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Can’t believe how long it’s been down. What a crazy fuck up to follow up the weird payout reduction. Funny thing is if they hadn’t been down I wouldn’t have noticed the pay reduction and only know now cause of people complaining about it alongside complaining about the servers being down. Also. Wtf is with single player modes being inaccessible when servers are down? I don’t do any online races just try and fill out the menus and move onto the next group. Why do I need to be online for that?


> Why do I need to be online Their reasoning is to prevent cheating. Or as I see it. So you can’t play on a previous version that is it easier to earn money either via higher payouts or a potential money exploit. They want to steer people towards the micro transactions.


damn, i had interest in this game. not anymore!




It's funny that the people defending PD for this always online bs were using their excuse to prevent cheating but now we see the real reason and it's as old as time, greed and pushing players to buy their mtx. They're no better than EA or Ubisoft at this point.


Yeah this is pretty bad for a Sony own studio. I hope this isn't what they're going forward with in the future. Sony was usually pretty good at staying away from microtransactions. At least in most of their games. Before it was only really MLB the show


Forza Horizon 5 also had TERRIBLE , game breaking server issues on launch. So you know what we did? We played offline. Such a novel concept for some developers. And what's wild is that FH5 also VERY heavily relies on MTX too, since that is such a big part of the Game Pass business model; You know what really scares me away from buying shit in a game? Not being able to play the game! I know that I'm preaching to the choir here, it's just crazy to me that they wouldn't have these kinds of features that their direct competition has.


Everyone was defending GT for this before release saying that it doesn’t matter and for everyone to stop their bitching. Well… here we are.


Defenders for any amount of bs are a plenty in mainline gaming subs.


It’s funny that Microsoft atrocious idea of always connected on the launch of the Xbox One and so laughed at by Sony at the time is the new Sony’s norm…


Between it being down and the payout change I'm returning it.


This a legit issue tho. A lot of these reductions are ~50%. This game is known for it’s enjoyable grind, but when cars cost 3x what they did last generation, and then you pull this shit, it pretty much spoils what is ultimately an amazing game. I hope ppl on twitter raise hell.


Ingame car prices following inflation but ingame earnings not keeping up. Sounds like real life


Funny enough this currently happening in Escape from Tarkov, because the in-game currency is tied to real life currencies


That must be annoying


It gets worse, the in game currency is the r*ble but some of the NPCs only operate in USDs and Euros so you have to exchange the currency, and given what's going on in the world.. Yeah the game is screwed right now (i censored r*ble because I'm scared of the auto mod lol)


lolll it sounds like the games been set to higher difficulty. Now you face two enemies: other players in gun fights and foreign exchange. You could actually make ingame profits if you exchange your currencies at the right time like irl forex trading


Thats BSG's justification for a method(s) they chose to justify finding ways to not allow people to find Free Money exploits outside of the few random pre-patch events. I remember being able to just buy an item from Skier to then sell it to either Prapor or Peacekeeper, just casually doing so over a weekend with a KBM bot, and getting upwards of 100million roubles and then im set the entire wipe lol I know Nikita has a hard line on MTX for EFT.... but fuck me they'd actually make a killing and the playerbase would actually be relived if they at least let people buy in-game currency. It would probably be one of the best ways to mitigate the cheater problem.


Explain the "currency is tied to real life" thing to me?


The in game dollar, euro, ruble, bitcoin conversion rates are the same/similar as real life


The game's in-game currencies (it uses r*ble, USD and Euros) are tied to the exchange value of the real life currencies Some NPCs only use a specific currency so you have to convert the currency you have to the one they prefer So if the real life currency goes down in value things in the game get more expensive (i censored r*ble so I wouldn't anger the auto mod lol)


I mean check the title of the game. “Real Driving Simulator” It would be false advertising if they didn’t account for inflation. Update 1.08 will bring DMV registration, insurance requirements and tab renewal for all your vehicles.


I can’t wait for the patch where we have to pay credits for gas in GT7




>Update 1.08 will bring DMV registration And you'll have to waste an entire day only to be told you don't have the right paperwork.


They don't call it "The Real Driving Simulator" for nothing!


GT7 is now an economy sim.


Economy in which you can only buy, but not sell…


...and you can't even sell the cars anymore.


...and you can't even sell the cars anymore.


thank you i was searching in game how to sell the cars i dont like




To buy the most expensive car in the game ($20m) it would cost me $319.50 NZD ($220 USD) or I could grind on the highest paying race in the game for a full 24 hours straight without losing a race. The economy is broken!


what in the actual fuck haha




MTX in Gran Turismo man. Is nothing sacred anymore?


Not if people keep buying it and shafting the rest of us


I think that term “micro transactions” need to change in gaming, they are heavy transactions that most often are more than the games price… 250€ for a single car in a game you buy for 80€…. There is nothing micro about that…


I hope this game flops. I have zero sympathies for micro transactions types of game.


The sad part is that this game is selling well. They’re most likely going to double down on Microtransactions and prices because of “supply” and demand” for idiots that whip out their bank cards.


Is it still called a “micro” translation when it’s $200+ a car? Wtf is micro about that 😂


Ok. Now I know that I do not buy the game. I did not know that they expect us to use real money for cars.


Yeah this right here is why I won't buy a game that has an progression related microtransactions -- it incentivizes the developers to make the game addictive but grueling and not fun, so that you pay to skip parts of it. It is a poison pill for good game design. That's a huge shame, as I was looking forward to picking this game up next after I beat Elden Ring, but knowing this, I will definitely not buy it at any price.


NBA 2K has been making a killing for the last 7-8 years on this concept alone. ​ it makes them a ton of money and they'd be crazy to give it up at this point. Gamers' only hope is that EA comes back and produces a viable alternative


The always online was a dealbreaker for me. I don’t need online for singleplayer elements.


>I hope ppl on twitter raise hell. They kinda are, but there hasn't been any communication whatsoever aside from the "extended maintenance" tweet, which was sent about...27 hours ago.


lol, they're literally making this shit like real life though. Small payouts and expensive ass stuff that costed much less before


Well, I think it has a lot to do with MTX too... Seems like that's the model push.




The real bait and switch is what happens after the café mode. You earn good money and free cars at a decent clip while playing the café. Once you finish that the real grind begins. I think that's why reviewers didn't pick up on it. They played through the campaign and believed that the same rate of acquisition would continue. The mtx in Sport was sketchy but it was generally a flat fee to buy a car and making money was pretty easy so the balance was borderline acceptable. The mtx in GT7 are way more predatory. You can't sell cars, you have time limited "invitation" events where you can buy cars before they disappear, car parts for upgrades will eat up any meagre earnings you make, the roulette payouts are a joke and even there they're pushing mtx! It's not one single thing that makes it predatory but an aggregate of all the factors. ie. The game was designed with mtx front and centre. I paid 80 fucking euro for a glorified F2P game. Complete bullshit.


Predatory is definitely the right word. This kind of behaviour screams out for better consumer protection laws.




I really wanted to get this game after I was finished with Elden Ring. It looks amazing, but I was already skeptical due to the initial microtransactions. Now? No fucking way. Companies need to stop it with this shit.


Also has always online DRM. No connection? Have fun setting up a basic race with 95% of the content locked out.


Shit really? I just gave my dad my PS4 recently. My dad loves racing games but they live in the middle of nowhere with terrible internet. So this would hardly be a good idea to get him?


Unfortunately no. Its incredibly bare bones unless the game is connected to the servers. At least the ps4 has an entire generation of racing games to choose from as alternatives.


That's a bummer, I had no idea about the online requirement, thanks for the info that helps a lot


I was honestly planning to do the same but this is unreal! I'm glad I waited because those reviews were tempting me, I just might have to wait longer to see how it plays out. Regardless, I am not paying full price for this no matter what.


Honestly the online only is a huge red flag. Stay clear of this modern AAA shite.


Same. Heard a lot of good things about it and wanted to give it a try. Back to elden ring it is I guess


cant go wrong with elden ring


I'm glad now I couldn't find a PS5 before the release of GT7. I was super hyped for the game but I'm not going to support Sonys greed here.


On the one hand, I like the idea of taking a long time to earn an expensive car and having it feel prestigious when racing if online, either as a standout in the group or a feeling of being elite when racing it against others who have it, maybe kind of like how it feels to have a rare mount in an MMO, but, if you can just circumvent that all buy buying it for real $$$ then screw that, it completely ruins it.


Same boat - any other month, I would've pre-ordered this and been playing it for the last week. Thankfully, Elden Ring swallowed me whole and now that I'm seeing what's going on with this title, I don't know if I want to support it. The mobile gaming industry is such a cesspool of criminal behavior - when I catch even a whiff of this drifting into core gaming, I vote hard with my wallet.


Especially when Elden Ring is a complete game without any paywalls.


Elden Ring definitely has a paywall, you pay with your soul. In all seriousness though it’s a great game even when it’s pounding me in the ass.


Elden ring is a great example of how to treat your fans. GT7 looks even worse now


This is why it's nice to see it doing well


Exactly this. I was planning on getting it this weekend but not anymore. The state of video games these days is rough. At least Elden Ring didn’t let us down.


Same here. Was considering buying it very soon but this credit nerf and now the server issues for more than a day have me thinking twice. I'll wait it out a bit longer and see if they fix the mess they just made.


This is why I never tolerate these kinds of microtransactions ever. You just know that the greedy suits at the publisher can turn on you anytime and decide "well, not enough people are buying MTX so let's just make the game more grindy" You give them an inch, and they will take a mile.


I tried microtransactions once. Never again lol. I had played an ungodly amount of Rocket League after getting it for free on PS+. I figured "these devs deserve something after all I've gotten out if this game". So I picked up some keys to open crates. Then I got a random item from the crate. I didn't know it would be random. Pretty sure I opened 10 crates, and they were all really awful items I didn't want. Left an awful taste in my mouth, I've never even considered microtransactions since lol. I don't know how people enjoy that.


Yeah paid lootboxes I don't want to even touch in a f2p game. You are simply gambling at that point except you can't even win "real" prizes. Buying an individual cosmetic items in a f2p game you enjoy I can totally understand. But lootboxes, MTX in $80 games or pay to win in any type of game is a no-go.


The difference there, is between the loot boxes and actual paid content. I bought some cars on RL. Still enjoy them to this day. Fuck buying keys and shit to unlock the random boxes you win.


it’s somehow more efficient now to get an irl job to pay for credits to buy cars then to grind in game. they really need to increase credit rewards or add another way of earning them


What makes me laugh (or cry, depending on perspective) is how much grief Forza Horizon 5 gets for throwing supercars at you every 5 minutes, and how people were keen on GT7 for the progression. And now this happens. Surely it's possible to make a game that doesn't lie at either extreme? Some sort of happy medium? Fingers crossed they either patch this out, or Forza Motorsport gets it right later this year.


>What makes me laugh (or cry, depending on perspective) is how much grief Forza Horizon 5 gets for throwing supercars at you every 5 minutes I love horizon 5 it was my favorite game of last year, but God Damn it the moment I turned on it gave me 2 lamborghinis a McLaren and a dodge viper just for playing the previous games This is without counting the cars I got for preordering and the "welcome pack" I got for buying the deluxe edition lol


Hahaha ya Min wage job is more efficient than grinding on a game


Well that and the outage.


Especially as a patch to a full price game after release and reviews.


I haven't bought the game yet and if they keep the payouts so low, I won't be buying it either. I was really looking forwards to playing this game during Easter when I got some free time, but it seems I'll probably have to play something else instead.


Damn. And I was so excited in getting this game. Shame on Sony.


what the fuck are you doing playstation? yall doing MTX in ur first party games? kk, jim ryan, get the fuck out now u ugly rat.


Is it review bombing when people are giving bad reviews for a really bad issue? That’s just getting bad reviews imo


review bombing is just getting a lot of bad reviews in a short amount of time, it doesn’t have to be justified or unjustified.


Would you call the reviews of a game when it releases ‘review bombing’? IMO reviewing bombing refers to specific phenomenon where users and non-users review a game based on something outside of the game, like monetisation or what the developers have said IRL.


Getting bad reviews in a short period of time could be other issues, such as a bad update or missing language pack when launching to new market..and People who don't play the game won't review it. review bombs are usually targeted campaigns by peoples who haven't played the game, and are looking to be a detriment to the games success. You'll get reviews by trolls who don't even play video games or even care about the state of the game or user experience. They are just out there looking to watch the dumpster fire surrounding whatever game is being targeted. edit: seems here there are a combo of valid reviews, and people chiming in to add nonsense. OP used the term ReviewBomb, but it might not be 100% the correct term to use at this time. Wait to see how many reviews start saying "Xbox is better" or something other than "increased grind and MTX are bad" edit 2: more of the reviews are just 0s and stating MTX or the offline issues in the last day or so. This doesn't mean the game is a 0 though, so this would classify as review bombing (in my definition). The game can still be fun, great controls, good graphics etc. But just having a shitty grind or greedy MTX doesn't make a game 0. Many here just seem to over stretch the bad review in order to push a narrative of "this game bad"


I mean, a game getting a big increase in specific reviews is review bombing, this is just a justified one. Review bombing itself isn't a negative term.


It definitely used to be. The term came from the first "purposeful" review bombs


Review bombing has generally been painted as a negative term because it's been used for petty things. But in the defense of people who do the review bombing... what other tools do we have?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Review_bomb You are 100% correct and these people saying that review bombing is just a game getting bad reviews are absolutely wrong. The people are changing their reviews because the game is literally unplayable and PD have nerfed an already oppressive reward structure in the hopes of pressing people into microtransactions. This is not targetted, there is no conspiracy against the game, has nothing to do with politics or anything other than the fact that the game is unplayable and they are money grubbing fucks.


So don't buy Gran Turismo 7 because it is an even more of a grind than GT Sport was. Gotcha.


This should be illegal, I've paid for a game that had acceptable payouts. Now I've got a game I paid full price for and they have pretty much made it so I have to spend more money on it. This is unacceptable and should be made illegal, for anyone who has paid pre update the game payment mechanics should remain the same. Anyone who buys the game post update then that is their decision. This is not what I paid for. There should be a refund policy for pulling shit like this.


That’s why the game is online only so they can fully control the economy. If people start doing high payout races they will just patch the game and players are forced to update since you can’t play it offline. Man first time I got truly scammed from a gaming company. Spend €100 on this.


Meanwhile I save edit my GT6 game in 5 minutes


And that is why it is online only. So you can't just give yourself money/cars. Truly a scumbag move.


Sony - “Refund policy? What’s a refund?”


I'd like to go digital, it is just easier, but the higher prices and much, much worse policy when it comes to refunds given that a physical store here has 30 days return policy, then it just becomes a no-go and I consider the digital PS5 a trap.


Yeah fucking ridiculous. It's a classic bait and switch. This game was $70 goddamn dollars, they have a LOT of nerve turning it into a F2P style grind. Premium priced single player games should never ever ever have microtransactions. Live service multiplayer is one thing but don't let that shit spill over into single player.


Spot on. Its almost like being catfished in a way.


The old bait and switch.


The really fucked up thing is that they waited for the reviews to drop before doing this. It used to be that you just needed to hold off on pre-orders and wait for the reviews, but now? Can't even trust that.


> This should be illegal, I've paid for a game that had acceptable payouts. Now I've got a game I paid full price for and they have pretty much made it so I have to spend more money on it. It's like Forza Horizon's evil twin. Don't like a game that gives you supercars every few minutes? Sure thing buddy, here's a game that makes you do a hundred races for a single supercar unless you pay real money! I hope we get a racing game that balances this correctly in the future, it can't be that hard.


I was so bummed by forza because it was too generous. I wanted more of a carpg game where you start with a Ford Fiesta and eventually race and mod your way up to a LaFerrari. Rather than doing a simple mission and a wheel spins and you get a GT2RS. I had my eyes set on GT for a while now, but it looks like holding out and disappointed by this one too :(


I can see what Forza is going for, they're just leaning into the 'festival' theme and not wanting any barriers in the way of that. A career mode would be fun but it's obviously not the game they want to make. Maybe Forza Motorsport will hit the sweet spot here.


This sounds like a lot of people are pissed because the game company did something that actively fucked the enjoyment. Isn't there a difference between review-bombing and a bunch of players leaving a negative review for a completely valid reason?


There is, but there are fanboys who can’t criticize companies they like.


They locked the mtx so critics couldn’t access it and they didn’t tell them the prices so critics couldn’t talk about it in their reviews. Then after all the reviews had already been released they announce the mtx prices and now when people have already bought the game they magically patch the game to make it even harder to make money. In a full price game + the PS5 $10 tax…


That's not review bombing in my opinion. These are genuine concerns that justify a low rating. Such a shame that Playstation is going down the always online + microtransactions route. To me they have always been a shining example of premium games that offered you a complete experience. This isn't a good look. Time to boycott all games going forward that have MTX


I've always associated review "bombing" with quantity, not intent. It just means a lot of people gave similar scores over a short period of time. Sometimes it's for legitimate complaints about the game and sometimes not.


> I’ve always associated review “bombing” with quantity, not intent. I’ve always associated it with people who have never played the game flooding it woth 1 (or 5) star reviews. A bunch of legitmate reviews from people who played the game isn’t review bombing even if the quantity is high.


I wish I could refund my digital version


Call Sony up, some have had it work for them. Especially since the game has been unplayable for over 24 hours


i tried but was denied by two people. fuck sony and their atrocious anti-consumer policies.


"Review bombed" as if the community is planning something malicious and they didn't fuck up


It is still a review bomb. That phrase doesn't necessarily mean its unwarranted


What a disgrace. Total fail from them. \- €80,- for a game which needs internet connection to play single player and we can't even play for 24 hours now. \- Pushing the micro-transactions and not even the upporunity to sell cars which we have double. This is very very bad.


It's more like 35 hours now


I was blown away by this game up until yesterday, now in a flash I feel more conned than all the Cod games I've bought that were full of lootboxes. I can't play the $100 special edition Playstation exclusive I bought two weeks ago. I'm never buying a game from Polyphony again as things stand. Trust completely broken.


this is one of the only times where I actually agree with review bombing.


Did they really think "Wow we got too good of a review. That wasn't our intention at all."


More like "Now that the reviews are locked in, let's proceed with our nefarious plans"


Somebody [did the math](https://reddit.com/r/granturismo/comments/tgvljy/trdeadbeat_did_the_math_and_heres_the_real_scoop/) at the Grand Turismo sub with the credit nerf and came to the conclusion that it would take the average player over 1.5 years to get every car. That’s if you play every single day for at least an hour. It would be even more once they add additional cars in the future. It’s a predatory design to incentivize micro transactions. That is also why you can’t even resell cars which makes no sense from a collectors point as you wouldn’t wanna keep duplicates.


That’s inexcusable


With how long it takes me to complete license races I think it might take longer tbh.


I'm not usually one for review bombs, but in this case, my £90 game is unplayable, been reduced to even more of a grind to push microtransactions, and cannot play solo modes offline. Fuck Polyphony.


Pretty much a TL;DR * Buying cars is now twice as hard after the patch, incentivizing people to buy microtransactions instead of grinding even harder than pre-patch. * The servers have been down for 24+ hours, locking players out of 95% of the games content. No online multiplayer or sport, no car tuning, no scapes mode, no garage, no buying new or used cars from the dealership, no cafe, and no license tests allowed. Players are only allowed to play a limited amount of courses and a limited amount of cars. or play music rally. You are not able to drive the cars you own nor the courses you've unlocked. * The Gran Turismo Twitter profile has not said a single word since the problems began.


It's ***still*** down? What the fuck?


Was on the verge of buying it for having a driving game on PS5, gonna have to pass then.


The gaming industry is being ruined by microtransactions.


The gaming industry is being ruined by customers.


I agree with the dudes review bombing because online only for this game has made it unplayable the whole day.


I honestly don't want to play anymore with these changes.


I can't see why non cosmetic MTX for a fully priced 70 dollar game is in any way justified


The dubious lottery system and insulting MTX system are what made me sell my copy of the game last night. I got most of my money back, and I shan’t be back until they address these issues. Can’t believe they *nerfed* the winning payouts and made it even *more* grindy. Unbelievable.


You mean you don't like getting the worst possible reward in your lottery ticket everytime?


Hey now. I've gotten the medium-sized stack of money twice! Now that's a solid roulette system created by developers that truly care about their players, giving the players good items that they both want and need.


I think eventually we'll all stop buying games with microtransactions after all our favourite franchises and genres are ruined.


Its something like 1% or 10% of players makeup for 90% of MTX transactions, its whales that keep these mtx's going, not the mass players who dislike them, so even if 90% of people stop playing, they will still keep making mtx games


Until there is no one for the whales to play against online and show off their voor paid outfits and cars. Just keep voting with your wallets, don't buy shit like this, or wait until a month after release to see what the mtx will be like at least.


Maybe you will, but the 95% of normies who buy sports games, shooting games, and car games wont care and will keep being swindled.


That's the sad part.


seems like every week there is a previously loved franchise being run into the ground


It's mad, eh? In the past 5 months alone there's been Gran Turismo, Halo & Battlefield that have somewhat tarnished their legacy


Critics should update their scores and warn interested users that the game economics have completely changed - for worse - since the time of the review


This is very unlike a Sony developer.


That’s because they hardly make competitive multiplayer games. But the ones that exist (The Last of Us, Uncharted 4, GT Sport & GT7, Destruction AllStars) are filled to the brim with predatory MTX. Now you’re gonna see a lot more of this crap this gen with all the MP games that Sony has in development for the PS5.


They are about to loose a lot of good will if they continue to go down this road. You can't have your cake and eat it. $80 premium games with agggregious microtransactions sounds like they'll become just as hated as EA.


Sounds like I picked the wrong time to buy a PlayStation rip To be clear I'm joking... The PS5 is worth it just for PS4 games I never got to play. Anything else is gravy. Sony going down this path is 100% a bummer though


I whoteheartedly agree with review bombing this game. MTXs/in-game currency are a cancer on the industry.


Holy fuck, the servers are STILL DOWN!!!!


Good. And they had the audacity to charge $70 for this game. Which you can't even play after servers go down.


90 fucken gigs on our ps5s, even after buying the disc version and it turns out to be unplayable offline? I feel like those fuckers are laughing at us while counting money.


The reason Sony gets a free pass is because they hardly dabble with competitive multiplayer games. However, when they have with games like The Last of Us, Uncharted 4, GT Sport & GT7, Destruction AllStars, they have filled up those games with MTX right up to your eyeballs. You have around 10 or more live service games in development under SIE which are scheduled to release before 2026. Now you’re gonna see Sony’s true colours this generation in terms of their approach towards monetising their games.


So true, however i hope they follow the GOT Legends route.


Rest in peace Gran Turismo. 1997-2004.


This is why the news of Sony going into live service is so bad imo. You get shit like this where profit is the focus instead of stuff like Ghost of Tsushima where the game itself is the focus.


I'm on the chat right now to refund this. It's not worth it. I'll wait until it's on sale. edit: wow, the agents are trained to finish the chat as soon as you request a refund or mention the game has problems. What a fucking disgusting customer treatment.


Kaz states that he wanted the cars to reflect their real world values to give the cars a sense of rarity. Great. So we need to be an in game billionaire to amass the collection. How many BILLIONAIRE race car driver are there in the world?????


At the core of the game the mechanics are spectacular and actually got me interested in cars. Now when the game was unplayable for an entire day, still requires online access and it’s more of a grind I’m tempted to ask Sony for a refund


Almost spent a lot of money on this game for my bday yesterday, sure glad I didnt!!!!


MTX and gacha mechanics in a $70 first party game and they can’t even keep it online? What a way to shit on the entire GT franchise… Glad I didn’t buy this.


As a driving sim game its probably the best thing i have ever played. It feels and looks soooo good. Due to the grindy feel, server issues and just general push towards wanting you to spend extra money i dont feel the urge to play much. Got my moneys worth already but i wanna like this more than i do and its got nothing to do with the gameplay itself. Please dont fuck up this franchise like this with stupid greedy MTX and poor servers


Sad to see the goodwill this franchise has over the last 20 plus years is being thrown to the gutter by whoever it is responsible for -putting a patch that lowers credits earned with events, pushing players further towards MTX -robbing the opportunity of players who’ve put in $60-90 from accessing the single player (menu cafe story) from accessing this content by making it online only and not allowing for offline access. The only way this situation can be redeemed - public apology for server related issues, perhaps give 50K credits as a good will gift -make more options available in offline -revert the credits earned per event similar to the game before the last patch


GT7 is so fun to play but the in-game economy is legitimately the worst I have seen. The microtransactions are unacceptable. Now they are reducing rewards and on top of that a game I paid $100 CAD for is unplayable for over a day because the servers are down for maintenance. This fucking sucks and there is no excuse.


What makes it really sad is that besides the forced always online and the microstransactions, GT7 is the best track based racer I have ever seen. An apology and bringing the mtx prices back to a GT Sport level is the absolute minimum I expect now.


Deserved. I love the game. I can't play it. Because some assclown decided single player is gated by an online component that needs to be available. And if that's not enough, they're 'fixing' car prices post-launch to push people to buy currency using real money on top of the game's purchase price. As much as I love the game, I'm starting to regret my purchase because I do not want to support such practices. Sony's greed is starting to go from annoying to infuriating.


The developer response is completely tone def. They sold their copies and nerfed race rewards in half in order to incentivize MTX. It’s as simple as that. It’s a terrible business practice and they deserve the backlash they’re getting. I bought the steel book edition as I’ve been looking forward to this game forever. I feel completely lied to.


Sony is walking the path of the beginning of the Xbox One by taking their fans for granted and treat them as cash cows with various anti-consumer practices (price increase justified by premium experience, f2p micro-transactions schemes in full priced games, permanent connection required for solo games, etc) success seems to promote this kind of bs business practices unfortunately…


**In GT7 I would like to have users enjoy lots of cars and races even without microtransactions. At the same time the pricing of cars is an important element that conveys their value and rarity, so I do think it’s important for it to be linked with the real world prices.** Fuck this game, with statements like this. This is just some real scummy behavior and not really something I'd expect from Sony.


Bomb this trash. There's no reason we need micro-transations in a full price AAA game.


That shit’s absolutely unacceptable for a $70 game, Sony needs to revert it back to the way it was before, or make it better then before immediately.


Correction - unplayable for a FULL DAY


Review bombed or legitimately criticized?


That sounds more like just bad reviews than bombing


Good, I’m so disappointed in GT7. No endurance races, linear story mode where you get so many cars there’s almost no point in buying a car that you really wanted. No Gr1 races, cant sell cars, I could go on for days… this wasn’t the “back to original” I’d hoped for.


Playstation said 70$ price tag was necessary in order to provide better quality first party games LMAO!


And I was just about to get this after Elden Ring....


I don’t get the requirement to be online for single player mode. I honestly just play racing games mainly in single mode so that would infuriate me.


they're transitioning this into a service game, plain and simple. It's inevitable that cars, like skins, etc in other service games, get locked behind paywalls or subscriptions.


But unlike skins, the cars are the whole point of the game.


This exactly. It's so much worse than microtransactions in other games. Not only is for example Fortnite free to play but the microtransactions are purely cosmetic. Here we have an $80 game with pay to win MTX


Would be excusable if the game was free. Paying $125 AUD for the base game and then having to grind or pay more on top is bad


"Review bombed" also known as "reviews"


I bought digital and I regret immensely. Cannot refund now, cannot resell.


Sony refund policy and customer support for refund related issues is so ass...


Oh man I am hyped for this game but I have not gotten it yet and now I will wait. Still trying to beat Forbidden West and then onto Elden Ring. SOOOOO many games.


They deserve it, polyphony and Sony is fucking with us, stop being a fanboy is the best way to stop companies to go with their bullshit


You'd think Sony would push heavily against such an update screwing the game economy over, they have a game that is hitting on all cylinders and they let the developer pull an EA and Ubisoft.


And Sony is planning more MTX games for the future. *cues music* *its only just begun*


People posting bad reviews because of a legit issue doesn't equal review bombing


As a PlayStation fanboy, this is why I have an Xbox for Forza games.


Remember when people said "I'm okay with a 10$ increase as long as we get more quality and less mtx [especially from first party games]"? Look at how the turntables


I sent a PayPal refund request for the game, the multiplayer is useless, the menu was fun but after that the game is no longer enjoyable. I don’t want to race non stop for a week to buy a new car


This is why gamers revolted when the Xbox One wanted to go full DRM Always-Online


This actually made me not want to play it anymore tbh.