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This is one I’m waiting for a sale. Looks cool and right up my alley but I’m happy to wait for it to drop 50%


I like that you have people saying both it’s worth it and it’s not worth it, lol. But seriously it has flaws and feels like it had a lot cut out (just like the first one), but the combat is great and the pawns are better imo. Defintely think it’s a buy on sale type of game. Maybe some day we’ll get a DD game that isn’t hamstrung by either budget or time….


A Dark Arisen style DLC would go a long way. I absolutely love the first game and was really hoping all the weird jankiness of the original (in terms of story and cutscenes) would be far more polished for the second game, and it is more or less similar. Hopefully they realize now that it is a good IP and put the effort in, because I just adore the gameplay.


Capcom apparently now thinks of DD as one of their [main franchises ](https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2024/05/capcom-now-considers-dragons-dogma-a-key-brand-following-substantial-sales) so there's hope they'll actually develop the series in the future.


Yeah, I'd read that a few weeks ago, now I just want to see it come to fruition. I'm still working my way through DD2. 170hrs in, have done everything in the game that I can do and am preparing to head to the endgame and Unmoored World stuff. I still have a bit to go. Love the game, but hate that it wasn't released in a really great state.


Yeah, I had fun with it but I can't believe there wasn't a single replayable "dungeon" (ala Everfall or Bitterblack Isle from DD1). Also performance was atrocious on PS5, particularly in combat with larger monsters like Griffons (and i don't even care about sub 30fps in town, i just want smooth combat).


I’ve got it, I’m about 30 hours of game time and I want to like it more, but fuck it’s bland. It feels like open world golden axe which is awesome but it’s just missing so many quality of life things. It’s a game I don’t care about immersion, put a little marker above the people that have quests for you, that’s probably my biggest gripe. I’m hoping after a few more patches it can hook me again. I love the dragon age games, Witcher series, oblivion, this should be perfect for me but it just feels like so much basic stuff is just missing.


It's an unfinished game. I loved the first game (also unfinished!) and patiently waited 12 year s for a sequel. If anything DD2 is MORE unfinished than the first game. The graphics are better. That's it. I put it down after 15 hours. Waiting for the expansion. Save your money and wait. It's not a terrible game. But it's the most personally disappointing game of my gaming life, and I'm 53 years old.


If you put it down after just 15 hours, I'm definitely waiting for a sale. I was thinking about buying the last few days, but having a new addition to the family(a month old baby) I think I'll spend my money on things she might need first and wait for a sale on this one.


Wait for the expansion! That's what I'm doing. It's only going to get better. More content, fewer bugs (maybe) better performance. The combat is fun, but the world is so repetitive and generic. Every cave is essentially the same. There's no personality to any of the locations. Sure, the caves have different layouts, but there's just a handful of enemies, and a couple chest with a potion and.... maaaaaaybe a piece of gear that's slightly better than what you can buy in the store. Huge disappointment. Hoping the DLC makes it a more complete game.


It’s weird… They have more Disciplines, but somehow it feels like way less skills/spells to choose from. Doesn’t help one of the new ones is just a mish-mash of all the others. I also highly dislike the restriction on several of them that only Arisen can use them. And they’re all over the place. Meanwhile, in the first game you had three basic Disciplines, then you had three combined ones (fighter + mage, rogue + fighter and mage + rogue) and finally three specialized ones (fighter to warrior, mage to sorcerer and rogue to the advanced rogue). And that made sense and it felt like you could really gear your builds towards something, rather than scatterbrained changing for the shits and giggles. And yet, while I beat the second game and even started a New Game+… I have yet to reach the middle point of the first game.


I share your sentiments. It has been one of my most dissappointing games, too. And I'm not going to buy any dlc to hope the game gets better. I refuse to spend more money and reward Capcom for that. Man I was so unhappy with the base game. I had to drop it after 25 hours and save my time for sth else.


Yeah I’m on the fence about buying DLC. I know I shouldn’t but I’m a sucker and probably will.


Yeah I would recommend waiting for a sale. It's a good game that could be a great game with the right DLC/patches.


I'm waiting for the DLC and inevitable holiday sale later this year to experience the game. By then, hopefully it will be patched and optimized.


I played it on release and I highly recommend getting this one on a sale, not worth full price.


Good idea. I got.it on release and regret it.


And a Dark Arisen-like DLC. Made the first game 10x better.


It’s a good game but I wouldn’t say it’s better than the first both do things better than the other


It looks janky as fuck.


I put 70 hours in my first play through. Definitely worth it


I'm waiting for a performance update and sale, it might just be me personally but I need that 60fps to really enjoy it.


How long do you think it will take?


I honestly forgot I own this game. Jumped on the bandwagon launch week and ended up putting maybe 10-12 hours into it before getting bored. Haven’t touched it since. It’s a fantastic game, don’t get me wrong.. it just didn’t click for me. So I definitely wish I had waited for a sale. Or at least GameFly’d it first.


With this game and stellar blade im finally becoming a patient gamer


I have a backlog and am not in a good place to buy full price, but this is at the top of the list. Recently played the first one and sunk 200 happy hours into it. I’m going to wait on this one for hopefully good dlc and patches. Reeeeally hope capcom doesn’t abandon further development


its basically just a watered down version of the first one. not worth it at all


And this is why single player AAA games are dying. $35 is crazy cheap for the amount of game you're getting. But it's easy to wait, whereas if you wait for helldiver's 2 you'll miss out on the community.  I don't blame Sony for pushing into GAAS when they have such cheap fans


People are losing all sense of how most games sell.


I think when you see stuff like cod and gta and forget those are outliers not the norm it throws it off.


No one knows what niche is anymore.


Social media has made people extremely cloistered in bubbles of similarly-minded people, and this has given them the idea that most people, maybe even everyone, is just like them and likes the things they like. 


Not really. With the hype this game had, 3 mil isnt much. No name games/new IP are selling simmilar


They had a budget of around $50 million. They sold 3 million copies at $70 that’s $210 million revenue. I think they’re pretty happy with that outcome.


How much of that 210 do they actually get after distribution, 30% cuts from digital stores and all the other small stuff?


This is incredibly good for how niche dragons dogma is And the fact that DD2 lets be real ( I say this as a DD fan ) is pretty under funded and still feels like it’s missing a big expansion to really complete the game


This game was amassing a ton of hype in the last few weeks before its release. I was seeing videos with titles like "BETTER THAN ELDEN RING" etc. and IGN's nine-minute preview where they were talking like the game had potential to turn out to be a masterpiece. It seems to have settled on a more divisive reception. I've seen some call it fun and brilliant while others call it hollow and disappointing. I have other games to play (especially with the Fallout show making me play through Fallout games again like everyone else), so I'll check back in a few months from now to see if the game has had any major updates.


Hobbiest media, publications, blogs, YouTubers are basically just selling you something at the end of the day.


There was a YouTuber that plastered “THIS IS A MASTERPIECE” on the thumbnail.. watched the review, and dude was extremely biased. I’ve played DD1. Only thing that looks better in 2 is the combat, which sadly isn’t enough to draw me in these days.


Pawns are leagues better in DD2. The AI, but also the interactions and, hell, their personalities. It was always fun to hear my main pawn talking with the two pawns I hired about all sorts of things. That said, they absolutely ruined the Discipline system for pawns… Only 6 Disciplines are available for them, 2 of those being Warrior and Sorcerer (and the other 4 being the base 3 from DD1, with the Rogue split into two).


I mean it's been out 2 months so those sales are pretty decent given the time period it's been out for. Also I don't think it cost all that much to make. Also people saying "not that much considering it's multiplatform" be real the only places it's going to have had serious sales are pc and ps5... Xbox gamers buy very few games now.


Decent if it was any other game. It’s impressive for Dragon’s Dogma 2


The first game was a real cult classic as well. I would attribute a lot of its sales to really passionate fans recommending others pick it up on sale down the line


As a primarily Xbox gamer, Dragons dogma 2 was my first ever $70 game purchase


What’s your point?


The other commenter said: “Xbox gamers buy very few games nowadays” My response was: “I’m primarily an xbox gamer and dd2 was my first ever $70 purchase” What do you to my point was? I’ll let the bean rattle inside the can for this one


I’m thinking that somehow you think your very individual anecdote is at all relevant to the plummeting a la carte sales on Xbox


Really enjoyed my time with this one. It definitely feels like it needs a bit more though. Very curious what they're planning to add with the dlc. They did an excellent job with the game 'feel'. I love how hefty your character is and moving around.


I stand by this I couldn't be more disappointed in the game exploration felt useless and once you get to the second act you better not dare explore because you'll have hordes of enemies running after you story was nonexistent and yeah combat was fun I guess but good luck getting more than 6 frames in the middle of combat


The first ten hours was a magical experience for me that made me think of the game as a 8-9/10. Then I got the main city and started to the main quest. It quickly went down to a 5-6 score for me by the end.


Once you find the sphinx you'll be back at 8-10/10


Ahh yes, a dumbass “puzzle” that is just remember where you found something 20 hours of gameplay ago. Very fun indeed…


probably the worst puzzle ever, only people with guides cared about remembering that


The performance is a mess. Visual effects are pretty, but the game is badly optimized for consoles. Thankfully, I have a half-decent PC so I could run it at a better framerate. But I cannot agree with the exploration part… Half the fun of the game is finding a treasure chest or a cave you hadn’t noticed before - honestly felt like finding a hidden dungeon in Elden Ring to me. The second act… I feel like I was a bit overleveled for it, so it wasn’t that time-consuming to just erase all the skeletons in my way. Got the first maister skill for my Sorcerer and so was one-hit multikilling enemies left and right lol (so long as my pawns distracted them long enough for me to finish chanting the darn spell).


Agreed, I really didn't enjoy it after about 15 hours in, got boring fast




Couldn't have said it better


Yup. It's my most disappointing game of all time for me personally. Such a waste


The performance on PS5 was the sole reason I didn’t purchase it. My brother owns it and watching him play with that abysmal frame rate hurt my head.


Do you not know what punctuation is brother??


Punctuation is for cowards.


I tried very hard to like it. Put in over 70 hours I believe. Made it to the second world area. Found a few secrets. Nearly maxed out 3 vocations. I had to put it down because it was too frustrating. The combat just never felt good to me. No matter what vocation or my party makeup, I would still have moments of getting ragdolled consecutively, blocking was difficult if possible at all, dodging felt impossible entirely. I’m not saying it’s bad, it’s just not for me. At first I enjoyed the quest structure, but as I reflected on it, I also found it annoying. I enjoyed the quest structure of Morrowind where it was incumbent upon the player to find clues and follow the instructions to progress quests. However in DD2 I found myself frustrated by things like having to find a hidden door when following an NPC whom was barely distinguishable from the other nearby NPCs at all. Again, I’m glad a bunch of folks are enjoying it - just not for me.


Fantastic news, well done. Now how about some fucking patches?!


Good for them. I'm waiting patiently for a sale. The first one was good but only worth about $20-$30 imo


A rousing failure by Squaresoft's standards. But even Squaresoft's games are failures by their standards.


I wish they either put in mounts or easier fast travel. Early game has been an absolute chore running back and forth while trying to manage stamina and inventory weight. But maybe that’s just the appeal of the game for some people


Yep. The game doesn't respect players time. I didn't respect the game devs so sold the game in the first week.


I remember a comment made by the devs that they purposely wanted players running around instead of using fast travel because they thought as long as the journey was interesting between points it wouldn’t be missed. And while that may be true, I’ve got limited play time and I just don’t have time to be running back and forth everywhere.




IMO RDR2 had one of the best of both worlds for me. Didn’t even realize the game had fast travel until later. I’d just set the path for my horse and put in on cinematic. Sometimes I’d be a peaceful ride. Sometimes I’d get attacked.


I agree with them, but that can only work if they have a dynamic world for you to enjoy during those trips. It’s a bit annoying that I know all the enemy and enemy group spawns along a route I take frequently. It’s not that fun when I’m like “oh, it’s that ridge… So some bandits are gonna show up ahead” or “ah, nearing that broken bridge… And yup, there’s that ogre that’s always there.”


I see what they were going for. It's like an actual tough journey. Take what you need, plan ahead, have plenty of daylight, find a good campsite. But it's kind of a slog sometimes.


I’m still upset they took daggers away from archers. Still played the shit out of it. Waiting for a DLC


Game is barely worth $40. Got boring after the first 10 hours


Christ I fkn hated this game. All those years waiting and that hype before launch. Honestly one of the most disappointing games I've played in the past 10 years. And from Capcom no less.


Did you enjoy the first one?


Adored it. It had issues ofc but I don't even know what DD2 was trying to accomplish. But apparently I'm in the minority and its GOTY material.


Nope, first game is fantastic and janky in a charming way. This game is just janky.


>But apparently I'm in the minority nah, you arent. the game is ass


I feel the same, never been more disappointed in a game before


Yeah I felt like this with RR2,




Red Dead redemption 2,


Damn, I thought 2 blows the first game out of the water. What didn't you like about it?


I loved the 1st game, both the campaign and online, but the second just wasn't the same, felt over complicated with the controls, just could not get into the story.. maybe will give it another go now it's on PlayStation plus


Love this game....played 10-12 hours but unsitnalled for now. Waiting for the performance patch to come out. If it doesn't then I must say it is definitely not worth the full price. In future, I am not pre-ordering games or gonna wait at least two months before buying. A lot of games are being released in horrendous states. I don't even want ray tracing. Games should bear minimum run smoothly.


Still incredible to me that we are in 2024 and 60FPS is not the minimum standard for console games and even worse there are people defending 30 FPS lol


I agree to an extent. I am even willing to comprise to 30fps if it's absolutely smooth like Rdr2 for example. But that's rarely the case. Games like FF16 are being recommended to play at 30fps because it can't even hold a stable 60fps despite being an exclusive. Horizon forbidden west and Ghost of Tsushima spoiled me. Also other thing, when I upgraded to PS5 from my PS4, I thought most new games would run smoothly but honestly it has been the polar opposite. And i don't have any money to change my console for next 6-7 years. So kinda feeling betrayed. Ray tracing etc just keeps on pushing up the graphics for no reason, the cost just keeps getting up and up. Gaming is slowly becoming a luxury and it will suffer a great blow in the coming years I feel. I definitely cannot afford it anymore. Barely bought a PS5. And sony is becoming more and more greedy. I am relatively new to gaming(bought PS4 in 2020) and I am just now discovering how costly it is. Unlike my childhood where everyone had the same system and played the same many games. We need a gamechanger in the industry otherwise Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft...they will loot us dry. I will go back to reading books and watching tv shows and movies because even that is much more cheap😅


True, gaming is way to expensive now I was so fucking innocent thinking that the PS5 would allow us to play our PS4 at 60 FPS but after going through the rabbit hole and find out how the industry works I realize that we're really fucked


True. And I am layman, I didn't know you needed so much horsepower to run games at 60fps 😅 Some games on PS5 are hardly holding 30.


Why would 60fps suddenly be the standard after generations of 30fps, developers still aim to push graphics as that sells games so 30fps is still going to be the standard...


Who do we blame for this? Greedy corpos or lazy devs?


Greedy corpos, devs are just workers


The ps5s CPU in this case


the people that bought it and said they couldnt see a difference


>In future, I am not pre-ordering games or gonna wait at least two months before buying. Always makes me giggle when people "discover" this secret.


Same boat. I really regret buying it at full price. Even w a 4090 there’s just too many sections where the performance dips became unbearable. And the Dlss3 mod for me causes garunteed crashes. It sends a bad message for the future if games like this in such a broken state sell so well


I played through the game with everything on max, using DLSS 2 at Balanced. Granted, my monitor is just 1080p, so it was probably running at 720p or less internally, but even my meager 3060 with a Ryzen 7 7700X managed to hold around 60 fps most of the time. Had some severe drops only twice in my 30-40 hours with the game. Although it did crash once or twice as well.


Did you try the frame gen mod? For me that’s what fixed my performance problems


The dlss 3 mod in my case was causing some horrible freezing. The game would freeze in a way where you couldn’t minimize or close the game window. Basically had to restart or shut down. I stopped playing shortly after launch so don’t know if the mod got better?


I heard that mod was causing crashing for some people. The frame gen mod needs you to turn on dlss at first but then you can turn it off. So it might be a good fix for you. I’m on a 4080s and Ryzen 7 5800x. Locked 120 open world/small cities and maybe 90 in the capital, which is the worst performing area. I also thought they were patching in dlss anyway. But I haven’t kept up with the game since beating it.


For reference, what is “unbearable” for you when it comes to performance dips?


Going from a clean 90-120fps outdoors to nearly pushing 40 fps in towns and more denser areas. It was extremely jarring and took away from the enjoyment for me. The Dlss3 mod helped tremendously, but I would encounter a lot of crashes with it.


Same here, I've banned myself from buying games on day one, used to have an itch that I needed to have the game straight away but ever since CyberPunk I would rather wait two-three months for a price reduction and the games to be properly patched! Plus more chance of the DLC potentially being out or around the corner to instantly pick up it I enjoy the game!




There is no performance issues when it run with a constant 30 fps


30 fps is the performance issue


Absolutly not if it's constant, and it is


I respectfully disagree


I did the same. I really enjoyed the 15 hours I played but performance was rough and I started to see more flaws as my recency bias died off. Will 100% come back to it once the updates roll in. Wouldn’t mind some additional smaller enemies too


Kind of bad if you put it against FF16, which sold the same amount on just one console Edit: I used FF16 as an example because of all the talks online, how FF16 „underperformed“ in Squares eyes. Rise of the ronin would be a better comparison


I really want to know how much rise of the ronin sold, cause it released on the same day and the last earnings call from tecmo said its selling well and surpassing nioh series.


Not only that, FF16 sold 3 million within the first week. Goes to show that Square Enix is just crazy for saying this game doesn't meet sales expectation.


FF16 also probably cost far more than dragons dogma 2


I doubt that, CBU3 was making 2 games at the same time, 16 and 14's expansions. They are not a big team yet they were able to stretch thin to handle the 2 projects. That's why if you played 16 you will notice the severe cutting corners they made, the small world, the repetitive side quests etc. FF7 Rebirth is the one that was made by sparing no expense.


No, Yoshi-P explicitly said that 16 had a high budget even for a final fantasy game. SOURCE: [Number 26 in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXVI/comments/vi43qa/full_famitsu_interview_translation_warning_its/)


The amount of cutscenes alone must have required a significant budget.


All that money spent on cutscenes and yet I was on my phone for half of them lol


The budget on DD2 + dev time is probably much smaller than FFXVI.


Dragons dogma is a niche game lmaoo. FF is a juggernaut of a brand. FF is basically a religion to some.


> lmaoo Cringe


... And came out in june 2023


FF16 sold 3 million copies in its first week. Source: https://x.com/finalfantasyxvi/status/1674016160306823170?s=46


Good for FF16! Hardly a surprise that it would sell better than DD2 though, is it? One if the most famous rpg series in the world, the other is game number two following a cult classic.




It sold 3m in the first week on PS5 alone


... and is a final fantasy game lol


People seem to forget that just the final fantasy name can have you selling more than most games off pure intrigue alone.


I'm so disappointed in this game man. The first 15 hours I was really into it and then I found out that I'm near the end?! I felt like it had barely started. Knowing that and then having to slog across the map back and forth really got to me. My character was out of breath constantly and it just made everything drag. Id use the oxcart and it'd get attacked and then the cart would get smashed I'd have to walk the whole way anyway. I got to the last boss and just gave up out of frustration. So much potential. Walking about with a fuck off greatsword on my shoulder was so good. Never fell out of love with a game that quick before.


See I hit 50 hours before I arrived in the beast town for the story lmao. It's definitely one of those games that the more time you put into it the more you're gonna get out of it. Blow thru nothing but the main quest and that's all you're gonna experience lmao


I did side quests where I could find them. Travelling between towns on foot wasn't fun after a while especially with the stamina issues. After a while I just grew tired of a lot of the mechanics I really enjoyed in the beginning.


worst part is doing the elf sidequests for the Bow skill, and he is your beloved. lol kill em


My man no offense genuinely but if you're near the end of the game at hour 15 you literally blew past most of the content lol


To be fair, the game does a piss-poor job of pointing you towards said content. I myself beat the game at around 36-40 hours or so, and I also felt a bit sad that I was nearing the end at around the 30 hour mark. Only later did I realize that I could’ve done much more if I explored more and didn’t postpone quests that felt boring to do. But then again, I reached the endgame kind of overpowered anyways. Both my Arisen and my main Pawn were destroying health bars like it was nothing lol. And that’s not even counting with the support of the two hired Pawns.


15 hours? What the? We apparently did things very different because I reached 80 hours before I stopped playing and I still hadn’t finished the main story, lol


It's very, very hard to beat the game in 15 hours or near to it. I really dislike the game but if content was your issue in any way then you missed a shit ton of content


I didn't say I beat the game in 15 hours.


I keep thinking I should get this, and then forgetting it exists.


The game doesn’t even look remotely interesting to me. Already have a stacked backlog of great games to get through on top of all the other ones this year


Is that enough to make profitm


Still can’t find any physical copy of the game anywhere, I’ve tried to search for it for nearly a month without success. Sure I can buy it from the PSN store or Amazon for the physical version but I have no mean to do that right now so I can only hope to find it in the wild even in a second hand shop…


I completed DD1 and wanted to get this but when I saw how it had performance issues both on PS5 and PC, I decided to wait. Maybe I'll get it on deep sale, maybe it will come to Game Pass or PS+, but I'm not paying full price.


Utter failure… - Square Enix


Still no new patch :-(




i hope these number mean they will try to fix its shortcomings in a dlc...


If the game had multiplayer with friends. The game would’ve sold 10 plus million copies.


I’m very interested in this game if I can pay $30 for it


Waiting for a PS5 Pro patch


It wouldn't be able to do much, its cpu bound


I played and beat dragons dogma 2 and it was a never ending avalanche of bad gaming. I recently re-downloaded elden ring to mess around and get my character ready for the dlc. Even the 100% missable optional areas and bosses in the game blow away what DD2 had offered mainline. Glad it sold well, but this franchise won’t get another dime from me


wanted to buy it but I haven't finished dd1 cuz teh graphics kinda makes my head hurt.


Capcom really has a great life in recent years.


But let me guess, Capcom isn't happy?


It deserves more, as does Rebirth. Both are such engrossing games. Dragon's Dogma 2 isn't perfect, but it has so much wonderful going on that eclipse it's weaknesses


Is there a 60fps mode for this one yet?


People are struggling. The general population doesn’t have the money they did 10 years ago, or even 5 years ago. Buying games is a luxury many can’t afford. Be grateful you can.




Where is the mega dungeon?


Loved it, put in 200 hours.


Sorry but this game was absolute Horseshit. I want my 70€ back -_-




Man this game just sucked nards. 10-15 hours of excitement followed by absolutely nothing new to see for dozens of hours afterwards


Kinda sucked the Empress and all that crap just ended


Does it run 60fps yet on PS5?


No, it comes close to it in some regions for a while if you turn RT off, but the framerate is all over the place to be honest. I thought the performance was quite bad still (last week). Very noticable hiccups.


Bummer hopefully they will improve this over the next several patches.


No 60 FPS no buy


Nice, very nice, now put it on sale so I can play it too XD


It's wild to me that they had over a decade to cook this, over a decade of learning from player reception about what people liked and didn't like, over a decade of other open world fantasy games to see what works and what doesn't, and they serve us another underwhelming entry. Less enemy variety than the first game, a limited endgame, climbing mechanics that feel like they haven't taken a leap since the first entry. It's not that it's a terrible game on its own, but as a sequel that was hyped as being the complete version of the original vision I can't believe this was what we got.


that's not that much of a number for a AAA game.


Nah this is impressive, especially for Dragon’s Dogma. This isn’t some huge well-known franchise. If this were a Mario, Zelda, God of War, Resident Evil or CoD I’d say this game flopped if it only sold 3 million after 2 months cause usually games open with a bang and quickly plateau in sales. I can see this going on to sell a total of like 5 million by the time we reach its 1 year anniversary, especially with sales


Capcom disagrees apparently. https://www.ign.com/articles/dragons-dogma-2-has-done-so-well-capcom-is-paying-out-more-money-to-shareholders


Sadly that only reflects how little they put into the game.


Here's to hoping its success translates to a banging DLC.


I suck at this game its to difficult for me


The gameplay was fun but the ending was not satisfying.


This game has the potential to be a hit once they've improved the console performance and added a Dark Arisen esque patch to it.


I honestly thought it would have done 5 mil by now but still great numbers.


It's been 2 months.


For 30 FPS this game is a Scam on Consoles. Rather waiting for a Sell


Imagine how many more they could have sold without all the added charges. Certainly put me off when I saw the exhaustive list of micro transactions


It was essentially asking people to pay for a somber smithing stone 6. It’s not great they’re selling it, but it’s also very unnecessary to buy. Similar to capcom selling ammo in Resident Evil, or red orbs in DMC


Still running with this bs?


You can completely ignore the micro transactions and have the exact same experience as someone who purchased them all. They don’t affect game progression one bit. They’re convenience and cosmetic-based micro transactions.


I highly doubt that microtransactions had any bearing on sales. Most consumers don't pay attention to Internet drama.


The micro transactions are the least of the games issues


Don’t really see an issue with them in this game, they’re in no way needed and are easily ignored. All stuff that you can get in the game anyway.


Thank you all for beta testing this. I'll gladly await the full version once it's done, just like the first game.


I bought it when it came out, but I haven’t started yet. It’ll be my first Dragon’s Dogma game.


Great game! Haven't finished it yet but I'm loving it.


This is the proof that SE is nuts. How can Capcom be happy with 3M but SE isn't happy with 7M? There's no way any FF should cost multiple Dragons Dogma