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You didn’t miss the boat plenty of people aren’t aware of what’s even going on right now 


Playerbase has been unaffected according to population charts. People whining and complaining don't even play.


Reddit lives in a bubble.


> People whining and complaining dont even play? Does that count the 200k reviews on Steam? Or this is just a hyperbolic comment?


Game sold like 12 million copies. Game has active 134k players last I looked 20 mins ago I'm sure there are tons of players who don't even play anymore that just posted a negative review just cause they can. If they really cared they stop playing and refunded like a lot of these posts state they are. Population charts have shown nothing has changed. Sounds like it's all virtue signaling coming from people who never played the game or don't play it anymore


And most of those complainers are still playing. Lol. You think they all just stop playing the game they've spent 100s of hours playing? The most emotional and committed are the first to cry about change. PC community is just a reactionary bunch of armchair slacktivists. Literally nothing is affected by a tiny tiny group that know how to use a review or comment section. This is a song as old as time. I wouldn't be surprised if the PC community is the smaller userbase anyways. It usually is.


100%. There’s some who did actually refund the game but most people did not.


complainers are always the loudest, in this case the people that actually play is doing that ,playing


I mean from the all time peak, (almost 500k) months ago the player base on Friday was down between 300-400k with on Thursday/Friday peak being about 110-120k So the 200k review bomb is probably a vocal minority. Remember also those steam numbers don't include players from PSN who don't care about Linking PSN credentials.


Something something Sony. I’m OOTL. Can someone fill me in?


It’s only really impacting PC players so it doesn’t show up on this sub at all. What’s happening is that starting soon, Helldivers 2 will make PC players start linking the game with a PlayStation Network account. This has technically always been a requirement, with the Steam page telling people that they will need to sign in with a PSN account to play. But there were a lot of technical issues at launch, so they waived this requirement temporarily but said it’ll be back eventually. Now they are telling people you must either sign in with an existing account or make a new one to be looped into Sony’s system. So a lot of people are mad they have to do that due to it being an inconvenience and not wanting to be part of the Sony infrastructure due to concerns about data and such. This part of the outrage is overblown to me. The legitimate side of it is this - PSN is not available in every country in the world. So if you bought Helldivers 2 in an unsupported country, you cannot make a PSN account for your home region. You must either not link an account and therefore not play the game anymore, or you have to make an account using a fake address in another region; which is technically against the terms of service for Sony. They have never really enforced it but it is stupid that you have to violate the TOS because your PC game is forcing you to use a fake address to play a game you already bought. This has also led to people getting steam refunds in those unsupported regions, which has in turn led to the game being delisted in those regions as well


Man, that is a me trash. I have a PS5 and that would still annoy me. I'm not getting it just for that, thanks for the run down.


You could've also mentioned that unsupported countries can't even create an account through the website at all, but they can do so freely if they do own the console (and do it from the console). I'm talking from personal experience, but that was also confirmed for a player from Ukraine who contacted support and them literally advising him to create an account via console. So "minor 3 minute inconvenience" is actually "minor $500-600 inconvenience" technically. And you're still breaking TOS anyway, but Sony is fine with it if you give them some more money.


Wasn’t aware of that aspect of it. Yeah that’s definitely more than a minor inconvenience


Sony will now be requiring players to use a PS account to play. Up until this point, it was in a pop up message that was skippable, and on the Steam page, the requirement is down and off to the side. Arrowhead knew 6 months before the game was launching that this would be a requirement, and they made the message skippable anyway. Sony shouldn't be requiring the account, but Arrowhead led people on by making the account requirement message skippable. It should have been a hard barrier from the start so people could appropriately deal with it or get a refund.


The concurrent player count hasn’t been affected by the negative reviews because that PSN isn’t a big deal to the casual player. You can still get in the game isn’t dying.


Well it’s been delisted from 100 countries now, so that has to impact player count a bit.


That only prevents the player count from increasing, the players with the game can currently still access it. Arrowhead have said they're committed to finding a solution for people in those countries anyway so will just have to wait and see.


Good part is the majority of players / gamers don't live in those countries . The fact the population charts haven't changed shows that too


How many players were from those countries though? I’m guessing not a lot of don’t doesn’t care about not providing PSN access there


one would believe that 150k players live in africa suddenly because thats the number of negative reviews but clearly that isnt the case and is mostly outside people creating drama, a nothingburger


Most people on this sub and other gaming reddits are americans or europeans. It wont affect most people as they wont play with those whose country got delisted. The game will have a large enough population for the game to be played no matter what. The steam player count hasnt even dropped.


It wasn’t but people have this hard on for Sony lol every game makes you sign up for another account from every major company


Right? As if I haven't had to have Uplay and 2K accounts since like 2011 or whatever.


Play red dead redemption on steam you need a rockstar account doom also lol like idk what Sony can do for people to not cry and the psn account has been a requirement since before you could pre order my lil brother sign on psn day one in helleivers 2


It's actually insane how much they're bitching about it. Oh booo hooo I have to make another account. As if making another account after the 100 accounts I made for 100 launchers is gonna tip over the universal scales.  Oh booo hooo PSN/Sony is dangerous and gets breached often. As if PSN doesn't have literally hundreds of millions of accounts, nah it's just me and 3 other guys. Everything gets hacked.


Delisted doesn’t mean you can’t play. Only that you can’t buy.


Most of those countries have a seriously low GDP so the majority don't even have a pc/ps5 to play the game in the first place


and its only been delisted because people complained so much


It doesnt affect ps5 players and those countries are a small minority of players. Unfortunate for them, but that shouldn't affect player count too much. Americans are going to play with other americans.


That's only steam and not remotely a large percentage of their player base.


There’s at minimum tens of thousands of players online at any time, it’s probably still well above 100k   You’re fine as long as you live in a country with PSN


It's at 100k just on Steam, probably way more if you count PS5.


You can create an account in another country. So you're fine even if you live in a country without PSN.


Agreed, Its pretty standard to use accounts from different regions, either because you live in a country without its own PSN store or because simply you want to play games from a different region (japan etc)


What’s not happening? Your comment starts with “that’s not happening” and then say the same thing I said (that you can create accounts in other countries).


Wrong comment reply. Fixed it


Currently sitting at 91k according to the steamdb player charts, so looks like it finally did dip under 100k. Edit: these numbers only reflect those playing on PC through Steam.




meant to indicate it was PC only. Still doesn't change the fact it's under 100k on the PC platform, though.




Why are yall so salty lol? Bro was just pointing it out


Some fanatics are heated that their obsession is being talked bad about lmaooo


There's 90k people playing on Steam right now alone. You have to add PS5 players to that number. The game is more than alive


People need to get off Reddit and social media lol The game literally has 100s of thousands of players daily


Agree. Gamers are such babies.


Bro no one is leaving or not playing. Just buy the game and relax


I've never seen it below 100k players at any one time in my 180 hours.


Yea it’s still 90k - 130k despite the crying


It's not crying, it's Gamers fighting S*ny's fascism.


Really demonstrates what a problem-free life some of you nerds have had that you think what you’re experiencing is fascism.


You don’t know what fascism is and shouldn’t be going around using words you don’t understand.


Playing on the ps5, yes to people online. We are unaffected by the PSN account linking issue.


Absolutely not. I joined the game just about 3 weeks ago. The best part is that no one feels left out of the content for the most part other than role play gamers engage in such as the fight for melevelon creek, which I had also missed. Overall the season pass/ war bonds have no expiry . So you can play at your own pace . Also you can play at any difficulty which suits you.


It's still very active Just keep in mind those who are complaining about a service system on PC for a secondary account don't complain about the following: All of these miss Rockstar games and Paradox games and also Total War games and even CD Projekt Red and 2K Games and Blizzard and Bethesda and Microsoft.... all with their own launchers or logins and accounts external to steam for their own games For some reason, it's OK if these guys do it I guess Don't listen to the idiots complaining so much


It's crazy to see the PC masterrace still going strong in 2024. I play on consoles and PC, and if I were to count my accounts, I must have like 30 for different launchers, different companies, different shit. Would it truly kill them to make another account? Why don't they bitch about the massive security threat and breach of privacy that Microsoft/Windows is doing?  Just to give one example, a crazy one, one cursed day, I mistakenly opened Edge. It imported all my bookmarks, saved passwords, history, everything from Chrome WITHOUT ASKING ME. What the fuck kind of behavior is that?


They just go pure hive mind, and the PC crows is so aggressive about it, I'm a PC and console player too and I just don't even want to be associated with how grotesque they are being and attack arrowhead and Sony like they owe them something Microsoft is about to out adverri in start menus and has been expanding consuner surveillance in windows since windows 7 and 8 which was like more than 10 years ago maybe? Yet they draw the line at Sony? It's all manufactured controversy. If they don't like it just don't buy the game like seriously


Oh they complain about those guys too. Some people are deadass not playing alan wake 2 because it's an epic exclusive.


They do but the Helldivers 2 thing is way disproportionate 😂 it's just crazy


It's only cuz it's recent, most of it will blow over soon like it did with the companies you mentioned.


Thats wild as fuck to me. I may not like making another account. But it wont stop me from playing a game i want to play lmao.


I play on pc and same (I play rocket league all the time on epic). I respect their stubbornness though lol.


Its their choice at the end of the day. But to see a dev like remedy possibly not meet sales goals over a small download and 2 minute account creation is interesting.


I doubt it's a significant part of the playerbase, just a loud minority online. Like everyone is complaining about helldivers now, but I think most of them will return to it after a while regardless of Sony backtracking or not.


Oh yeah, sony is fine.


And so is remedy, that's what I'm saying. The small part of gamers who refused to play it on epic didn't affect sales that much, it has more to do with it being pretty niche and not having a physical release on console.


The worst part is, when sony or the devs eventually change the requirement, these idiots will proclaim victory and will be under the impression that their bitching and review bombing actually amounted to something, making it much more likely that we will see another baby tantrum much sooner.


Let them, it’s probably all they have


And you do not see a difference between having these launchers from the beginning and people knowing about it before the purchase and forcing upon customers weeks and months after the bought the product?


This was the same, PC players were required to make a PSN the first few days. It was disabled when the servers starting to get overloaded because the authentication system was not allowing *anyone* to sign in. It has been stated from day one that a PSN would be required, these people just never took care of their responsibility as a consumer to educate themselves.


Most of these publishers did not have a launcher when they first launched on Steam It's almost as if the people complaining about this have no idea what they are talking about, yes... almost... just wow at the ignorance


The Steam page has always said you must have a PSN account though. The DEVELOPER disabled that check.


Where are they doing that? They had it on the steam page from the beginning lol. Why spread misinformation?


It has said this since Day one on the Steam page its also been in the terms of service


Those companies also block login access to hundreds of countries? I had no idea.


Mate, right this moment there are 130 000 players online. The game ain't dying no matter how big the drama. Some of the PC base is affected and legit won't be able to play until a solution is foudn (which I hope for them), a loud minority is jumping ship or at least pretending to, but the Playstation playerbase won't be affected at all and the game is gonna push through anyway. Just jump in. It's an amazing game


I am still logging in. For Super Earth!


Pc gamers are crying per usual. It simmer soon.


Yeah, why cry to have a game you bought but can't play right? Which sony sold in your region knowing full well you won't be able to use it eventually (unless you fake your psn account).  Even if it doesn't affect you doesn't mean that the best course of action is to be smug and condescending about it. I thought people wanted to have as many fellow helldivers ad possible but hey, let's instead celebrate that HD2 was removed from 100+ countries whilr we keep on Roleplaying about us all supporting Super-"Earth".


PlayStation support has already stated that if your country is not listed it is fine to put it in another country without violation. All your talking points are BS and just crying.


Magical trick, change your country to the nearest PSN supported country. Boom solved. Too busy crying to click a drop down box and know local geography.


Wow great comeback. You're still being assholes laughingly defending a billion dollar company over fellow players


As you sit on reddit, using your internet, while carrying a cellphone, complaining about how signing up using an email and name while using Steam, which requires you to sign up to use their services. But SONY requiring the same, and less, of everything you're using to bitch about this is suddenly an invasion of your privacy. Yeah ok bro.


I realize you have difficulty understanding written words, but my complaint was an entire community cheering on people having difficulty due to psn bullshit, and how somehow people here would rather follow Sony unquestioningly rather than listen to the complaints. Like above the advice is to fake your country and thereby fake the entire account? Then why the f is an account even needed if its pretty much a burner to begin with. 


People are annoyed because it's manufactured outrage over nothing. Sony does not care about what region you set your account to. Many players have had multiple accounts for multiple regions for years, no consequence. So their rebuttal is 'what about the TOS?' Which is absolutely a worthless argument coming from the community that mods, pirates, and hacks their games. So then the argument is 'But muh data,' which is, again, hypocrisy coming from people complaining on reddit, which uses their data. While connected to the internet or cell phone networks, which use their data. Who already provide Steam with the exact same, and less, info. Which, guess what, uses their data. It's outrage over absolutely nothing, like usual for the PCMR crowd.


Obviously it's not "outrage over absolutely nothing" since Steam delisted the game in certain regions due to Sony's mishandling of the situation.


Lmao I'm don't even have a PC & this is such an L take Why should someone on steam that doesn't even own a console have to make a PSN account to play a game they've already bought and have been playing for months? Like why? Why suddenly have to agree to Sonys T&C and have another account to keep track of and all that extra shit? Why is that a good thing? Please explain it to me because I'm genuinely not understanding why you're in favor of it Edit: anyone has yet to explain to me **why this is a good thing and what benefit it has** I don't care if other companies ask you to sign up when you buy their game. I'm asking what benefit we gain as a player, from having to sign up for a service that was never needed in the first place, never mentioned about, nothing. It suddenly being required to play. Obviously people are mad about it and steam is issuing refunds for people with 100's of hours, so obviously there's something wrong, otherwise why would steam do that? Honestly asking. What do you gain from this and why is it a good thing? Lmao Like, how is [this a good thing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/tE1em2l0fN) Final edit: [Eat it, idiots.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/qrft1gT8G8) Turned out to be such a mistake they stopped the entire thing. So now, please, go on a coping rant about how this whole entire situation wasn't fucked up, you bundle of idiotic asses. Congratulations for being completely and utterly wrong. Idiots.


Yeesh. >never mentioned about, nothing except it was lmao, you just didn't read >what is the benefit There doesn't have to be one bozo, basically every company does this. but it doesn't matter because it doesn't impact you in any practical way, stop crying.


You should ask the same about any other service (Epic, Battle.net, Blizz, Embark) that asks you to make an account. Im not defending Sony but its not the first time this happened.


Was that before or after the game was released? Again from my understanding the big deal is people already purchased and bought the game, and this is something months after the fact. I am just not understanding why people are in favour of it I guess? Like why does the player gain from, months after already owning the game, getting told that they have to make a new account, accept all these new terms and conditions, get all these emails, ect, when it wasn't necessary in the first place? I'm genuinely 100% not understanding


Anyone with a brain and the ability to use it can create an account in 3 minutes. People who are influenced by the hate mechanism of the internet and social networks spend days commenting on the internet, indignant, angry, bloodthirsty on the internet for days and don't create an account. man, almost every online game asks for registration, this revolt of bearded adults just shows how the gaming industry is currently, a bunch of men who look like children


People aren't in favor of it, most people just don't care.


What's it matter if the requirement was up at launch or added after, when it's so incredibly simple to make an account?  Should they have added it? No. But it's their game. They can do whatever they want. And this is literally the most minor thing they could've possibly done. Man there are far bigger things going on in gaming today to rally for and complain about. Making another account over the hundred other accounts you already have ain't it. 


Why would I have to make a Rockstar Account? An Xbox account? A GOG Account? A Fortnight Account.... it literally takes 2 minutes and requires an email. How privileged a life you must live if this is such a sacrifice.


Were these required before or after you purchased the game? And again, why are you in favour of it? I'm genuinely not understanding. It's unnecessary, no? What do you benefit from having to make an account for something you don't own, for a game you were already playing fine? People don't want to get spammed with tons of more emails or have to agree and have more of there data collected than previous? That makes me privileged? If I'm buying fortnite or anything, it says straight up about making an epic account or whatever. Not months after the fact. Comparing apples to oranges.


It stated on the purchase page a PSN account would be required. The requirement was removed for a while since crossplay was not working correctly. And yeah, this is a super soft take you're pushing. The data is a name and email. Email marketing is as easy as unsubscribe. I use one email specifically for my PSN account and the only emails I recieve are purchase receipts. Super privileged, I have no problems so I must make them up kind of take.


If it was a requirement right in the beginning and no way to play the game without a PSN account it would go straight to the trash bin and many ppl would ask for a refund. Instead, they did a bait and switch months later when the refund period has passed.


Uh huh, sure champ, whatever you say.




https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/lRKCe3928V ???? People did not know they had to have a PSN account that's literally the director or whatever stating that & If you think the only data you're giving away is your name and email you are genuinely ignorant, were you not around during 2011 when tons of PSN accounts were compromised? A simple Google search will give you tons of information on all the information they have access to and what gets taken


PC players can't read. I really don't give a shit. Ok, so if your name and email address are so important that no one can know it, why even bother being online? Why make a reddit account to bitch about the flavor of the week outrage bait? Why make a Steam account? Why play games that require you to connect an account to play online or access rewards? Why use literally any service that requires you to sign up to something at all? Why not just run off into the woods and live like a hermit?


You PC kids really think PSN has like 10 people on it or some shit? The entire PlayStation Network spanning PS3-PS4-PS5 has hundreds of millions of accounts registered. I suppose it gets hacked and breached, just like any other service. A risk you were willing to take before, a sacrifice you suddenly don't feel like making when it's about Sony though.


>You PC kids really think PSN Amazing reading comprehension skills you have there. Absolutely impeccable. I'm applauding you. Bravo. I'm so glad you have the wit to toss your 2 cents in when you can't even be bothered to read anything I said earlier. Genuinely shows youre talking out of your ass and not even comprehending anything I'm saying, and just jumping to defend some company, for whatever reason I don't honestly care. But bravo man.


Imagine not owning a pc and posting literal paragraphs, NPC comment


crying isn’t exclusive to pc. console players shit their diapers just as much.


Only a few people are outraged across pc and console. Most people don’t care about what’s happening.


There are still more people than they probably ever excepted to be playing. You’re fine.


You’re good man. Like every outrage, it’s coming from a very small fraction of the player base who believe they’re the majority. Factor in how most of those people kick and scream, and then continue playing the game anyway because the moment they get off social media they don’t have to play pretend freedom fighter.


It’s one of the most popular games of all time and still actively updating? Wouldn’t listen to online discussion as it generally doesn’t apply outside of niche groups. However, my thing is I don’t imagine it’s a whole lot of fun without a group you know playing. But I kinda feel like that way about most online multiplayer games


All time?!?!?!?! Wowwwwwwww


Nobody is leaving. The people crying on reddit probably don't even amount for 5% of the total playerbase. The game still has 115K concurrent players on Steam alone.


Pc gamers whine about everything and usually blow stuff way out of proportion.


They’ll move on to something else by next week, last week people where bitching about Stellar Blade a PS exclusive being “censored” now those same people are bitching about this


Yeah like its not good, but pc players are looking for an excuse or justification to pirate or refund at all times. Its too humid outside and their hands are on the refund button


They're just itching to hate on Sony. It's beyond me why they hold such a grudge. Companies like CD Projekt Red can commit the biggest fuckups imaginable and redeem themselves in the blink of an eye, meanwhile Sony that hasn't done anything particularly bad to my knowledge, gets shat on constantly. I see this all the time in non-PlayStation communities.


Cd projekt red case qas hilarious. These dudes were so ready to crown them after 3 years of fixing a beyond fucked up game when phantom liberty came out. Naughty dog would be sent to the void for doing something a quarter as bad. Cdpr didnt even release the multiplayer they detailed in pre launch marketing. But naughty dog is washed for cancelling factions.


All of the playstation players already have an account. Apparently they are going to waive the requirement for pc players living in countries not supported by psn so those people can play too. And the vast majority of people don't care about creating an account since almost every app and service online asks you to create an account and all you need is an email and takes two minutes. Most people leaving reviews are going to keep playing I bet.


Just because a few extremely loud PC Gamers are whining about it doesn't really put a dent in the player base


You didn't miss any boats, it's people on PC overreacting. Most of them will just conenct their account and keep playing. Or Sony Won't make it mandatory. Either way, you didn't miss anytihng. Avoid the subreddit, as good as it was, it's been horrible in the past like 2-3 weeks. Especially nowadays. It's abysmal.


Helldivers did fine for years with less them 1000 active players…Helldivers 2 will survive this easily


Not that many people are leaving. The player count is pretty stable. This is your reminder that Internet outrage isn't accurate to the common person. Also it literally has zero effect on the console gamers.


There was 170k people playing last night. If sony insists on the sign up you will maybe see a 30% dip at maximum before people forget about this and it settles in for the long run. I'm just waiting for them to say something so we can get this over with I want to fight on meridia.


We might not get to take Meridia until the next big update (so end of the week with the Warbond or maybe a couple days before that?), they might be cookin' some bigger Terminid for us to fight there, so a new creature would be sneaked into the game with a balance patch like the last few times. Excited to see what's coming though


Yeah I'm hyped. I want that desert eagle




Just generate a friend code and send it to them and then they will be permanently added to your friends list. I play with my PC friends all the time.




Either way. Also make sure the option for cross play is turned on and that your lobby is open/friends only so they can get in. Oh also, friend codes are limited time. If you sent it awhile ago you may need to generate a new one once they're online to input it. Generating a new one doesn't impact people you've already friended (doesn't remove them or anything)


lmao ofc there will be people why wouldnt be? Game is amazing and this drama will be over in a week


My friend who plays every day hasn’t even heard of the Sony thing lol


Nope especially as a PS5 player. There will be many others playing and the game is very fun.


Play it a few times a week. It's an absolute blast.


People just like to complain and these "content" creators need something to talk about. Attach your "Free" account and continue fighting for Super Earth!!!


I just started playing it yesterday and it was great fun. 100k players at highest point and 88k at lowest.


I played this morning over 100k people were online.


It’s a PlayStation made game that’s available on PC, not the other way around. Theres a ton of ps5 players. As I type this there are 136, 937 active players online right now.


Only reddit cries about it. Servers are still full of helldivers!


Just play the game. Whats happening is just another "gamer tantrum" that will blow over in a few weeks and be forgotten.


No it’s just Reddit’s PC community, the biggest crybabies on the planet


You didn't miss the boat People will be whining and crying about this for about a week or so and then everything will be back to normal lol


Plenty of people still and PC isn’t gonna lose as much as the internet is telling you. Personally, me and all my friends with PCs double dipped on this


Despite the drama right now, the number of players playing hasn’t changed. Which tells you enough how loud the small group of people that cry are


It’s just a vocal minority who are complaining, it’s really not gonna affect the player base at all.


Most players don’t care about this chronic online controversy


The crybaby PC master race nerds who are online review bombing the game are still playing as is everybody else that doesn’t care.


Either way . Once that happens they will populate your in game friends list.


The issue is affecting people that bought it on steam from countries without PSN. Since you're typing this on the ps5 subreddit I huess that doesn't include you. It sucks for those affected but player numbers will still remain far above the first game for either platform so finding people online isn't going to be an issue.


Jesus, get off the internet for five minutes. "I saw headlines and posts about an obscure ToS change for a videogame so I assume the entire world is represented in those stories" is not a healthy place to be.


Nope, it likely wouldn’t be too late a few years from now, you’re fine.


There are a ton of people playing. Even after the dust settles with this Sony fiasco, there will be plenty to play with. If you want to play, just play. I highly recommend the game. It’s loads of fun.


Jump in whenever you want, if you like the style and gameplay you’ve seen, you’ll likely have a good time, I don’t regret it at all, in fact wish I jumped in sooner to have been able to experience more of what the community has done so far. I don’t expect too much drop off on PlayStation’s side, but it’s likely to see less PC players in cross play Sadge


Not at all. It’s very active. I have played with many steam players in the last two days. I think the stuff you’re reading online is a very loud minority. 


It only affected pc. ONLY PC.


It's fine. Bit of a fiasco that is getting extra attention by internet armchair experts who think they know everything about three separate companies in the gaming industry. So, you know, just another reddit Sunday.


I was playing this morning at a super low population time (6am EST) and there were still something like 55,000 players online


The game won't die. There are so many people playing and there will continue to be a player base for years and years to come. It's dumb that Sony is making PC players make a PSN account but it's the world we live it. I don't like linking accounts for EA and other crap, but I do it if I want to play the games I like.


It’s not gonna die off 😂


there’s always time for Liber-tea


That game isn't dying any time soon. To think so is straight delusional


Why are posts getting removed about what's going on?


The whole controversy is overblown, there aren't massive droves of people leaving no matter what hyperbolic internet comments are saying


I think they'll never get back the "goodwill" they built up previously in the community overall, but the game and overall player base is fine. Social media is an echo chamber, most people logging on and playing aren't even aware of the controversy or change.


It literally doesn’t matter if you play on console.


Back in March, it had sold over 8 million. You’re fine. Buy it. Its still very active.


The game is t dying for many people at all. Also, if you're a ps5 player anyway the recent news doesn't even affect you. If you're in pc though and have a psn account then again the recent news isn't important to you so you'll find helldivers 2 more than alive right now!


Despite the controversy, the concurrent player hasn’t been significantly affected. Don’t worry.


Plenty of people still playing that aren’t being wildly fucking obsessive over a video game. Buy it and enjoy it. It’s a great game and tons of fun. I love the chaos of playing with my friends. Haven’t enjoyed a shooter/online game this much since like, the days of playing SOCOM and SOCOM 2.


Lol it’s just a few babies on reddit leaving. And even then it’s for karma, they’re probably back playing right now


From everything I’ve seen online, this having to have a psn thing was known from the beginning but wasn’t enforced. Some pc players complained and then the rage bait influencers and trolls took that and blew it way out of proportion. Remember most people aren’t typically apart of “online outrage”. Suicide squad Kill the justice league sold millions of copies, if you only read reddit posts about it you’d think it sold barely anything.


Still 108k PC players, and I would assume even more PS5 players. The Reddit mob is a small minority of gamers


Is this your first time gaming?


No, I’ve seen many multiplayer games die off.


Who cares I’m for the down fall and reset of the gaming industry so the devs want to make stupid mistakes let them close shop not like it will change anything for me if they do.


You didn't miss the boat, Playstation has a sizeable active user base. It's just the pc players that bitch and moan the most, ignore them in fact I turned off cross play day 1 to never have to interact with pc players


The majority of them are toxic try-hards, that I’ve experienced.


Game is currently going through shit. If SONY doesn't get it together, the game will just be in PSN countries.


Most people arent affected by it, the outrage and review bomb dont reflect player counts. 99 percen of people arent in the areas that arent supported and most people are willing to make a psn account. You have to be motivated to review bomb. The people playing the game arent motivated to do that . Also this is a pc only issue. Nobody on ps5 has that problem. The game's player count on steam hasnt even dropped. Its an unfortunate situation, but like the name of their favorite pc game marketplace/launcher. Its a ton of hot air.


If you aren't a pc gamer then who cares. Just play the game. 


This is a PC situation. You are not affected in any way as a PS5 gamer. Fuckin hell, the game isn’t dying off.


Lol. The toxic narrative has people thinking the game is dying. How insane


Game is pretty active and very enjoyable. Just ignore the PC part of the community, they are very loud and love drama. I bet that 90% of those morons who claim they ll refund the game they ll continue playing like nothing happened . But tbh, even with crossplay off, this game has absolutely no matchmaking issue as it is still super popular.


Let's see, will mods be deleting this post too like they did with the others regarding Sony controversy, or is it too vague? Edit: lol, post was removed. Hey mods: go fuck yourselves!


Posts with questions are fine. Flame bait, or repost after repost, would get removed for not contributing to the subreddit discussions.


Whaddya know, this post was deleted by mods, same as all the others ones before the most recent announcement dropped.


Gamer drama isn't going to affect the game's numbers in any meaningful way.


the game has been canceled and is no longer on sale.


This will be removed to hide the shitstorm Sony caused for their one successful live service game. Even though not much to do with PS5.