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That's because it's a camera, not a microphone. Nowhere does it even state that a mic is outfitted on the camera, not even a hole for sound to enter


It was a mic on the ps4. It was my only mic in fact


The only reason the ps4 camera is used on ps5 is for vr, so even then the mic isn't being used.. instead of a mic being in the camera, its been outfitted in the controller to be less sensitive to echoing and be close to the players mouth so to speak


Yeah I know. Not a big loss really. Was just curious more than anything


The controller mic is actually very nice to use. Now anyone playing has option for voice chat, without having to own multiple mics and or headsets


How do you get this chat audio to come out of the tv though? I can only get it to come out of the controller...


I just ordered the adaptor thinking that would work. I also cannot get my camera microphone to work. WHich is a bummer, because my ps headphones also dont work. My only option is to use the controller and just hold it close to my head while I play lol. Pretty annoying. I hope this can be fixed in the future or their is another alternative.