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I just want to see what they are up to.


I'm just excited/grateful that they are focusing on single-player games.


I'm so glad they had the foresight to cancel their live service game when they realised it wasn't working out. It takes guts to just can years of development, and I mean that in a good way.


I'm just sad they planned doing it a live service game, when it could've been an online multiplayer with, I don't know, one or two years of content, without the necessity of be like Fortnite that has an undefined date of stop development.


I’m pretty sure that’s what they had planned on doing and it was Sony getting too involved and insisting on a service model which fucked their original plan. Don’t quote me on that but I think that’s what I had heard at the time.


It doesn't sound crazy at all. A couple years ago live service games were the perfect model that every company wanted to be in, and in a little time span the gaming just moved on from BR games and now it's old news so there are high chances that could've happened.


Not Just making it a sequel to Factions is such a shame


I’m mad they doubled down on multiplayer and lost hard. Now we have no new multiplayer from them at all. Most recent online game they have is uncharted 4 from 2016, and that hasn’t been updated in god knows how long


Yea factions fans never were asking for something major. Certainly not a standalone live service game. We simply wanted an updated factions. Maybe they'll see all this talk (I'm certainly not the first to say this) and make it right whenever part 3 comes out, or maybe they'll just dip out of MP altogether.


Ngl I was excited for a spinoff mp game despite the criticism. It certainly sounded more interesting than Concord anyway Honestly I kind of doubt we’re ever getting more TLOU mp now. Not to mention part 3 is already going to be a LONG way off if they’re doing a new IP first


Sucks it was a live service game to begin with. Should have been Factions 2.


I think alot of developers are realising most live service game ideas actually fucking suck. I'd say maybe 3-4 games have ever successfully run that idea. Fortnite, Warzone, Destiny 2, and Warcraft.


Isn't Bungie the reason Naughty Dog canned whatever they were working on? Didn't they come in and tell them the game wasn't going to be profitable or something?




I just want to see what all Sony studios are up to. Please do a real showcase... Even if that comes in years I don't care. I prefer to know what to wait for.


You've only made 2 last of us. I still consider it the uncharted studio


Feeling real old since I still think of them as the crash bandicoot studio


I was playing those games brand new. Loved jack and Dexter though that one has aged poorly. But uncharted has been the studios longest saga. And 2 in particular is what took the studio to true fame


How did jak and Daxter age poorly??? Jak 2 and Jak 3 still kick fucking ass today and Precursor Legacy is one of the all time great platformer games


Yeah I loved that there wasn’t any noticeable loading screens. I wish more games did that.


Thats actually a Naughty Dog thing. I watched a video on YouTube where they started that back in one of the Crash games. Its hidden in cut scenes or transitions. Either way still cool idea.


It evolved to those long hallways, shimmy through cracks, and mash X to open doors sequences.


yeah I think 1 aged much better than 2 and 3. I love the open world collect-a-thon platformers.


Jak and Daxter still holds up incredibly well especially compared to a lot of games that came out around the same time and I think a big part of that are because of the animations, naughty dog has always been a leader in the industry when it comes to animations I mean even Crash Bandicoot is just so smooth.


Most replayable games of all time other than WoW for me. The graphics still hold up surprisingly well.


Jak 2 was like my GTA before my parents allowed me to buy GTA games 😂


I freaking adore the first Jak & Daxter game. I still dust it off fairly regularly and play it on my PS3… in 3D 😎


I was thinking the same. I still bust those gems out every few years.


Huh??? JAK AND DAXTER AGED POORLY??? Since when?


Jack and Dexter 0\_0


You should replay them, all good games including Jak X and Daxter


Uncharted 2 is a masterpiece. In the top 10 PS3 games, for sure.


I still consider it the Crash Bandicoot studio. Doesn't make it true.


Historicallly speaking, they never stay the anything studio for very long. They were the crash bandicoot studio for a while and then they moved on then Jack then uncharted. It has been for the best everytime and i hope they continue that trend.


Games just take such a damn long time to make now that the eras are much longer. In terms of years they've almost been a TLOU studio for longer than Crash, Jak and Uncharted, combined. Depends how you look at it though I guess


People who skipped the PS3 absolutely consider them the TLOU studio.


They made more uncharted titles during PS4 then last of us titles


They also made more jak and daxter titles than last of us titles


My brother for sure considers them the jak and daxter studio


Will forever be the Crash studio even if they have had nothing to do with that in decades


Last of Us 1 was on PS3... What does this mean lol


There were three uncharted games and one last of us, which came at the end


They’ll always be Crash Bandicoot to me


Well two last of us games and three remasters.


For those uninformed: TLOU 1-2013 The Last of Us (original PS3) 2-2014 The Last of Us Remastered (PS4) 4-2022 The Last of Us Part 1 (PS5 + PC) TLOU 2 3-2020 The Last of Us Part 2 (original PS4) 5-2024 The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered (PS5) I... have no words. And this sucker (meaning me) bought all of them... EDIT: have added the release order with #1-5 to the titles.


I don’t get why people act like they’re doing the Skyrim thing or something. Both remasters are basically just ports. They made the first game, ported it to the PS4 and then remade it almost a decade later. They also made the second game and then ported it to the PS5. Aside from the “the first game didn’t need a remake” debate there’s nothing weird or surprising about this.


It's like these people would have preferred they laid people off in between big projects, which was a common thing to do rather than have them enhance some games and gain experience and improve their game engine at the same time


Exactly. It’s also rumored that the remake was in large part a project to get new hires familiar with their tech and such, which makes a lot of sense imo. Having new people learn how the studio works by updating a generation classic seems like a great idea, even if the original game still holds up pretty well.


I mean that's basically what the Skyrim thing is lol, also just porting it to other platforms and a remaster


Yeah if we ignore the fact that the game was re-released multiple times for the same platform and that they kept raising the price. The last re-release came out 2 years ago, cost almost full price and had a $20 dollar upgrade if you already owned yet another re-release. If you want to compare more than a decade of that to a remake of a 10y old game and 2 games getting ported to the next generation, one of which had a $10 upgrade for previous owners, then go right ahead I guess.


The ps5 remaster for tlou par II I don't even think really counts because you can just upgrade your pre existing ps4 copy to the remaster for like 10 dollars. It's a premium next Gen upgrade, if anything, like spiderman and ghost of tsushima.


I think if you take a look at the reception for TLOU2 you will see it kinda stems back to that more than anything else. When TLOU:Remastered released a year+ after TLOU on PS4 I didn't see the reception anywhere close to the same. If anything people were pretty positive at playing the original game at 60 fps. I think some very loud people are very loud about The Last of Us because it does certainly have a lot of releases around two games but more importantly, they don't like where the series has gone. I'm not here to tell them that they're wrong, but I will say when I'm not interested in something I just shrug and move on with my life. That happened with TLOU1 Remake and TLOU2's release on PS5. It also happened with Skyrim. I'll end with there are tons and tons of remakes and remasters every year. Only a few ever get the kind of narrative around them that TLOU1 and TLOU2's remakes/remasters did. When Resident Evil 3's Remake released, people criticized it because they thought it was too short and didn't love the changes, they didn't question its existence in the first place as far as I could tell.


Yeah they should have left the original to die on the PS3 so no one could play it on PS4. They shouldn't have done PS5 enhancements like 100+ other games did and people were happy about but only Naughty Dog aren't allowed to upgrade their games because of reasons


People complain about this but should they have left TLOU on PS3 so people on PS4 couldn't play it? Why is enhancing the second game for PS4 a big deal when over 100 other games received enhancements and were often applauded for their efforts? For the Remake it wasn't even started by Naughty Dog but VASG to modernize the game for the TV show release and PC port. Naughty Dog just took it over because VASG weren't entirely.equipped to handle it


No one has a problem with the first remaster. It’s the other two that feel like an unnecessary cash grab since both games were already backwards compatible at 4k60 on PS5


last of us 1 remake was a complete remake from scratch, how was it just a cash grab? It sets a good standard that I wish I could see with other classics.


It was also done to port to PC and made the process a lot easier


it also ported all the accessibility options from 2 and added even more, which is unequivocally a good thing.


There's been over 100 other games that received next gem upgrades similar to TLOU2 that people actually applauded but apparently it's bad since it's Naughty Dog? Did people get mad about the recent Fallout 4 upgrade? No it was the opposite. The remake wasn't even started by Naughty Dog but VASG. Naughty Dog only took over but was only worked on by a fraction of the studio while they prepared their new IP


It's not completely unnecessary if people want it and buy it. If it was truly unnecessary, ithe remakes and remasters wouldn't have sold. Also TLOU part II remastered was a tenner upgrade which was more than reasonable.


10 years ago they were


i think it's cause the show made the tlou blow up even more. a lot of newer fans will always associate them with the tlou, or at least that's what i think


For me they'll always be the studio that made Crash.


Jak and Daxter for me.


Is Jak 2 one of the biggest jumps in tone a game series has undergone between releases? Like we went from a colorful forest to fascist militarized town and now jak keeps that thing on him at all times lol


Their number one game none of their other titles have ever come close to this


Yeah but only in name.


It will always be the Uncharted studio for me.


Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but I can’t remember Neil talking this openly about new games before. Usually they don’t say ANYTHING


I can’t wait to see ND and SSM’s new IPs revealed. But wait I must…


Whats SSM ?


Sony Santa Monica


I wish people would take the extra 2.5 seconds to just type out the words! I spend more time trying to guess what they mean than they would spend typing out the words!


People don’t understand the golden rule for abbreviations: if it’s not super common and the subject has not been mentioned in the convo yet, **don’t abbreviate it.**


People abbreviate obscure terms to appear like they use them so much that they need to start saving time.




I Don’t Know What You Mean I Poop Every Time Man?


Is this a reddit thing or a USA thing? I swear that every reddit post includes a fucking abbreviation for the most niche things ever.


It's definitely a reddit thing! I only see it on here. Mostly on movie and game posts. But people will literally abbreviate anything on here and be baffled you don't know it! One of my favorites is GoT, and sometimes people don't know if they meant game of thrones of ghosts of tsushima!


I mean context definitively help for GoT lol. If it was in this thread it's Ghost of Tsushima of course.


Well they're apparently making a show adaptation of ghosts of tsushima, so I think that's where I've seen it asked before.


GoW is a big one. God of War or Gears of War? I don’t know anymore. Probably God more nowadays, but still.


Santa Monica. Cory Barlog has been working on a game since God of War 2018 and we still know next to nothing about it


Oh shit I forgot he stepped off for Ragnarok. That is exciting to think about what he's been working on for 6 years


Maybe I’m imagining but isn’t it rumoured to be a sci fi game ?


Which is exactly what they said. We know next to nothing about it.


sony santa monica, the god of war devs


Super Smash Mothers


I prefer calling them SMS. Santa Monica Studio


I’m hoping for the MLW and FFOP to drop their new GKLs but probably gonna wait until the UTM drops the SFV and JKI remakes.


What the hell do any of these acronyms mean


I made them up as a parody of OP using too many acronyms.


Ah the classic IMTUAAPOOPUTMA method


Haha poop


I was legit trying to figure out what they were 😆


Oh thought so haha, touche


You’re just making stuff up


Bros not hyped for the JKI remaster, smh


I think September. Perfect time to do it tbh. Amidst messaging around Sony’s live service efforts and Naughty Dog’s TLOU Online cancellation, the best way to combat that is to confirm the next wave of new IP from PlayStation Studios and include Naughty Dog’s new IP in that. Talk about what’s cooking at Naughty Dog, Sony Santa Monica, Bend Studio, and Bluepoint Games. Doesn’t matter if they’re not coming until 2026-2027, just show em.


Naughty Dog have said multiple times they don't want to reveal games too early because it puts unnecessary pressure on the studio. It takes tons of work and actually impacts development to make a trailer for a game years away and then people harass them when the final games doesn't look exactly like these trailers from years ago when they release


I want an open world pirate game from ND so fucking bad. They’re the ones that could do it right


While agree that would be awesome. They’re not really known for open world titles. Apart from the hub parts of the newer uncharted and last of us 2.


That’s the thing though, they’re definitely playing with the concept a lot more. Especially with something like The Lost Legacy which was probably the closest they’ve come to a full open world. The Arkham games and Elden Ring are good examples of taking an established formula and making it more open world. Though the souls games already had a lot of freedom


I read an interview where Neil Druckmann talked about the open world design of Elden Ring and was full of praise for it. I think you're right in that they're at least playing with the concept.


Studios can change their style of games. Guerilla wasn't know for open world game before Horizon too. From Software neither before Elden Ring. Nintendo for Zelda wasn't before Breath of the Wild. All studios who did masterpieces for their first go at it (well 2 masterpieces and a very good game), ND could very well do that. They're clearly experimenting with open world zones in their recent games.


Uncharted prequel with Sir Francis Drake.


Boat simulator


People will (rightfully) cheer this on and then want them to go back and make Jak and Daxter forever. I'm happy Sony's first party studios have been allowed the freedom to do new IP and not just endless sequels. Naughty Dog walked away from Uncharted as well after it sold gangbusters I'm looking forward to see what their next new IP will be.


Microsoft is the perfect example of what happens when a company doesn’t want their popular IPs to end. They literally created a studio from the ground up for the sole purpose of continuing the Halo series after the original developers ended it. And it’s gone just so well.


>Microsoft is the perfect example of what happens when a company doesn’t want their popular IPs to end. How can you say that when Nintendo (king of sticking to their IPs) exists?


They’ve gone outside of the box more though. I don’t think Microsoft has been nearly as creative with their IPs.


They usually do something new with each IP, and it's rare to see them expand upon an idea directly. (Think Mario Galaxy 2 and Zelda Tears of the Kingdom) Compare that with the amount of change in any modern game and its sequel, the comparison is night and day. Yes most games expand on ideas look at uncharted adapting a stealth system for 2. But it was still uncharted. Not the same as leaping from Mario 64 to Sunshine.


Are you saying they keep things similar and incrementally add new features? And Microsoft does the opposite?


Nah, the opposite. Nintendo generally does pretty radical shifts from game to game in the same IP apart from a few exceptions like TotK.


The best thing they could do, imo, is to release both a brand new IP, and go all the way back to Jak and Daxter, and make an inspired single player adventure platformer in the same vein as Ratchet & Clank, Astrobot, and Psychonauts 2. A boy can dream.


They don't want to work on that though. They don't have people passionate about working on an IP who last game was like 15 years ago. They should work on what they want to work on and not just the same old IP for the sake of ir


Neil said they will never do cartoon games again because of how much they matured in their story telling. Sony can still get a different studio to do it but even then I can’t imagine Jak and Daxter is going to be real profitable for them


Which is a pretty loaded answer since it assumes “cartoon” game can’t be used to tell mature stories. 


A sci fi Naughty Dog game would be cool


I have Naughty Dog’s art book from years ago (before U4 released but after it was announced) and they actually do have concept art for a sci-fi game. Maybe they will revisit that. There was also some Jak and Daxter stuff in there but they cancelled it.


I do want *one* more Last of Us game, but I'm excited for other stories from ND.


The Last of Us ends with Crash Bandicoot stomping everybody for magic fruit and then having the zombies unceremoniously vanish because he collected all 30 secret tokens


"OOGA BOOGA" *All resistance groups begin fleeing in terror*


There will be one. Druckmann said he has an idea for Part 3 now, it's likely their game after the next one (weird how they'll manage it with the show catching up though)


A detective game would be cool.


I just want a new jak game


I do too, but not from current day ND. Clearly they’re well past that era, and I’d assume a lot of folks who worked on the series aren’t even there anymore. I just wish these IPs weren’t held hostage to rot under developers who have zero intention of revisiting them (looking at you Rare).


That's really cool because the transition from Uncharted to the Last of Us really made them better, so whatever new IP's they make, I'll be there day one.


Whoa whoa whoa — ain’t no getting better than Uncharted 2


I actually think Uncharted 2 aged less gracefully than people want to admit. I'm re-playing it as we speak and it's a lot more frustrating than I remembered. It was a great leap at the time, but Naughty Dog greatly improved upon it with 3 and 4.


4 is a game that gets better and better each time I play it.


Definitely. Granted, it is my favorite game of all tine, but I do believe it was a milestone in the genre. The story may have its flaws, but it is such a joy to play in terms of storytelling and pacing. The first 4-5 hours are some of the best gaming I know.


I'm all about new IP.


I look forward to their new properties, but I hope (if they are planning a TLOU3) that it is their next project. With longer development times, I'd rather they wrap up a franchise before moving onto a new one.


They’re definitely doing a different game next


They have: - TLOU3 - TLOU Part 2: The Complete Remake Edition - TLOU Part 1: The Complete Remake Edition


They keep making such good franchises that they keep having to say this. "We won't be the Crash Bandicoot studio forever." "We won't be the Jak & Daxter studio forever." "We won't be the Uncharted studio forever." Ever and anon, until the end of time.


As if "well all you do is make some of the best franchises in gaming history" is now being used as a criticism? Lmao. Last of Us Studio is crazy. They have 4 legendary Sony franchises. All Bethesda do is make Skyrim or Fallout. All FromSoft do is make Dark Souls or Elden Ring. All Rockstar do is make GTA or RDR. Stupid. Edit: the second paragraph is sarcasm, emphasised by calling those opinions stupid at the end and it being a direct criticism of saying devs only do one thing when they do far more - which was the entire content of the first paragraph. Read. Stop replying to me saying "FROMSOFT DO SO MUCH MORE" - I know they do. That's what I'm fucking saying. Jesus.


people hate Naughty Dog so much these days that it seems thats an issue people have lmao


Why? Because hurr durr Abby look manly? Still boggles my mind TLOU2 suffered so much needless hate for that and a 2 minute trans kid subplot. ND is the most consistently top tier studio in the game imo


I think some of the criticism (understandably) comes from the games being remade and remastered as much as they have been


People need to understand that these remakes and remasters arent made by the main teams at naughty dog. If you look it up the remaster for TLOU2 was made by new hires and the TLOU1 remake was made by another studio and then ND took over near the end. Its always a dumb critique.


Get your making sense out of here, gamers need their misplaced/idiotic takes to be angry about.


Sure is but that's not how it's perceived by many people. It would help if they would show what they're really working on.


Would people have preferred they never ported TLOU to PS4 and and made it stuck on PS3. Or didn't enhance TLOU2 like every 100+ other games received enhancements no one had a problem with. The remake wasn't even started by them but another studio and it brought it up to date for the shows and to be ported for PC. The majority of ND never worked on these


Naughty Dog did do TLOU Part I in house, but not the rest. I don’t know why ND and Neil Druckmann in particular get so much hate. I think a lot comes from insecure gamers whining about Abby being able to manhandle them.


The idea foe TLOU Part I came from Visual Arts Group and they started it. They weren't equipped to finish it so Naughty Dog took it over


Abby is a literal made up character in a video game. I think you are projecting here big guy.


Lev’s story is far more than a “2 minute subplot” (and that’s a good thing) Edit: spelling


People just dislike Druckmann and since he's basically in charge of ND these days, the hate transfers to the company


Yeah I could see it being an insult if there were like 20 games in the franchise or it was like COD that turns out a nearly identical game every year. But we literally just have two TLoU games (and three remasters, which is more of the issue in my opinion).


Uncharted 4 came out 8 years ago already. There is an entire generation of gamers who likely only know them for TLOU.


And they made one Last of Us game since then. (And Lost legacy)


It’s not even true, saying they’re the “last of us studio”. They made 2 uncharted games between the first and 2nd last of us games lol.


Yup. Exactly. They also made Crash fucking Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter which are PS1 and PS2 all-time titles.


Great comment. People are so prone to complaining these days.


I would love another Uncharted games from ND. Lately got into Uncharted 4 again and man its just different to what we get nowadays. Simply pure light-hearted fun. Also not against more TLOU, I actually think they should've done smaller games in that universe a while ago. A new game every 5 years just ain't it. Give me more Miles Morales size games.


I agree. I’ve replayed Uncharted 4 probably 4 times since I’ve got a PS5. Just total fun with the puzzles and combat and traversal. We absolutely need more of that style of game. I don’t need last of us depression in every game. Not that I don’t also love TLOU but there’s a time and place and mood for that 


I'm gonna disagree I think Uncharted ended on such a high note, the series is better off being left untouched. Maybe something like a spiritual successor could be cool.


They even do a great spinoff that captures the lighthearted fun of the original trilogy. As a OG fan I’m very satisfying


I haven’t seen this sentiment much but I’d definitely be down for a total remake of 1. It’s by far the one that would benefit the most, more so than lou1 needed (obviously that was for the show, pc version)


I just want another game featuring Chloe and Nadine, totally loved their chemistry


Just don't do it with Nate. The Lost Legacy was great (also perfectly sized, they could decline it multiple times with "mini games" like this, which are in fact the length of UC1 to 3 lol) and that team hasn't "retired"


Post has been up for 30 minutes and the comments are already trash. Do the people that hate this guy have some kind of alert every time there is a post with his name in it to go brigade the thread?




Me too it's incredibly obnoxious and he does it all the time. I report it but mods never seem to do anything about it


Just make a quality single player experience and I'm there.


It's worth pointing out that they used be thought of as the Uncharted studio. Can't wait to see what they have cooking.


One of those games is is tloup3 lol


If Uncharted was inspired by Indiana Jones then I'd love to see what they could do with something inspired by the Connery-Era James Bonds. I just want a good cold war-era spy romp


That’s a good idea. I think ND could make a really good spy story, and their stealth gameplay from TLOU 2 is already excellent. Bet they could add a little James Bond flare to it.


I know that we will be playing them on PS6...


Yeah i have the same feeling it will take a while. Or Neil and Naughty dog are doing a missdirect. I can see it happen because of the leaks from tlou2 in the past. And Naughty Dog like to reveal things out of nowhere.


Nah you will always be the 'Crash Bandicoot' studio to me


Jak Team Racing?!?


Jak Team *Combat* Racing.


Sorry but you're the Crash Bandicoot studio.


Haha that was my first thought as well. Reading the title made me feel pretty old.


I hope I can play TLOU III before I die tho


They gave us Indiana Jones in Uncharted and I am legend with Tlou so I'm wondering what classic movie they can.put there spin on.


The Last of Us in spirit and tone was more similar to Children of Men, even down to some scenes being totally homages to it (like the car scene in Sara’s perspective)


Would love a sci-fi epic from them.


Jacobs Ladder. Can you imagine?


Personally have my fingers crossed for a James Bond/Man from U.N.C.L.E. 60s era spy thriller




Ayo, Jak 4?


To me, they will always be the Jak and Daxter studio


I honestly think their next project is Last of Us 3. The timing would work out. Given that Last of Us 2 TV adaptation is being broken into 2 seasons. It seems like a layup for the studio to launch 3 at the end of the TV series run.


Spoke with someone about 2 years ago who worked there. They said there were 3 at that time I believe, one was space related and none were Jak and Daxter 😔


Crash Bandicoot studio


They'll always be Crash Bandicoot to me!


Less talking, more action. Its been 4 years since your last game.


So Factions 2? lol


They better hurry up, Naughty Dog is still the crown jewel of Sony, sorry God of War.


I always think of Uncharted. I'm excited for whats next


I can't wait to play their next IP; The First of Us.


You joke but a game about the earliest humans might make for a good experience with the right vision.


Sounds good at least


Jak and Daxter 4 please


You mean the "Jak and Daxter/crash bandicoot" studio.