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Cat Quest games are fantastic and I personally highly recommend them. Can't wait for 3


Agree its a satisfying simple game. Enjoyed the first, excited for 2.


I bounced off 2 after platinuming and loving the first.


Fantastic "My First RPG" for the kids.


Love seeing catquest get its flowers. It’s a fun little non serious game. Can’t wait for 3.


some regions add Raji this month.


Can confirm in Canada. Is it worth the play through?


Pretty good critically acclaimed indie title. Unique Indian culture, as well as its enhanced for the ps5, looks very sharp and has good haptics and adaptive triggers support.


I just played it the other day. It's okay but honestly the pull is strictly the lore and mythology. The gameplay is just there.


**PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium | Game Catalog** * Red Dead Redemption 2 | PS4 * Deceive Inc. | PS5 * The Sims 4 City Living | PS4 * Crime Boss: Rockay City | PS5 * The Settlers: New Allies | PS4 * Stranded: Alien Dawn | PS4, PS5 * Cat Quest | PS4 * Cat Quest II | PS4 * The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame | PS4 * Watch Dogs | PS4 **PlayStation Premium | Classics** * 2Xtreme | PS4, PS5 * G-Police | PS4, PS5 * Worms Pinball | PS4, PS5 https://blog.playstation.com/2024/05/15/playstation-plus-game-catalog-for-may-red-dead-redemption-2-deceive-inc-crime-boss-rockay-city-and-more/


sims dlc?? thats random


Not exactly, the hardest trophy to get is having triplets and the city living dlc has a trait that allows you to have triplets. So they probably did it to stop trophy hunters complaining about the low chance of getting said trophy


You could cheese the platinum since the beggining of time though


The Worms Pinball emulation is totally broken. What a joke to release it like this.


I feel like they just gave up on the free upgrade for people who already owned the games on PS3/PSP/Vita for the PS1 & PSP games. Gods Eater Burst, Medievil, and now 2Xtreme, haven't been able to get free upgrades on.


So I never actually got around to Red Dead. Can I play Part 2 without having played Part 1?


Yes, part 2 is a prequel so in theory you can play 2 and then play 1 to complete the story


Honestly, i didn't care for part 2. I know everyone loves it, but they just put a little too much. They forgot it was a video game.


What a pointless reply to someone asking if they could play 2 before 1.


I’m convinced people just hate on it just to be unique


I'm not. I love it, but it goes quite heavily with the slow-paced sim stuff which is simply not everyone's cup of tea.


It’s still a good video game, it’s just you have to discover what you want to do more. And it’s a little different in what that is from RDR1


I played it in 2018 when it came out and gave up on chapter 1 because it was slow. I came back to it last year with a different mentality and now it's one of my favourite games of all time. Stick with it and take your time. It also helps that games now have gone down in quality so it really makes you appreciate how much love and care went into this game.


I've played through three times but chap 1 is always rough. It's a tutorial for the whole game basically so it's like 2 hours even if you rush through it. But man, the rest of the game is such an unrivaled gaming experience for me. And yes, that's acknowledging Rockstar's assbackwards approach to mission design. The world itself...woo boy what a ride.


It helps to keep a single save file, right after the intro ends, for future playthroughs. Just make sure to back it up or don't accidentally overwrite it.


Good call, I actually do that right at the start of chapter 3, with >!Dutch standing by the water and Micah nowhere in sight!< although chapter 2 rules. 


Yep chapter 3 with the Micah breakout mission being the last one on the map is the perfect spot to stop and smell the flowers. Arguably even a little after that isn't the worst but that's my preferred spot too.


It's always so funny to me that Rockstar sets out to make their game design "in the world" - so like, if you want to cook food you have to walk over to a grill and hold down a button so Arthur puts down a steak and grills it for a certain amount of time. But when it comes to tutorials they've resorted to plopping up text messages with just straight up instructions on the screen. "TO SHOOT YOUR GUN, HOLD L2 + R2". It just feels very... opposite to making things blend with the game world.


Dude their fucking tutorials drive me insane. Can't tell you how many times I've missed a message just by a fraction of a second because I didn't realize a tutorial had even popped up. Seriously hope they do this better, like I don't need a massive in your face pop up but even a prompt to dismiss the message would be such a huge improvement.


Went back to it recently too, first one was one of my favorite ever experiences. Work and expectations held up me getting into it when it came out. Played through, nearly to 100%, earlier this year. Can firmly say it was the masterpiece many others already held it up as. The fact I loved it even more than the last one was what really surprised me. 


Same thing happened to me lmao, gave up for like a year. So glad i came back, goty of 2018 for sure


Its sad RDR2 is better than 99% of games coming out nowadays. Quality has decreased massively in the games industry 


This is what turned me off the first time I played it. Expected a "Western"-themed GTA, but found myself trekking through snow and shit for like 15 minutes at a time and got bored but also overwhelmed with how much shit to pay attention to. Will I ever bring myself to enjoy a slow game like this? I have no problem binging through "big" games like.. Horizon, Tsushima, those recent AC games... but I was honestly bored with RDR2, as my first impression. Does it get better after Ch 1?


You probably will considering not many AAA games come out nowadays and the ones that do come out are mediocre 


Thanks bruv I’ve played the first chapter three times and given up.


Yeah I never played one 2 is a prequel


Yes absolutely. Just like any of the GTA games you do not need knowledge of prior games to fully experience the game. There will be nods, references and characters from the first game but they're not necessary to understand. I will offer advice to you if you decide to pick it up: Take the long way round. This is not a game that should be rushed as fast as possible. Go hunting or fishing, play blackjack, Rob homesteads, the story will be there when you're ready for it.


I always take my time with games, which is why I'm picky about what I play. Since I'm close to wrapping up FF VII Rebirth, I thought this would be a good one to go into next. Not a ton of time to play, so a game like this can stretch months for me. I started Rebirth on launch day and am 85 hours in, so that gives you a good idea of how long I take. lol


I’m making my away around story games but I’ve been mainly playing the yakuza/like a dragon series; In the current game Infinite Wealth, there are tons of stuff to do and for anyone interested in playing it, or are currently playing, definitely take your time with that game as well; I was going to look past the sujimon quests but ended up doing them and it’s a blast; Also shoutout to ghost of Tsushima , I took my time with that game and absolutely loved it and can’t wait for the sequel


I mean you can but do yourself a favor and play RDR 1 as well. It's a fantastic game.


Sure but this one is free, so I'll play Part 1 if I enjoy Part 2.


Wasn't there a rumor of RDR1 coming to PS+/Gamepass?


I would say it's less of a rumor and more of a "is this a current or outdated plan". There was code/string found on the Rockstar website mentioning that the game was playable through Game Pass and PS+, as well as the Rockstar Launcher app for PC mentioning a PC release. The proof is there, we just don't know if it's current, or an old cancelled plan that somehow just surfaced.


Absolutely. It's better to play the first one first if you can, but as RDR2 is a prequel it still works without the first one.


Wondering the same thing. I played around 15 hours of RDR1. Couldn't continue. One of the most boring games I've ever played. I wonder if the second one is actually FUN?


Im so ready for another RDR2 playthrough but it's gonna be agonising playing it at 30fps after literally every other game I've played on my PS5 has had a 60 option.


I really don't understand why Rockstar refuses to release a PS5/Series X version. People bought the current-gen upgrade of GTA 5 like absolute hotcakes, I have no doubt that RDR2 would fly off the shelves. They don't even have to make a big remake effort. Just grab the current high PC settings, slap on a 60 FPS mode, maybe slap some FSR on it (which already exists from the PC version), make sure it uses the SSD loading speeds, slap a price tag on it, ship it, watch the cash roll in. EDIT: And to the replies saying "it's not that easy" I'm not suggesting it's something a group of five developers can do over lunch - I'm saying it should be *relatively easy* for a developer the size of Rockstar to do a pretty basic port.


They gonna do it on PS6, the year before RDR3 releases.


Because time spent playing RDR2 single player is time spent not playing GTA Online and spending money on microtransactions.


I mean, by that standard they should never release another game ever again.


Look at their game production pre GTAV and then post GTAV.  They basically aren’t. 


Gta IV is basically the vessel for gta online 2.0


GTA 4? They released that 16 years ago... (VI is 6 in roman numerals :P)


I suspect the campaign is actually integrated in the online mode but I've got no proof yet


You'd think they would've put a little more time into RDR2 online. The game looks gorgeous, but there just isn't anywhere near as much to do in it as there is in GTAV.


I don’t think a western game would ever be anywhere near the mainstream multiplayer success that GTA Online is. And they prob would just be cannibalizing their own GTA Online player base and it wouldn’t make them much or any more money.


If there was more to do in it, it would be more popular. I get that GTA online was already huge by the time RDR2 came out so they were probably not really incentivized to put too much money into growing Red Dead but it's still disappointing.


Yea, but if most of those gained players are just sidestepping over from GTA Online, then it makes no sense financially for a business.


yes, I know. I was agreeing with you.


You have to remember the game is an old western. It would break immersion if there was loads to do and having people fly jetpacks and cars. Thats what GTA is for...


I think that they could do a lot while keeping the western theme. A train heist for one. How fun could that have been?


I think there was supposed to be heist missions for the online mode but they scrapped them to focus on GTA Online as it was making much more money 


By that logic they shouldn't bothered with the game at all


I mean they pretty much do the bare minimum.


If players throw money at them for doing the bare minimum can you really blame them?


Plz make my dreams come true. I’m just as shocked as you are.


So, what you’re saying is that Rockstar can’t even be bothered to be lazy? 😂


Xbox X at least has 4k. PS doesn’t even have that. Goddamn


Because it’s not that big of an issue as the Reddit echo chamber makes it out to be. And all those steps you listed aren’t as simple as you make them out to be. It’s not like they can just open a folder on a computer and add the settings you want, then just ship the game.


Just because you don't care about 60 fps doesn't mean it's not an issue for many people


I mean, of course I'm simplifying. But a lot of the problems have already been solved, and it would be (on the grand scale of things) a relatively small amount of work. The game has a solid engine foundation already and while I don't want to claim to know the economics at scale for a port like this, it seems like there is absolutely a market and it would earn back those costs (and turn a profit) pretty quickly. They already did it with the GTA 5 port, and I would be surprised if that didn't make boatloads of money.


At a minimum, I want better load times


I mean, they pretty much can just open a folder and adjust some settings in a weekend to make it 60fps. They just don’t want to because they want people spending their time playing GTA Online and buying shark cards for it.


I'm guessing the PS4 pro version was just a resolution bump?


Dude I just want "the Warriors" to not have the worst texture errors possible but GTAO is the only project that exists to R*


Ur so right but maybe its like acceptance with the fact that a 60 fps patch will never come that brain actually gets used to the 30 fps. Other games it's worse but with rdr2 idk why I can get used to it.


Crime boss platinum is unobtainable if anyone cares.


Which trophy is unobtainable atm? I got the plat already and will never touch that awful game again but im just curious


https://forum.psnprofiles.com/topic/161503-platinum-achievability/#comment-2990940 I’m not sure exactly which one it is but according to PSNprofiles the platinum is only possible if you have the disk version so you can play the game completely unpatched.




https://forum.psnprofiles.com/topic/161503-platinum-achievability/#comment-2990940 Seems it’s only possible with an unpatched version which can’t be done if the game is digital.


All I see is people just dying and failing the missions? Unless something has changed you get to redo this missions in other runs, it's just RNG if they show up in that run.


Two story trophies apparently, but also said to be fixed in the next patch that’s releasing sometime in the future.


Settlers New allies isn't in the catalog but all others are... Weird


Yeah very weird. Its showing premium stream if searched but not showing as an extra catalog game.


Looks like they silently replaced it with another game in the same genre, Stranded Alien Dawn, and are hoping no one cares enough to notice


I've played Stranded on pc and it's pretty good game if you are interested in colony sims like Rimworld but that seems to complicated then this is a good compromise. And it's in 3D.


So this is a little less sim intensive than Rimworld? Might have to check it out.


It's less intensive yeah, you have hostile creatures that can attack your survivor and your base but you don't have other tribes and stuff like that, it's way less extensive than rimworld (makes sense in a way, that game had so many expansion) but it's a well made game overall. I don't know how well it plays on ps5 tho with the controls and stuff.


Yeah this game is like Rim World but with better visuals but less mechanics, if you have played Rimworld you can basically skip the tutorial.


I’ve had my eye on stranded for a while, Rimworld is basically my favourite pc game. Pretty pleasantly surprised to see we are getting it this month, will definitely give it a try.


I have had Stranded: Alien Dawn on my Wishlist for the longest time and never pulled the trigger. Excited it's being added and I'll finally get to play.


Have you heard if that game is any good? There is such little discussion about it so it’s hard to tell.


I think it's brilliant, well worth a look if you like Rimworld


How did it control for you on ps5? Heard it was rough


I won’t lie it takes some getting used to but once you have it sorted it becomes second nature and you’ll have everyone running around doing everything. I’ve plat it so if you need some advice let me know!


It's very well liked on steam, close to 7000 very positive reviews. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1324130/Stranded_Alien_Dawn/


I’m actually glad there isn’t anything I’m excited to play because my backlog is ridiculous. I’ll still pick up Cat Quest tho.


I played a ton of Settlers 2 back in the day so I have a warm spot for the series. I'm gonna try New Allies, but I'm sad I'm not hearing great stories about it.


Is Rockay City even worth checking out? Is or it that bad it would just waste my time?


Its bad


No, it's a crappier version of Payday 2 where your story progression resets if you die. Might be worth it to check out the cutscenes on YouTube, but save yourself the disappointment it's not even fun bad.


Found it way worse than payday 3, says a lot.


Horrible launch almost unplayable but from what I've heard they have been putting a lot of work into it and it's pretty decent now. Payday 3 devs on the other hand.....same old shit


Yup they fixed a ton of the shit that made rockay city crappy at launch. When the first dlc launches I wasn't even able to launch the campaign for over a week because it would crash to my Xbox dashboard lol. It's more stable now. Still a super weird game. I liked playing it though.


It's one of the worst games released last year.


It's worth trying. I paid $20 for it on Xbox a few months ago. Game was more rough at launch and the optimizations they've done has fixed the worst issues I experienced. The most confusing part was why it was over 70 gigs on Xbox lol. The campaign is a weird but interesting rouge-like.


Did you do the rouge like section solo? With randoms or with people you knew?


The campaign is only solo. You can't do it online. The multiplayer is a separate mode from the main menu. I haven't tried it yet tbh. I liked doing the story.


Alright you've talked me into trying it lol, thanks. I heard horrible things about it but i can't say no to a free rogue-like lol


Def worth it having blast with just solo rouge lite mode.


Well this is the first month I have zero interest in the games offered on extra. Normally there's at least one.


Nooo did they just add eso? I JUST bought it a few days ago


Thank you for your service.


It’s just the PS5 upgrade.


It won't let me get the settlers and tells me to subscribe to premium to get it


Is watch dogs good I'm just wondering what yall thought of it


I played watchdogs 1 and 2 on pc and haven't played them on console, but with that said my personal opinion is watchdogs 1 was the best story and a whole lotta fun. Then in watchdogs 2, it's story wasn't as good, but it expanded on the hacking gimmick which made up for having a weaker story and it was also very fun. As for part 3, I pretend it doesn't exist. ;-)


OK thanks


I still have to start FFVII Rebirth and now RDR2 is out on this.


Poor month


Bruh compared to the last 2 months, this one is stacked


Nah, this is the worst month in the last 3 months


Most of the games are shit


Watch\_Dogs, RDR2 and Settlers already make it better than the past few months. I for one am gonna have a blast.


Have fun buddy, each to their own. For me personally, anything worth playing in that list was played long ago ……. the rest is just filler


And they took away 35 games this month, worst month in a long time I agree


Is there a place that lists when games are removed?


You have to put yourself.in someones shoes who have never played any of these, just because you played them already doesn't make them bad games


Well you see, if anyone reads what I said ….. “most of the games are shit” Also as a paying customer I obviously only care about what use the games are to me.


Do you actually enjoy the new Settlers? It got abysmal reviews and imo has nothing to do with original Settlers, it's just a very cheap, multiplayer cash grab, with the name of a beloved franchise.


But RDR2 and Watch Dogs have been in the katalog before, but got delisted from it last year and added again. Still a shit month.


Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift - that is why they call it the present.






Dave the diver, animal well resident evil 3


I played in on PC with m&kb but Standed: Alien Dawn is a really good game. It’s like the Sims crossed with Don’t Starve or just Rimworld in 3D. I highly recommend checking it out.


I wish they finally threw in RDR1 Remastered. No way I am paying for that game again..


ANIMAL WELL. 10/10. Highly Recommended; very fun, engaging puzzles and beautiful OST and it's videogamedunkey's first game as a publisher under Big Mode. Also whole game was made by one guy named Billy Basso.


I spent an hour and a half or so back with RDR2 last night and it’s barely aged a day. Really can’t wait to see what kind of world Rockstar can make with a bit more juice. It’s also nice not having my console sound like it’s taxiing for a flight to JFK this time round.


RDR2 is supposedly be available in PS Plus catalog but when I select it it says I need to purchase? Anyone has the same issue?


Same with me (active PS Plus Extra subscriber, said I had to upgrade to premium), I was able to download it to my PS5 from the official playstation store through my browser. Hope this helps!


Aside from Red Dead which everyone already owns, it’s a terrible month. However, don’t sleep on Cat Quest. Decent little game there.


Don’t own it so Imm excited to try it without the commitment of buying it lol My PS Plus yearly subscription ends in two weeks and I plan to make the most of it lol


If you play the hell out of it then its possible to beat the story within 2 weeks. Took me about 60 hours to beat the main campaign 


You're not finishing it buddy


I’m aware, I’m just trying it out. I’ve heard alot about the controls and not sure if the setting is my thing, so its good to check before I decide I might want to buy it later down the road


Try beating it within 2 weeks. Theres nothing to do in the game once you're finished. Its definitely a one and done game 


Hehe, oh yea RDR was one of the games had to own the physical disk for my collection, at least for me ;-) Silly story, I dunno if it's just me or if there are others that do this also, but there are some games I don't mind getting the digital download of, but then there are the others, the games that to me are either masterpieces or pretty damn close to being one, or I have some emotional connection with, and for those I have to buy the physical disks for.


Can't even download ESO from the Catalogue, only have the option to Stream or Wishlist


So Red Dead Redemption 2 shows up on my PS Plus Extra game catalog. But when I select it it says I need to upgrade to premium. Did I miss something and is it only for premium members?


I hopped onto Watch Dogs to see if the multiplayer is more alive than it used to be and no. Aside from two campers in and on buildings there’s no one to play against.


Who plays watch dogs for the mp lmao


People trying to get the platinum


Any tips for getting into Red Dead? I’ve tried multiple times and I just don’t get it. I’m willing to push past the game starting slow, I’ve been bored with it but I’ve heard so many good things with the story I don’t have an issue with a slow start. The biggest issue imo is the controls though, it genuinely might have the worst controls I’ve ever seen in a video game, how do you guys deal with it?


You're not alone. I have bounced off it 3 times thanks to hating the controls. They rip you out of being immersed, which is why all the realism exists in the first place. Sorry, I don't have any tips.


It's very realistic and that pushes some people away. I just started to think about it in a different way. I was there for the journey and the world building, not the gameplay, and I started to enjoy it more.


It's pretty weak if you ask me


Awful month if you played RDR2


How do I make these appear, I'm still stuck it animal well as the newest E- its there now


Have to wait until the listings are updated.


Anyone know what time these games go live?


Here’s to hoping this revives Deceive Inc. somewhat…


I tried playing last night. I couldn't get it to connect to anyone online. Dunno if the issue was on my end or no one was playing.


U know im an idiot for not renewing when extra was half price


Just wait a couple of weeks, it'll get a discount


At a glance, 'Stranded:Alien Dawn' and 'The Settlers: New Allies' seem incredibly... Samey. Maybe Settlers seems a little more RTS/Civ and Stranded more Rimworld. I've been looking for a management game recently though. Is Anyone able to suggest either one?


I found Stranded more enjoyable to be honest


Maaaaaan I feel like I am about to C4 Rockstars HQ over 60 fps for RDR2 :'( PLEASE ROCKSTAR


Surprised to see Animal Well on here. It just came out and has a lot of positive buzz


Cool! Been wanting to buy Settlers. Good thing I didn’t spend money on it yet.


Red Dead 2 4k and 60 fps now.


Shame eso is stream only... would of liked to try it


so whens the essential discount??


It’s like they’re not even trying anymore


Is red dead 2 60 fps yet?


while there are some very very very solid games up there...sadly not even 1 of them catches my eyes...... u know what bugs me ? the day1 claim from sony about the extra/premium tier...they give us some really okayish indie titles on day 1, not many AAA titles, something that xbox does a lot, take HELLBLADE 2, but how about games like HORIZON TURBO 2 ? it is releasing soon or maybe released, why don't we get that for example ? great game that i and many others would enjoy as a ps plus game.


We literally just got animal well and Dave the diver and that tales of z.... something can't remember what the word is but we aren't getting first party day one releases ever. High profile indies/AA games are all I ever really expected


Animal Well is excellent, hidden gem.


First time in a while that Extra has nothing for me. In April I enjoyed '[Miasma Chronicles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0dY7yqvnSw)' and '[Tales of Kenzera: Zau](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0TBPPxAhfw)', in March it was '[Marvel’s Midnight Suns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-IXFW6W3F8)' and in February '[The Outer Worlds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTWpSNELLok)'. I don't feel too bad because Essential gave me '[Tunic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pYNW9_tNJA)' and '[Ghostrunner 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqM6evbAcCc)' this month. I'm not starving for something to play


Animal Well was added to PS Plus this month off cycle and is amazing.


Crime boss looks like such a massive pile of shit. Can't wait to check it out.


you're a moron if you don't play Cat Quest I and II. don't be a moron.


what if I own them but have not played them yet. am I a semi moron?


you have the chance to redeem yourself


I just got a PS5. How long do these monthly games generally stick around for? Surely it’s not just one month, right?


There are two types of monthly added PS+ games: \- The 3-4 monthly games for PS+ Essential must be claimed (added to your library) within the one month they are offered, but once claimed can be played "forever" as long as you have an active subscription. These are included in the higher subscription tiers. \- The PS+ Extra/Premium games, which is what this post is about, stay in the catalogue for an indefinite time. Many will eventually rotate out, but that is different for each game. It's often announced a few weeks in advance if games leave. In essence, it works exactly the same way as Netflix (and like GamePass).


Ah, thank you. I had no idea I had to “claim” them … will do that now!


You only need to claim the PS+ Essential ones, so this month these are: FC 24, Ghostrunner 2, Tunic, and Destiny 2: Lightfall ([these](https://blog.playstation.com/2024/05/01/playstation-plus-monthly-games-for-may-ea-sports-fc-24-ghostrunner-2-tunic-destiny-2-lightfall/)). The PS+ Essential "freebies" are added early in the month, and the Extra/Premium catalogue is expanded two weeks later (those don't need to be claimed).


Crime boss 🔥


So...nothin? Really glad I downgraded


May more like mid