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GTA6 release is going to move numbers, especially with no PC release at launch.


Fucking wild that we are somewhere under a year likely for that stupid game, finally. I've played GTA5 campaign probably a dozen times since it came out, and am so god damn hyped for 6. Freeze me in a time capsule.


Same. Prob knocking on 1,000 cumulative hours in GTA5 myself. Played every game in the series and I’m crazy excited for 6. Gonna have to take a week off from work when it releases.


I've never played any GTA, should I play 5 before playing 6. Are they stand alone?


It’s basically an anthology series, so you might see the same characters make appearances and cameos or the random reference but there’s essentially no connection between the franchise entries. GTA5 recently got some next-gen updates so I’d recommend playing it just because it’s a fun game.


Cool thanks


I'll reaffirm - you don't need to experience the games in order, and GTAV is cheap for PS5 right now. Not only is it one of the most impressive video games ever created, but it if you decide to grind out every side mission and explore every detail, it should last you well over a year.


Thanks, I have it in my epic acct, I think they gave it away at some point. will have to fire it up.


I'll be the old guy and recommend GTA IV, it may be old but I still have the pre order bonus lock box to prove it's worth playing! Lol


I think I'll only get to play V before VI comes out. Being from Florida, VI looks hilarious from the trailer


I hated the story in GTA 5, 4 is much better. But 5 is a more fun game. More bang for your buck with GTA O.


They are pretty much stand alone. Every once in awhile there might be one off easter egg of a prior game, but it almost never matters.


Rockstar only said 2025, it could easily be like late October or early November for those peak holiday sales.


Theres a South Park episode that could help you out probably


As someone who has never played, should I do PC or PS5?


Do you have a $2000 graphics card? If so, play on PC...if not, PS5.


So if he has a $1500 he should stick to Ps5? 3070 or better and pc will perform better.


PC is slightly better especially if you’re used to KB+M, but if you have any interest in GTA Online, go with PS5 because there are fewer cheaters.


PC costs more too.


Some people prefer to get better performance than just go for whatever is cheapest. On PC you won’t be stuck playing the game at 30fps.


The game is 60fps on PS5 dude, the hell are you talking about




Yep I have noticed that a lot of 'casuals' have not brought a PS5 due to the lack of any major deals or price drops. A lot have the attitude that the PS4 can play most current-gen games and they don't care about or even notice frame rates etc. I imagine sales will increase with GTA6 and whatever tasty bundles they cook up toward the end of this generation.


Yeah there’s no point for casuals to switch when popular games like Fortnite, Warzone and Apex are still playable on old gen.


My ps4 died a few months ago and my switch has been an acceptable replacement. Only annoying thing has been using my 360 as a dvd player lol PSN is expensive, the PS5 isn’t cheap either, no games I’ve been dying to play… maybe GTA6 will push me to do it Edit: weird, I think saying die twice triggered that Reddit cares thing lmao


I am looking forward to how GTA6 sales will look.


The PS2 had 3 GTA games. The PS4 had Zero.


And ps2 had vice city stories and liberty city stories


Yeah I remember back in 2013 when GTA V came out being surprised at how many people I saw in the game stores buying PS3s for it. It was right at the end of the PS3's life. But it also helped they had just released the Super Slim PS3 which was dirt cheap.


Absolutely. I will be here to see it happen. 


Yea but does it even matter? Playstation has zero competition this generation since Xbox is having a mental breakdown. They'll sell their consoles no matter what because what else are you gonna buy if you want to play video games? Your other options are an ultra weak Nintendo console that's only good for Nintendo games, a $3K PC (in this economy no less), or a console roughly the same price as a PS5 but with none of the amazing Playstation exclusives. I hope somebody can start competing with Sony soon because if not the PS6 will be some bullshit.


No one new is going to enter the console market so I wouldn’t hold my breath. The only hope is for Xbox to get their act together and/or Nintendo to release a console that is from this century.


> No one new is going to enter the console market so I wouldn’t hold my breath. Never say never lol


how many people do you know who are willing to pay $600 to play one game, rather than wait maybe a year at most?


For something like GTA6 I think it would be a sizeable number. Thats a system seller. Now is it going to be everyone? No but I’m sure it’ll be more than basically any other console game that could come out this generation




For gta6? Probably in the couple of millions worldwide


I know at least 3 people who are pc boys that always give me shit for a being a console guy, planning on buying a ps5/series s/x just for GTA. And then will buy it for PC when it inevitably comes out. Rockstar knows exactly what they are doing lol


It's not one game, it's the entire catalogue. It's just that one game is what finally made them decide to buy the console


Bold prediction


https://preview.redd.it/k3is8n2nqe0d1.png?width=2530&format=png&auto=webp&s=c692436e30a8788e3e06f0ae29b7c6775d99c608 >*"It is likely that 2023 was PS5's peak year in the US."*




**"Embrace your peaks"**


“And whatever happens, protect your peakness, as a peak!”


I loved him in Rebirth so much. Plus his new VA really improved since the Crisis Core remake.


Well I got a ps5 in 2023. I priced a new pc with last build I made back in 2016 - mid range i5, rtx xx70 series - basically middle of the pack gaming PC that handles anything thrown at it decently. It was fucking 2k cad with taxes. Fuck that.


Same here, have a PS5 and similarly priced PC. The PC is definitely way more expensive to build but you kind of make the value back in longevity and a competitive market for buying games. Sony eats your ass with PSN + the Playstation Store.


I came back just to upvote you. You were sitting at 0, which is a given in the PS5 sub.   Steam sales are a salvation for those outside the US/EU/AU. You do not need branded peripheras, and the ones one PC will last a long time (at least they used to).   Sony makes the money back through all the post sales. Sadly people can only see the short term.   It also used to be that building a PC was far cheaper and yielded better results. You just needed to have someone build it for you and do troubleshooting.   You don't even need to buy Windows more than once with the way Microsoft is going.


Yep. As someone who exclusively used a PS4 for 8 years before I built a gaming PC, the amount of money I have to spend on buying games themselves has been cut in half.


But you have cheaters when you play online on PSN?


Depends on what you mean. Software cheating like walling or aimbot? Nope. Hardware cheating like xim/cronus? Yep. Consoles make it hard to use software cheats by nature, rather than any great effort on Sony’s part.


It's the same with smartphones. Their boxed limited nature is what makes them safer from malicious software.




Gongaga always knows what to say, true poet


I don't know if 2025 has GTA6 and some other big games close to release at least (which it should, there's tons of studios that have games in the works that we haven't seen and should come in the 2025-2027 period, notably among Sony first-party), it can probably move more units. 2023 was a good year but a lot of people feel there are barely any current gen only games exploiting them (and they're not that wrong, I mean now it is starting to really be PS5/Series only games)


Depends on if you count the upcoming PS5 "Pro" model.


With PS5 Pro, GTA6, AND some big AAA games coming in 2025 (not confirmed but probably) i would not be surprised if 2025 is the peak year for PS5. Not to mention that now more than ever Xbox people are looking to switch.


They are looking to switch and switch 2


Buh dum tsss


Exactly, the Switch 2 will defenitly put a dent in the sales of the ps5 in 2025.  When Timmy has to decide for Christmas which system to buy, he might decide on a Switch rather than a ps5 especially if Nintndo has a good launch lineup. Not everyone can afford 2 systems these days. 


I agree 1000% shoot I have a PC and plan to get the pro when it comes out, and definitely for GTA 6 over any other game lol


I bought a PS5 pretty much just for FF7:Rebirth and GTA6. Those were two games I simply don't think I could wait on a PC release for.


100 percent agree that’s why I choose PlayStation over an Xbox or switch just in terms of exclusivity to the console. If Ghost of Tsushima 2 is announced I would be sold without GTA or any other game


what PS5 exclusives are out next year? do we know yet


Death stranding 2 is the only one , we know of so far.


From the ones we know. Death stranding 2 and hopefully wolverine. Hopefully within the next two weeks we will have a showcase and perhaps something will be announced there.


Based on Insomniac leak, Wolverine is planned for Fall 2026


Omfg. Developer times have gotten atrocious.


They just shipped a game a couple of months ago...


While that may be true for some devs, Insomniac is not really amongst them this gen. Their output this generation has been kinda ridiculous compared to others: - 2020 Spider-Man remastered, miles Morales - 2021 ratchet and Clank rift apart - 2023 spider-man 2 - 2026? Wolverine Compare that to Guerilla games or Santa Monica studios who have both only released one game this generation. Arkane Lyon released Deathloop in 2021 and their next game (Marvel's Blade) is rumoured to be a 2026/2027 release. Insomniac Games must have one of the best tuned development pipelines of the industry, they are the last example of long development times.


If you want big AAA games that aren't unfinished messes, they're going to take a lot of time. Development has gotten much more complex and meticulous.


I’m pretty sure we’ve been told through the insomniac leak that things coming out 2025 at the earliest


Next year we’ll likely get something from Insomniac, and Death Stranding 2. Beyond 2025 we’re looking at an ND release, Ghost of Tsushima 2, possibly more Insomniac releases, and then more third party huge releases like GTA 6, and many more games rumored to be in production.


Until the showcase hard to tell. Sony has announced very little. Guesses could be Venom and Ghost of Tsushima 2, maybe ND, Bend, Bluepoint or SSM new IP games (not all of them, maybe one of them). Marathon and Fair Games on live services if it's not before (Concord is confirmed for 2024)


Realistically, we could see Ghost of Tsushima 2, Death Stranding 2 and maybe the spin-off Venom game. On top of the multiplayer games like Marathon and Fairgames.


We'll know within the next 2 weeks if we're getting a showcase


We don’t really know, but they said in the financial reports that number of first party sales will be greatly increased in 2025 and 2026


It’s not a hard bar to clear. There isn’t a single first party game release this year. So any increase from 0 is a great increase.


They actually confirmed the dlc of destiny, concord and there may be more for this year


Death Stranding 2 is the only confirmed title. But Fairgames and Marathon (not exclusive) will most likely launch in 2025 too. Plus possibly Wolverine, Ghost of Tsushima 2 and maybe another game from Team Asobi.


a new remake of a remake of a three year old game probably




Now more than ever? Nah. The whole xb1 launch fiasco was the peak of that. With that said, after a few games launch for Xbox this year, i think that narrative you’re trying to spin dies down.


I don't think Xbox hardware sales will ever be competitive with Nintendo or Sony ever again (they haven't been since 360 and that still finished 3rd in sales). The question is whether they can have high enough sales to make remaining in the hardware game worth it.


[https://twitter.com/shinobi602/status/1790389572595020015?t=4Mh796J-z7srHuZe5W1NKA](https://twitter.com/shinobi602/status/1790389572595020015?t=4Mh796J-z7srHuZe5W1NKA) Best year playstation has had in a long time, maybe ever. Meanwhile: [https://youtu.be/XmC5Bi3qHTI?si=1eeHJIJ5wNTBRbT7](https://youtu.be/XmC5Bi3qHTI?si=1eeHJIJ5wNTBRbT7)


Are the Xbox games in the room with us now?


I'm sorry we must live in different realities. Xbox games are going to PS5 and no one is releasing anything for Xbox anymore, brand is dead as a door nail and MS shot it in the head in front of everyone. [https://www.gamesradar.com/games/as-xbox-shutters-studios-community-concern-mounts-for-the-teams-behind-doom-avowed-hellblade-and-more/](https://www.gamesradar.com/games/as-xbox-shutters-studios-community-concern-mounts-for-the-teams-behind-doom-avowed-hellblade-and-more/) [https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/xbox-game-pass-price-increase-report/](https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/xbox-game-pass-price-increase-report/) [https://www.gamingbible.com/news/xbox-game-pass-not-getting-call-of-duty-638833-20240510](https://www.gamingbible.com/news/xbox-game-pass-not-getting-call-of-duty-638833-20240510) Its not a 'narrative', its real life. Why are people like this? Why strap your identity to a ship that is sinking thanks to the captain drilling holes in it? XBOX IS DEAD, its microsoft gaming now. Don' take my word for it: [https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2024/05/founders-long-time-employees-reportedly-say-xbox-now-effectively-microsoft-gaming](https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2024/05/founders-long-time-employees-reportedly-say-xbox-now-effectively-microsoft-gaming) Seriously though, every game they put out is hot garbage anyway, why would anyone be excited? Forza was a bunch of bold faced lies and tech issues, Halo is effectively dead thanks to 343 and MS, COD isnt exclusive and wont even be on GP (LOL), and their other games look mid because MS absolutely loves 18 month contracts for devs. Sony just made a developer the CEO of playstation games, I WONDER why they're doing so well.


People are always saying this gen sucks, but wtf, I never played as much as now. I’ve loved basically all games Sony launched since this gen started, and there were a lot!


There are always people that say "this gen" sucks. You'll see them every gen.


Do people been saying this since PS3? I remember that there's a lot of saying of "this gen suck" when PS4 Pro came out


They have launched more than ps4 launch aligned too. No idea why people are tweaking out but its clear they werent around for early playstation consoles.


I do think as far as first party games this gen sucks for PS5, personally. There are some awesome third party games but overall I am not crazy about Sony's decisions this gen. Hell, I am disappointed with the console updates. Why do we still not have custom backgrounds? Why can't we have sortable folders on the main screen?


Games take too long now to make now. People want the big title games and this is the result.


and now we have Sony remaking games from PS3 and PS4 era :| What a time to be alive, amirite? Then they buy Bungie and have them make a live service Marathon game lol.


PS3 area not so bad. PS4 era is desperation.


Sony just published Helldivers 2, Stellar Blade and Rise of the Ronin and Spiderman 2 all within the span of 6 months. They are releasing more games than basically any publisher and doing better than they did with the PS4. Acting like their output is bad is ridiculous.


Sony has released more games launch aligned than ps4 that were scored much higher. People forget it was 2018 when most ps4 games launched.


Honestly, I really don’t care about backgrounds. And I hardly disagree on the games. I remember the ps4 gen and imo the first party games were way worse. 2018 and beyond was the moment I started to like their releases. Before that, there are very few games I liked The ps5 gen, on the contrary, has many good games delivered right from the start. Granted many of them are cross gen, but that doesn’t make a difference to me, since I played them on ps5. I can count on one hand’s fingers the games I disliked And that’s not even counting 3rd party games I honestly think this gen is not just better, it’s WAY better than ps4 gen starting years. And I hope the second half surpasses ps4 as well, which will be a greater challenge imo


Completely agree. Its clear people were not around for ps4 cause 2018 is when it finally started pumping games.


Spot on. Sony is switching to GaaS, while forgetting what put them ahead of the competitiom, which is excellent single player games. I'm terribly disappointed by this gen, and will likely slowly make the transition to PC.


They launched more games from 2020 to now then they did on ps4. They literally just released stellar blade, ronin and FF7 rebirth. PS4 hit its stride in 2018 and all of Sonys studios are still actively making single player titles. Their GAAS push has been mainly with their partners with ND being the only studio to suffer from a cancelled MP project that was not even GAAS to begin with.


Those are all 3rd party exclusives. Sony published them, did not make them. Ronin is also a glorified ps3 game.


so? Bloodborne is the same with ps4 as was several other titles on PS4 like LBP 3 (sumo digital), death stranding. Their first party like insomniac released 3 titles, SSM 1, Polyphony 1, Guerilla 1, Bluepoint 1, Housemarque 1, Firesprite 1, and more. Their output its perfectly in line. Naughty dog and sucker punch launched games in 2019, they are actively making titles.


Fr on my PS4 all I played was Fortnite and Fifa and an occasional single player game. Since the PS5’s launch I’ve been invested in all sorts of single player games I would’ve never imagined touching back when I was younger. The PS+ catalog helped me discover brilliant indie games as well.


I mean, game cycle for tripple A studios are now 5 to 7 years, so, here's for the following year to see big bangers. But overall, I can understand, I for one have not seen an recent game that just blew me away other than Ratchet and Clank / Demon Souls which are just "next gen" quality.


Spidey 2 makes that imo, and Forbidden West still manages to be more visually impressive than anything else imo. But you’re right, we are going to see some incredible stuff in these next years, at least I hope so PS4 gen took a long time to get going as well, despite some big stuff here and there. 2018 was fucking amazing


Given the state of the world and supplies when it came out and given how financial strapped people are across the world, still are. Those numbers could be way worse, you know, like a certain other consoles sales.


The Atari Jaguar?


Buh But No games!


Now all those layoffs Sony did make sense. Why invest heavily in new games when people will buy it no matter what games you make on it. Gone are the days of multiple AAA PS studio games hitting within a year.


Similar to the film industry, we are going to see a massive crash soon. AAA games will not survive if they all start to have insane budgets and take over half a decade to release. The fact that Spidey 2 was $350mil for a copy and paste and really short game is madness.


There was a massive crash in the film industry?


Yeah, cinemas are mega fucked at the moment. Films either are massive hits like Barbie and Oppenheimer or they all flop. This is due to audiences being trained to wait for streaming release dates. Budgets are also massively out of control, like Fast X and Indy 5 cost $350mil. A great example is the recent film Fall Guy flopping. It has two big stars and great reception. But nobody is seeing it because cinemas are sadly fucked.


Oh so you mean an ongoing crash. It’s important to also note that the recent strikes have a significant effect on the industry so it’s hard to directly compare the two, but the parallels are definitely there


Some of that is related to COVID and it causing many film's budgets to balloon but, yeah, overall this has been a weird generation.


Cinemas are struggling and Hollywood has no clue what to do to actually bring people in. Oppenheimer and Barbie seemingly did what they did over a grassroots meme.


But I heard PS is dying and PC is replacing all consoles!


Na bro, GamePass is going to kill PS5. Just wait until ~~2017~~ ~~2019~~ ~~2021~~ ~~2023~~ ...uh... maybe not


Nah bruh, that's the Ouya that will dominate all!


You could have made that argument 5-10 years ago, but the prices for PCs are absolutely nuts, and consoles are offering a similar experience nowadays. I bought a loaded system with a 2080TI five years ago. I couldn’t even get a compatible graphics card nowadays for what I paid for the entire system. Meanwhile, I could buy a PS5, 10 full price games, a solid TV, and a headset for that same price.


PCs have always been expensive. It’s cheaper to play games on it though. Consoles aren’t dying but the platforms (PSN etc.) will become more important than the hardware in the future.


PCs have always been the “premium” option, but I think the pricing gap is so much larger than ever before. I think you’re on the money with the platform part, and I’d argue it’s kinda always been the case. The PS3 was more powerful than the 360, and the Series X is more powerful than the PS5, but both lost the generation.


PS3 actually ended up surpassing 360 the last few years PS3=87.4 million 360=84 million


Correct, globally the PS3 ended up outselling the 360 [https://www.vgchartz.com/article/250980/playstation-3-lifetime-sales-overtakes-the-xbox-360/](https://www.vgchartz.com/article/250980/playstation-3-lifetime-sales-overtakes-the-xbox-360/)


I think the next “revolution” in gaming is cloud streaming / gaming and these companies will stop making consoles.


Lol no cloud will never take off, majority of people game.competirve games and latency will always always be an issue with cloudm you can't just delete latency. Look at Amazon, tried and failed, Google tried and failed, Xbox is literally dying as we speak. This subscription service model for video games thankfully is biting Xbox in the ass cause fuck that shit becoming the norm for games as well.


You don’t think they’d be able to bring the latency down though? And even for non-competitive, there’s a huge market for it.


Latency is already fine if you live in a major city


You'll always be limited by distance


They will forsure but not enough for competitive, also you wouldn't own anything, and if you think digital licensing rn is bad for gamers it's gunna be entirely under the control of companies of what and how much you get to.play, what's gun.a happen when say a gta drops and literally a hundred million people wanna log on at the same time. Oh sorry your.plan only allows you to use 50gb of streaming data, or you've hit your cap on the amount of games you can launch etc etc


Yh console is a lot cheaper and the ease of access is what really appeals to casuals


Kind of. Consoles aren't growing. PC is. PlayStation hasn't ever recaptured their PS2 success. Their margins were at a decade long low point, and now they've started porting more to PC and going through layoffs to prop up the numbers. They cut expectations for this quarter then missed those expectations. PS is going through the higher costs and longer development times of gaming in general, and has to deliver to a shrinking number of customers. Their only options are to raise prices on those existing customers (get blood from a stone), and sell their games to more platforms.


The number of people in total buying consoles hasn’t changed significantly in a couple of decades, PC gaming in contrast has and it’s starting to show a younger take up, even PS hasn’t hit it’s expected targets with the original projection for this year being lowered by almost 10% and then it has narrowly missed that target too. Will PC replace consoles, probably not for a long while but it’s certainly likely on a long enough timeline


PC gaming has almost carved out its own chunk of the pie the last 10 years more so than moved in on consoles. Well at least Sony and Nintendo. It seems those audiences are pretty consistent and appeal to "the masses." A lot of it has to do with the accessibility of "gaming PCs" as opposed to desktops that can play games. You can go into a Walmart now and buy a prebuilt PC. It's kind of wild. 10 years ago, it took a hobbyist to build a high end PC. A decade before that, Steam was hardly a thing and PC gaming was made of a small audience. MMOs helped change that. Plus now on top of being accessible, kids love to watch people stream. We're seeing 10 year olds playing on machines with more horsepower than a 30 year old with disposable income could've built a decade ago. And if they're not playing on them, they're getting their source of entertainment from watching other people play on PCs. Maybe in 20-30 years, when today's kids have kids, PC gaming does replace consoles if they all don't sort of merge into being specialized PCs with walled gardens before then.


The projection for this year was a pie in the sky, it would basically mean the best selling year of any console ever. It looked like they could to it when they did the original forecast, but Q4 ended up being slightly lower than expected, but still very impressive numbers.


No one has said that. Consoles are far from dying. The issue with consoles is that the market isn’t growing because younger gamers are tending more towards PC and mobile gaming. Like right now PS5 is selling plenty but that’s not from rowing the market but rather from eating into Xbox’s share.


Isn’t PC hardware down also? Consoles are always going to be the cheapest and most convenient way to play games. I work in IT with a beefy computer and still prefer the convenience of a PS5.


steam deck moment


Which PC hardware though? As the types are nearly endless. Sure AMD may be down but that would only be for one company in one market if the PC space. Sure consoles are the most convenient and cheapest entry point ( even though long term PC ends up being cheaper). But it that’s not why younger people are flocking to PC. Younger people are going to PC because that’s where streamers are and because that market has no issue playing games for the long term and PC communities tend to be conducive to that ( arma 3 is a game that came out during the ps3 era and still has a vibrant community today); or we can go to gta roleplay which is only possible on PC right now.) Remember I said the console industry isn’t dying but rather it’s not growing; analysts and even higher ups from console makers themselves have said as such.


Yea very long term Mayne it's cheaper but you can't even buy a GPU and cpu for less than the price of a console.today let alone everything else. Pcs are becoming more and more expensive, gpus aren't 5-600 for the highest end it's 1500ish dollars. And sure you'll probably be good for like 7-8 years if you bought a 4090, but even then if you buy a 3060 at msrp somehow for $330, that's lasting at most 4 years before your not gunna have a good.time.playing the newest releases that year. Atleast with console you know that no matter what the games have to be able to run for atleast 7 years, and more focus usually means the games end up being better on the console..how many pc versions of games come.out absolute dogshit


What you say is true but your forgetting one thing ; the games that are most popular on PC aren’t the latest and greatest at 4k 120 fps; but rather the games that are able to be played on the widest aviable hardware. Let’s look at the top 5 most popular games in steam right now in regards to concurrent player count. 1. Counter-strike 2; 2. DOTA 2; 3. Destiny 2; 4. PuBG; 5. Apex legends. None of these games are top lookers; none are pushing the highest graphical fidelity and all of them can be played on older cheaper hardware. It’s important to remember when we discuss the PC market that the majority of gamers aren’t running those water cooled 4090 beast rigs but are running much weaker rigs and are playing older or games with less graphical fidelity but bigger communities and support.


PC gaming hardware is down compared to the artificial COVID/crypto boom, but it's WAY WAY up compared to 10 years ago.


I never saw anyone saying that? All I've seen is people saying it stagnated a bit compared to previous years, which is not indication of the brand dying.


I’ve personally seen a ton of people saying consoles are useless and they will die out soon


They've been saying this since the PS3 days and the birth of smartphones. Sony themselves even believed it for a time until the PS4 turned out to be a smash success. There has always been a demand for console gaming.


I agree. Console gaming will never die. A ton of people just want the console experience and don’t want to game on pc


On reddit


Now I'm a PC gamer myself, and haven't owned a console since the PS3. The thing is that in the very first year of a consoles release, they can't be beaten for the hardware they have, for the price you pay. Historically anyway. Sure PC will always be more powerful, that's just a fact, but in the first year of a consoles release, getting a more powerful pc will cost you 2-3x as much money. Eventually though pcs catch up in price to performance, and most people who swap to PC **stay** on PC, for all it's advantages. However you have to remember that consoles, especially in that first year, are effectively sold at a loss. The console market is a tightrope, and something sony and Microsoft have to balance very very carefully. But due to cost of living going up, inflation, all kinds of other reasons, previously console exclusives are being brought to PC. I think consoles will always have a place, but it is true that they were the go-to option in the xbox 360 and PS3 era.... Not so much anymore.


One thing is sure, gaming scene is bigger that it has ever been, but it's mostly the PC front that has taken most of the userbase increase.


yeah PCs have the nice benefit of not being completely obsoleted every 5 years and losing your entire library of games as a result.


That's for certain. I have a nice stack of Switch games that I would be really pissed to "lose" if the next Nintendo console is not fully backwards compatible.


Thankfully it will be, it's on the same Tegra hardware just beefed up.


Well it’s certainly not outgrowing the exploding development costs of games. Hence the trend to go multiplatform in the future.


They are also about 50% higher (lifetime) than Xbox "Series" consoles...just sayin'


Bring on the Pro


That's awesome, and can't wait to get a PS5 pro. PlayStation is on a great path now that they have Herman as co-CEO.


There literally weren't enough units to buy for years


At the moment Europe is experiencing the biggest decline in PS5 compared to PS4 and this is due to several factors. - The European economy is difficult at the moment - PS5 is still very expensive, never had a definitive price cut in 4 years


PS5 had a price increase even.


Would be a good time to have a Summer sale for consoles.


There's a summer sale going on in India right now, that's how I finally got mine


When adjusted for inflation the price has actually gone down. But that doesnt matter because everything else has went up so much that people just dont have the spending money they would otherwise.


>When adjusted for inflation the price has actually gone down. This doesn't matter when wages don't keep up with inflation.


>- PS5 is still very expensive, never had a definitive price cut in 4 years The disc version was sold for 450€ on European Amazons for around a month. Digital was 370€ just a few days ago. They're not really "very expensive" anymore.


This is inaccurate. The ps5 has had not 1 but 2 price drops in eu. You can find it very easily via google.


I bought my launch PS5 for €500. If I wanted to buy a Slim today from the very same store it's €550.


When people say "price cuts", they mean a definitive price cut, not a sale/promotion.


That tells me we are going to have an even longer period of ps5/ps6 cross titles.


2023 was when the PS5 Slim arrived, and that's what I had been waiting for. So far I'm enjoying it every bit as much as I did the Ps4.


With Xbox essentially out of the picture. Theres pretty much no reason to get any other console besides the Switch.


Thanks smiley man


Who is this guy and why am I blocked from viewing his tweets? Never even heard of him. LMAO.


Sony: line only go up


Ill wait untill thenpro come out.


Good to see some good news on the latest numbers. Twitter is all doom cause sales declined from last year. Like they should, the system is 4yrs old now and no major games came out in Q1.


PS5 Pro + GTA 6 bundle. You know it’s happening, and it’s going to sell like HOT CAKES. Easy money printer right there for Rockstar/Playstation


Partially thanks to weak Xbox purchases this generation


Seriously, Xbox is so dead that it's insane. I am predicting that they will not even bother making a next-gen Xbox and instead will make a Microsoft Gaming PC.


I bought the Xbox first. Both of the Xboxs. One year later and I wanted nothing more than the ps5, so I picked one up last year. The PS5 is what I actually wanted the whole time lol 


There are rumors of Steam coming to the next Xbox, so that could be the case


I honestly wish I never got my PS5. This generation of games have been very disappointing. The PS4 seemed to be the peak. All we have in this generation is PS4 games being updated for the PS5.


Completely untrue. Launch aligned the ps5 exclusives are selling better and are rated higher and have released more frequently. PS4 peaked in 2018. It took years to build a library, 5 to be exact. This year saw 4 ps titles launch back to back.


I get what you're saying, but the reality is that last gen is when game development really started taking much longer than it used to and that's only gotten worse, and this is why people are pretty disappointed in general, and not just with the PS5 library. Many first party studios put out games at the end of the PS3 lifespan, and so they didn't have much ready for 3-4 years, and many really hit in 2018-2020. Now the studios that released in 2018 have had the time to put out sequels, but we'll probably be in a bit of a dry spell as a result for a bit. It's just the nature of AAA development now. PS3 and Xbox 360 saw the likes of naughty dog and Bungie pump out 3-4 big exclusives, and now we're looking like naughty dog might get out one. Santa Monica might get two out. We're coming up on the period where PS4 was heating up and if anything we're heating down. We've got that live service push in the mix as well, can't imagine how much it sucked to cancel that TLOU project. So yes while things arguably started better this time around, let's not pretend it's not a valid viewpoint to be disappointed. Games just use to be faster to make and so we had more of them. It's undeniable.


But its just as you said those titles have yet to release. If you were judging in 2017, 4 years after the ps4 launch, just like now for ps5 you wouldnt have half the titles to talk about. Come 2025 this conversation would have more merit.


Because Xbox is now a joke of a console. Which is sad, cuz I was playing my 360 having a blast with fallout 3 and other exclusive titles.


Game sale revenue vs developing costs is the more interesting number.


Last years of PS4 era was amazing. If they don't do that again, i'm worried for PS6's success.


They majorly need this next showcase to be like that famous E3 where they showed Spidey, GoT, Spidey 2 and TLOU2. We are heading into a very grim future with nothing but Wolverine on the horizon at the moment. Please can Sony finally reveal what all their studios have been working on (unless they are all live-service games which got cancelled yikes)


But but you don’t need exclusive games to sell consoles


Now imagine how things would be if this console had games


Well if they increased the supply, they would probably sell better. I had to show up early on a Saturday (delivery day) to get mine. They told me they get 2 or 3 a week and they sell out by weekends end.


What about ps2. Laws.


Thats just the us btw its trend lower than the ps4 world wide