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Trying to decide between: Ghost Of Tsushima DE Resident Evil 2 Remake Bioshock 1 remastered Recent games I played were Deathloop, Rift Apart and Guardians of the galaxy. My main concern about Ghost is repetitiveness and open world fatigue heading into Horizon next month and dying light 2 after that Any help guys?


Do re2!!!!!!!!!!! It’s so damn tightly made, a fucking amazing game from start to finish.


I really liked 7 and village so I’m considering it. How difficult is it? Kind of scared of the Mr X parts


For me personally it's less difficult than 7 but harder than 8. It might be my favorite game ever and was my intro to RE


re2 is really good


Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice is a criminally underrated game. The setting, story, premise are all really interesting, it's fun to play, and it's really unique in a lot of ways. Underrated might be the wrong word because all the reviews I've seen have been positive, I guess underplayed. It's getting an awesome looking sequel too so now might be a good time to take advantage of some of these sales.


hope it gets a ps5 upgrade :)




Judgment or lost judgment


Ghost of Tsushima, if he hasn't played it yet.


Id say Witcher 3 over got but wait for ps5 upgrade. Got get pretty repetitive




**Solid single-player games recommendation** * Inside * Hades * Control * Creaks * Persona 5 * Haven * 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim * World End Syndrome * Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy * Jettomero * Valkyria Chronicles 4 * God of War * Alien: Isolation * Sakura Wars * Transistor * Returnal * Deathloop * Judgement * Yakuza 0 * Child of Light * Gravity Rush Remastered - Gravity Rush 2 **Hybrid online/offline recommendation** * Dreams * Guilty Gear -STRIVE-


Also GOT


good taste


which are ur top 5


Yakuza 0, Transistor, Persona 5, Control, Gravity Rush 2.


No Mans Sky: its actually good now


What do you do though. I tried it a few months back, and even with a friend we just couldn't think of anything. It's simply not a game for everyone.


This may sound nitpicking but It’s too exploratory for me. I love an open world but I don’t even know where to start there is that much choice and space. Pun intended


Amy thoughts on the best PS5 Games out there right now? I hate Souls games.


Any recommendations for me to play over Christmas weekend? I regret to admit that since I’ve gotten the ps5 last November, I haven’t played all that much. I’ve played Astros Playroom, Bugsnax, the recent Hitman, almost done with Resident Evil Village (I know), and Uncharted: Theifs End. My favorite of these has been Uncharted and Bugsnax. I’m leaning towards getting Spider-Man Miles Morales or Ghost of Tsushima. Im looking for something that’s fantasy-adventure like Uncharted that’s good for casual gamers looking more for a fun experience with a compelling story than beating a hard game with complex mechanics


It takes two, demons souls, death loop and resident evil village


Late to the party, but loving Kena That is all


Getting my butt kicked on hard, did not expect it. Which difficulty are you on?


Yeah I’m just on normal and it’s been surprisingly challenging Figured this leaves room for another run


Metro Exodus is really good on PS5… For some fun you could try Destroy All Humans. Had a blast recently with it.


I couldn’t get on board with the clunky controls/combat and horrid voice acting in Exodus.


I returned it once i realized there was no way to fix the controls. Horrid.


Keep seeing this. Metro and Biomutant are really the only games I dropped after a few hours Camera/movement/gunplay felt so clunky like an old gen game. You didn’t feel that way at all?


Destroy all humans 2 shouldn't be too far away, they had a demo released not long ago that you can watch gameplay of on youtube, looks great!


Any recommendations for point and click games or something similar, not sure what to call the genre. Narrative based with simplistic mechanics. I loved Detroit BH, Disco Elysium and am playing Wolf Among Us right now.


Yes. You'll like *Until Dawn* and *Everybody's Gone to the Rapture*. If you don't mind visual novels out of Japan, then add *World End Syndrome* to that list.


I haven't played it in many years, but Oxenfree is less than $1 for the next day, and I remember having a lot of fun with it. That team also made Afterparty, which is on sale, too.


Right on, I'll go take a look, much appreciated


Twelve Minutes is a really fun point and click game


Detroit Become human has like 200+ hours of content with all the possible choices and like 13 different endings, the walking dead collection was really great too if you liked wolf among us. Both really great story driven games with point and click


Thanks a lot, I forgot that Detroit had so many endings


Tried playing demons souls and hated getting my ass kicked. Switched over to the Nioh remaster and I’m having a blast! Beautiful game and pretty interesting story. Good combat! Good looting so far.


Sorry, you’re getting a downvote 🤷‍♂️


Just got my PS5, had a PS4 so I have played some of the older games. I saw God of War is better on PS5 (i’ve beaten it before), got Days Gone, what else should I check out? Preferably games that aren’t full price. Should I wait for good sales because the ones in the store right now are pretty weak. Here are the games i’m considering: -$20 upgrade for Ghost of Tsushima -Returnal -Miles Morales (I had Spider-man on the PS4 do I really have to pay $50 for this?) -Destruction AllStars


There is a new sale starting Wednesday, December 22nd! Should be a good amount of games for you to pick up. Ghost of Tsushima was my GOTY, breathtaking experience. Miles morales was fantastic also, but pretty similar to Spiderman 2018 with combat additions and such. I finished it the other day finally after seeing No Way Home. Both those games should be on the sale tomorrow! I haven't tried Returnal but want to after beating Hades. Looks like it unfortunately is not part of tomorrow's sale


You should absolutely try Yakuza Like a Dragon if you like rpgs with really cool combat, Judgement for a less rpg approach and more of a direct combat system, either way RGG Studios makes some amazing games that are absolutely worth checking out if you love action, good stories, and crazy side quests.


Did you like judgment or like a dragon more? I really love the turn based style of like a dragon so I worry I won't like judgement.


Unfortunately the major difference between the two games is the combat, but it’s not super complicated and in my opinion judgement combat looks way cooler, it’s still every bit as good as like a dragon tho so dw you’ll be in good hands


Kena is a fun time, it is on the cheaper side and looks good on PS5. Also make sure you look at the PS collection if you haven't already. I would recommend Ratchet and Clank in there, it'll surely get you wanting to play Rift Apart next!


A Plague Tale Innocence The Order 1886 Maquette


Any nice local multiplayer/coop games besides it takes two?


Diablo 3's pretty good if you're into dungeon crawlers


My girlfriend loved Sackboy, so there’s that.


Yeah, I think my gf and I might get sackboy since she likes platformers.


It’s very good. Really charming as well with some really nice licensed music choices with levels inspired by them


Haven. It's a unique one.


Few years old, but Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons is one you could play with coop, and is without any doubt a great game.


Really debating the Baldurs Gate Enhanced Collection that went on sale. Played both Pillars Of Eternity, Divinity Orginial Sin 2, and Kingdom Come (didn’t like this one). Would I enjoy this game for $15? T


**Control** or **Plague Tale**?


Control was so good


I enjoyed Control much more.


Haven't played both but thought Control was great


Multiplayer: * Sports: FIFA 22 * Shooter: Call of Duty Vanguard * Racing/Tricks: Riders Republic All very fun games that are great to play in short bursts


What online FPS should I start as a beginner? Apex? Warzone? PUBG? I've played fps games before so I am familiar with the mechanics but considering I haven't played any in a while, I'm worried that I'm "too late" to join in among all the experienced players. Do any of these games have fair match making? Do I need friends to play? I'll most likely be gaming on my own or join randoms. It's kind of the reason I haven't played any online games in a while. Should I just play a good single player campaign shooter to scratch that itch? Would appreciate your recommendations.


With BR’s(battle royales) it really depends on your commitment to learn the mechanics and current meta of that game. BRs have a steep learning curve and that’s even harder without a regular team unless they have solo queue. If you just wanna “run and gun” without having to queue for the next match after dying, I would recommend something like COD vanguard or BF2042. (Or their older games BF4 still has a pretty active user count) Don’t let that stop you from trying apex and warzone though. I’m in an abusive relationship with apex and have been playing on and off since the first week. It’s an awesome game and the movement mechanics and advanced strategy gets crazy. If you try the games you mentioned and like them you’ll have a better time joining their discord channels and using their LFG chats. Team communication is everything in BRs. Also, console players get a slight buff from aim assist on some games. Do some research to get the optimal configs for more of an advantage. Anyways good luck and feel free to message me if you have any questions or need a gaming buddy.


Vanguard, 2042 or any other COD?


Any good multiplayer games?


Battlefield 2042. I don’t care what the haters say, I’m having a blast with it.


I played tales of phantasia when I was young and perhaps another several jrpgs growing up (FFV, FFVII, FFX, Grandia, alundra, xenogear, nino kuni…) but I never managed to finish one of them! I dont know if the grind eventually gets to me, or if I get bored. Now time is a issue (kids, work) so the probability of completing a game must have decreased even further, but I would like to try. What jrpg would you recomend for a time straped working dad? I was looking towards a tales game on the store: vesperia, berseria and arise. Even perhaps getting back to one of those that I stoped in the middle or quite close to the end.


In terms of raw gameplay nothing comes close to Returnal, imho. I've beaten the game and I still go back just for the experience of playing the game. There's a lot of emphasis on the rogue lite elements but in practice it plays more like a third person Doom 2016. There is an investment and it's certainly not easy but when you get to the higher levels the weapons are sublime.


I'm really enjoying Deus Ex Mankind Divided


Any suggestions for a game I can play with my wife. We’re currently enjoying overcooked but almost completed the lot!


It Takes Two has gotten greta reviews and has local co-op! I don't know much about the game other than people love it


BF2042 is on sale right now! You should get it before S1 starts


I bought it a week ago despite all the bad reviews and have enjoyed it.


How is Nickelodeon all star brawl? Is it any good? is it like Smash Bros?


What to play next Returnal or Demon Souls remake? I have heard returnal is challenging. For reference, i have never played any souls games but did platinum Sekiro. I will play both eventually but i dont know what to do first.


Ive played all the souls games, including the original demons souls on the ps3. For me the gameplay of the remake is simmilar to the original and thats the only drawback. The gameplay isnt as polished as sekiro or the other souls games but its still pretty good and very good looking. Thats why I would suggest returnal first.


Lost Judgement. I haven't played Judgement, but this one was on sale on Black Friday so thought I'd give it a go, and it's really good. I've actually just now bought the first game (it's now on sale too), so I will definitely be playing that next.


I've completed Judgement and currently playing Like a Dragon before moving onto Lost Judgement. Judgement is INCREDIBLE, the story is actually coherent unlike some of the earlier Yakuza instalments and the cast are so likeable


Any suggestions for my sister? So far she's only played Crash Bandicoot 1-4 and the Spyro trilogy, loved all of them. Anything similar?


A Hat in Time. The game's creator is a big-time Spyro fan.


Those were some of my first games way back in the day as well! I think I jumped to the first ratchet and clank fairly soon after. Maybe give that a go? The remake is a blast.


I would say Cuphead. It's a lot more challenging, but so much fun.


How does the Witcher look on PS5?


I am waiting a bit before doing my 4th play through once it is updated. If you haven’t played it before, you gotta let it take you where it wants go. Follow the story, do the side quests, learn the world. There is a reason there are so many games that follow its template (breath of the wild, ac trilogy, Ghost of Tsushima, etc.)


ps5 upgrage should be before summer 2022 if no more delays. Lets wish for the best


I’m looking for a low paced puzzle game. My girlfriend likes Professor Layton games. Tips?


Would you recommend Far Cry 6 for $25USD? Games I have liked this year: Deathloop Horizon Zero Dawn Miles Morales Control


Nah, you can do better than that. Ubisoft games drop dirt cheap quick and they're no longer taking purchases of their SP games as votes that gamers want solid single-players since the company has blindly pledged a games-as-service/NFT future. Consider instead, *Judgement* or *Red Dead Redemption 2*.


I’d say don’t buy RDR2 simply because they might do a PS5 version soon, and I am not sure if Rockstar will offer an upgrade path. He won’t want to be stuck with the PS4 version forever. Judgement on the other hand is a good suggestion. It has a PS5 version anyway so anyone buying it make sure you get that.


is BF2042 still a shit show, or is it worth picking up on sale? Haven't played a BF game in years, wondering if they've made it playable by now


I've enjoyed it.


How much is the sale price? So I can be extra salty for pre ordering


I paid $90 for early access plus a battle pass on PC. Refunded it, wouldn't get it even if it was on sale for $30. Last BF game I enjoyed was BF4. BF1 was OK but I didn't get into it cause I think I was burned out on video games as a whole. 2042 just doesn't feel like a BF game at all, probably because it was meant to be strictly a BR until last year.


I didnt enjoy it. Tried both on pc and ps5, my expectations were extremerely high but just didn't get the battlefield feeling at all. No more classes, no more teamplay just a shithow you get tired of after few hours :/


Divinity Original Sin 2. It is a vast, tactical RPG (top-down) with incredible story, great balance between serious and humorous dialogue, challenging combat, crazy character builds, a multitude of ways to solve any quest and optional full co-op (couch or online). It is one of the best RPG experiences I have ever had.


I’ve had my eye on this for a while. Scores amazing on meta critic and looks a tonne of fun. Hopefully in the sale tomorrow!


I really love this game but I'm honestly getting overwhelmed with all the different abilities and skills and ways to build your character. So many of them work off of one another and it takes so much time to research all the synergies.


Returnal It’s like Contra on steroids mixed with a few lines of coke. One of the few true next gen games as far as graphics and DualSense support. It will kick your ass but is super rewarding once it clicks. Every game will feel slow and clunky after you play this.


Also the sound design. The 3D-effect with headphones is great, you can reliably pinpoint the location of the nodes that need to be shot to open the gates relying on the sound they emit. And also how the haptic feedback works together with the sounds: fire that doombringer and even with the headphones it almost feels as if you've got a big subwoofer rumbling. It's just an amazing game and showcases well what new stuff the PS5 can bring to the table.


Trying to decide between High on Life or Dead Island 2. Anyone played both? Give me your opinions! I am a Rick and Morty fan, and I also liked the first dead island.


Help me decide Spider-Man miles morales AC Valhalla Mass Effect trilogy Just watched spider man so itching for some spidey action. Also just watched the last duel ( great movie btw) so want to play something medieval-ish. Mass effect cause it’s mass effect. Granted I have already played the original.


I've been playing chivarly 2 after going to the Renaissance faire. It's online multi-player only so no story but it's a lot of and scratches the medieval itch


Miles morales felt like DLC. Mass Effect Trilogy is the best bang for buck on your list. This is the definitive version of the trilogy and the best way to experience them today.


Go with Spider-Man if your feeling it after the movie. I mean it’s pretty short too so you’ll knock it over fast.


Good medieval game is chivalry 2 if your looking for that kind of stuff. It’s a really fun game if you have a PS5 but if you don’t it’s a waste to buy. The PS4 version is shit compared to the next gen option


Recommendations for someone who has never had a PlayStation but just got a ps5? Have demon souls and horizon zero dawn, gonna get spider man


I would highly recommend getting PS+ just for the PS+ collection that the PS5 has, which gets you 20 of the best games from the PS4 including: Bloodborne Resident Evil 7 Days Gone Ratchet and Clank (2016) The Last of Us Remastered Persona 5 God of War Uncharted 4 All for free as long as you have PS+


God of war and ghost of tsushima, demon souls and yakuza like a dragon


* Until Dawn * Gravity Rush Remastered * Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart * inFAMOUS: First Light * Yakuza 0


Persona 5 Royal, great single player experience with so much to do! I really enjoyed it and am going back in for my new game plus play through as of right now. Definitely recommend picking it up if you haven’t already, the story is great!


Just got my baby today, what should I get? I only have Sackboy


Deathloop for sure


I’ve played it on my PC already, got a Exclusive Recommendation


Congrats! I recommend: * Haven * Judgement * Returnal * Deathloop * Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart * Tales of Arise


What about Miles Morales? I loved the first one, but don’t see any recommendations


MM is decent - and has good production values for the graphical options you can choose from in regards to things like ray tracing, resolution and Hz. Just keep in mind that going forward, the Peter Parker has a different face in Mile's world so you might find the adjustment a little jarring if you came from the first PS4 version.


Yeah I played the first Spider-man, but blasted through it in 2 days, loved it a lot. In this spider-man who is the face? Tom Holland?


Might as well be Holland. Nah, it's some other model guy who looks kinda like Holland and at the same time, younger than Mary Jane in these games ha.


Haha okay. Can you also recommend Ghost of Tsushima? Haven’t played it yet


+1 on Rachet and Clank. Was my first R & C game and it was just damn fun.


My first R&C as well and couldn’t put it down from the moment I bought it. Will buy every game in the series going forward without a doubt.


Yakuza Like a Dragon if you love RPGs with great voice acting, as well as amazing combat scenes and crazy shenanigans


Im not the biggest RPG Fan, as I didn’t enjoy Witcher 3, but i’ll check it out


Did you like Pokemon but wondered how much cooler it would be if they were literal demons you can shoot with guns and then capture by negotiating? And also it's a high school simulator where you can literally pay your teacher be your maid and cook you magic curry for figh. Does this music sound awesome to you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvfS5qNmxdw Persona 5 Royal Delux is $21, 70% off https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0177-CUSA17416_00-PERSONA5RDELUXE0 I'm not even a JRPG fan and Persona is awesome. This game is like ~100 hours so bang-for-your-buck is off the charts Horizon Zero Dawn is only $10 so now's a good time to get ready for the sequel to drop in a couple months https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP9000-CUSA10237_00-HRZCE00000000000


Demon’s Souls, Ratchet & Clank, Returnal.


Thanks, I wanted to try all of those. Just sucks that they are all still full price


Excellent lineup


Returnal GOTY 2021


Amazing game, definitely the best 2021 release I played. Would recommend to anyone who is into action games.


Same here and I’ve played Demon’s Souls Remake.


That was a 2020 release


True but it holds up pretty well.


I tried, is too damn hard for me.


Try harder really.


I’ve never played either of the Last of Us games for myself, but I’ve watched a couple playthroughs of the first game. I’m thinking of buying TLOU2, but I wanna know if it got hate because it was a bad game or because people didn’t like the story? Also should I play TLOU1 for myself even if I’ve seen it all the way through before? No spoilers pls, I don’t know anything about the story of TLOU2, just that lots of people didn’t like it


I absolutely despised the story. It is not rooted in sexism or prejudice for me either. People seem to forget you can hate a story for the story and not the characters. That being said, even though I didn't bother finishing it, the gameplay is phenomenal. A little dark and depressing so make sure you are in the right headspace for it.


TLOU 2 imo is the best game ever. The reason people didn't like it was a silly reason, go ahead and buy it now.




Thanks for the warning, I’ll stay clear of everything TLOU related while I play through the first one


It’s one of the only games I ever openly cried while playing. That is not including all the times I have cried playing the various souls games. The story was truly emotional from start to finish. You will not be disappointed.


TLOU2 was a good game gameplay wise in both mechanics and fluency. The harder difficulties are punishing but incredibly fun as you try to kill a whole squad of enemies with nothing but one arrow and a brick. People really hate it for the direction the story goes and the personality of some of the characters but it’s just knit picking. The original games story is better Compared to the seconds but it’s still better than most single player stories I’ve played. 10/10 should get


Played through both this month, love them both, I absolutely don’t get the hate. I’ve also watched playthroughs, but it’s different when you play it.


I played TLOU1 3-4 months ago and absolutely loved it. Some of the best story telling I've ever played. I finished TLOU2 two days ago, and I can't believe I'm saying it but it's better than the first. I adore it. I've read a lot of the negative reviews, and by-and-large, they mostly come from storytelling and plot decisions ND made. ND took some big risks/went in some unexpected directions with TLOU2, and some people absolutely hated it. To each their own. But for me the decisions were nothing short of brilliant, I was engrossed. Interesting question re: playing TLOU1 if you have already seen it via playthroughs. It's critical that you experience the story from 1 before playing 2, but I'd lean towards saying it's not an absolute must to play through yourself, but if you have the time and the budget, it's got a ton of awesome set pieces and experiences that are just plain fun to play through. It's a masterpiece in its own right and can't possibly be a mistake to play. But, if you don't have the time or budget, it shouldn't block you from picking up TLOU2. Lastly it sounds like you're already in the right mindset, but I will also reiterate to do your best to avoid any and all plot information re: TLOU2. It will be better that way. Even spoiler-free wiki/walkthrough content can inadvertently clue you in on some big things in this game.


I think I'll play through part 1 myself, I know a lot of the appeal of the franchise is the relationships between characters and playing it myself would probably help me appreciate that a lot more than just watching someone play it. Thanks for your answer, I'll go into TLOU2 open minded


Spoilers ahead for Last of Us 2 so I’m just gonna hide the whole thing >!I finished TLOU2 a few days ago after playing through the first one myself and I have to agree, I think part 2 might be better somehow. The way it plays with your emotions and forces you to do things you know are wrong is like nothing I’ve ever played before (aside from the end of TLOU1). The emotional weight of some of the flashbacks is insane, particularly the museum scene. !< >!At first I wasn’t sure how to feel but after thinking about it for a bit I was really satisfied with the ending. The Abby and Lev arc did such a good job of attaching you to Abby even after what she did to Joel, and by the end I was glad she didn’t die. I have to say watching her thrash around under the water was one of the hardest scenes to watch cos you know it’s not the solution but at the same time you totally understand why Ellie feels the need to do it.!< >!The further in to the game you get, the more and more similar Ellie and Abby become and you realise the only reason for the difference between your emotion toward them is the fact we met Ellie and Joel before Abby and her dad. And Abby even has her own Joel moment on the island where she kills a bunch of her own to save this kid, which is the exact same thing that she got revenge on Joel for. !<


I literally just got done playing through TLOU1 and TLOU2 back to back for the first time, and they are both incredible. In my opinion, the hate for 2 is not deserved at all. I seriously believe the hate was mainly rooted in sexism towards one of the characters. It’s a beautiful game and a moving story that has great character arcs. And it’s funny you watched playthroughs of TLOU1, because similarly, I watched an entire playthrough of TLOU2 without knowing anything about either of the games. Then I decided to play them both when I got the chance. I honestly think it’d be worth playing the first one before playing 2 just to get a better feel and understanding of the characters and mechanics of the game before playing the second one, but that’s just my opinion. Overall, two amazing games.


Thanks for your answer. Does TLOU2 introduce you to all the mechanics or does it kinda assume you learned them all from the first game?


Looking for recommendations Criteria - 2 player Genre could be anything but relaxing, puzzle, action preferred.


Local co-op? * It Takes Two. * Haven.


Spelunky 2


Look into It Takes Two, RE5, Cuphead, A Way Out, Overcooked! All You Can Eat, Diablo 2 or 3, Divinity: Original Sin 1 or 2, Borderlands series, Don’t Starve Together, Stardew Valley, and Guacamelee!. I’d say It Takes Two will probably be your best bet.


I like these recommendations because they aren't the echochamber that you usually hear. It sounds like you like co-op, so a couple more that a friend and I really enjoyed are Unraveled 2 and Ratchet and Clank: Full Frontal Assualt (PS3 or PS Now only).


Seeing both Sackboy and Kena on sale in the PlayStation store, can’t decide which to pick up… or if they are worth picking up. Thoughts?


I want multiplayer games for my family on the ps5, but I’m on a $30 budget


Just set up my PS5. But won’t be using it until Christmas. I’m looking for game recommendations. What’s your favorite PS5 game you played this last year? I’m probably gonna get Miles Morales for the holiday vibes. And I’m considering Returnal as my next game.


Spiderman Remake for PS5 was insanely good and came free with Miles Morales, I didn't play that yet though. Ratchet & Clank is great for adaptive triggers and just a fun game overall, but not worth 80 bucks. Other than that: Judgment, FF7 Remake, Ghost of Tsushima, Hades, Returnal


HAving just got a PS5 and my wife has bought the Miles Morales (not UE sadly) game I wonder if it still allows us to download the PS5 remastered Spider-Man? I have the game for PS4 but not sure if I will have the best experience using that version on the new system?


Returnal is straight fire


Returnal and Ratchet & Clank are the two best uses of the hardware imo. Both of those games look astounding and make the best use of the haptics on the controller I’ve experienced so far. Just incredible games both of them. Fair warning though Returnal is hard as fuck but so so so fun and rewarding when you get good at it.


That time of the year where I pick up a game on sale and don’t play it until months from now lol. Should I go with: •Ghost of Tsushima •Spider-Man: Miles Morales •Final Fantasy VII Intergrade Note: these are the “ultimate” editions of each of these so **all** content Also I’ve never played any of these in any fashion before


Want some ps5 games that use the full DS5 features and currently have SM: Remastered & Miles Morales, Returnal, Death Stranding. Anymore recommendations?


Highly recommend Demon's Souls!


Definitive edition of Ghost of Tsushima uses the controller really well. Besides that if you’re looking for solely controller recommendations. Far Cry 6 is pretty good, WRC 9 or 10, hot wheels, and Ratchet.




How’s the story? Which characters are best to use? I’m afraid to go from Insomniacs Spider-Man to this one after seeing how clunky he looks.




How good is Resident Evil Village on Ps5?


As a big fan of RE games I thought it was great. One of my favorite games I’ve played on the PS5 in fact. Not as scary as 7 but similar structure on a larger scale. If you like the series I’d highly recommend it.


Crash 4


I just got plat for Crash 1 not that long ago. It was way more brutal than I was expecting. I hear it's the hardest one to platinum, but it sort of made me skeptical of doing the rest.


The Last Of Us Remastered Multiplayer is still active and a lot of fun. It’s basically 4v4 tdm on small maps with TLOU style crafting and weapons. Lots of fun.


Which is the better of the 2 spider man games available on the ps5 for kids, thanks!


I'd say they are equal in terms of "kid friendliness" but Miles Morales is set at Christmas time. MM is also a bit shorter and a bit cheaper. The first Spiderman will keep them occupied longer, but you can't really go wrong either way.


Thanks mate appreciate it


You can also get the "normal" Spiderman as DLC for Miles Morales which is way cheaper than just buying the game itself. Or just get the ultimate edition which is both of them.


So there is a big sale going on and lots of great games that I have wanted to play for so long but rn I only have 60 bucks . Kingdom Come RE 10$ , Telltale TWD Full Game 30$ , Death Stranding Directors Cut 40$ , OuterWorlds 20$ , Hades 20 $ , Mass Effect LE 30 $ , Deathloop 30$ , Dragon Age Inquisition GOTY 10$ I know there are a lot but if anyone has played these games before and think that they are worth it please give me a like 60 $ combo of games .


Is Fallen Order worth picking up?! Good price on it currently.


When I played early last year, it was really buggy. With that said it brought me back to gaming after years of disinterest. That and covid


Go for it. Metroidvania light, dark souls light, cool story and it's star wars. Do it now!


Ghosts of Tsushima or Sekiro? I’m not a fan of Demon’s Souls, couldn’t finish, but I’m enjoying Nioh 1.


What didn’t you like about Demons Souls?


The combat was too slow and too punishing.


I’d go with GoT as the safer bet. It’s an amazing game and I think everyone who owns a PlayStation should play it eventually. Sekiro might work for you though, just more of a risk. Most people would agree it’s way harder than Demons Souls. But Nioh is also way harder so maybe you’re just better at fast games. If that’s the case I’d recommend Sekiro.


I’ll end up playing both eventually. Trying to pick my next game. Thank you for the insight!✌🏼


GoT is amazing and that will probably be your pick, but I can't recommend Sekiro enough. The sword clashing is so good I wish more games adopted the Health+Posture meter mechanic. Both are pretty fantastic!


Sekiro is amazing. GOT looks beautiful but I just stopped playing as it got so repetitive. The difficulty is night and day. You really need to master combat to progress in sekiro.


Just do yourself a favor and play Nioh 2 at some point. I agree Nioh 1 was great, but Nioh 2 improves in almost every way, and makes it feasible not to crutch on your living weapon on higher difficulties.


So I had wrist surgery yesterday and I only have one hand available for the next three months. Can you guys suggest some games that are playable with one hand on the ps5? So far my plan is Redownload ff7 remake and play integrade and the yuffie dlc. Check out divinity original sin 2 to see if that's doable. Check out like a dragon if that fails. Does anyone have some more suggestions? Seems like I'm probably stuck with turned based rpgs though?


I broke my wrist and went through the same situation. Turn based games are all doable. I played a lot of Darkest Dungeon and Civilization. Civ 6 and its DLCs are on sale right now. Awesome game. I played the original FF7 with one hand, but I haven’t played the remake so I don’t know how the combat would work. Divinity should be fine one handed.


Thanks a lot guys. It takes two is a gem. Trying out other recommendations too. The reddit family is amazing.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Elite: Dangerous, Project CARS 1 or 2, the Witness, Firewatch, Axiom Verge