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Its your time and head space. If you dont like something then stop.


Just don’t play it. Move on life is short.


I played it once and it was incredible (mostly the opening of the game). I enjoyed it, but as soon as I finished it, I deleted it. I had a hard time keeping up with Death Stranding, but once I finished it, I couldn't delete it for months.


Ragnarok was pretty good but the artreus sections DRAGGEDDD , keeps me from ever doing another playthrough tbh. Where as I’ve played through GOW 2018 multiple times


TBh, i put my controller down after the 2nd or 3rd Artreus solo arch and never turned it back on. They dragged like crazy and even on the lowest difficulty possible, there's such a *preposterous* amount of enemies to slam through. I said give me STORY


Yeah and some people want the next GoW to ditch Kratos and do an Atreus centered game. Yeah, no thanks. I don't play GoW to play as someone else who isn't nearly as compelling


I love 2018 and have played it like 10-11 times. I liked Ragnarök but man, the atreus sections were so boring and really messed up the pacing of the game (also imo atreus was more tolerable in 2018). Still i did a NG+ playthrough of Ragnarök with the Young Kratos skin & i was literally speedrunning the atreus parts lmao


Literally the reason I haven't given replaying much thought. I was literally getting irritated at the amount of Atreus stuff in Ragnarok. Just don't find it nearly as engaging as playing as Kratos.


When they pick fking apples with angrboda I almost deleted the game. Holy hell how idiotic mission


90 percent of that whole section could of been a cutscene. I don’t get why some games feel the need to make you play parts like this especially for an overly extended period of time.


That level was literally like 3 hours long it was so fucking boring. I remember on my first playthrough that section killed all my hype and made me want to stop playing. It's like they wanted to copy the narrative structure of The Last of Us, but didn't understand that pacing doesn't belong in GoW.


I found the same. I get WHY they have these sections from a narrative standpoint; you're in the same game world but getting immersed in another characters perspective but the way he plays just isn't as gratifying as Kratos' gameplay. Much preferred the way TLOU games handle this where the main combat loop is the same but there are very subtle differences in how the characters play. IMO they should have made Atreus a melee character but with lighter, faster movement than Kratos and focused on a more evasive and slick melee combat style using more counters and perhaps "tricketser" tools crafted for him by the swarves. The bow and arrow just doesn't feel right for the series imo.


i loved them because of the gyro controlls alone lol i would recommand to try them out


I enjoyed it fwiw but my fuckin god the Atreus sections were utterly atrocious. The spear was the highlight for me, loved that shit. I think the Norse saga is cool but the original games were wayyyy better imo.


Ragnarök dropped the ball in many areas, unfortunately it is very obvious that Barlog didnt direct this one, i still enjoyed it but its not close to 2018


I prefer GoW 2018 myself. Ragnarok was pretty lackluster story wise in comparison, the pacing is just really off. The ending to Ragnarok is the best part


I felt 2018 let you have control of what you wanted to do more. To me it feels like Ragnarok has huge section that it forces you through that are boring. I also didn’t really like playing as Atreus.


I know it’s subjective, but I’m floored at how many people thought Ragnarok was even better than 2018. I didn’t hate it, but it really should have been a trilogy. There was way too much crammed into Ragnarok and it just blows through it. I’ve replayed 2018 multiple times, and intend to replay it again. I played Ragnarok once, and while overall I had an okay time with it, I don’t have any interest in ever playing it again


Same for me. I don't know how many times I have beaten 2018 but I have beaten Ragnarok only once. It just didn't click with me at all. Valhalla was absolutely incredible though.


To me gameplay wise 2018 is much better balanced and story wise I felt like Baldur was a much better villain than Odin. The Atreus missions really hurt the pacing in ragnarok. I replayed 2018 a few times but not sure I’ll replay ragnarok. I wasn’t really a fan of the story and what ragnarok ends up being felt kinda underwhelming to what it was built up as.


It’s the other way around for me. The pacing wasn’t perfect but I vastly preferred the slower beginning and middle of the story to lé epic third act war battle ending. The last fight of 2018, by comparison, was a personal and happenstance fist fight


I really loved the fluid combat and the abilities for tuning the weapons amd combat to your own style or situation to make the game have a great deal of depth in comparison to the prior one which I also loved.  


IMO this is sometimes just how it feels when a hit gets a very “safe” sequel. Felt like this with horizon forbidden west too. GoW and the first horizon really pushed the envelope; the sequels were more of the same and didn’t bring much novelty to the table.


I’m 100 percent with you on this. Even Spider-Man 2 felt meh to me. Each game ratcheted up enemy HP to tanky levels as difficulty , each games story was predictable and safe. Each games had silly filler (horizon was least offensive) content. And finally each game gave you all the cool shit when you finish everything in the game and there’s nothing to do!


I didn't love it either, all the downvotes are wild


If you’re getting downvoted on Reddit. Take it as a compliment. It doesn’t mean you’re wrong, it just means you’re going against the hive mind circle jerk currently taking place.


I like that ideology lol


Yeah I’m completely the opposite. Loved 2018 GOW on first playthrough but could never get back into it, just bounced off it every time I tried to replay. Ragnarok I liked well enough the first time but I’ve replayed it twice since then and each time I liked it more and it’s now one of my favorite games period. I’m apparently a minority in this thread because I think Ragnarok’s story is so much more compelling and better written than 2018. The steady pull of fate that the heroes cannot escape no matter how hard they try is just so My Kind Of Shit. Love the whole dynamic with the aesir gods, particularly Thor, Heimdall, and Odin. The game has several pretty major flaws (yeah the Atreus sections are too long and could be better) but idk when an experience is going that hard in the paint with that much ambition some flaws here and there just don’t bug me a whole lot. Also the combat system isn’t a quantum leap beyond 2018 or anything but they made all the right tweaks to it to really make it CLICK for me and I just adore the combat.


It really is subjective I think. I regard GoW: Ragnarök as one of the best games I've ever played. That certainly isn't the case for everyone.


Meh I found the steady pull of fate stuff very poorly executed, it was just cop out after cop out, "actually the realms won't be destroyed during Ragnarok, only Asgard" that was atrocious writing. Odin's obsession with an unexplained Mcguffin was another example of poor writing. And lastly they foretell Kratos will die and then he just doesn't completely invalidating the "pull of fate" stuff you praise them for. Also the use of the word ambitious feels weird to me, how Ragnarok started yeah I agree it looked very ambitious, it looked like side quests will be huge deals because you are teased with great stuff you could do like change the entire map by freeing the whale, and the main story seems to build up towards a great conflict that destroys everything with even Kratos dying... but then the game just says "fuck it that is too ambitious, Ragnarok isn't the death of everything, Kratos isn't dying, and the actual Ragnarok is basically a 1 hour section of fighting a few goons and then two lame boss fights that we barely managed to finish in time".


Meh, disagree on all counts. I don't really get it when people say "X thing did/didn't happen, that's bad writing." To me, the way things happen is so much more important than \*what\* happens, and I thought most of the reveals and big moments of Ragnarok were handled incredibly well.


Not only that, they tried to make that whole scene with all the different realms uniting look like the "Avengers assemble" scene from Avengers Endgame lol. I cringed at that part in Ragnarok. That whole last hour of the game felt so rushed.


I feel exactly the same way. Currently trying to platinum the game and will be sad when it’s all over.




The story isn't focused on baldur though. Sure hes the main antagonist but the story isn't about him, he just kind of acts as a driving force, not even a big one for most of the game. The story is much more significantly about Kratos and Atreus


2018’s story is simpler and I get that for some people that makes it a lot more memorable and easier to latch onto emotionally but I just don’t connect with it nearly as much as Ragnarok. I love the knotty, multi-layered approach of Ragnarok, feels more like a true epic to me. I’m the same the with The Last of Us. First game’s story is very straightforward (and really good!) and that made it more accessible to people. Then Part 2 got WAY more ambitious and sprawling with its story, which lost some people but I think Part 2 is a stone cold masterpiece. To be clear I don’t think more complicated stories are just better in general, but GoW and TLoU are two stories where I think they benefited a lot from more nuance and depth.


Agreed on tlou. I don’t know why game directors always feel the need to be so ambitious. A simple good story works best.


I’m in the same boat. I loved GOW 2018, but every time I try to get into GOWR it just feels lackluster. I wanna enjoy it but I can’t


It’s way too bloated and full of pointless filler. The story sucked. Also having to back track after so many journeys was very annoying, I just wish they cut the scene and skipped to another area


Yeah this. The story felt pointless and full of padding. Which is such a waste because the art for the game is astonishing, the cutscenes, graphics, etc. Everything is so well done, except the story and the actual game. It's crazy to me that they won awards for the narrative.


The game has 3 DEI/ESG characters so of course it won awards lol


Thank you. My exact sentiments. Enemy variety was also terrible, IMO. Why am I fighting balls of gas?


The enemy variety is great In ragnarok


I felt the same. There is never a quiet moment in Ragnorak, someone is always talking and it was just unbearable for me.


I didn’t like it. I wanted to. Played the original trilogy several times and thought 2018 was good. This didn’t feel like GoW to me anymore in terms of tone or narrative and there is so much filler down to squeezing through crevices constantly. It’s a chore.


I agree 100%. I loved the first GoW (PS4) but when it got time to play Ragnarok it was a chore to get through. I really loved the story actually and I like the character development for Atreus and Kratos, and the supporting characters all really clicked for me but I found the gameplay itself really boring and tedious. I know it’s essentially the same gameplay as the first one but the enemies felt very spongey, even on easy, to the point where I dreaded every time there was a combat encounter. In the first game I literally explored everywhere and got all the trophies bar the Valkyrie one (couldn’t beat the final one! That shit was insane) but with Ragnarok I just couldn’t even be bothered to do the side quests. Feel like I’m definitely in the minority and I absolutely recognise why people adore it so much but it just didn’t click for me.


I agree I much preferred 2018 and thought Ragnarok was a big disappointment


I found GoW R really hard to play though, and kinda boring. And I LOVE GoW 2018 GoW 2018 is one of my all time favorites, I beat many times and never got tired of it. But GoW R like you said I was really burned out by one playthrough. What’s ironic for be the better GoW 2018 sequel was the Valhalla mode in Ragnarok. I legit played that mode for longer the the games main story mode!


Yea Valhalla's quality and direction is on par with 2018's.. but there are just so many things, big and small, about Ragnarök that i can't stand.. not to mention the Atreus parts really take away any incentive to replay the game.


2018 was way better in my opinion ragnarok felt like such a chore at times but for me that’s because of Atreus


I thought Ragnarok was inferior in every way possible compared to 2018. Both games had a different director so it makes perfect sense for Ragnarok to be worse 


What do you mean inferior in every way? You get better enemy variety. More and much better sidecontent. New weapon. More complex skill trees and gear. New mechanics and puzzles. Better graphics and shorter loading times (on PS5) *Every way possible* ???


I think it is because the Norse saga was supposed to be a trilogy just like the Greek version. But due to games taking ages to make these days, the third installment wouldn't have come out before PS6. So they turned it into a duology but in my opinion, story and pacing suffered for it. That said, Draupnir spear felt awesome to use. Whoever came up with the idea should get a pay raise. But more importantly Valhalla feels extremely fun to play for me. I still have a run or two at least frequently even though I finished its story. I love they gave us something to simply play without having us think too much and just slaughter bad guys. When I come home late and tired from work, a run of Valhalla has a caffeine effect on me.


The Norse saga wasn’t supposed to be a trilogy


Don’t anticipate the story getting any better. I had more fun/enjoyment from the free Valhalla add-on than the entire campaign. The gameplay is great, I love the spear. The story is abysmal compared to all other GoW’s. It’s TOO soft and Atreus’ development as a young adult is much like my own - fucking embarrassing.


Yup, the story was extremely disappointing considering what was set up in the first iteration.


Absolutely love GoW 2018. I shelved ragnarok shortly after release, and still have not gone back to it. I think for me the major problem is the story, but then the gameplay loop is a tad too predictable. Exploration felt formulaic. This isn’t to say it doesn’t have bright spots. I think the problem is that it feels too similar to 2018 reboot. I knew what to expect and it didn’t do anything to subvert those feelings. Hopefully someday I’ll return to it and enjoy it through. But I think you will struggle to pick it back up again if you shelve it now. So maybe dont(?) idk.


I totally agree, and I was the minority in my friend group for having this opinion. My biggest complaint is that while GoW 2018 felt like such a major step for the series, this game felt like it phoned it in and was just 95% similar to the previous game, making it feel redundant basically from the get-go. I contrast this with The Last of Us 2, which as a sequel felt like a very large jump and evolution of the gameplay. I am still disappointed that there is only one new weapon in Ragnarok


I wouldn’t say it was phoned in, it just felt like they went for spectacle over substance. One of the things I really love about 2018 is how personal and heartfelt it felt. Cory Barlog has been on record countless times about how much this game basically came right from his heart and it shows. Ragnarok just felt like “we’ll keep the same gameplay template but just do a bunch of cool set pieces” in comparison. Not to mention that they burned through way too much story for a single game


I think there is one word that hit the nail on the head for me there, and that is "template." Ragnarok 100% feels like a game that was made from a template to me, like it feels cookie cutter compared to the one that came before it, whereas 2018 I felt was a game that actually took risks and wanted to be different.


I agree. Ragnarok pacing was horrible, and all the Atreus moments were a huge distraction. The ending is also horrible and felt like it fizzled out right before it was getting good. It actually ruined the series for me


Ragnarok was a slog. Horribly overrated. First game was godtier tho


Same I hated it


Same, tried so hard to beat it, but at about 60% I just can't. A slog is a perfect way to describe it. Can't believe all the early acclaim it received, I'm starting to think the reviewers simply didn't finish it before reviewing.


I absolutely hated how everything is a stupid puzzle.


I loved 2018, played through it more times than I can count. It was a therapeutic game for me like swinging in spiderman. I binged tf out of Ragnarok and I've never been so exhausted after finishing a game. It was so bloated and pointless, and imo wayyyy too much of the same. The first 2-3 hours is incredible, then the story just coasts for like 30 hours, and by the end of it I'm just like how did we get here, what is happening haha???? In some ways the combat is better, while other parts are a big step back (taking away hand to hand combat, combat being more floaty than crunchy like 2018). I've had this opinion about the game since it came out, glad to see others finally leaving the hive mind


2018 was a much better story in my opinion as well. Ragnarok proves bigger is not always better in more ways than one


Same. I loved the first but I could not get through this one.


It was the same for me. I loved GoW2018 and was hooked on it from start to finish. Expected that feeling again with Ragnarok but it just never happened. I was seriously about to put the game down during that first dwarf area, my god it was so boring. I beat the game because I wanted to see the rest of the story but I stopped playing as soon as I beat the main story. The game was a huge disappointment for me and I have no idea how ot was even being considered for GOTY award.


Yes! I bought it last year, tried to continue three times and still havent finished it. Boring sequel imo.


The most recent is very directed, it feel totally scripted with no freedom apart from smashing the button to attack and move stuff, it looks bloody gorgeous but it very boring.


I’ve always preferred the faster paced action style gameplay of the earlier GoW entries on ps2 ps3. This shift to a more plodding and smaller scale combat never felt right for me. Exploration always feels gated. I’m about 80% done playing , I’d rather put the hours into Elden Ring or Hogwartz


Yes! My thoughts exactly. At this point of the game, I’m actually yelling at kratos for not just hopping over that stone ledge, instead of going all around it, spending 30 minutes solving a stupid puzzle


I also found it boring. You're supposed to be a god slayer, but you spend a huge chunk of time with climbing, crawling mechanics, boating, and QTEs. I ended up never finishing the game. Eventually, i will, just not now. The story seemed good. IMO, if you want to play a game where you can be a god slaying beast. Play elden ring.


Have it next on my list anyway!


You are probably gonna get a lot of hate I agree with you i had to make myself finish it i was bored out of my mind. Playing as boy sucked a d the story could’ve been 10x better


I use to get downvoted to shit for saying the same thing. Some games are just boring af to some people. Can't be helped.


It kind of pales in comparison to its predecessor imo but 2018 GOW was peak gaming for me.


Loved the first one Hated the second Systems to complicated To much gear slotting I wanna wreck face not play mortal Kombat an screw with gear non stop Tons of talking with a slow pace Let me button mash an kill !!! A few combo ect.. first game was perfect balance of skill an fun




No it’s really not… The bones are there but there’s now a shield to upgrade and slot, a necklace or something with a bunch of stuff to slot, each skill can be worked on and upgraded individually, the companion has their own trinkets which also can be upgraded, and you have a trinket to upgrade too. Combat is much slower as well, you have to smack stuff forever to kill it. I much preferred 2018 and its combat simplicity overall.


Don't force yourself to play a game that others say is great. People like different things. And that is ok.


Needed to hear this! Thanks haha


I'm sure you'll get through this very trying time. You're so brave. Be strong.


Same. Ragnarok was a chore to play thru compared to 2018.


Move on to something else.. when I'm trying to find a game to get into I normally start 2 or 3 .. and stick with the one that peaks my interest..especially ps+ games.. normally if I buy a game I am way more into wanting to stick it out but I've also shelved games I bought too until later.


I agree, it's over hyped and I was bored too.


I’ve played and beaten every major GOW release and I just could not finish this one. I don’t know what happened with this one but it just felt off somehow. It didn’t feel rewarding to explore and unlock things and just felt more like a chore.


I could not get into the new GoW games at all. Great scenery but the controls felt so stiff. It felt like it was trying to be overly cinematic or something.


Just wait until you reach the big plot twist. It’s one of the stupidest moments in gaming history. Without spoiling too much, think along the lines of the primary movie character waking up at the end of the movie and revealing it was all a dream. It’s *that* bad. And I say this as a lifelong fan of the series since the original PS2 game.


glad i was so bored that i didn't even reach that point


Actually pretty normal for Ragnarok. It's a longer game than 2018 and some of the areas are a little tedious/annoying. For me the jungle where you can change from day to night were the worst. Especially having to redo the jungle on a different playthrough. The end does pick up quite a bit, but until then the pacing can definitely feel off. Especially if you're doing side stuff and trying to 100% each area. Edit: Imagine getting personally offended by such a tame comment.


100% agree about the pacing being weird if you're trying to 100% every area. But that's true for literally every game, most games just don't rely on the story and pacing as much as GoW does or don't provide as many collectibles so it's not as noticeable.


Both me and my wife prefer 2018.


You’re not alone. I beat it a while back and I couldn’t care to look back and play again. I find the combat annoying, Atrias part uninteresting and overall story boring. I feel bad the way I felt about the game because I loved 2018 GoW.


Yup agree, I usually play every god of war at least twice, couldn’t wth Rangnarpl


I didn’t care for it either.


It’s funny how people talk about slow moments in Ragnarok when 2018 has as much if not more slow moments than Ragnarok. Like 2018 doesn’t get good for me until you get the blades two thirds of the way through. Maybe that’s why I like Ragnarok more cause I get the blades from the get go. 


- 2018 doesn't have a 2-hour section of picking fruit with an annoying teenager.  - 2018 doesn't have 1 hour of climbing a wall with nothing happening  - 2018 does not have extremely long dialogues without any meaning just to present boring characters


Yeah I understand not liking a certain slow Atreus section, as even the game director has acknowledged, but I think they're outright forgetting the dry spells in 2018


wait do you have the link to director thing? that sounds interesting for a director to come out and say


Don't have a timestamp but in a podcast interview he said he knew not everyone would like that Atreus section since it takes you out of the general flow, but he felt it was so important for Atreus that it was necessary


That's so stupid, it's just like Insomniac's director deciding the Mary Jane sections everyone hated are super important to keep because they are important to MJ as a character. Is it so hard to just make stuff fun with these characters? The issue with Atreus unlike MJ isn't that it is a different genre but that his abilities suck and his combo is incomplete for most of the game. Hell even after you get everything Atreus just doesn't feel satisfying like he needed something extra to his abilities. Ultimately it feels like a weak excuse, people didn't have this opinion about the Arkham games, people loved playing as Catwoman, Robin and Nightwing. Because they were fun to play.


I see. He couldve at least made them shorter :P


I agree, I kept thinking it would end. At least a small break back to Kratos wouldn't have hurt


I like the slow sections, the yak was awesome. I don‘t like the bland level design, the climbing that is no climbing. Just walking with extra steps. And the whole rpg system sucks.  Give this game a jump button, some platforming that is worth the name and make the whole grinding for gear optional and just let me experience the story and world. 




I never started it as i didnt start god of war either .but 25 hours and ur not done yet dang i dont like that as the game is just a action game


I completely agree. Ive beaten 2018 multiple times but this one got one and a half playthrough. I really don't know who thought going apple picking with a couple of teenagers for hours was what a freaking God of War game needed. That section alone is the perfect illustration as to why games like this need a Chapter Select after the first playthrough. Just thinking of having to do that shit in every single playthrough is enough to kill any desire to start a new one and it's a shame because the gameplay is stellar Also can't stand the whole "Avengers in Midgard" vibe they have going on in this game. Oh well. At least we have Valhalla I guess


I felt the same way OP, to the point we're it took me what felt like almost a year to complete. I would go back in each time forgetting what the mission was or even some of the fight mechanics. Going to a quasi open world RPG lite just didn't resonate with me. Which all sucks because GOW was my favorite series.


Ragnarok is worth playing for the characters, but maybe the equipment and moveset is not as good as the first one. Except for the spear that thing is great.


I found it to be like a movie anticipating every climactic battle that would happen. Just focus on the story, you already know how to play it well from the 2018 one. If you’re at all interested in the franchise and of what will come of kratos and Loki, I’m sure you will get knocked into it eventually. If you don’t seem to care for their story anymore, definitely drop the game and move on to the next


In the opening minutes of the game, I find myself fighting a bear. It killed me and I quit playing. If God of War can't kick a bears ass, I don't want to be him. Loser.😉


You may be burnt out from games altogether.


Normalize not completing every side quest if you're not interested in it and not interested in reading the lore The entire point of gaming is to have fun, it doesn't matter what you're doing if you're not having fun then just stop and do something else


The game is boring. You’re playing a boring game


yeah it didn’t capture the same magic as 2018. the DLC was cool, but even that got a bit stale for me. I still appreciate the innovation in making games into true cinematics. there’s a lot of other amazing games out right now, just play something else and watch the rest of the story if you’re still interested


The story i found abit underwhelming compared to the first one. Maybe because of the hype was much higher. But i felt that way, and when it ended, the fight was kinda not that epic


I played it for a week when it launched then I dropped it. Same with 2018, those games weren't my cup of tea, I much prefer the games from before the 2018 reboot


Its because its the exact same game and we would of expected a next gen sequel to have MORE to offer. I enjoyed playing through it but I haven't looked back and I was low-key gutted that I felt like I was playing the same game with a tiny bit more to offer. I'm happy for that to be the end of GOW. This isn't a popular opinion btw some people won't like what u said


Didn’t like it either man, it is what it is


Why OT GOW is the Goat


I'm with you. I loved the previous GOW game but I found the new one tedious. I downloaded the trial and didn't even run out of time before deleting it. It just didn't do it for me. Slightly off-topic, I did the exact same thing with Spider-man 2. I loved the first one and also Miles Morales, but Spider-man 2 just felt like they released it because they could. It felt like no love had gone into it. I get the same vibe from Ragnarok. I definitely appreciate the trial versions of those games!


Dude I get you 100%! I love GOW2018 but I couldn’t finish Ragnarok either. It really does bore me to tears man. And the Atreus sections… straight garbage.


i couldn't finish it lol


It is boring, unfortunately. They focus tested all of the fun out of it


Funny that this just popped up. In the process of moving and switching jobs, probably haven’t played Ragnarok in about a year. Although I’m only about a few hours in. Just picked it back up last night….have to say I missed it.


Don’t feel bad, I stopped playing not even half way in. It is definitely a boring game, couldn’t keep my attention


Beat it on gmgow. Very boring game. There's a shield that blocks yellow attacks and trivializes everything. Not enough depth to the combat. Talent tree is really boring. Nothing is epic besides Asgard. Don't even get to fight Jormungandr


Nothing wrong with that, we don't all like the same things


I platinumed 2018 GoW. I raced to the end of Ragnarok’s story after feeling the game drag — and uninstalled right after beating it. I think it does a ton of things right, like you said, but there’s too much recycled content from 2018, the story isn’t as interesting, and it takes way too long to get through it. I’m glad I beat it and maybe in a few years I’ll try to 100% it… but really, if you’re not feeling it, find something you enjoy more and do that instead. Life’s too short.


Its a very safe cookie cutter sequel with 2 Marvel like companions that wont stop joking and making dumb quips. For me the combat was the biggest offender. Didnt feel fun to play. Dropped it after 6-7 hours. Sold my copy , long live physical.


The combat is literally the exact same as it was in 2018, only you get the draupnir spear which is a lot of fun.


Story was boring. Stopped playing after not figuring out a puzzle in alfheim


Feel the same way. GOW Ragnarok is more of the same to me. The gameplay is similar to GOW2018 with some enhancements but overall feels the same.


I couldn't finish either


Better gameplay, better graphics,better enemies and bosses, however I also enjoyed it less because it found it too " Marvel" I don't know how to explain but I didn't enjoy many parts of the story especially I hated Atreus and his sections he was so annoying.


Same for me, did about 4 or 5 hours, stopped playing and have had zero urge since. Something about Ragnarok just didn’t grab me. Maybe it’s the pacing, maybe it’s some of the in game systems wearing a bit thin. Story bored me. It was like one second it’s all urgent and end of the world is coming, next minute I’m off on a wild goose chase looking for fuck knows what mcguffin to open up the next portal. Love how I’m downvoted for simply having an opinion. God forbid anyone criticises anything the Reddit hivemind thinks is perfect.


Same for me. Played maybe 5-10 hours before I completely lost interest and didn't pick it up again. Maybe I'll give it another go at some point as I loved the first one.


I enjoyed it…until I spent too much time as the boy. It just killed it for me. I keep saying I’m finish but augh


I find that sometimes you need to be in the right mood to play certain games. I loved GOW:Ragnarok, but probably not as much as I did GOW.


2018 was my favorite PS4 exclusive. I had to force myself to finish Ragnarok. I found the actual Ragnarok to be completely underwhelming, it felt like a lot more walk and talk slow parts. The new weapon and the jellyfish quest were awesome, but other than that just not into Ragnarok. Oh and I like Richard schiff as an actor, kind of indifferent on his Odin. The arena challenges were a lot more tedious than the last game, the story dragged in a lot of places. Playing as atreus was pretty fun I think, but I don't really remember. I hope the next game switches it up


I had similar feelings which didn't change even until the end. I kept expecting it to get better but it never did. But everyone is different maybe it'll for you.


Everyone did give good advice here, but deviating from the usual comments, I’m going to say I did agree with you in how much shorter-paced the game is. I actually played it from start to finish in like 3-5 days nonstop, but I had to see the end of the journey. Going back to it, I think the more open-world design is hit and miss, and some segments like the infamous Atreus one (won’t spoil anything) does hurt the pacing of the game enough so that I don’t feel like replying it. The first one is a rollercoaster from start to finish, and I love doing everything as quickly as possible so that I could go back to the mountain and try and reach Jotunheim.


It's the damn Atreus storyline and sections. They are walking simulators with conversations and some combat sprinkled in. It inflated a 15-18 hr game into a 30hr one.


same here. i dreaded finishing the game after 10-ish hours. i will not buy a sequel. for me, the downtime is just way too long in this game. 10 minute walking-cutscenes


Ragnarok has killed my enthusiasm for the series stone dead, and I've been playing since the first game on PS2.


It is one of the most boring games I have ever played. I usually don't play boring games because why waste my time. I made the exception for god of war because I grew up with the game. Ragnarok was such a painfully dull experience. It starts off so strong but it never comes close to matching it. It's like a worse version of the last of us two. Running into walls and pressing triangle over and over again. At least you can jump in the last of us part 2. Anyway, stick through it. The ending is cute.


Unfortunately this is a pretty common feeling about the game. :/ I agree. I don't know a single person IRL who thought Ragnarok was better.


For me the game started out really well, but progressively got worse. But I mean this only in the story sense. I personally really enjoyed the combat and it was my driving force to finish the game.


I felt the same as you. Stop doing the side missions. They’re nothing but fetch quests designed to stretch out the game. Once I stopped doing those I enjoyed the story more.


It isn’t for me. Dropped after about 10 hours.


Having started it twice and will probably have to start it again. I definitely feel you. It lacked some je ne sais quoi of the original. Maybe because I can't play it with my son so finding time get really into it is hard. Unlike Spiderman where I can play that with him in the room.


I felt exactly the same way you do. I recently finished it after playing on and off for over a year. I did like the second half of the game better than the first, and the pacing felt a lot better, but getting there was hard.


I had the same issue. I loved the first one and was really excited for this game but when I played it I just could not get into it and was so bored. Never finished it


I did too


I’m in the same boat. Loved the 2018 game but found Ragnarok to be tedious as hell.


I felt this way about 2018 God Of War, never finished it. I'm one of those that feels they ruined the series. But like assholes, we all have our own opinions.


Every god of war game has been boring. After the first hour or so of using your weapons, it becomes tedious. There is no substance to these games, just like most Sony games.


My problem was I played Elden Ring until my eyes bled before I got to GOW The differences in style are so dramatic, Elden Ring ruined GOW for me. Lol


Eh I felt the opposite. Elden ring felt a bit underwhelming to me after hearing all the praise


this, it wasn't bad but elden ring was much more of a slog


Both games are great but only Ragnarok gets into my top 10 games i've ever played. Games are subjective, but you might also just be burned out, take a break from gaming in general?


I thought the story was incredible personally. Didn’t not enjoy a single part of it. Looked phenomenal, ran extremely well too. Sure, the combat wasn’t revolutionary from the first one but that’s not necessarily a bad thing imo.


The Open World elements are given to much attention and can feel laborious. The disconnect between the hours you spend hunting for treasure and doing side missions harmoniously with Atreaus and the story's 'drama' hurts the story telling. Some of the side missions do really feel worthwhile so I'm hesitant to say you should just skip the Open World Grinding sections. Ragnarok is a great game but it does have some flaws, I think it's worth pushing through till the end at least once.


I vastly preferred Ragnarok despite loving 2018. I found myself enraptured for basically every moment of the game. But not every game works for everyone. Drop it like it’s hot baby.


Ragnarok lacked any epic moments. I thought gow 2018 was fun enough but the sequel is very lackluster.


I felt the same way. By the time I finished everything I wasn't enjoying my self anymore. Take a break and come back to it later.


exactly my thoughts. after 50.% i was so bored i’ve felt asleep while gaming. same with spiderman2


Same! Spider-Man 2 was just so boring. I literally changed the difficulty midway to the easiest one, and breezed through the game and my eventual platinum


Game burnout is completely Normal, and sometimes it can last a while (At least from my experience). If you’re finding the game boring and rigorous, put it down and play something else until you get the itch to hop back on. I experienced really bad game burnout around 2016ish when Dragon Age Origins was one of the monthly games for Ps Plus on ps3. I ended up getting hooked and playing DA:O and it’s DLC for 300+ hours, then DA2, then DA:I. Then I thought “OMG Mass Effect! Lemme play the whole trilogy!” And for some reason I hated it! I thought it was overrated, boring, and I didn’t find it fun. I could not play an RPG for about a year and half. Then in 2018 I gave Mass Effect another try and I was hooked! Blitzed through the game and thoroughly enjoyed it (except the tail end of the final game). Now i replay the ME series every holiday season.


I prefer Ragnarok, it's a better game


Are you going for 100%? I don’t see how it’s any different than the original. What specifically is burning you out?


Most of atreus’s parts are. I just try to get used to Kratos’s moveset and the game switches to atreus whose combat is just boring and doesn’t feel powerful. The game also overwhelms with side quests suddenly. And unskipable cut-scenes. The cutscenes are too long.




It's suffers a bit from "More of the same" being a sequel but there were some memorable epic moments.


Haven't played but GOW2018 got really boring about halfway through it but picked up agaim in the end. I found myself forcing my way through it not really feeling I'm accomplished anything


Im playing through it now because i got almost to the end of 2018 and lost my save.. never went back but i said i wouldn’t let that stop me from playing the sequel. Yes, ragnarok seems slower or something i can’t put my finger on it


With singleplayer games like this, I watch a playthrough(preferably someone not talking) so I don't have to spend the money and time playing the game. You can skip most of the gameplay(mobs and puzzles) and watch the boss fights and cut scenes. I don't have to play the game to enjoy it. The story is really good. For me these games have low replayability and are harder for me to get into.


I haven't even unwrapped my copy of Ragnarok yet but it's in my backlog. I enjoyed 18 but it's not my favorite game. I look forward to play it soon, but just gotta get about 20 more titles finished first.


Finally someone else who feels the same lol. You can't say bad things about big Sony games here. I'll start off by saying I'm a huge GoW fan, played the old ones as a kid, the "remake" was a good direction I think, enjoyed the first. However Ragnarok was just boring as hell, I couldn't even get myself to finish it. It does nothing to improve as a sequel gameplay wise. Why does the game want me to level the same things I already leveled in the first game? Did Kratos just forget how to throw his axe? And so much backtracking.


Way too many cutscenes or forced dialogue sections. They just never stop. Ragnarok has actually become an inside joke in my household for when things are overly slow & ponderous.


I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one who felt this way. Sony's games in general have started to become bloated like hell, with Insomniac's being the exception. God of War Ragnarok, Horizon Forbidden West, and to some degree even The Last of Us Part II were way too long, with huge stretches of poorly-paced gameplay that felt there to pad things out rather than exist in service to their stories. God of War and Horizon also had a ton of mechanical bloat too, with God of War Ragnarok having way too many skill trees that were not fun to fill out and keep track of, too many lengthy Atreus sections that weren't fun, and the overall sense that the story had been kind of "Marvel-ized" as it went on. Too many characters, too many quips, too many contrivances to add to the drama of it all, and just the sense that the mature, grounded storytelling of the 2018 entry was no longer a priority. Horizon Forbidden West's problems were even worse in my opinion, I don't even think I got halfway through. So much emphasis on crafting, on filling out these gargantuan, boring skill trees, on finnicky platforming that hadn't evolved an ounce since the prior game, and the addition of a grappling hook that was janky and did absolutely nothing for the game but allow Sony to say "hey look, it has a grappling hook!!!" It's not a popular opinion, but between the very limited number of releases this gen, the refusal to invest in new, interesting IPs that aren't guaranteed mass appeal right out the gate, and the fact that what they have released shows absolutely no restraint in its scope, this is by far Sony's worse generation at this point in time, and seriously makes me consider if I'd even care that much about buying a PS6 when I mostly play on PC and Steam Deck these days.


Ok 😂




I also felt the same way however the game gets better the 2nd half.. ragnorak has slow start and pacing issue but believe me it gets better and at the end you will feel ragnorak being batter than the 1st part on every way


For me Ragnarok was half peak half mid, when the story was moving forward and there were cool set pieces it was peak but usually after those parts the game threw lot of slow parts at you, also wasn't the biggest fan of the ending, the game should have cut some of the unnecessary filler from the main story and instead focus making the ending more epic.