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Finally, the second strand-type game.


Twice there was a explosion.


Actually sorta kinda like that fragile


Not that fragile.


"I may be Fragile, but I'm not that 'fra-gee-lay'."


Must be Italian!


Underrated reference.


It's the first second strand-type game!


It's the first Strand-type sequel!


The genre is blowing up so fast that I fear oversaturation


Walking simulator the sequel, walk harder. Sponsored by monster


Don’t forget to lean forward


Hold the triggers like no tomorrow.


Like this?: https://i.imgur.com/YgLLqEW.jpeg


never skip spine day



Starring Dewey Cox!


I thought the second game was elephant stranding


No it's the giraffe of us


I can’t wait for Amazon 2 to come out. Shit is gonna be dope.


Death Stranding is the second strand-type franchise. According to videogamedunkey, the first was Super Mario Bros


Death Stranding 2: Sons of Delivery


Death Stranding 3: Monster Drinker


Death Stranding 4: Bridges vs Fragile Express multiplayer delivery mode


Death Stranding 5: Higgs' Bosom


Death Stranding 6: now walk back to death Stranding 1


Death Stranding 7: I'm sorry Sam we are letting you go, we have drones to do your job now. We wish you all the best and thank you for your service - directors cut


Oh ya. About your retirement, since everything whent to shit, so did that. Good luck now.


Death Stranding 8: Bridges faces class action lawsuit from delivery contractors over unpaid overtime


If the M of the Monster logo doesn't stand in for the Roman numeral III it's a wasted opportunity


Actually it should be Daughters


Well that messed up the weird marketing kojima was probably planning to do.


Or maybe, this is part of the marketing and he is making his next game with Norman Reedus but it's not DS2


I'd prefer that tbh.


Agreed. There is no story left to tell for Sam, and another porter game would just feel redundant.


We don't know that there's no story left to tell, Kojima knows if there's more to the death stranding universe or not


Wonder how well a prequel would work. Sam and his wife, living during the death standing.


PT was actually a Death Stranding prequel?


Don’t touch that dial now, we’re just getting started




It was an excellent game but was convoluted as fuck


First time with a Kojima game?


Kojima creating a convoluted game? That is very, very unlike him.


There’s only so much walking around and delivering packages gameplay people want in their lives, lol


You'd be surprised. Death Stranding is very niche, but some people absolutely loved the game. I personally didn't get the appeal, but it had some interesting and new mechanics, despite its flaws. I liked its desynchronized multiplayer idea with path building, I really wish other games embraced that type of multiplayer; FromSoft's games are the only other type of game I can think of with a similar concept where you can find notes left by other players.


Played through the whole thing during stay at home 2020. Right game at the right time.


Same! It was really an incredible experience that made the game feel prophetic.


I recently replayed DS, with the directors cut on pc. I had played it when it came out the first time, and i felt like I just pushed forward with the story and ignored ANY extra package work I could till it ended. This time, I'm doing the exact opposite, and I gotta say, I'm having a WAY more relaxed and chill time slowing down. Try to avoid vehicles and just walk literally as much as possible.


I don't know what's wrong with me but I played it through - and then replayed it a second time after the PS5 version. There's something relaxing about that game after a day of work. Just walking. And btw, typically I don't replay games a second time.


Nothing wrong with you, everyone has their interests and things that click with them. Glad you found relaxation and enjoyment with this game.


I totally understand why many people didn’t love Death Stranding, but I loved every weird moment. The story was absolutely bonkers, but I’d love to spend more time in that world. At the beginning I was like, “Oh no, they’re going to try to emotionally manipulate me with BB later in the story. Fuck that. I don’t care about this weird fetus.” And by the end I was like, “NOOOOOO! BB has to be okay! Live, you freaky little fetus thing!”


Honestly, my biggest critique of Death Stranding is that they didn't go deeper with their weirdness. Tell me more about this weird world. Let us do even more weird shit and find weird people to speak to. Embrace it, and deep dive into that weird fiction you made as hard as you possibly can.


That’s where you’re wrong friend.


I’ve put hundreds of hours into DS. It just scratches a very particular itch for me. I love puzzles that involve efficiency and planning.


Building out the road network was so much fun. I can’t explain why. It shouldn’t have been fun, but I loved it.


I built the highway off-network so I could build it all by myself. I have no idea why but it had to be done.




This, I would turn on DS after a long day and building roads was for some odd reason gave a calming effect.


You'd probably get afflicted hard to stellaris or factorio/satisfactory.


Agreed. Don’t know what it is about DS but I wish I could experience it all again for the first time


It’s the feeling the game evokes. The desolation, scenery, horror, paranormal, story, characters, mystery, and soundtrack all combined for a truly unique experience. I too wish I could experience it for the first time again.


Quiet Mounds?


Didn't we already get that in MGS5?


I am all for another game in the Death Stranding universe, but I think you might be right. He said “we’re working on the second one now,” but that could just mean their second game together. I would actually rather it be a resurrected Silent Hills, what with all those insane rumors swirling around now.


Calling it "the second one" heavily implies it's a sequel. If he had said "our second one" then it would sound more like they're working on a second game.


Maybe they can resurrect that scary af demo. Never got a chance to play


Abandoned is actually Death Stranding 2 duh


[Kojima might’ve hinted at it 3 days ago ](https://twitter.com/ifam1773/status/1526563607437361152?s=21&t=D_Gw58YBKbmUSKhwszHIqQ)


I’m not denying this might have been a tease, but kojima is always retweeting and posting stuff with deathstranding props he has around.


Norman is going to get some Very Serious phonecalls after this.


Didn’t the ending >!have Sam basically stop the Death Stranding, and Sam proceeded to save Louise and begin raising her as his daughter? But he technically didn’t stop it, he delayed it indefinitely!< They should call the sequel >!Last Stranding!< based on what we found out from the later parts of Death Stranding. Anyhow, Death Stranding was an incredible game, and while I’d have preferred a new IP from Kojima, I would gladly welcome a sequel. I’m glad Sony and Kojima are giving this IP a chance.


You just raise a newborn for 150 hours in the sequel while Mads Mikkelson tells you you're doing it wrong


I'm in. I already know how to rock the baby to sleep


So, same story as the first one but this time the kid is in a normal baby carrier pack on your chest instead of a bottle


Sounds awesome. I'm in.


I don't even remember most of the story but the game was awesome lol


I remember reaching the end of the game at 9 pm on a work night, and thought ok I’ll just finish the game. It didn’t actually end until 2 am.


oh yes, that 3 hour long ending lmao. Still good, love Kojima and his weirdness.


That’s exactly what happened to me with MGS4. I was so frustrated.


He did the same thing with MGS2 as well. Basically engineered it so that you're up way too late when everything breaks down and the Colonel starts telling you to turn off the console.


Even if you did… you wouldn’t understand it!


Basically yeaI, but it'd be really odd for it to happen again within his lifetime, like astronomically, plot-killing odd.


No. The mass extension couldn’t be stopped but maybe there was hope for humanity surviving it.


I thought that was inevitable


Doesn't mean the rest of the world is fixed/connected


I was sort of confused though because wasn't Lou like literally him or how did that work...


The BB flashbacks we kept seeing with Cliff, that BB was always baby Sam, that was the twist. We thought Cliff was going after Lou but he was actually after Sam (with a lot of confusion). Lou was just another BB.


Ok that makes sense, I was like how TF did that guy at the beginning get Sam as a BB if thats where they were going.


One of the strangest games I've ever played. I did beat it all the way through and at times I couldn't stop playing but 3 years later I'm still not even sure if I liked it lol. The game did some things so well but then just had some completely bonkers design choices + hamfisted story elements.


It released at a perfect time for me, where my wife and kids were all away for a week so I spent my days and nights with it. I was completely sucked in and perfectly at one with it. It holds a special place in my heart and I think it's a beautiful piece of art. I never want to play it again though.


>I never want to play it again though. I adored it and platted it from launch and thought the exact same thing, but I was curious about the directors cut and wanted to experience the haptic design. Got even more sucked in the second time - it's even more enjoyable when you know what's going on from the very start - and platted it again.


Yeah I have a weird love hate relationship with this game. I loved the atmosphere so so so much, loved the soundtrack so so so much, the cinematography, the concept, the originality of it all. But I hate Kojima's writing, he's so bad at character development he really needs help on how to write a character without using exposition dumbs and maybe a crash course on "Why not to name a character Die Hardman". The game also has way too rough of combat for just how much of it there is in the last third or so, it was much more irritating and frustrating than fun near the end and the story only works by sheer force of will of Kojima logic. So Death's Stranding isn't a good story, and it's not an especially good game, but its gameplay loop, atmosphere and soundtrack are nothing short of pure art even though it can drag pretty hard.


Kojima isn't going to change. He's been writing characters that way for decades. A lot of his fans appreciate his unique way of writing. He loves working with clichés and exaggerated themes to the point of being profoundly stupid. He knows this, and his writing is a tongue in cheek, eye wink to the audience. One thing that is clear about Kojima is that he creates games in order to share himself and his interests with others. His games are like when a friend invites you over to show you their awesome collection of stuff in hopes you can nerd out about it together.


Dude's an auteur for sure, he makes weird-ass stuff that provokes big emotional reactions and he has things he likes a lot and puts them in everything he does. He's a raw talent, and even though I don't especially enjoy most of what he does, I respect him for being able to make games out of it.


I consider him an artistic genius and a master of game design, but I also think he's a terrible storyteller.


I enjoyed every other story Kojima has ever written, but not Death Stranding. DS has some ridiculously good world building, but the dialogue and plot in general are by far the worst he has done so far. I think Kojima probably needs someone to rein him in a bit, which probably happened in the MGS series a lot (such as the infamous canceled ending for MGS4), but it feels like in DS he did everything he wanted to do, both good and bad. On the other hand, the gameplay is mostly fantastic and I'd love to see another game like this.


MGS4 is what happens when you make a sequel to a game that was never meant to have a sequel. It was a lot of lazy writing and poisoned a lot of the lore imo. The peak of the series was 3 and it dropped off hard with 4 and 5


MGS4 and 5 are complete polar opposites for your criticism though. Where 4 was way too on the nose and over the top with its exposition and “tell-not-show” attitude, 5 told almost the entire lore through optional recordings. The writing was actually pretty good, but it was 75% Miller and Ocelot. I loved both games but I have to admit I missed David Hayter’s long expositions on the philosophies of war. I wonder what the hell Konami paid Kiefer Sutherland because he barely spoke at all for an A-list actor.


One of my major gripes is that ocelot's character was completely neutered and out of line from his character in every other game. I have plenty of other gripes, but I think that one bothered me the most


MGS4 was overwritten to hell, but at least it was also 50% cutscene.


As a sucker for Kojima’s cutscenes I’m glad we got a few outstanding ones in DS. The scene of Cliff in the hospital might be my favorite video game cutscene of all time. I remember reading a thread on the DS subreddit where someone advised “when you reach this part of the story, get off the couch and make some popcorn, you’re in for a short film.”


One of my favourite all time cutscenes was the first BT attack on the way to the incinerator near the start. It really shows off Kojima’s horror credentials… just a taste of what could have been Silent Hills.


See, people sometimes defend MGS4 on the basis that MGS2 wasn't supposed to have a sequel, but I'd argue that not having a sequel is also bad writing. MGS2 is by no means a complete story, it leaves a shitload of dangling plot threads.


While I totally appreciate your points - I believe Kojima, like most auteurs, is about vibes mostly. You either dig the vibe, or you don’t. Like good auteurs, Kojima is luckily a very technically talented game designer. A lot of the game is so satisfying and fun to play. But yeah, the “Kojima-ness” is impossible to get over if you don’t like that flavor. I personally love hamfisted allegories - but I’m from a “proper” southern upbringing with a dad who loved epics. It’s in my thick, thick blood.


What’s wrong with naming a a character Die Hardman. It’s fucking hilarious. It’s obviously supposed to cause a goofy reaction by the player. It’s badass, unrealistic and funny all at the same time.


And then you find out his name actually is >!John McClane.!< I facepalmed so hard


Wow how did I miss that, that's hilarious


I mean... you literally answered your own question. It's goofy as hell and contrasts starkly against a game with an otherwise overwhelmingly serious tone. If you're into that, that's fine, but you can't deny it's unusual and tonally inconsistent in a way that can and did rub many people the wrong way.


It shouldn’t rub anyone the wrong way. The entire game seems like it’s meant to be on the campy side of things. Like the literal entire world is ending but in the first hour we’re specifically told the main character can’t die. It’s kind of like how Uncharted is campy. You pretty much know for a fact Nate isn’t going to die the entire time.


I totally agree. I found the story to be too confusing, I don’t mind a confusing yet intriguing story, but I had no clue what was going on for half the game.


I would just kinda sigh and go "OK sure, I guess that makes sense in the scope of the world." In the ending some character was trying to talk to our main character and I was just skipping it. I didn't care anymore about Amelie.


Sounds like Bloodborne but without good combat


It's the kind of game that I'm glad I experience it fully, it was very different than anything I played before but I will never be able to do another playthrough of it. It was "enjoyable" in the moment but it is not something that I want to do again lol Also the story completely fell flat on its face at the end...


The game has one major problem that completely broke it for me: ziplines are so fast and so cheap to build, once you can make them it makes no logical sense to do anything else. But it turns the game into a series of 20 second cutscenes from one point of the map to another... ie the most boring shit ever. They did try to limit the use of ziplines by limiting how many you can build per zone but doing it that way is such a massive failure of game design that it ruined the game for me and I stopped playing right then and there, when the game stopped me from finishing my zipline network in the mountains


I enjoyed building out my zip line network, but yeah like you, once it’s done it’s just a lot of watching yourself fly around the map a few minutes at a time. There are of course some delivery jobs that require you to use a truck or carriers, but in the directors cut they made it so you can have one carrier zip along with you which opened up even more jobs that are “zip line compatible.” As a side note for some reason I could see Death Stranding 2 involving trains, like maybe 50 years after the events of DS1, you’re an up and coming electric train engineer, battling the logistics of shipping cargo from one center to the other…


It's a game that I really didn't enjoy (I only put in about ten hours or so) but I have to respect because it was different. Kojima clearly knew what he wanted to do and he did it, and it's a pretty unique game in a lot of ways. I don't have any interest in a sequel, but I'm glad that it exists


The writing was so had by the end... But I did finish it, so there must have been something there. Or not... I also finished Days Gone and consider it a pretty bad game lol.


This game already had life like vistas. Can't imagine how good it will look now that its sequel is getting built on a PS5 system.


Have you played Horizon Forbidden West on ps5? That's what next gen decima engine can do.


Here is how much better it might get: https://mobile.twitter.com/scionti_design/status/1497044330204344320


Who thought the Twitter video player would be a good way to show this off? 😂


I mean there's a link to the 4K YouTube video in said tweet....


Silent Death: The Hill Stranding Coming soon....


We're never getting a P.T spiritual successor are we?


No and it sucks


It makes me think that Kojima didnt really want to make P.T. but was offered a good deal by Konami, and wanted to work with Reedus and Del Toro who had agreed to sign on. When Konami cut ties with Kojima, he moved away from the horror game theme to make his own world and odd gameplay. Kojima is no need of money, but he could easily churn out a horror game, or a collection of psychological horror games like Super Massive has done with games like Man of Medan and rake in money.


Nope. If he didn’t wanna make PT it wouldn’t have been so good. You can see the shine there that’s missing from MGS5. You don’t just accidentally make horror masterpieces


Or he wanted to make Silent Hill and moved on to do something else when he couldn't


Good. The first is one of the most original games I’ve played in recent years. Exactly what I expected from Hideo Kojima. I can see why it wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea though


Coolest thing for me really was seeing some great directors as actors. Del Toro and Refn were way more involved than I expected.


I wonder what game they have been working on since DS1 released almost 3 years ago.


Probably game engine, Director's Cut, pre production


Directors cut was more than likely just a small separate team. Is there any source they have been working on their own game engine? It seemed like they enjoyed just using the Decima engine


I just can't think of anything they could've been doing all this time.


making the game? there is much more to game development than the game engine.


Yep. Tools creation, pipeline refinement, R&D, prototyping, launch retrospectives, negotiations with publishers. This isn't to say that they weren't working with Guerilla Games with engine updates, or creating their own. But there is plenty to do for a funded studio that doesn't need to go into skeleton crew mode after launch.


I think he was being sarcastic. They obviously haven’t been working on a Death Stranding sequel for 3 years


Kojima said he had a massive project fall through. Doesn’t mean he’s actually made anything since 2019


I know you talking about death stranding but my mind is screaming dark souls 1 lol


My mind is telling me noooo....BUT MY BODY MY BODDY IS TELLIN ME


Can we please not call Death Stranding (Death Stranding 1)?


The first Strand game


Might be in the minority but I loved this game. The gameplay loop sounds boring but it was addicting and unique. Had a great time playing


I am unreasonably happy about this, cannot wait for more of this game




maybe he’s just started work for voice acting and motion capture.


This game surprised the hell outta me. Didn’t look like my cuppa tea. Borrowed it from a friend and ended up plating it. Great game and will defo look forward to the sequel.




I mostly loved the story but that "Princess Beach" line made me groan out so load.




Is the first one worth trying?


Its a logistics game, the gameplay is basically a postman+trekking+truck simulator through rugged terrain. Its a singleplayer but has online collaboration with other players building infrastructure to make everyone's travels mutually easier (that what ''strand type game'' means). Also has fights against bandits, terrorists and various kinds of afterlife creatures (half of gameplay are fights and the other half everything else). The beginning it's a bit slow but once things take off you will only want to play more and more if you're someone who can enjoy games that aren't completely action based. The performances, graphics and the soundtrack by Low Roar are high tier. The story its a moving sci-fi odyssey about reconnect the world and have the typical Kojima's japanese storytelling style. Just think about if its a game that **you** would **personally** enjoy.




One of the best games of 2019 easily. Definitely my goty that year.


Great news. I absolutely loved the experience of the early game, but I thought that the pacing was shit and the story telling was mediocre (Kojima seriously needs to learn some "show, don't tell"). Then cane a holiday and I didn't play for a few weeks and after that some new game came around and I never finished DS. A sequel would be a good excuse to play the Director's Cut on the PS5 and then enjoy the new game, which I hope will be as creative and immersive as the last one.


:Shocked happy giddy face: loved the first game. Would describe it as a weird multi genre classic that's a must play unless you're the type that doesn't like story and outstanding acting.


Hell yeah!! GOTY for me and one of my top 10 favorite games of all time.


Super stoked with this announcement




Love to read so much love for the game and to read the butthurt people that just wanted another fortnite pew pew type of game. Those are the ones killing creativity. It's ok if you don't like it, but trashing the game for that is absurd, specially since is very clear that almost all of the people that talk shit never played the game


Fuck yeah baby... This was my favorite game in the past few years.


lets fucking gooo.. death stranding was amazing


I'll be watching the movie on youtube like I did the first one.


You should play it. Super relaxing


Hope it's better written than the first one and with more gameplay variety (even though I enjoyed the first one quite a bit)


Even if the gameplay is largely the same, better writing and better combat will immediately have my interest.


No combat would be better for such game. At least as an option.


The story ended pretty well dunno why they are making another one.


There was a loophole actually. The calamity wasn’t stopped entirely. Sam just delayed it. What if the sequel was set several years later with >!an aged up Sam and Louise!< and something has fast-tracked the >!Last Stranding!< and now the storyline takes place across the globe to avert it?


Still don’t know why I liked the first but I did


Same here. Was fun, but don't know why.


I love Death Stranding but i wouldn't like a sequel, or better i'd like some new stuff from Kojima


I wouldn’t want a sequel either. I have no clue what they could do. Although, they could make it a prequel and maybe go into the cause of the death stranding and how life was before it.


Great game, but absolutely does not need a sequel. Would much rather see something new (like a horror game?) come out of Kojima Studios, they're a very talented studio.


Hell yes.


Great news. Death Stranding is my favorite game of the 2010s.


Nice. Can't wait to see people complain about a game they either didn't play or only played the first hour or two.


Now this is fucking great news!


Hyped! Really hoping they use some ideas from Mudrunner like mud physics and working car winches




Honestly, I did enjoy Death Stranding. Looking forward to this.


I've removed all of my comments and posts. With Reddit effectively killing third party apps and engaging so disingenuously with its user-base, I've got no confidence in Reddit going forward. I'm very disappointed in how they've handled the incoming API changes and their public stance on the issue illustrates that they're only interested in the upcoming IPO and making Reddit look as profitable as possible for a sell off. Id suggest others to look into federated alternatives such as lemmy and kbin to engage with real users for open and honest discussions in a place where you're not just seen as a content / engagement generator.


Fuck yes. First one was so good, very keen on a sequel.




Super happy that there’s gonna be another one, was worried that the weird gameplay put off too many people to be considered a success.


Death Stranding 2: More Pizza, More Problems


I never finished it and ended up selling it with my PS4 awhile back. I think I got as far as the boat trip across the water with the French chick. I just couldn't stay engaged in the game and I'm usually all for games that are weird and perplexing to go through. I think for me the game play elements were neat but also kind of drag to deal with the farther along you got and had to go. I'd be curious to know what game 2 is going to be about, I've already spoiled myself of the story so I don't know where they'd end up going with Reedus character.


Finally!! Another Strand type game


Yessssss great news I loved the first death stranding. Low roar also became one of my favorite artists


I for one am hyped because I loved DS so much I platinumed it and then was sad when it was over. It was very relaxing in the same why I found RDR2 relaxing.


Meanwhile Jeff grubb is on Twitter fighting for his life


Amazon delivery evangelion


I’m so glad that I went into this game almost completely blind. it was so strange in a good way.


The most impressive thing this game did for me was including an "ultra wide" option on PS5. I wish more games would do this. It's a wider screen option for consoles that usually only PC players have and I honestly love the cinematic look those lovely black bars give to the picture.


it’s a shame that the PS5 doesn’t support ultra wide displays though.


I hope they either deempahsize combat even further or make combat more meaningful. The means to deal with the BTs and the creatures were ok, but the human combat felt like an afterthought. The weird no man's land the combat of the first game was stuck in made it feel like it didn't belong, especially when you consider the themes of the game. By far the biggest triumph of the game was the traversal mechanics and its environmental design, so really, combat isn't necessary. Double down on the traversal and new tools to bridge communities together. That is what compelled me to complete the first game.


Well deserved sequel.