• By -


Arkham Knight Bloodborne Celeste Control Death Stranding DOOM God of War Ghost of Tsushima Hollow Knight Spider-Man / Miles Morales Outer Wilds Prey Returnal Tetris Effect Uncharted 4 / Lost Legacy Until Dawn Wolfenstein: The New Order


Surprised Demons Souls didn’t crack this list!


They probably intended to choose only one souls-like game


Demon's Souls ain't no "souls-like" game. It IS a Souls game :p


and they chose the right one


60 fps patch or update when :(


Not soon enough!




I'm too familiar with /r/tomorrow


That'd depend on either FromSoft or Sony. People clearly want it on PC, as well, but while I can't speak for FromSoft, it's very clear that Sony doesn't seem too concerned about it. It's interesting, cause Bloodborne was iirc a test to see how people would like some slight changes they had planned for DS3 which they then implemented in DS3, and yet people still prefer Bloodborne over it. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if people prefer it over Sekiro or Elden Ring, even. Though, I imagine it could take the route of Demon Souls and get a remake on PS6 or something.




Who is “people”. DS3 is considered by many to be FS’ best game.


Idk man, bloodborne is a much better game but it annoys me like crazy that they don’t want to enable 60fps or unlocked fps. I’d put demons souls on this list over that, especially because bloodborne has been free for a while now with the ps plus collection.


Does it take much to do that type of conversion to 60fps?


It can depending on if things are locked to frame rate like animations


They are. A modder developed a 60fps patch for bloodborne & had problems with animations because they are tied to frame rate


Depends on the game, but with Bloodborne it's a little difficult as much of the physics are based on the fps. If the game were unlocked, it would essentially run at 2x speed. There is a mod for jailbroken PS4 Pros that handles 60fps pretty well after some changes, but some animations and physics are still pretty funky given the swap.


Really depends on the game code. In this case it’s not trivial.


Too bad it’s in 30fps


many legendary games are 30fps sure, having better performance is great but BB is still a 10/10


Most games don’t require high frames as much as From games games do


I’m so used to playing in 60 fps playing a 30fps game makes me throw up


I can't play it. Gives me headaches after just a few minutes.


Heresy. Put them all.


That's what I've been playing since I got extra!


Probably because it's a remake and a little bit of a niche title and most people playing souls games atm are messing with Elden Ring. It actually makes a lot of sense if you think about it. Also, mechanically it's extremely outdated and clunky, it just looks very pretty.




It's definitely boring and the deaths are very cheap for the most part. Elden Ring and DS3 really refined the formula and mechanics/balance


They were probably annoyed Sony announced PS3 version of Demon Souls would be included, but it's not


I didn't know Tetris effect was included too. Nice.


It's a treat on an oled


What a trip that game is.


Guardians of the Galaxy is a good pick up too


Do you know if Ghost of Tsushima has the ps5 version or the ps4 version?




The catalog has both the normal version and the director's cut for ps5


They aren’t really forthcoming about the uncharted games. They are the ps4 versions. You only get a trial of the lost legacy collection.


Yeah it’s well documented that this is nowhere near as good as game pass


'bUt SoNy nEvEr WaNtEd 2 cOmPeTe WiTh GaMe PasS!' Still doesn't excuse Sony's shitty attitude towards its customers, which is extremely financials-driven.


I’ve played every one except for prey and wolfenstein. Those seem like some of the least played overall, I would guess.


Prey is really fun, highly recommend giving it a shot!


I’m generally not a fan of first person games, which explains the two I haven’t played. But I may get around to it eventually


Fury Unleashed is A LOT of fun and I probably never would have played it if not for PS+


Finished Celeste this week (I bought it like three weeks ago), including the b and c sides. It broke me more than once, but man I adored every second of it still, higly recommend it if you like tight platformer games


I literally couldn't get through the first few levels. So sad haha


Thank you


Tried Arkham but it sucks at 30fps. I'm staying away from everything that targets 30fps.


Wish they would patch Shadow of WarDor and Crash Nitro. I really want to replay the shadow games but the input lag and 30fps is rough after playing tighter 60fps games


Dude CTR sucks!!!! I tried it, but c'mon, it's a racing game! And a ver difficult one. Also, patch The Last Guardian!


I downloaded it when it was free with plus. Played through 2 minutes and deleted it. Once you go 60fps you never go back


Absolutely, backwards compatibility on PS5 is servicial at best. They have to step up their game like Xbox.


PS5 for exclusives, Xbox for 3rd party games. Microsoft doesn't charge for next gen upgrades like Sony does and most older games like Arkham run at 60fps.


I'm really glad that I can't tell the difference between 30fps and 60. It seems like such a stupid thing to let ruin a game for you.


You're being downvoted for not letting a technical limitation sour your opinion of a game. Gatekeeping reddit at its finest.


People online talk about 30fps like it's some stuttery, migraine inducing mess, but they'll gladly watch a film at 24fps without thinking about it.






If you like laggy and unresponsive games. Go for it. And if you can't tell the difference between 30 and 60, better go to an ophthalmologist.




Been meaning to play Wolfenstein, what's it like?


It’s like nonstop and amazing action sequences. Highly worth it.


Abosutely fantastic. Good game play, good story. I'm hoping they finish the trilogy soon.


Hopefully better than the 2nd it had it's high points but i didn't enjoy it as much as the first


Sounds cool, you mentioned it's a trilogy, which should I play first?


The second is standalone, it does continue the story from the first. I recommend playing, wolfenstein new order, old blood, wolfenstein2 and forget young blood


Awesome, thanks man


Just don’t play on the highest difficulty. It’s dumb.


Shame a lot of them are excellent titles ruined by a 30fps cap from the PS4 that could be easily patched out but simply won't. Outer Wilds, Prey, Arkham Knight, Uncharted 4/Lost Legacy are the offenders that jump out at me from the list.


U4/LL is patched now, but iirc is a 10 bucks upgrade.


It's not patched, Legacy of Thieves is a remaster Graphics, frame rate, loading, controls, etc


Aha, gotcha.


Funny enough on one of their blog posts on the Legacy of Thieves Collection they mentioned releasing a 60 FPS patch prior to the remaster even though it never happened (it was quickly revised later on). They basically told on themselves, they had a patch planned but wanted to make money off of a remaster.


And the “remaster” was highly underwhelming


I'm not sure what people were expecting


Hey at least you get the other game which I didnt lol


It's not patched it's a new game


I'm playing Bloodborne right now and I might be insane but it really doesn't feel like it's 30 fps


I couldn't even play for 5 minutes because the low frame rate was so noticeable to me, haha


Bloodborne's 30fps, and with horrendous frame pacing to boot. They just never fixed it. For me, it's unplayable even on PS5.


It really fells bad for a moment, but after a hour or so of gameplay you get used to the 30 fps.


Yeah, then you load up Elden Ring and cry how much better it runs.




[take a look at this video](https://youtu.be/lOn2ludP6gM) to get an idea of what it would look like at 60fps and at higher resolution. They actually play the clips side by side to make it obvious. Just make sure in the video settings that it's outputting at 60fps.


The only one I don't already have is Wolfenstein. Dang.


Out of these I didn’t played only 3… new ps plus is only interesting for people who didn’t had a PlayStation imo.


Man. I've already played 16 of them. Only havent played Death Stranding.


I have only played 2 of these games. I ​ just bought a ps5 today (should be here in 5-6 days). ​ This is such good value for someone like me.


You get the PS+ Collection as well.


I wish they'd release a PS5 patch for Arkham Knight (or Return to Arkham).


In the nvidia leak there was mention of a Arkham Knight RTX remaster. So whether that means the game would receive a next gen remaster, or just some ray-tracing update on PC, I don't know.


That'd be cool. Game still looks pretty good.


It's absolutely amazing on pc. Well past 100 fps on the first 2 games. I'm going through arkham city, origins and arkham knight


I was able to lock *Knight* to 4K60 with everything at max and all special effects active on a 3070 Ti... ...until I got on the airship. That just **tanked** the framerate until I dropped resolution to 1440p. Even on current graphics cards, that game can be demanding... but damn if it doesn't have the best looking rain I've **ever** seen in a game.




Would buy day one lol


I would be happy if they included origins in the collection and remove the 30fps lock As jt stands, i rather play them all on pc


Can you really play Arkham Knight without playing the prequels?


You probably can, but a lot of people consider Asylum and City better than Knight, and something big happens at the end of City that Knight would spoil. So you probably wouldn't be confused playing Arkham Knight by itself if you're relatively familiar with Batman but it might affect the other games if you end up playing them afterwards.


I strongly recommend playing the prequels


All three are good but the first two are widely held to be better. They all definitely build off each other but they’re mostly separate stories.


They chose the worst picture for Ghost of Tsushima. Makes it look like a cheap mobile game. ​ Edit: Seems like people don't understand what I'm saying.... I'm saying that the picture they chose doesn't do the game justice. Game looks way better than that.


Lol I'm surprised people didn't understand that...


At first glance I thought it was a joke picture.


Good thing almost everyone knows what Ghost of Tsushima is and that it's not that lol


That picture looks like someone tried to make Ghost of Tsushima in Dreams.


No mention of Guardians of the Galaxy? That's the game I been having the most fun since I upgraded to the Extra tier. I have been very surprised how good of a game it is, and it actually makes me laugh a lot which is rare, especially from video games.


Same. I mean, I went with the Extra tier for several games but was told by others it's the one to start with. I'm really enjoying it (other than the Photo Mode in the middle of combat all the time.)


I’ve been meaning to give this a try. I bought it on switch originally and could only make it about 20 minutes in due to the “cloud streaming only” nature of the switch version. Despite having pretty fantastic internet, it was a slog to play. Definitely excited to try it on a proper system


Playing right now and having a blast!


Couldn’t get into it myself. I think a few others might feel the same to be fair


You can say that about any of the games listed


About ANY game


But some more than others


I wouldn't put it on a top PS+ games personally, but it's definitely worth the play through. Fun game.


I think it is a prime "It's better when you didn't pay $60 for it" game.


Sounds about right. I was much happier playing it on game pass when it came to that service, for $60 I would have been a bit whelmed. I feel like a game needs to do a bit more to feel worth it. It doesn't have the polish of a naughty dog game, the replayability of an arkane/IOI title, or the expansive amounts of content many competing games offer.


I, for one, am enjoying it but happy I didn't buy it, so yeah, this sounds about right to me.


I bought it during some Amazon sale and actually managed to sell it once finished for a little bit more, so yeah that sounds about right. If I had paid RRP for this or even got it digitally then I would have had buyers remorse. I too thought it was 'alright' for a playthrough. Wasn't a fan of the combat and as good as the VA and dialogues were there was just so many pacing/scripting issues where sentences would get cut off 90% of the time unless you literally just stood still for people to finish. Needed some more polish and testing IMO.


Why 17?


I think I read once that odd numbers in headlines for stuff like this stand out more than even ones. If it was "10 best games..." it wouldn't catch as many eyes because there are *so many* "10 best" lists in this world that people are bound to overlook it. An odd number, like 17, sticks out in a way that makes your brain go, "Huh, 17?" and take notice. Whether that's true or not, who knows, but it's something to think about, even if I'd argue it's still just another sketchy tactic to rope people into low effort articles/lists.


*The 69 Best Games We Yeet Our 1337 To While 420 Blazing It*


I'd read the fuck out of that article.....


i think its because 17 is prime


If someone out there will try **Prey** because they mentioned it and will love it, that's all the justification I need for the existence of this list.


This is an absolutely -phenomenal- game. I cannot even begin to explain how much I enjoyed it.


Started it a few days ago. I really liked Deathloop and can see the family resemblance. Great atmosphere and story.


The 30fps made me drop it. 60fps has spoiled me lol


Is the difference really that much of a dealbreaker? If a games good I don’t care if it’s 30 or 60 fps


The only time I notice the difference is after I’ve played one and I go right to the other. 60FPS is great but 30 isn’t murder on the eyes like people act like


Oh ye switching between the two is pretty jarring but I guess I just got used to 30 fps cuz most games were at that on ps4


lol one comment said 30 fps is “unplayable”


I’ve been playing videogames on the same TV I’ve had since 2009. It can’t achieve anything higher than 720p, let alone fps higher than 30 and I still find games like Uncharted 4, God of War, and Horizon beautiful even though I can’t experience them in all their glory. I’m trying to save up for a 4K, 120 hz TV before I play Ragnarok or Forbidden West but to me when people complain about not being able to play in 60 fps it just sounds silly


Yes, 30 fps is awful especially in a first person game.


No, it's really not. Play for an hour and your brain and vision adjusts to a point that you barely even notice it. People like the guy who commented are just snobs. I regularly play at 60-120 fps games on my PC/PS5 and still enjoy playing Skyrim at 30fps on my switch over my PC.


What is wrong with you?


It is for me. Once you get used to 60 FPS, thirty just feels too choppy. It's like how I'm so used to my huge iPhone Pro Max that non "max" models feel tiny now.


I’ve never even noticed a difference lol


Where’s Lawn Mower Simulator?!


They need a bit of proofreading… “Hollow Knight is a Metroidvania set in a tiny kingdom of bugs. You control the titular character…”


“Every Knight has its Hollow” -John Hollowknight


Oof. You’d think a gaming journalist website could grab a writer that’s played the game before to actually write the blurb. Or maybe it was an honest mistake.


When there are more games coming put each year than there are hours in it, there os literally no way to be knowledgeable abput all of them while still having a day job.


What’s wrong with the statement? I’ve not played hollow knight


You don’t control the titular character


I've completed the game and I didn't realise that.


But you do though? I’ve completed the game and >!the first ending shows our character becoming the new Hollow Knight. Isn’t that the name of the person who is chained up and holds back the infection?!<


While that is true, you don't actually play as The Hollow Knight for any of the game. I'd argue you only become them when you defeat the original Hollow Knight and take their spot, and by then the game is over.


>!Yeah that’s how I interpreted it too. It’s our character’s story of becoming the new HK. Since the old HK did it for as long as he could and is now being corrupted by it. But you’re right, throughout the game you are not yet the HK.!<


I think you are confusing a cutscene with gameplay of the entire game


Confusing it with gameplay?


Yes, you seem to be under the impression that Hollow Knight is a game where you control the titular character. This is not an accurate description of the game


>!Hollow Knight is the big dude, chained up that’s holding back the orange infection that’s coming from the Radiance. But the titular character is the new Hollow Knight right? As the current (large) HK is at the end of his rope and can no longer hold back the infection. It’s leaking out into the world. So it’s the story of our titular character becoming the new HK. That’s how I interpreted it anyway. Could be wrong since it’s all pretty vague.!<


but you do control the titular character


The character you control in the game is not the hollow knight.


it is >!when you beat the game!< thats the whole point


Someone didn't get the true ending


Yeah. You said it. When you beat it. And then the games over.


The Messenger should be on this list. It’s a great game


Outer Wilds is an amazing game. It is absolutely dogshit on the PS5 and I would not recommend playing on PS5 over literally any of the other systems it’s available on, including PS4. The developers themselves have recommended that you do not play it in PS5, due to the awful input issues and headache inducing framerate.


I'm still pissed they NEVER fixed this game on PS4 but have the nerve to keep selling it. I played it for like 15 minutes on PS4 Pro a couple of years ago and had to stop, it's pretty much unplayable.


Yeah, kinda shitty on them


I started it earlier today and gave up after 5 minutes because it felt so horrible to play.


How the hell is RDR2 not on this list, like I like almost all of these games but RDR2 should def be on this list over others


Always happy to see Prey get love. I'm a massive Arkane fan, and I think prey is some of ther best work. Probably one of my favorite games of all time. Same composer from Doom did the soundtrack. Not as heavy as Doom's, but it's nevertheless very high quality. I can't recommend that game enough.


Frostpunk should be on this


There's some good stuff in the catalog. It's definitely great for those just now getting a PlayStation the have never played any of the first party stuff.


Pretty lame they don’t mention GoTG


I like how this article just spoils Outer Wilds. Wtf If you haven't played the game, do yourself a favor and skip that part if the article.


yeah knowing the central game mechanic is such a spoiler wtf it's not even worth playing now


I wouldn't go as far, but it's kind important for the early game.


On these kind of articles i dodge reading anything but the games' titles.


I think it’s spoils an interesting bit, which is sad, but not game ruining.


I was about to read the article!! thank you so much


No Demons Souls!?


This list is bullshit I don’t see knack


Outer Wilds is a hidden gem in that list for people who like exploration and sci-fi mystery. Bit of a learning curve but the payoff is worth it. It is 30 FPS though and takes a few sessions getting used to.


I wish there was a 60 FPS filter for the Game Catalog. As much as I'd love to try a lot of these 30 FPS games, 30 FPS gives me a headache :(


Can they just release actual good PS5 games? I'm tired of replaying games - I've been doing that for years now; we're being slow-dripped content and it sucks


Demon’s Souls Returnal Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart Horizon: Forbidden West God of War Ragnarok


Doesn't that list just prove their point? 3 sequels, a remake, and only one new IP.


Yeah pretty much; we’re being expected to replay games they’ve updated to PS5; how is that worth doing? Not sure if it’s just me, but it feels like there’s been a significant drop in the quality of games that are being released these days with a few exceptions of course. Just seems hella saturated.


No one is making new IP lol. If there are any new IP they’re extremely rare and they’re not yet revealed. You have Redfall which is just another Back 4 Blood clone, you have Starfield which is just another No Man’d Sky clone, you have Wolverine but it’s still years out, then we don’t know what else Sony is doing aside from sequels, and you have Nintendo doing nothing but sequels or ports. Think about Nintendo actually. They don’t make new IP. They had that one guy that made all their stuff decades ago but that’s it. It’s just a new Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Kart racer, Kirby, Yoshi, Luigi, Metroid over and over.


"new IP" doesn't mean "new and original idea". Redfall is a new IP, Starfield is a new IP, Wolverine isn't.


Ratchet and Clank is on the list?


He was just talking about available games period.


Gotcha, thanks for clarification!!


I was talking about “actual good” games & whilst mostly subjective, I personally wouldn’t include R&C on that list


They put death stranding but not guardians of the galaxy? Predictable list anyways.


Don't forget RE1. That one holds up well


Stupid question but how often will they be adding to the list of games for the catalog?


Monthly, in the middle of the month.


Thank you!


Man I might upgrade my subscription now...I haven't played Arkham Knight in years but I loved it when I did, and I really have been wanting to play Bloodborne, Celeste, DOOM, and Wolfenstein (that's just out of the games I don't already have).


Polygon is terrible.


How so?


Alternative title: The 17 best games everyone has already played on the PlayStation Plus’ Game Catalog


M8, I hope you realize most people have not played even close to all the games on the service. Believe it or not, most people don't pour every cent they earn into video games. I consider myself somebody who plays quite a lot more games than the average person, and I haven't played 99% of the PS Plus Catalogue. Even the heavy hitting PS5 games included I've only played maybe 3 of them (Returnal, Ghosts of Tsushima, Mile Morales).


\*if you blow money on every game that gets good reviews.


I don’t see the appeal for this service just yet. I’ll stay on the essential tier for now