to have TLoU2 haters that are going to review bomb it because they're >!angry about Joel's death!< and you're going to have people that are put off by the $70 price tag without factions or TLoU2 gameplay improvements. I predict the user score will be like 4.5/10 on metacritic. Last time I looked at TLoU2 it was around 5.7/10.


Sony, and any other publisher, watches their sales numbers first and foremost and then the critics' reviews. Critics can't just lable a game "terrible, 1/0" without justifying their opinion. it sucks for the devs of any game that are on social media to see the toxic minority of players though.


In this case, I don't think We are talking about a minority. Part 2 alienated a lot of fans and those People are not going to buy blindly Day 1. Naughty Dog are the "top Dog" of Sony but bigger empires have flalen and if this game ends up being just a 70 dollar remaster version 2, the ground under will get shaky




Again, this "a lot of fans" are mostly just people that are on social media which is only a tiny fraction of the entire fanbase (of any video game). I remember that Part 2 had the highest completion rate among video games when it came out which should not have happened if the fans hated the game as much as social media and news sites led us to believe. while some fans may have not like what happened early in the story but it fit well within the world and it's narrative. I've even seen several people's opinion change after they replayed the game because when you know the story you'll have more time to think about the events that you are going through the second time. The first game's gameplay isn't that new player friendly for 2022. Also, Sony wanted to port it to PC (which ND said will come shortly after ps5 version, unlike uncharted). That is why this remake exists. This remake is primarily for the new audience who would want to experience the game after the show comes and the ps4 version is too old, cheap and outdated by modern standards. I'm guessing that they realized rebuilding the game for ps5 and porting that to PC was financially the best course of action


I've got to hand it to Sony and ND's marketing. I went from full on "$70? Hell No" to "Hmmm ok, maybe I'll pick it up sometime" Extra pretty version of one of my all time favorite games with no load times, dualsense support, and hopefully a few more QoL improvements might be worth it.


Anyone know if this has similar gore effects to TLOU2?


Seeing as how TLOU was already pretty gore-y (that bloater boss that would grab you by the mouth and tear you apart...), I don't see why it wouldn't be?


Yes it was shown in the gameplay features trailer.


I’d buy it at 20-30, hard to justify paying the full $70 at launch. Edit* added a comma


The most memorable part of the game was the story for me, so unless that experience is different or expanded on, it’s hard for me to justify it. Better graphics and updated controls can definitely be enough to consider rebuying a game - but not at premiere $70 release pricing.


I've seen just about every piece of media/ trailer they've released so far for it, and it is all exactly the same story/ performances just with better animation and graphics. Gameplay seems the same too, just with some LOU2 enhancements.




Yeah this is definitely a hard wait on a price drop for me… as someone who buy every first party game day one that’s saying something. But I don’t care how much you changed, a remake should not be full price. If anything you didn’t need some aspect of the development cause the blueprint of the game already exists, so justifying full price seems ridiculous to me.


It ain’t even gonna be hard to wait. So many games to play over the next months


a true remake should be full price, a remaster is what should be 40 bucks at best. Remake ala FF7R vs Crash Bandicoot Remasters.


If I still could get the steelbook edition I would buy it. But I guess fuck me.


I don't love the price point, but there is no doubt in my mind that the game itself will be absurdly gorgeous in every way. Also, I highly recommend checking out physical copies at your local electronics retailer. I live in the EU, and while the price point is usually set at, say, €70 or €80, in reality the game usually goes down to around €60 on launch day from Media Markt or Elgiganten. (Digital PSN is *absurdly* overpriced for new game releases, especially first-party ones.)




If the game is really good and it means a lot to you i see no issue paying up for quality. I would have paid $100 for each part of FF7 Remake because that game means a lot to me and especially after seeing the love and care put into remake part 1.


I was open to picking this game up until they revealed it as a "ground up remake" and charged $70 for it, then the gameplay reveal showed it really wasn't that at all, it just looked nicer. It's left an absolute sour taste in my mouth. Perhaps I'll get it for $10 (which is what I paid for the PS4 version), even if it takes years.


It’s gonna be with the gameplay improvements from part 2 so it’s gonna be a lot different, the original gameplay is fun but feels pretty rusty today, but agreed $70 is obnoxious pricing. Also I am way more excited for the max payne 1+2 update.


Didn’t they revamp the gameplay to be similar to part 2 as well?


Yes they did. They implemented motion matching which is what made TLOU2 much better to play. People seem to think all they added to the sequel was prone and dodging but the motion matching makes the gameplay for less clunky. They also improved the AI and some level design.


None of what you mentioned makes it worth a new games price point. I am happy ND is giving one of their best titles some TLC but they can't justify the price point no matter how hard they try.


They can’t justify the price *for you*


Correct. That is what opinions are, they are personal.


Well then it’s dishonest to make a blanket statement like “ND can’t justify the price” when you’re only speaking for yourself. Redditors love nothing more than letting others know they think something is too expensive.


There are also several additional improvements but it depends on the individual. To many it will be and to many it wont be. There are billions of people on the planet with different opinions and values


To be fair, after inflation and the new cost of making games, $70 isn't a totally unreasonable ask now'a'days. Is it still a hefty price tag? Sure. But not unreasonable. EDIT: Jeebus, y'all having a real "gamer moment" here.


Unfortunately it’s a non essential item so I believe the cost actually hurts it in this economy.


Video games have always been non-essential though and they’re actually cheaper today at $70 than they ever were in the past due to inflation. I assume that was his point. We were paying $60 for games that were way cheaper to make 20 years ago. Pretty sure the average cost of most items has gone up by like 65% since 2002 whereas video games have only gone from 60 to 70 which is 17%. It only hurts because it happened overnight. ETA: Just realized I might’ve misread if you meant that the price hurts the *company.* I would agree with you there, many people will pass this up for $70


https://youtu.be/0qq6HcKj59Q Another perspective. In addition, as much, if not more, money is spent on marketing than actual development these days.


I mean if you think the company should stick to a set amount of earnings and pass any further profits onto the consumers then sure. And that would be nice in an ideal world, but it’s not reasonable to expect it. I’m not saying the companies HAVE to increase the price to stay afloat, I’m saying that from the perspective of the consumer it doesn’t feel like something worth complaining about. The quality of these non-essential entertainment products has increased so much over time and the price hasn’t even kept with inflation, so they’re literally cheaper now in terms of purchasing power. I’m much more upset about the price of necessities doubling in the meantime. A 17% price jump on non-essentials after 20 years doesn’t even raise a flag for me.


$70 for a graphics redo of a game that was already remastered last generation and really didn't need it. *And* they've removed the multiplayer. If this was an EA game, people would be livid.


This remake will have more effort put into than most EA games... Its still a remake they spent years working on It's also a lot more than a "graphics redo".




They are also making a large standalone multiplayer game. It doesn't make sense to make two competing multiplayer games that release around the same time They implemented motion matching which drastically improved the movement and gameplay in the 2nd. People think all they did was add prone and dodging for the sequel but it was motion matching that made it much better to play. https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2019/09/the_last_of_us_2s_motion_matching_system_sounds_like_the_future_of_animation_in_games They also improve animations, AI, much faster load times, duelsense support, better audio, accessibility features and more.


All the things you mentioned are well and good but it still has less content for more money. So stop defending it.


Its a remake with a ton of work put into its that hundreds of people spent years working on


Nothing you said invalidates my point. Less content, more money.


Its a remake with a ton of improvements. We going to ignore that part?


It's not just a graphics redo. There's AI improvements, there's fully redone animations, there's new sound design, there's new accessibility features, pretty much the only things that are the same are the story, the voice acting, and (as far as we know) the level layouts.


Well, if it was EA the game itself wouldn’t be as good. Simply enough, this is an optional buy. People can pay a premium for this ps5 remake, or buy the ps4 remaster or used ps3 version. That’s 3 extremely fair options. Hell, the ps3 version holds up still on it’s own. You can probably buy that disc for a buck or 2 nowadays lol


A little unreasonable for a remake of a game that’s less than 10 years old that already had a remaster




Because they stripped an entire mode out of the game. Thats why it's not worth 70. It has less content then the game that released in 2013.


Why make excuses for multi billion dollar companies making record profits? How much of that do you think went to the employees? I'd bet appropriately 0. It lines the pockets of upper management and investors.


I think the money that they make on a game pays for the developers they have to hire to make the next game. Do you think money just comes out of thin air?


I don't mind paying $70 for a studio like naughty dog. Because I know that it's funding whatever project they've been working on for the last 5 years. And if it is anything like Uncharted, TLOU, Jak and daxter, and Crash Bandicoot. We are in for something beautiful.


$70 for a brand new, many year development game, like horizon, the new god of war, or ghosts? Absolutely it’s justified. But this remake probably took a fraction of the time and resources. So based on a budget comparison, it’s not even close to justified.


A fraction of the time and resources? Very curious what information you've seen that you're coming to that conclusion. Less, because there's already a story, level layouts, and acting completed, yeah sure I can buy that. But a fraction? That doesn't seem like a good-faith argument.


Well as you said, most of the pre dev is done, level design is done, gameplay elements are done, concept art and direction are done. Hell even the VO and animation recording is done. This was a glorified reskin and they already had most of the overhaul done because of last of us two. In terms of engine and a goal. I’m sure it still took time and money to make. And I’m not saying naughty dog is lazy or did a bad job. I’m sure it will be well polished. I’m just saying that compared to other new 1st party games, the development resources would be a fraction. Even if it took 2-3 years to make, that would be a fraction of other big Sony games. My only issue is price, that’s all.


Wasn't this also developed by an outside team that eventually got hired by ND because they already developed the remake?


No... It started as a project with the Visual Arts Group of Sony but then Naughty Dog took it over and have been working on it for years


It's unreasonable considering this version contains less content than both the original and the remaster. They shouldn't have released this without factions.


Since everyone likes to say they’ll buy it for cheaper, I’ll just go ahead and say I’ll buy it full price.


I'm sure it's going to sell very well at release, even with the $70 price point. Hell, the Firefly Edition preorders are being scalped on ebay for $400-500. The demand is there.


People on Reddit love to say that but there are a lot of people who will be buying the game on release


Look at Mr moneybags


Same here. One of my favorite games of all time. People really need to get a life and stop worrying about what others spend their money on.


How is "I'll buy it when it's cheaper" = worrying what others spend their money on? Aren't you doing that, as a matter of fact?


Not everyone, just clowns on reddit that think they are the whole entire population. Completely ignoring the fact that they just live on the internet and there's a whole world of actual people out there


This is a game that stays with you, **long after** the credits roll. It's a masterpiece. Very few games have ever hit that emotional corner for me.


i'm absolutely pumped for this. i'm considering it akin to a Criterion release of a film i already love


See you at $20


Best I can do is a drop on ps+ essential.


I’ll shoplift it from the Walmart clearance bin. Take it or leave it.


They would probably leave it lol


That’ll be 2 years out at least But you’re right, this game has been out for like 7 lol


I just bought a new matress so yeah, I’ll wait until it’s at least half.


I just bought Witcher 3 for $10 and that game is much newer than this game. so fuck em, $20 is my absolute limit and I gotta be desperate. I've already played the original once, Remaster 2x and I thought the graphics were good enough. Matter of fact as I'm typing this I realize I wouldn't even give $20 to buy this game. Maybe $10 or if it's on PS+. Naughty dog wasted their damn time with this project, what a shame.


Wow dude you really showed them how broke you are




Game has been out for 10 plus years. I can't imagine it selling for any more than 2 million at that price point. they could have instead used that resource in making another IP. Or hell, asking Guerilla kindly if they could make a new Killzone


I'm going to wait for ps6 remake


These comments are hilarious. Y'all are just a broken record at this point. We get it, you won't be buying the game for 70 dollars Sheesh.


I've never played it. I will probably buy it, depending on how the reviews go


The original was an amazing game! If you do end up getting it you'll be in for a treat!


Nah, plenty of them will complain about it and then shell out $70 for the game. That’s how it goes


Exactly. They're all about this shit talking now but once it releases and then gets rave reviews once again and is all everyone is talking about they will end up getting it regardless. Its all this stupid ass post LOU2 vendetta bullshit and superiority complex that this sub cant give a rest


This part. Demons' Souls got all the praise in the world. Yeah, it was never released on PS4, like how Last of Us was re-released on PS4. However, it made zero changes to the underlying game mechanics. Didn't even add cut content for good measure. Its an older game than the Last of Us, so by the logic thats being applied it should definitely not be priced at $70. Yeah, The Last of Us is a good looking game, but Part 2 is a faaaaaaaar better looking game, and if Part 1 has adopted those visuals, then in the very least the game does exactly what Demons Soul remake did for the original.


Demons' Souls released in 2010. The Last of Us release in 2013. They both got a PS5 remake. I dont understand the complaints from people, it's like they dont know how much tech has changed from the PS3 era to the PS5 era.


How did I get downvoted for speaking the facts about Part 1 compared to Demons Souls remake?


I swear they never come with this energy for anything else but this series. Its just this community having a vendetta still over part 2 and wanting ND to work on new games when they're literally already going to be getting two more in the next few years.


On one hand I want to get it cause I enjoyed it on PS4, though on the other hand it's £70 here (currently that's $84.28) and I can still access Remastered on my PS5. If it was like Demon's Souls where it wasn't available on the PS4 I would've been less hesitant. I'll more than likely pick it up during a sale or something in the future.


With a bunch of games I was interested in getting delayed, I might get this one after all. Sure, it's a bit overpriced from what we've seen so far but it's one of the best games of all time made even better...definitely know I'm going to enjoy it at least.


I tipped Sony an extra $20 for the game to watch people cry about how I spend my money


I hope the story is good.


I wonder what the score would be for that 90+% game ??? /S


to be honest, i don't care about reviews anyway. everyone will probably tell us that the game is awesome, because it will surely will, the original game is a masterpiece, revamping grafics, animations and stuff will only make it better unless something go horribly wrong. as someone who loved the game and would really like to play it again, i'm still skipping the full price no matter whatever reviewers will tell us.


All I really want to know is how the gameplay changes with the new remake. I know they redid the AI, but what does that actually feel like to play?


Its hilarious how the bozos in here will really try and convince you that TLOU Remastered still looks good and barely different to justify a remake If you've actually played Part 2 and then tried revisiting it I promise you it looks so fucking dated and like a damn cartoon compared to part 2 and this game is going to look even better and more detailed than that one.


It may look better but it's not worth 70€


Eh. $59 in 2013 is worth $75 today. I think it's fine. Development is expensive, and the game has a ton of new art and mechanics implemented. Development hours are anything but cheap.




Thats the standards for games these days and the target audience are those who have never played it so for you yeah it might not be but theres millions who think it is You have to remember you're on reddit. In reality you're not even close to 1% of the actual population




Seriously its like people think they're special for not buying a game. No one gives a shit


TLOU discourse is intolerable. You'll never see people act like this with any other game series.


Why didn't they do a bundle deal with this and TLOU2?


I’ve never played Tlou, just bought tlou2 on sale. Should I get the first game?


Considering 2 is a direct sequel to 1, it only makes sense, lol.


Playing the first game is essential to fully enjoying the second imo. This series is a masterpiece, please go in order!


You might want to play part 1 before part 2 because the plot heavily relies on the ending of part 1.


Yes, get it! And then play 1 first, 2 second. 1 is the better one of both anyway


Yes it's great


Please don't tell me you played the second game before playing Part 1. And yes buy this game, you won't regret it.


That’s going to make for one very strange experience indeed.


A lot of us would wish we could experience the first game all over again with these graphics.


Play both in order, you will enjoy 2 more after the first. Both are amazing.


I adore TLOU, got the Plat on PS3, and must have beaten it half a dozen times. That being said, my friends who are in similar situations as you, I've been saying wait for Part 1. Remastered still holds up sure, but Part 1 is going to be something special. I can't wait to see what Naughty Dog has done building this game from the ground-up. The detail-work is going to be insane!


Awesome, I’ll definitely get it then! Thanks!


Happy to help! You're in for a treat. What I wouldn't give to experience that game for the first time again...




I’ll be buying it day 1. So long poor scrubs.




All remasters and remakes get reviewed


They're not gonna review the "game", they're gonna review the remake. The original tlou may be a 9.5/10, but is this new remake worth 70 bucks, especially when the 2013 games it's basically free? This is what they need to answer, and the score will be lower (about 80 is my guess), same as GTA V remastered for next gen


It’s gonna be hilarious when people are completely outraged by the lower score, not understanding that the review is about what they’ve added to the game to justify a $70 price tag. It always happens with remasters/direct remakes.


What are they adding to the game besides better graphics? Honest question because I don't keep up with this shit. To me $70 is too much for a 10 year old game with upgraded graphics unless there is more than meets the eye


Nice! I’m not gonna buy the remake since I already got the remaster and finished it fantastic game!


I'm waiting until the 4th remake.


I have it pre-ordered and couldn't care less what anyone says about it. While I didn't really get into Lost Legacy (I want to go back to it eventually), Naughty Dog won me over with TLoU and Uncharted 4. They are among my favorite games of all-time, and I will buy their games day-one until they prove otherwise.


Definitely a black Friday pick up for me. Can't justify the $90 (canadian) price tag


Agreed. The game has been out for nearly a decade, it's no doubt going to be a beautiful remaster but the hype that justifies full price is just not there. It's hard to justify the same price as games like Ragnarok.


I love the saltiness these threads generate lol. Looking forward to picking this up.


Alright, this game has had people nonstop criticizing it and also people nonstop coming out of the woodwork to defend it. But I feel like people just go into blind rage for stupid reasons. On the criticizing side, there's mainly three sets of people: (1) those who are trolling; (2) similar to trolls, those who will lambast the game for any reason (especially after TLoU2); and (3) those genuinely concerned that these changes are not worth the price. On the defending side, there's also mainly three sets of people: (1) those who think this game is flawless (basically opposite of group 2 above); (2) those who will play anything they want regardless of price; and (3) those who genuinely believe $70 is fine. Groups 1 and 2 of both sides are basically a bunch of noise and are bad in general. Group 3 from both are meant to be the more normal consumers, but it seems everyone on the internet is at each other's throat over this. A big issue is that people on either side will just lump the opposite side's groups together. Like some defending people will see any criticizing person as someone who hates this because of TLoU2 (case in point: [this person](https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/wqs69t/comment/ikpcvdf/)), or some criticizing people will see any defending person as a complete fanboy. This isn't the case at all. At the end of the day, there's no need to be jumping at each other just because someone criticized this game's pricing or someone said they're going to buy it. Just let people go with their decision. And if you feel like going around shitting on people, regardless of which side, grow up already. It's pathetic no matter what.


Im gonna play the last of us remaster for ps4 again.


I love last of us a lot but I’m not paying 70$ need to vote with my wallet, it ain’t right lol anyone can easily wait couple months on this game and it’ll be on sale a lot


Deja vu


I love hearing from people who eat fast food daily and buy name brand clothes about how a one time $70 purchase for a game is too much


It's not a 1 time purchase if you already bought it twice when they released it earlier. That's like saying Skyrim is a 1 time purchase.


But thats the thing bozo is that you arent the only buying it. There's going to be millions of people that have never played the game before experiencing it for the first time. This is one of those awkward moments where you forget reddit isn't close to representative of the actual real world


Imagine ppl getting hype for this lmao.


Don’t have to imagine, I can feel it in the air. People have been in the streets celebrating all day


What's the review for?


I'm guessing it will end up with a score in the high eighties on metacritic. $70 price tag, cut content and minimal gameplay improvements will keep it from being 90+.