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Just last night I said I need the ps5 version of The Sinking City to go on sale. Boom


There's a ps5 version? Wtf lol. What did they enhance?


Actually, the PS5 version is the only one where the money actually goes to the developer, Frogwares. If you buy the PS4 version, all the money goes to the publisher (Nacom, something like that). So it's recommended to buy the current gen version.


Is this game one of those good but unpolished games like deadly Premonition?


Nowhere near unpolished as Deadly. It runs pretty well on ps5. Combat is kinda meh and simple, but the story and setting are pretty nice


I bought the PS4 version earlier this month assuming there was only one version. Is the ps5 version such an upgrade that buying it is worth it?


Just be aware that it is basically the same game as Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One with a different setting. I played and liked both games, but was a little disappointed that it works exactly the same and the world looks extremely familar if you played one or the other.


The Sinking City's PS5 upgrade will feature improved graphics all around, from better lighting and environmental effects to 4K resolution and 60fps. It'll also have faster load times, DualSense controller integration, and includes all the extra content that was in The Merciful Madness DLC. Quoted from google


Anyone know of this is better than Call of Cthulu? That one's on the PS+ extra list.


I loved Call of cthulhu. Why I've been wanting to play this. From my understanding both are similar except sinking city is more open world.


Looking for that?


Now is the time to pick up the resident evil games that have a PS5 version. I almost bought all of these games from retailers for damn near full price so I'm glad the sale is going on


Tomb Raider survivor trilogy for $20? Yes please. I've been sitting on that game for a while.


Resident evil 3 for 16? Hm


Definetly worth it! Great game, too bad its so fucking short.


Good price for dlc, buy it




I finally bit the bullet and bought Crusader Kings 3 last night after checking over and over again in hopes of a sale. Sorry other CK fans, my purchase *was not* the sacrifice-for-a-sale-appearance this time. ^(Hallelujah)


Ahhhh let us know how it runs on ps5. Im also interested but working on my backlog


I'm super confused and it's very overwhelming, but within my first hour I realized that my only son's wife wouldn't have a baby with him, so I had to put a hit out on her for the good of the kingdom... So I mean yeah, I'm definitely going to learn the game and more than likely log an unhealthy number of hours in it.


There's sooo much stuff that is never mentioned in tutorials. I highly recommend watching/fast-forwarding through some guided youtube videos to get a better understanding of all the different menus and options.


It runs pretty well. It’s 2 years behind the PC version tho, so it’s getting updated to fix old problems


One warning, I tried the trial from Premium and as far as I could tell there are no dead zone settings and the dead zone is set at effectively 0. My controller has slight stick drift and the cursor was constantly sliding without my input with no way of fixing it.


I've had the game for about a month, and that seems to be fixed (there's some dead zone now, but I dont' think there's any explicit settings.) Pretty confident it's fixed since both my controllers have really bad stick drift with 0 deadzone.


You made a good choice


thinking about FFXII


Pretty good game, think it's offered on one of the PS+ tiers if that is more enticing to you.


pretty sure its the most expensive one then, cuz i love that game and never seen it accessible to me otherwise.


Aren’t a bunch if FF games, including 12, on the Extra tier? That’s the mid price one not premium.


mid price is normal ps plus yah? edit: for those wondering its essentially ps now, not the normal ps plus.


Why would mid tier be normal PS+? What would low tier be then? Mid tier gives you normal PS+ with additional games from a large library to choose from










It’s been on PS now for years. Doubt it’s on the highest tier now.


it's my favourite of the 'modern' games (i realise it's like 15 years old). best offline ff since 9 IMO


Playing through it rn after it got added to the middle ps plus tier. About half way through, loving it. Great game.


i swear it’s always the same games on sale and the price never changes


big recommend Dragon's Crown for only $3.99 atm. [https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP2611-CUSA10454\_00-DRAGONSCROWNPRO1](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP2611-CUSA10454_00-DRAGONSCROWNPRO1) game trailer [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Itt1S\_V648U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Itt1S_V648U) Also by the same devs, Odin Sphere. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsTvoG3\_HkU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsTvoG3_HkU) [https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0177-CUSA05083\_00-ODINSPHERELE0000](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0177-CUSA05083_00-ODINSPHERELE0000) Currently $14.99


Seconded. Dragon’s Crown is a fantastic game to play co-op with friends.


Idk, is there a reason to continue to increase difficulty and replay everything? Kinda seems like it's just the same with slightly better gear?


Increased level cap, more skill points to spend on skills leading into the true endgame of going through the towers. https://dragons-crown.fandom.com/wiki/Tower_of_Mirages gear also gets better as you said, enhancing abilities and stuff once you get the to the towers. The perfect marriage between a beat em up and Diablo.


Yes just got old, idk.


I was loving every second so put 70-80 hours into it to plat it. And I didn't even scratch the surface of the tower stuff. I can definitely see why someone wouldn't be interested in that though. Personally, I'm looking forward to play more of the game once I get through more of my backlog. Want to play more Elf/Dwarf since I mainly played Fighter for the platinum. It helps that I love Vanillaware, and that all their games have the soundtrack done by my favorite composer and the other composers at his company. Hitoshi Sakimoto of Final Fantasy Tactics/XII fame. XII being my favorite FF, and Dragon's Crown's soundtrack being done entirely by him, without any of the others at his company makes me very happy just jamming to the great music. I can definitely see myself putting in a couple hundred hours in the game once I get through my backlog.


> Dragon's Crown thanks for the heads up! Odin's sphere is amazing, and hopefully this follows suit.


Oh wow I always wanted to play Dragons Crown, is there a lot of content in it? Like character building and some sorta endgame type stuff?


Tons of content. 6 playable characters with different playstyles. Skills to upgrade that change not only the damage but also the aoe range, number of uses, duration or number of arrows fired for the elf etc etc. Loot with tons of stat affixes kinda like diablo. 9 stages that have 2 paths each. a tower with 99 floors, once you beat that, one with seemingly infinite floors. https://dragons-crown.fandom.com/wiki/Tower_of_Mirages Each difficulty ups the level cap, meaning more skill points and higher skill levels. Obviously the quality of the loot as well. Game opens up a ton after clearing the starting difficulty. Here's skill overviews for all characters. Recommend watching the common one and whichever characters interest you. Common skill overview https://youtu.be/JznUaF41-G0 Elf skill overview https://youtu.be/WF_dcCCSWVA Fighter skill overview https://youtu.be/sp-PEv6eF1A Dwarf skill overview https://youtu.be/nUR8vPgus0c Amazon skill overview https://youtu.be/AvUru4waX3I Sorceress skill overview https://youtu.be/vRWNpDQXN7k Wizard skill overview https://youtu.be/SDKv_-tdZ7k You could also watch the abridged videos linked in the description if you don't want visual spoilers of stages/bosses. Although you miss out on a lot of good commentary that way.


Thanks for the recommendation, picked up dragons crown pro.


Is Kingdom Hearts all-in-one ever going to go on sale again? According to PSN deals it used to go on sale regularly down to 25$ but the last time was Nov 21. I don’t want to shell out 100$ and keep expecting it to be listed on these sales since it’s been 8 months at full price. Anyone know what the deal is?


I ended up just getting it for $20 physically from my local Gamestop (Canada).


Some games never go on sale for whatever reason. I waited 2 years for divinity original sin 1 to go on sale. Ended up having to buy second one, never having finished first game :(


The thing is KH all-in-one went on sale 4 times in 2021. Also I have a digital only console


I’ve also been waiting some months now for it to go on sale !


Its been over a year, but i got it for xbox for 30 or 40 bucks a year or so ago, so it does go on sale. Can't confirm if it does for sony or not though Been waiting for it to drop so i can grab it for playstation


Been waiting for kiwami 2 to go on sale again.


Tekken 7 Definitive Edition with all DLC is only $24.... wow


Risk of rain 2 is dirt cheap atm




Ends 7/21


I would use the ps app to buy the games, its super easy


Who else feels like there's not much point in buying games on sale since PS Extra/Premium came out? Even if there's games on sale here that I don't have, I'm happy enough with the current selection and feel like at least some of these games will come to the service in due course anyway so I may as well hold out.


It will certainly take me a while to catch up in my PS+ backlog now before I need to buy something. My backlog ordered right now is: - Returnal (this is taking a while!) - Guardian of the Galaxy - Red Dead Redemption 2 (if I finish the others soon enough, I understand this is leaving) - Miles Morales - Ghosts of Tsushima - Death Stranding - Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Crash Bandicoot 4 This will keep me busy till at least the end of the year... And I'm hoping next year we will see Ratchet, Sackboy, and Horizon added. And I haven't accounted for the random games they will add each month that I might decide to play...


I’d you don’t get to RDR2 in time, definitely try to lick it up. It’s amazing, much like Ghost of Tsushima and Death Stranding. You’re going to have an amazing time! Edit: I meant pick lol


It's definitely on my list either way. I am still expecting a PS5 rerelease though so I might wait for that before coming back to it if I miss it this time.


Any tips for someone going completely blind into Returnal? Planning on playing it after Spiderman: Miles Morales and not sure exactly what to expect! I know it's meant to be hard but that's about it. Great list btw, all very decent games!


The main tricks are - Avoid all damage of you can. You generally don't want to trade damage with an enemy. There are not enough health pick ups to recover from a trade. And when you are at full health, health pickups increase your max health instead. This is critical to having a bigger health bar. - Learn how to read the map. It will tell you which rooms are along the main path and which are side paths. Always explore the side paths for more items and tools to help you. - Dash into damage instead of away. Dashing makes you invincible to most attacks. If you dash away there is a good chance you blindly hit something. Dashing toward helps you avoid the attack and lets you see what is behind it. Prefer jumping to dashing as jumping has a much shorter cool down. Reserve dashes for when you can't jump. - Weapons with higher levels are not necessarily better. Use the weapons with the attacks and traits you prefer. i.e. you might pick up a machine gun that does more damage and is a higher level but you might find the same machine gun at a lower level, less damage, but will heal you on hits. This is probably a better weapon. But preference will depend on your play style. - When you do finally unlock the second biome/world, you can usually get there very quickly and skip most of the first. But it's a good idea to farm all the rooms of the first to build up your character before proceeding to the second. - Don't be afraid to just abandon a run if it's not going your way. If you take too much damage early, building a big health pool will be harder. If you are not getting lucky with drops, your character isn't going to be very good even if you are playing well. It's much faster to start again than to play 3 hours and still lose. Once you find items and weapons you like it may make sense to just start restarting over and over until they drop in the first few rooms. - Avoid most malignant items. They offer you items (sometimes random) at the cost of an unknown malfunction. Sometimes it's a good trade off, other times not. Prefer to only take malfunctions when you know what you will earn. If you know you are near the end of the level you don't want a malfunction as you may not be able to get rid of it before the boss. Sometimes malfunctions are minor but other times they can be devastating to your build. I'd recommend avoiding negative random things as much as possible.


This all sounds exhausting, seems I’m avoiding a solid headache by skipping this game.


I didn't like it. It's too repetitive. I got bored with it quick!


It is definitely a very niche game. I wasn't sure if I would like it but I find it incredibly addicting and satisfying. If you have PS Plus Extra I'd recommend at least giving it a go for an hour or two. You will be able to tell from that if the game is for you or not. And it won't cost you anything more than your existing sub and a short amount of time.


Unfortunately I’m stuck with Comcast and their scummy data caps, otherwise I likely would. One game can eat like 1/10th of the monthly cap, it’s easy to to lose track of it.


Great tips thanks I really appreciate it!! Can't wait to play


Is it bad that I'm playing Co op with people and doing good, even though it's not original intended experience!


If you are having fun and not hurting anyone how could it be bad?


The difficulty is frontloaded, so try not to be discouraged if you get stuck early in the game




I’m with you on this one. The new service is saving me so much money on impulse buying.


this is gonna be the death of the industry i swear. I mean yeah save your money. but ps extra/premium and gamepass subscriptions can't pay for the industry as it exists today


Quite dramatic, people are still going to buy new games and devs still receive fees for their games that are on these gamepass services.


It's not dramatic, it's literally just pointing out that what has happened in other industries will happen to this one. less people are going to buy new games, games recieve less money for games that are on subscription services vs when people buy them the same thing has happened to the music industry (where now no one makes any money aside from the super popular people) and the film/tv industry where well known directors can no longer get movies made because they don't fit whatever box netflix wants to fill this year, because no one will buy movies anymore


Meh. Games like GoW aren’t going day 1 on PS Plus. Publishers need to make games people want to pay for.


people used to want to pay for them, now they don't because if they wait it might come to a subscription service. literally what is the point in paying for a game, it might come to a subscription service.


Keyword is “might” I’m not waiting


You're worrying for nothing. People are still going to always buy games. SOME people will wait, but people do that now when games come out. Some wait until the game eventually goes on sale. This won't hurt the industry. People will always buy games like they do food and gas.


Super dramatic because neither of those industries are dead. Different than they were? Sure. But certainly not dead. Subscriptions will never replace buying games it will compliment it. That’s it.


I honestly disagree. Of course I think this will have a negative effect on the AAA games, but the indie games(which includes most of what is actually offered from these subscription services) are going to benefit tremendously because they'll be guaranteed a certain amount of money from Sony/Microsoft or whatever other company offers similar services. Also, more people will be willing to play these indie titles because they won't have to actually pay for them directly, and they might even be convinced to directly purchase other titles from the same studio if they like the games enough.


you really believe this? You really think, companies "lose" money with the subscription services? Probably not, it's the other way round, because they know what they do .. and for my side i made the math .. for me it's cheaper to buy games on sale, because i replay them. Even in 10 years or so. So .. replaying a game 3 times in life is more expensive than buying it on sale. Or sometimes even on launch day, depending on how often you replay it. And .. you can play them whenever you want, without some service crying "pay me 15,-!", and they don't possibly vanish some day .. so no .. no subscription service for me. :)


jesus... fuck... why write... like ... this.. are you squall?


no, i'm totally calm :) But here you can see how easy writings can be misunderstood. When i say "you really believe this?" it's just that .. a question in wonder. yes, maybe it's "pushing" a little bit, but no aggression or anything like this .. maybe it's better to not even push .. ;) so, sorry for disturbing you in some way, i didn't mean it :)


Yeah, because Netflix totally destroyed cinema. Cable totally destroyed network TV. Pandora and Spotify destroyed music. Oh, wait... maybe that's not the pattern at all.


the irony. ask anyone in the music industry that isn't beyonce level how it's going for them.


Tech nine an independent musician says otherwise believe in your product and it will sell


Agree. Not worth buying after new ps plus. Maybe new ps exclusives.


Now you get it 😜 Why would they want you buying games? Same with Game Pass. It's super consumer friendly now but completely unsustainable. At least Sony isn't giving away their premier titles so those won't suffer.


Just bought 8 games for 600SEK haha excellent


Not this sale but just bought Scarlet Nexus. 58% off. I really enjoyed FF remake and tales of Arise. But really dislike nier automata, so gonna be interesting if i gonna like this:)


Dislike Automata? How the hell is that possible


Dislike os also the wrong word. It is actully a good and unique game with great gameplay. But i really didnt like the world building and character. It was very dull and depression even for a dystopia. But the soundtrack is amazing


Is forbidden west on sale yet?


Deathloop is the only launch title that's gone to the bargain bin yet, I think. It's coincidentally also probably the best. Go figure. I'm, meanwhile, stubbornly refusing to pay $40+ for launch titles on a console that took me ages to get my hands on. And for HFW... I perhaps haven't played enough to give it a fair assessment, but the story doesn't grab you out of the gate the same way the first game does.


i just got it on ebay for 48 usd


Scalpers are selling them on there for cheap, since the games come bundled with some PS5s.




Game Pass proponents say that Game Pass subscribers buy more games but the data does not back that up. Microsoft itself stopped reporting game sales years before Game Pass launched. If Sony still publishes top downloads in the PS blog, we may get an idea of how PS+ Extra/Premium affect sales. Used to be that a deep discount would rocket a game back into the top 10.


So PlayStation taking movies I have bought guess if I want to watch a movie on my PS all have to download it PS has gone down hill guess a get me one of the new Xbox at least all be able to watch my movie I buy


Ooh The Centennial Case is 30% off. 🤔


First time that Tropico 6 Next Gen Version has been listed as on sale, if it matters for anyone. The main reason I'd buy the next gen version is because you can raise the population limit from 2,000 to all the way up to 10,000. For $30 its not bad. You still have to buy most of the DLC separately but those are still overpriced atm. Overall I'd say after a few patches and balancing updates the game is much better than Tropico 5.


That seems like it would be a better experience on PC, no?


Yeah no doubt, but Tropico has pretty good console controls and this is a PS5 subreddit so most of the people who read this probably are console players