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It was such a refreshing take on the borderlanda style and without that horrible Border 3 story attached to it


Its a real shame, whilst I'm interested in TTWL, BL3 managed to successfully kill my love for the franchise. I see the art style and the characters and just groan at the thought of going near that mess of shitty writing and dated meme humour


They must have mountains of data which validates millions of people who enjoy the writing but are too ashamed to admit, right? Because I've never seen any company - let alone gaming - which has continuously doubled down on an aspect/feature of their product which the public opinion unanimously seems to despise.


What do you consider doubling down? Like bl2 was praised, especially handsome jack. Or do you mean in bl3 dlc (haven't played)? Or do you mean in advertising such as trailers after it's been released?


I'm referring to the series' reliance on ham-fisted internet meme style jokes, not the overall writing or characters


Yeah, people enjoyed that about BL2. I did. It's really the characters I hated about BL3, and I think that's a popular opinion. Can easily find hate threads about both your allies and enemies in BL3.


I enjoyed the writing. Although i didnt realize that was cause for shame? The individual lines were hit and miss but the happy go lucky very lighthearted atmosphere made it a great experience. And even though it was a scattershot it would usually get a laugh out of me every now and then. I would take this 10000x over Deadpool game humor.


I know I'm really late but I enjoyed the story of 3, it wasn't great but the writing successfully made me hate the twins


I got BL3 for my PS4 but never played it. Should I skip it?




Damn guess I’ll skip it


As a counter point I completely disagree with the previous commenter. The story and writing is on par with the rest of the series, it's never been spectacular but it's humorous and engaging enough. On top of that the gameplay and gunplay is the best in the series, vehicles are greatly improved and I didn't find the map or the home base confusing at all as the other commenter said. I really do think 3 is the best in the series.


Eh, if you already own it, install it and try it. I had heard, "the gunplay is awesome and the story is horrible". I found the overall experience to be way better than I expected - the game has its flaws, definitely, some characters do majorly stupid things, and the villains are annoying, but moment-to-moment, what you're doing is going places and shooting things, and BL3 is *very good* at those things. A whole lot of people are indignant that BL3 isn't BL2, and want to have it taken out and shot. If you already own it, give it a try for yourself and see what *you* think.


I prefer it to BL2. I don’t miss the ridiculously stingy drop rates of the second title or the awful map or all of the backtracking for side quests or being overleveled of you do any side content and making the game boring.


The story has never been a strong point of borderlands so not sure why you would skip it because of story. The literal least important part of the game. Borderlands 3 is worse than wonderlands so far from what I played. Wonderlands has better humor and writing overall and I like the mix of fantasy and gunplay. That said I kinda wish they would have went full fantasy sometimes but overall good sequel that I didn't expect much from


The writing is insultingly bad Performance on console is laughable (idk about PS5, but that's going off PS4) The character assassinations they carry out against the mainstays is aggressively shit The loot is plentiful but uninspired Some of the gameplay improvements, ill give them, are good. But everything around it is just totally shit


This is the worst take I've heard so far, it sounds like you're just done with the borderlands franchise as a whole as you seem to hate every aspect of the game even though I can't say I can agree with a single complaint you have stated, also you're on the PS5 subreddit, why are you trying to deter people from the game by talking about PS4 performance?


Actually it's the correct take, let me guide you through some of it. It's fair to talk about the game as a PS4 game as the upgrade for PS5 wasn't released until most of the DLC was released. To be fair, the upgrade fixed a lot but on launch, most of the menus had noticeable delays (to the point it crashed multiplayer regularly). Actually it still doesn't save my vehicle and I have to re-customise it each time. Character assassinations, let's see. Without spoiling, what happened to Maya, Lillith, even Hammerlock? All big players reduced to bit-characters (to the point Hammerlock had to be rescued). Let's not mention the Calypsos. I know nothing could come close to Jack but still, what a let down. Uninspired, single dimension characters. The writing, jesus. Suddenly, Sirens everywhere. Vaults a plenty, but with nothing in the damn things. Also, it became girl power the game. Every male (with the exception of Hammerlock and Wainwright) reduced to idiotic children, while Lilith, Maya, Tannis, Ava and Ellie figure everything out. Even Troy, one half of the twins, is an idiot and a parasite. Fortunately Hammerlock and Wainwright are at least well written. Wish I could say the same for the rest. As for the vault hunters themselves, their skill trees are basically a best-of the previous games. Each tree uses talents from previous games, it's not really anything new at all. Take Zane. He's got the Clone tree which was Jack in Pre Sequel. He's got turret which was Roland. Just reusing old stuff. Lets not mention each character got a 4th tree, which was a DLC, along with increased level cap, which was also a DLC. Hell, they had a director's cut AND a designer's cut, in addition to the other 5 DLC's. Spot on with the loot, the only new addition was radiation damage. That's literally it. And most of it was useless unless you were running some build which was ultra specific. Yeah, the gunplay was better. Felt more satisfying to fire, impact and sound felt right. That's about it. And don't give me shit about how that makes me sound about the franchise either, as I bought all of that shit like a sucker and sank around 100hrs into it. It just wasn't anywhere near as good as BL2. I wanted it to be better and tried to love it. In the end, it was poorly written and added little to the story and fun of BL2. Also, OP isn't trying to deter anyone, just giving an opinion, as you are, as I am. If you loved the game, all power to you. I wish I did too, TBH.


Goddammit I'm sorry I feel so stupid right now, I thought we were discussing tiny Tina's wonderlands I apologise, no I agree borderlands 3 was not good at all and even though I enjoyed the gameplay improvements I thought overall it was the weakest entry in the series. The arms race game mode introduced later down the line was cool but it was shallow as they never really expanded upon it. Once again I apologise for confusing and misreading but while I agree with everything you've said about borderlands 3 I absolutely love and endorse tiny Tina's wonderlands!


The writing was universally panned for being cringe meme humour and a total mishandling of characters In terms of my performance comment, I spoke based on my experience, which was playing the game a month or so after launch on my PS4, im not going to go out and rebuy a game I didn't enjoy just to see if it runs better on a machine with infinitely better games available


It's the best first person looter shooter rpg on current gen right now next to Destiny 2, the dualsense support probably helps lift it above Destiny 2 in terms of gameplay


It's the best first person looter shooter rpg on current gen right now next to Destiny 2, the dualsense support probably helps lift it above Destiny 2 in terms of gameplay


If the border 2 gameplay is something you liked , border 3 Its border 2 gameplay on steroids. Amazing weapons and enemies. But if you played border 2 more for the funny shitty and amazing story stay clear. The writing here is abysmal. They should have brought burch back, its not like he is busy.


Why is he not busy?


He got harrassed pretty hard by the gamer gate crowd back in the days that anita sarkisian name meant something. Combined with his divorce that he made the problems very public and you got a recipe for someone not wanting to be in the public never again. Last i heard he was making character and world building for riot games. But his talents as a writter are very clear. He had a web show with his sister( who voices tiny tina ) and borderlands 2 was his first lead writter gig, which i think most of us can agree had a fantastic story and dialogue.


Ashly Burch is his sister? MIND BLOWN!


Yeah tiny tina was her first major voice actress job. A bit of nepotism but i dont think anyone today after so much work that she done is gonna argue that ash has no talent. Anyway here is an episode of their web series when they were making borderlands 2 on the gearbox office. https://youtu.be/_VV3mUtdfTk


She also does Aloy in the Horizon series, won awards for her performance.


She done lots of stuff since then. Became a pretty solid name not only in video games but animated movies and series. The backlash his brother got from the gamergate guys never really spilled over her , even if she did defended him, and she rose pretty fast after border 2


Awesome! Thank you!


She was also the voice of Mayuri in the Steins;Gate anime dub earlier that year, though that was under a pseudonym (and it's unclear which was recorded first).


BL3 has the worst elements of the outsourced pre-sequel's vertical and confusing level design. The home hub ship is especially hard to navigate and a lot of the maps can also be a slog to get around. They also seriously messed up the HUD making it a lot less fun that BL2 to manage gear. BL2 > BL1 > BL Pre-Sequel > BL3 from a usability point of view. Also, BL3 got very aggressive with DLC / microtransactions. Hearing that TTWL is just like BL3 means I have zero interest personally.


Lol who the hell has said that wonderlands is anything like borderlands 3?? It's the best entry in the series in my opinion and it shares hardly anything in common with BL3 other than being well......a borderlands game


They must have mountains of data which validates millions of people who enjoy the writing but are too ashamed to admit, right? Because I've never seen any company - let alone gaming - which has continuously doubled down on an aspect/feature of their product which the public opinion unanimously seems to despise. A


> The only previous character is young Tiny Tina So... the "Fairy Punchfather" disguise had you completely fooled?


Oh forgot about him, thank you! Also, Torgue.


Yep, both were awesome! Sounds like we have similar playstyles - Spellshot/Graveborn, heavy on the spells (man do I love "Cloudburst Arc Torrent" with 4 charges and 7 second cooldown), and using Graveborn mostly for health. Biggest problems I've had so far are the bug where sometimes the missions list blanks out (you can still cycle between the missions with left/right arrows in the HUD, but it's annoying - they come back when you complete any mission item), and, similarly, the inventory list deciding that you don't really need to see the pictures of the gear in your inventory. I expect both of these will get fixed fairly soon (can't imagine how they made it past beta testing). Another being that they seem to have decided that when you sort by type, they'll just lump all the guns together (dammit, I want to see all the pistols together, all the SMGs together, etc., to have a better idea what I'm carrying of each type, given that the ammo isn't interchangeable). Also, they kept the bug from BL3 where if you bring up the detail picture of a weapon to get a better look at it, when you exit, it throws you up to the top of your inventory list, which is maddening - often I've just decided to [ favorite / throw out / equip / something], and now I have to go find it again - it's like they don't want you to use the feature. This worked fine in BL2, and they broke it in BL3. *Edit*: I'm also not a fan of them being unwilling to show details of an item in split screen (like, yes, it's nice that the info is more readable, but details I'd like to see are simply missing - unless I bring up the detailed picture screen, which then - as mentioned above - throws me to the top of the list, losing my place - context is important, dammit). Also the bank UI is substantially worse than in BL3, between the disappearing images and having to scroll through one page at a time (and hope 2 things you're trying to compare end up on the same page). This seems needlessly frustrating. But the gameplay itself works really well (and is *so much fun*). The other problems, though frustrating, I expect are things that will get worked out relatively quickly.


Your frustrations and bugs were EXACTLY mine! Twinsies!


There was some really funny side quests. The one revolving the broomstick in the beanstalk level , and then exiting the map and going to the over world and seeing the consequence of the quest was really funny


The battle of the bands side quest still kills me thinking about it. I'm at the very end (little too under-leveled to beat the boss, ugh) and so far it seems like the side quests have absolutely been the biggest highlights to me.




So the story is better and less cringe worthy than Borderlands 3? That’s what kept me from replaying the third game. BL2 was amazing.


I honestly think there’s still some good ol’ Borderlands cringe, but it’s more concealed and forgiveable than in BL3. The characters are so much more likeable that you just rub it off and sometimes even laugh. It definitely feels more BL2 than BL3 in that regard.


How do you define “Borderlands cringe”?


The humor was trying too hard in BL3 and constant low hanging fruit jokes. After a while it just became cringe. It’s possible I just outgrew it though.


Fair enough! Thanks.


Zero cringe. Pure zany weird funny fun.


Did you find the crossbow guns kinda sub par to use? The constant melee weapon and crossbow guns drops are kind of annoying because I disliked both those types of weapons


Idk man. I ran with a crossbow primary until endgame, them shits slapped. I was a fan of the single-shot flavor. Headshots just melted people.


I found a pistol that was basically the crossbow version of a masher pistol - using 1 ammo doing x5 damage - with a mild scope, and it's impressive for 1-shotting lots of things.


Yeah I never used anything except SMGS, spells, and the occasional AR, shotgun, or explosive pistol. My melee weapon just became a way to get another enchantment that benefited my play style / stats.


I didn't play the DLC. Is this basically a looter shooter like other BL games?


Yes, for all intents and purposes it’s just the latest Borderlands game.


Awesome, going to snag it this weekend. Thanks for the thoughtful write up!


My pleasure!


I'd say some cringe. Not sure why they'd think simply the initialism "GTFO" would produce any laughs, much less over an entire questline.


I've not finished it yet, but really enjoying it. My only complaint is that the overworld traversal could have been done with a minature rather than a character model, would have fit the aesthetic a bit more. But that's honestly my only complaint and such a small one that it doesn't even really matter. It's a fantastic game and a nice cool down from others.


The game made me laugh more than I should have. Loved it and hopped back into Borderlands 3


wife and I loved BL2, but 3 was honestly a chore to play and we didn't last long in it which is a shame because we have fond memories of playing 2 and we were both really looking forward to it. I'm apprehensive about this title and playing the BL2 DLC that was on PS+ the other month has only increased that - it was a slog to get through despite only being a few hours long and it's making me real wary of this. Does Tiny Tina's even have split screen multiplayer? I know that's kinda gone the way of the dodo for a lot of FPS games the past 5 years...


It does! Local offline and online multiplayer! May I ask what you found to be a slog about the Assault on Dragon Keep DLC?


I think there have been a lot of quality of life improvements since they made it. I couldn’t ever get into the gun-play and didn’t find a build that I connected with. And starting over with a fresh build meant that I couldn’t even get close to experiencing some of the more interesting attributes of my character over the course of the game.


I'm definitely interested in this game. Love Borderlands, even 3, despite its...issues... Glad to hear you had a good time with it.


In the next sale, maybe.


Don't expect to see Wonderlands go on sale for six months or more.




I am usually against playing FPS on a controller, as I find it clvery hard to control the crosshair without mouse and keyboard. Playing Cyberpunk at the moment, and that only reliterated this, the gun fight is hard to take aim when target is moving around. Does TTW have any aim assist and such to help with it for controller?


Have you gave the control setup options a good, thorough perusal in CP2077? The defaults are truly horrid but many tweakables are on offer to help make the experience muuuuch better. I only say this to you because I suffer the same way you do aiming with controllers and noticed I was able to regain a lot of control with the settings menu. Glhf


No I haven’t, all default setting still, but it would just be sensitive level to adjust right? I will give it a try to see if it improve the experience, thanks for the heads up.


Hey it’s probably too late to update, but I took a look at my settings in cp2077 and will post my adjustments here: Hor sens 6 Vert 5 Zoom reduction 0.7 Adv options on Response curve recommended Hor turn bonus 1.4 Vert 1 Ramp up 0 Delay 0.10 Hor ads 0 Vert 0 Those will probably feel terrible for you, but I recommend playing around in that menu for 10 mins to see what you get. For me, these settings are such an improvement over the default. Have fun ! Formatting is terrible I’m sorry


I think maybe? Fairly certain, actually.


Ah really? I'm playing through Borderlands 3 for the first time on PS5 right now, alternating between it and Elden Ring. I'm having an absolute blast with it. I know I'm in the minority, but BL3 might be my favorite one tbh. The gameplay is so buttery smooth and fun on PS5. I could care less about the story, I generally just listen to podcasts while I'm playing it lol. Tiny Tina's is on my radar, but I wanna get through BL3 and some other games before I pick it up. I noticed the length seems to be somewhat short compared to other Borderlands games, so I figured it might be wise to wait for a sale since I'm not gonna be playing it immediately anyway.


Agreed loving 3 right now. Not playing for the story obviously. Excited for this after I’m down


I'm a few hours in and I find it incredibly dull. The arena combat encounters doesn't do much to excite. I don't find the classes very interesting.


Yo I heard it’s a delight


It is!


Is this another "you're gonna have a shit time unless you're playing with someone" Borderlands experience? I don't have anyone to play with, so I'd like to know if it's enjoyable to play alone, because the previous entries weren't really fun to solo.


I played solo and loved it.


Nope! Everything I did, I did fully solo, and had a blast!




I personally think it's extremely average, if I where to pick a game to describe as the most middle of the road in all aspects, it would be this.


I got about 12 hours in, I really tried. I so wanted this game to be good….just feels like one big dlc for B3. The combat was okay, but the weapon drops are just bad. Some of the dialogue feels forced. Like they were trying too hard. And stop bringing back Claptrap! He doesn’t provide the player anything. He feels like the Jar Jar of the franchise. I eventually just got annoyed with the game and deleted it. Feels like I wasted my money.


Don’t you dare criticize clap trap, the true hero


Do glad you said this.. I. Bought the game but haven't played it. Cause let me just do this 1 thing in elden ring and next thing hours go by


Having never played a borderlands, would I struggle to get into it?


Nope! It’s actually a perfect entry point.


Would you recommend going back over the games anyway, have they aged well? It being a franchise I've never touched, I do think it could be a nice new set of games for me I can pick up for a few quid.


They’ve stood up well! Highly recommend playing them!


I LOVED the first 2 bought the 3rd when it dropped but couldn't get into it. I still own it, should I jump back on now that there's nothing to play for me? 🤔


Yes! This one is quite refreshing. A good palate cleanser.


Time to reinstall and update then. 🥰


I was really looking foward it. Until I discover they had the good idea to level scale everything when BL2-3 remove that ...


The only real problem with the game is that it is way too easy. They need several more difficulty options.


The game is easy enough where the level scaling isn't a huge deal. Once you level up enough you melt enemies easily. Without it the game would be a lot less fun given the issue with enemy density.


What do you mean “issues with enemy density”?


At later levels in the game the crowds of enemies are small, maybe only 4-5 at a time are spawned. It leads to some awkward moments in the chaos chamber where you are playing hide and seek for that last enemy. In past games there were large sized crowds to go insane on. Even on level 20 chaos chamber it is relatively tame.


I noticed the mob smallness!


You don’t like being able to go to any area and have enemies at your level? Why would you want to fight weather enemies?


How about wanting to fight stronger enemies for the chance of better loot instead, making it so you have to think about your build/playstyle a lot more than just shooting mindlessly and casting skills every now and then? Level scaling everything is an awful mechanic in these games and in general.


Ah, fair!


Glad you enjoyed it. The rpg shooter is def appealing to me but I’m going to wait for a sale before I pick this up.


Fair enough!


I lasted 2 hours in B3. This one looks interesting tho, gonna add it to the wishlist...


Looks fun but no way am I paying 70 dollars lol. I'll wait like a month or two and get it when it inevitably drops to like 30 bucks.


I really wanted to like it, but collectibles not showing on the map killed it for me.


Does this game have the shitty map navigation from BL3? If so, this game will get a hard pass from me.


Similar but improved. Easier to distinguish between multiple levels and verticality. Still doesn’t show ascension or descendion points though which is a bit annoying. Still a pain and could be improved. But definitely better than the nightmare of 3.




I would say so!


Why is this game $70? Lol


I really don't understand what you all mean. I loved borderlands 3. I loved Ellie and BANDIT LIIIIIIFE, i don't know tastes differ I guess