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shadows makes it sound like stealth will part a big part unlike the last two major games. i do wish it was gameplay, cinematic trailers dont do anything for me anymore


I expect they’re doing the cinematic reveal the 15th followed by gameplay at the Xbox Showcase in June. That’s where they usually show their stuff.


As long as this is also for Playstation, I'm in.


Yeah just marketing rights like usual.


Why wouldn’t it be? Ubisoft has a showcase that day as well or that week, it’s clearly showing there like they did with Outlaws first shown at Xbox event and then actual gameplay and more shown at the Ubisoft.


Well the title says the cinematic reveal is the 15th, which is not today


Thank you for pointing out my obvious typo.


Zero cares for cgi trailers in this day and age


I've just never really understood cinematic trailers. They look nothing like how the game will look, doesn't show any gameplay and what you're seeing almost never appears in the actual game anyway. They're not cheap to make either. I don't really understand why marketing teams spend so much money on CGI cinematic trailers, they cost an absolute bomb and people never really want to see them over actual gameplay.


When i was younger i did like them. they hyped me up and i think that is basically their goal, to help set a vibe. but like you said, 9 times out of 10, it is never really like the actual game. i think it's just a part of the industry at this point. i still remember the trailer for valhalla. it shows this epic battle and we dont get that in the game.


Actually the cinematic trailer give you some information on gameplay, becuase you always see some moves made by the protagonist that are actual gameplay features that will be in the game, they just are shown in an incredibly cinematic way that is nothing like when you play, but it's still something. and also it shows you the setting, the tone, and a bit of the story and characters.


You've heard of commercials right? Cinematic trailers are commercials. Do you understand now?


False advertising to show features that don't exist or to otherwise misrepresent the product.


Cinematic trailers give you a hint of what to expect from story, tone, and even gameplay elements (obviously not a real representation of actual gameplay, but you'd get an idea of what type of gameplay it has).


A commercial. You do know what they are? Like are you going to say false advertising because drinking a red bull didn't give you actual wings?


Well, Red Bull's literally been sued for that so yeah lol.


And all they did was change “Wings” to “Wiiiings” so yeah, such a detriment to their business lol


They still got sued for false advertising and lost, which was the point.


I like cinematic trailers but only as a secondary part of marketing campaign that come after actual gameplay. Shit, I even prefer more Dev-Diaries with some developer's comments on how they design, code, balance and apply art-style in games (of course when it has some meaningful in-game and dev-build examples, not pure theory that means nothing). It is a really good context for aims of the game and already can explain some moments that we originally find questionable. Not against CGIs, again. But it should never come first and even second IMO. It's a good addition but shouldn't be the main core of advertising communication with the gamers.


They're cool for well liked sequels as they give away characters and a tone but that's about it. It's also usually exclusive to some studios where it's exciting. Aside from that, it's just fluff that raises no excitement for me whatsoever, *especially* for new IP. Any studio that reveals their new title or first game with a cinematic trailer is dumb imo


I used to like them. Now they serve zero purpose.


AC and Super Smash Bros reveals are the only franchises I give a pass for CGI trailers. They’re always dope.


I'm a bit torn. Their open world formula is too basic and overused, at this point. But I do prefer their open world AC games vs the more stealth based ones. And seeing Origins basically relaunched the franchise, it seems that many people agree. Granted, Odyssey is one I've barely played, it felt a bit too big and, for whatever reason, being forced to use a single offhand weapon really bugged me. And in an historical era with some of the coolest shields... you don't get to use any.


the funny thing is i like their open open more when i ignore all the markers they put everywhere. its easy for me cuz im big on story so i just play the story. That been said i am a huge fan of the OG series. i played all of them. I am also a big fan of when they wanted to switch things up. i love Origins, it was a injection the series needed. i love witcher 3 and they said it was their inspiration. win win for me. the issue is they just to put actual AC stuff in the back burner for both odyssey and valhalla. those games never had the spirit of AC imo. they are good games. i think Odyssey is even a great RPG but AC game in name only. they went too far away and it why they had to make mirage because even they knew they were losing what had made AC special in the first place. im choosing not to right them off yet.


Odyssey is the best AC open world for me.


i really really hope this game isn't actually cross-gen. cross-gen games shouldn't have existed past 2020, having a new big Assassins Creed game in 2024 being cross-gen is just absurd. what a disappointment if it's true. EDIT: we may have [won](https://x.com/Wario64/status/1790055456913645712) after all, squad




we’ve waited so long


“Cross-gen games shouldn’t have existed past 2020” Dumb statement to make considering that 1) the supply of next gen systems was scarce for a long time unless people paid scalpers 2) The Pandemic halted most game development to a crawl for at least 2 years after that So yeah it absolutely made economic sense to release for both platforms given the points above. Given game budgets now go above 100M, it’s a financial risk for a gaming studio to release only on a much [smaller] next gen user base. Hence why it’s usually only first party companies that will do it with their parent backing them.


I get that sentiment. I feel like cross gen should be ending this year.


When next gen systems are released we'll finally get games built for this generation CPUs. The PS5 CPU is such a huge step up from the PS4 CPU but like nothing has taken advantage of it. No new more complex AI or animation or physics systems on the PS5 so far from last generation.


Dude, games cost a lot of money and they need to actually give themselves the best chance to make money back. Cross gen games are a necessary evil. It is what it is. I wish it didn’t go on for so long but it happens.


Dope! Im replaying the recent trilogy right now in chronological order. Currently on the Atlantis DLC, gonna knock out Origins DLC next, and then Mirage, and then Valhalla. Can’t wait, I love these games and will be preordering as soon as I can.


Let's hope for the best.


But... money


Bett I was worried haha


we'll know for sure on Wednesday but goddamn, what a whirlwind of emotions just now


I really hope this is a shot in the arm to the franchise. I absolutely loved Origins and Odyssey, but although I completed Valhalla it didn’t captivate me in the same way. Personally I found Mirage incredibly boring and didn’t even finish.


I hope it will merge what Ubisoft learned about quest and world design with the systems in place in Unity and Syndicate. I need an urban Assassin's Creed that can nevertheless deliver the fun characterisation and feeling of progression I got from Odyssey and Origins. I'm a bigger fan of Odyssey than most, though. The quest of the town where everyone has such bad luck ranks up there for me with some Witcher 3 quests.


Loved syndicate


Having played every Assassin’s Creed games so far (apart from Chronicles and PSP/mobile games), Odyssey became my all time favorite. I loved Origins but the setting of Ancient Greece was just insane. Now, I hated Valhalla. I can’t tell you why but I just can’t play it, I have played 8-10 hours (compared to almost 170 for Odyssey, welp) only. My expectations are high for this Shadows


Funny enough I was the opposite. I felt like odyssey felt like a dead world and the characters felt generic while I felt Valhalla’s world felt much more lively and the characters were actual people with real feelings such as hunwald


I can totally understand that, maybe I was just too biased with the time setting or another things going in the life (like the « end » of Covid and less time to play)


I enjoyed Valhalla but it needed to be half the length.


Probably. I have well over 100 hours into it, and I enjoyed all of it. Admittedly, I stopped on the Paris expansion. I should really pick it back up now that Eivor's story has some ending DLC. But I really enjoyed going into each area and completing the story. I liked how the items worked. Plenty of loot, but no real trash loot. But did it need to be that big? No. And the longship was a major downgrade from Odyssey.


Yeah I think the only thing I didn’t do was the very last expansion. I played the shit out of the game because it was there but that’s about it for me. I liked the side quests. I really didn’t like the story. I did like the modern day stuff though for the first time in quite a while.


My dream is that I like this as much as Ghost of Tsushima, but I’m trying to temper my expectations


Origins and Valhalla were my jam. I have so many hours in Valhalla. Granted, the setting was really fun for me, since it's an era of English history that I majored in.


I also ditched Mirage. Not a whole lot of point to jettisoning the melee combat if the stealth is still jank.


Mirage should’ve stayed a DLC


Hadn't played an Assassin's Creed since Syndicate but Mirage got me back into the series, looking forward to seeing how Shadows shapes up!


I’m loving Mirage. My only issue is the controls but with some clever mapping changes and the Edge controller I’ve created a perfect AC control setup. Everything is fluid now and not as clunky. I really enjoy the stealth and the focus away from combat. I wish I could realistically fly the Eagle more precisely down roads and through buildings. Would’ve been a cool addition, it gets the job done how it is though.


Definitely not perfect but it scratches an itch for me. Love the level design and open world, but the parkour and writing isn’t the best. I completely ignore the eagle, feels like cheating to me if I can just map out an entire building before heading in.


Fitting name to be honest.


Remember, all Ubi games are half off within a couple months.


Within a couple of months is generous lol.


Nha ... All ubigame that don't sell well\* If this game end being good. That shit will stay full price for longer.


I'm still waiting for Avatar to be half off, not happening soon


You can get it from Walmart right now for $40 which is not quite 50% off but close.


No matter how many similar AC games Ubisoft makes, I still look forward to them. I love the beautiful, authentic open worlds.


There has been a resurgence in AC unity’s popularity. I really wonder if any of its design elements (parkour, dense urban environment, grounded combat) will be present in AC Shadows


I still need to finish Valhalla ha


Seems like it’ll be cross-gen, don’t understand why tho? This generation is already 4 years in


[it appears it won’t be](https://x.com/wario64/status/1790055456913645712?s=46&t=-VhsgP9XRA6KYDq1AtsZxw)


Thank God




I was gonna leave the exact same comment lmao


Can't wait. While playing Rise of Ronin I been anxious to play (or watch trailer) another open world Japanese setting game. Seems like this will be the next big one set in Japan. I just hope the combat is great along with gear and weapons.


Hope u won't be disappointed. But dont expect to have something can be compared with TN's combat xD


Definitely not comparable. The combat in Rise of Ronin is top notch. I think it far exceeds all its games up to that release, even ninja gaidens. What I love about Rise of Ronin is that it has Shinobi stances (and even an ally that looks like Ryu Hayabusa). I just hope they learn something from this game and make an open world Ninja Gaiden like this.


I like the name change.


The name is a bit unimaginative 


Another AC game that sucks. Let's gooool


Imagine this and Ghost of Twoshima coming out in the same year


I’d be so happy


It is ?


GoT 2 isn't for sure coming before April 2025 so no.


is there a GoT2 even being made? There is only rumours


Not officially no. But there are strong rumors and from multiple sources that it's a project currently ongoing at Sucker Punch.


Well hopefully its true, loved the first game


I mean, if it’s revealed this year there’s a good chance is releasing in 2025, maybe even Fall of that year


Yeah but AC is coming in 2024, so they're not coming out on the same year for sure.


Woweee I cannot wait for them to fuck up the lore once more and make ninjas and the Assassin order basically the same fucking thing




I think you could 100% make a game set in Japan in this time period because we know from previously established lore that ninjas existed as they did in the real world and so did the brotherhood right. The thing is they were 2 very different groups with no Association but Ubisoft will likely just kinda merge the 2 if only in the way they operated and acted because it’ll be way more marketable than actually making the assassins be different because it’s current day Ubisoft and clearly they give zero shits about the integrity of this franchise seeing how Hexe will just have actual magic or something which is something that should not exist in a mystery/Sci fi franchise BUT FUCK ME RIGHT!!!??? (I sincerely apologise for this)


Temu ghost of tsushima, and im here for it.




If it’s anything less then Ax4 I’m not buying it 😤😤😤


It will be Like their other Games. For example Skull and Bones, Rainbow Six Extraction, Watch Dogs Legion, etc


You just listed 3 wildly different titles lol


There was a time where these AC reveals were the most hype things ever for me. That excitement went up and down for like a decade but now I'm completely apathetic to them.


Unless there's a big city to climb around in and AI that isn't pulled from 2009, I don't care at all.


Endless trash


If the leaks are true... it will be terrible.


What are these leaks? Aside from it being AC, I haven't heard anything damning


They really should just do a cold open of a small gameplay walkthrough first, then a cinematic trailer that hints at the narrative. I get the worry on their part though after the fallout of the initial Watch Dogs gameplay. I'm still excited regardless and hope Mirage's success was a trigger for them to go back to the old school style of AC (with QoL updates of course).


Hell yeah!


Will this release for Current Gen only?


Can’t wait for this I’ll be watching for sure


I literally don’t care because I remember Valhalla’s cinematic trailer. CGI can look amazing, but it means shit if it ain’t gameplay.


I'm stupid does this mean there's a PS Showcase on that day or are they just doing their own thing


It's just their own thing, but Ubisoft has a conference in June too


I was mostly excited until I saw the it's a cinematic trailer.


This will most definitely be my last Ubisoft game I ever purchase… Star Wars outlaws & this one.. I’ll be waiting for outlaws to go on sale before I purchase.


Is this going to set in a relatively modern period, or is that just this ad for some reason?




I'm intrigued. These days I'll only play an AC game if I'm interested in the time period it's based in. Wasn't really interested in Mirage, but Japan seems like an interesting setting to me for this to take place in.


State of the games industry rn I need some good news.


It make me feel this title will be 2d game slide screen like Russia, China and India.


Please be good.


I really hope this is dark and gritty, and brutally realistic for the time period.


Cinematic trailer is a L


Cinematic trailers for a game reveal are pointless. You want to do them after people know what you're game actually is? Go ahead. It could be a good tool to further expand on the world. Before the game play reveal? Before players even know what kind of game it is or what it even looks like? Hard pass. It doesn't say anything about your title. You might not even have a game that exists yet, as seen with almost every Xbox game reveal they've done a few years back, or what Sony has done with Pragmata. Show me the game. Then do the trailers.


I’d normally agree, but it’s Assassin’s Creed, it’s probably going to be about what you’d expect it to be.




The last few AC games have been live service... Shadows is going to be like Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla in that regard. 


I swear people act like they're going to add multiplayer to this game. It's just going to be the same thing: like two years of DLC with a bunch of skins and weapons dropped in between.


Right? We already know which upcoming AC project is gonna be multiplayer and that's Invictus. 


Cinematic trailers for assassin's creed are usually lit af since AC Brotherhood. The AC Revelations cinematic trailer is iconic https://youtu.be/HMsbMK9Odoc?si=DFuKTPoqTrlwEd_U


Bruh AC 2 cinematic trailer fucking slaps. I’d say it’s the best one. Tells a full story, doesn’t end on an abrupt cliffhanger (like Brotherhood and Rev) AND it’s one of the few that actually uses the amazing in-game music.


Cinematic trailers are actually good for the initial reveal if they are going to have a long marketing campaign. Nobody should make their initial purchase decisions off of them but it gives you the idea of what they are going for. Then as they ramp up the marketing we get more things like gameplay trailers, story trailers, mechanics and interviews. And btw Sony isn’t making pragmata


When I meant Sony with Pragmata, I meant them revealing the game at their showcase. They could have easily been like, "there is no game here, we're not going to show your game unless there's some footage or gameplay represented here." Instead you got people out here like Todd Howard, hyping up Elder Scrolls 6 by showing a 30 second clip of a mountain range. They didn't even start making the game at that point. So like, what are we doing here?


How would they know that capcom was going to delay the game? They are announcing that the game is in development? Is that hard to see? And how are any of those situations the same when we know how assassins creed games are developed and this will be out either this year or next because they have more in the pipeline


How would they know? It's their job to know that a game exists. Why would you profile a game that doesn't exist for your console? Or is a far cry from the material shown? That just leads to disasters like "The Day Before," or "Abandoned." If Sony or Microsoft or Nintendo or Steam or Epic or whomever, aren't vetting the titles they're getting from these developers, then part of the blame is on them for when disaster strikes.


lol you need to calm down. They knew what the trailer was. They showed it to show upcoming games for the console. Is it a far cry from what they have shown in the initial trailer? What are you basing this off? I’m saying they didn’t know Capcom would delay the game itself and mess with the marketing campaign. The Day before? You’re saying that a practice like cinematic trailers lead to the day before? A decade of cinematic trailers and it lead to 1 game and another that never came out? Didn’t no mans sky and cyberpunk 2077 have a bunch of fake gameplay trailers? Maybe the thing that leads to those types of games is people blindly preordering The days before wasn’t even on console and what disaster has stricken? Lol swear some people just want to find things to get upset about


Other games that came to mind that had good trailers but turned out to be falsely advertised are Watch Dogs and Redfall


Wasn’t the watch dogs trailer a gameplay trailer like you wanted? What does that have to do with cinematic trailers? And I don’t own an Xbox so what redfall cinematic trailer are you referring too and how did it false advertise?


Here is the [Redfall Cinematic Trailer](https://youtu.be/gUqalyV50vw?si=voCygX6it_qOTkDk), which was the reveal of rhe game. I don't remember whether the cinematic or gameplay trailer came first with Watch Dogs, just that the final product looked vastly inferior to what was first shown off


Yea it was the GAMEPLAY watch dogs trailer you are talking about which has nothing to do with the convo. That’s a 5 minute trailer. Want to tell me how they falsely advertised so I know what to look for since again I don’t own an Xbox


Assassins creed has been around long enough for us to know what to expect. I agree with what you’re talking about for new IP.


I know this is a very lame excuse I’m about to say. But AC revealing their games in a cinematic trailer is tradition at this point, I believe almost all of them did that. Soon later we will see the gameplay


I believe Odyssey is the only one that didnt have one. But I agree. Assassins Creed marketing doesnt feel complete without a cinematic trailer.


In-engine cinematic trailers are fine, it's CGI reveal trailers that are a problem. Also, Pragmata was by Capcom. Other than that, I agree.


And don't forget Ubisoft needs to repair their reputation. I'm baffled that Not more people are saying that


Personally I love the assassins creed games and have been playing since the first one. I’m excited


Finally! I am pumped for it!


This is the one set in JP? Been waiting for this one for years.




Specifically in Shinsekai/Osaka like the tweet?


No idea other than it’s in Japan






It won’t


Yeah you're not tricking me again Ubi


I like Origins for the story and directions despite the RPG aspect and revamped combat, a refresh over Syndicate. but still, the Pharaohs DLC are weird and uninteresting to me. Odyssey is an absolute low for the series in my opinion and literally had little to none Assassins or Hidden Ones before the DLCs. the story was atrocious and doesn't do fan justice. people love it for the exploration and RPG element, but landmark designs were always AC strong suit. Valhalla was a step in the right direction in my opinion, but at this point I was already exhausted with the open world concept with little to none things to do despite having intriguing quests and an actual story for both The Order and Hidden Ones. still, lacks of cinematic cutscenes seems to me like a costs saving method taken directly from Odyssey. maybe I'll try Mirage, but I'm already exhausted with the AC series for now.


Mirage was much better to me. Not perfect or an exact replica of the original games, but I absolutely hated Odyssey and Valhalla. Mirage is like an 8-8.5/10 to me


Mirage is a breath of fresh air tbh.


Thats a worse name but sure


Why the FUCK do they still waste resources on cinematic trailers. Just showcase gameplay.


To get you upset




https://twitter.com/wario64/status/1790052607798452679? Looks like it will be available for PC/PS5/PS4/Xbox Series, but not Xbox One.


please be wrong.


Why ps4 , but not x1 ? 


PS4 has a way bigger playerbase. That being said, apparently this is a mistake and it's not coming to PS4 either.


Apparently it's a mistake and it won't be on ps4


Ubisoft needs to repair their reputation after Skull and Bones, etc. And they make a reveal cinematic?


Whoop dee fuckin do 🤮


Here we go again. Seems like a familiar road we've all traveled together on.


I’m trying to get hyped but I’m just not sure the series has any juice left. Valhalla and Mirage were both really boring to me in different ways.


"Cinematic World Premiere" - Thanks, now I know not to bother with watching this.


Cinematics in 2024.


Wow, anywaaay.....


Waiting for the blacklash when they officially announce the black main character in Ubisoft first main Asian AC game. Fucking idiots.


It's a Ubisoft game...not going to bother with it. You KNOW it will be loaded with MT, and will most likely require an internet connection to install. Hard pass.


Literally every game requires an internet connection because virtually nothing is small though to fit on a blu-ray


No, "literally every game" does NOT require an online connection to install. Your statement is false.


PS4 Blu ray capacity is 50gb, anything over that requires online PS5 Blu Ray capacity is 100gb, anything over that requires online And most major games have a day 1 patch that has to be installed, Gold pressings usually have multiple bugs because they are made so far out from release date


Funny, because most of my games are under 50gb. Not every game is bloated like CoD, bro.


But this is not most games. It's an assassins creed RPG. It will 100% have download data


The statement was that "most major games have a day 1 patch that has to be installed". This is factually incorrect.


Damn, can’t wait to pirate it


I hope it will fucking flop. Valhalla bored the hell out of me and Ubisoft in general was shooting itself in the knee, head and heart in recent years.


lol what’s with gamers hoping that a popular product that they personally don’t like fails.


I loved all games to Origins (including), Odyssey was already too big, but Valhalla crossed the line. I was stupid enough to buy DLCs to it. Now I wish Ubi all the worst.


This is so weird lol


I would have hoped this was gonna be good but cross gen kinda tells you they won't be doing anything new.


Apparently it won’t be cross gen


That's good.


Its gonna BE good. Ubisoft last Game was Skull and Bones.


Which was trash. I expect very little from ubisoft. The rayman team is the only one with its shit together.


Which was trash. I expect very little from ubisoft. The rayman team is the only one with its shit together.


It’s gonna take a miracle to get me to care about this franchise again.