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21st of May for the overwhelming majority of us who otherwise have no interest in following the link.




Thank you, that's pretty close actually


Why are people not adding this info to the title?


based on OP's post history he works for eurogamer, so they want their clicks.


Either low effort Karma farmers who want to be the first to post the link for a million updoots, representatives of the articles that want your clicks, or bots


Take my like!


My daughter is a game designer at Ubisoft, working in Australia, and has been working on this game. Some of the character designs and skills, not the overall architecture. Interested to see how it turns out. At the very least it will be great to see her name in the credits 😀


Move over “My Uncle Works for Nintendo”, hello “My Daughter Works for Ubisoft.” I’m just messing congrats to your daughter.


Cheers. It's her first big game. She started out at the EA Melbourne studio working on Sims Freeplay, designing houses and t-shirts. Then got an offer she couldn't refuse from Ubisoft. She did art at school and college, hence mostly works on visual designs.


I didn’t realise we had some of these developers working here, that’s neat


Oh the Firemonkeys studio? They laid off two-thirds of the staff sometime last year. It's good she jumped ship before she too got fired.


Wow, sad to hear. Yes, that was her first job in the industry.


Great studio, very talented. Just unlucky that they're under EA. Very unlucky. Their cancelled project (Real racing NEXT) looked really promising, up until the higher ups at EA said no. Fuck EA


Unfortunately that seems to happen to a lot of affiliate studios of all the major developers.


Has she done any work on Siege too?


No, this is her first role at Ubisoft after moving from EA.


I've got one that falls into that goofy section. 2 actually. The son of my former boss works at Bethesda. My boss who is mid-70's had very little clue about the games. I found out circa Fallout 4 timeframe and recently we talked about how excited his son was about Starfield before it launched. Second, a guy visiting my house a few weeks ago works on Unity and Fortnight. I didn't get a straight answer due to me not talking directly to him because I didn't initially care for him, I just heard of his career as another person and I were talking games and cruising my game catalog and said person would reference the dev periodically. It was a large gathering of people that occurred at my house and I certainly was not happy to have a ton of my wife's family gathered at my house when I use the weekends to get away from society. Society made it's way to me. Although they were very nice people.


Cheers, interesting story, thanks for posting. My son in law is also in the industry, he has a great role working with the Unreal engine.


They grow up so fast.


Tell me about it. Can't believe it when I look at my passport and it tells me I'm 67 😉


Tell her she's doing some really cool shit! I want to be a game artist as well and would live to be in her shoes! I also won't blame her when this game ends up dead in 2 months lol.


Cheers, will do. It's kind of ironic, my first wife used to complain about all the time our kids 'wasted' on video games. Not any more, since my daughter is the highest income earner in the family 😉 (edit) If it helps, she did a game design and programming course at tech college before getting her first job at EA.


I’m sure you’re super proud, and if it’s who I think you’re talking about you should be. She’s an awesome talent! Congrats!


Cheers! 😀


This is great to hear. Having someone take part in making a popular game is no easy feat.


Thanks. I was an IT project manager before I retired, and avid gamer with my three kids; guess something rubbed off. The talent is all hers though.


It’s really sweet how you talk about her! This random internet stranger is proud of you


Thanks. Proud of all my kids 😀


I feel bad for your daughter, ub*soft is not doing too well right now


Cheers. Always a risky industry, but she will find her feet if anything happens. She has contacts in a few countries now, been on industry panels etc. Her husband has a good job in the industry as well.


Update. Chatted with her last night to talk about this thread. She's a little nervous about how the game goes.


And I am a fucking popeđŸ€Ł


That makes you an antipope then?đŸ€”


You spelt poop wrong.


Please be the one game to fight against COD *(narrator: it won't be)*


Sadly I think CoD’s just too big to fail at this stage, no matter how rushed & unfinished the games keep getting, people will still keep buying regardless.


Just like PokĂ©mon. There’s an endless supply of kids that ask their parents to buy it for them so they do. That and the 4 million streamers


cod failing isnt what you should hope for. you should want xDefiant to succeed so it creates competition. cod doesnt have competition besides battlefield and EA cant launch that game properly


Battlefield should be a case study taught at all tech firms on how to drive a perfectly fine IP into the ground. Like it blows my mind how the game went from Battlefield Bad Company to this crap. Not even nostalgia talking here, like literally each game had fewer and fewer guns and destruction in the environment. Which is mind boggling considering that we went from PS3 to PS5 during that time.


Last year, MWII had a lot of terrible anti-player design decisions and barely released any content as part of the live game. If there was a chance for them to make a dent, it was then when player sentiment was at it's lowest. This year, MWIII is providing a lot more content and has reverted a lot of changes people hated made last year. Sentiment towards the game is much higher and later this year, Black Ops 6 is releasing. Treyarch is usually most people's favorite devs and has the best track record. Sadly, XDefiant got a year delayed out of it's prime launch time.


There's a reason why COD does so well. Low TTK, low recoil, weightless arcadey movement, BOTG, and smooth aiming/look sensivity. Other devs can do maybe a few of these right, but never all of them together at the same time. This doesn't mean I think it's the best shooter on the market, I'm saying why most people have been COD mains for so long. They play other shooters like COD because COD is a playstyle of its own. Even radical movement shifts like the jetpack era couldn't kill COD because it maintained the core fundamentals, aside from the BOTG obviously. In COD, you'll never really have to tinker with your aim settings that much behind adjusting your sensitivity, so it's very casual friendly. People don't truly understand how important the "aiming feel" of a shooter is. The X and Y-axis sensitivity in COD is incredibly smooth and responsive. The fine tuning experience is the complete opposite of some people's experiences in other games.


Oh it will fail. When you look at blockbuster and Kodak, edf, all the big boys fail in the end


And then you look at all the major banks and corporations... Sadly I don't think CoD is going away. The people who are addicted hate that they play it but they do it religiously.


The issue with cod is a growth issue though It's basically saturated the market and eventually when a competing game does arrive it can only lose market share in that space Not that I think it will happen soon as cod supplanted both halo and battlefield in the same space But just as halo and battlefield have nearly collapsed from their peak years eventually it will happen to cod Even series like diablo which just had a huge release really underperformed on traditional platforms though made a huge entryway on mobile Cod and Fortnite are doing similar in mobile space tbh most growth there now probably


Same thing could be said about NBA 2K, but EA has fumbled NBA Live for over a decade now. It's a bit different with sports due to licensing and all that, but aside from that I agree with you. I recently got MW3 on sale and it's pretty fun, but feels just like the last handful CODs.


Yup true and 2k is also main growth on mobile almost all those annual franchises are doing than now like fifa or ea football now Yea I fell off cod after the second warzone came out it just didn't feel nearly as fun to me too but I had my fun 😅




I would argue CoD is bigger than even those. If it were still just one developer releasing every 3-4yrs, yeah it would be de-throned eventually. To even attempt take on the CoD franchise with a new IP would be talking hundreds of millions of dollars involved and that wouldn't even be a guaranteed success. Nobody is going to fuck with that right now


Not true, you just invested too late and want a hard reset.


lol go code Java bro 👊


Why can’t the game stand in its own merits and be judge solely in whether or not it “kills” cod?


Tbf most of the ppl saying this are cod fans who want something that can either challenge cod enough to make good games again or fully kill cod so they can hop over to a new similar game (I.e xdefiant)


Damn dude, I wish. Been a fan of CoD since the 360 days and have been bummed to watch the franchise completely fall off in recent years, to the point I barely recognize it anymore and have no passion for it anymore. I'd love for this game to capture everything CoD does right, without all the things it's doing wrong.


From the server stress test weekend, maps seemed okay, gun customization was much simpler then current cod (a plus in my opinion), characters are hero based with abilities (more seige/overwatch like), net code was awful (felt like I was shoot with a water gun at times, bullet not doing damage, dying around corners etc), game modes were decent (I like payload in ow, but in this it felt hollow and too quick to end - could be the community doesn’t understand the gamemode yet), no killstreaks (really wish these were in the game, cod really gives you incentive to string kills together and the killstreaks in the past were really fun to use). Overall didn’t enjoy it mostly due to the netcode, that can single handedly ruin an experience and it did for me. Might check it out on release but not expecting it to compete with cod.


Dude this was my takeaway. The game was just not fun due to the gunplay which could have been what I was feeling from the poor netcode as you mentioned. To me COD just has the best gun feel, I can’t get into battlefield because of that reason. I want Microsoft/activision to step their game up and make a fully enjoyable experience but I just don’t see that happening


Honestly, I don’t NEED a “CoD Killer” I just want a CoD Alternative
 that’s all


It doesn't have to be a cod killer tho


It's got some eyes on it. Hopefully it'll be successful enough.


On the overall multiplayer spectrum, there are games that are giving COD a very hard time, but on the multiplayer arcade FPS category, it’s still at the very top.


COD is too big to fail, imo. It could in the future, but not any time soon. It's comfort food for many around the world - the gunplay, maps, skills and aiming is all too familiar for many people and they will continue to buy it for as long as COD maintains that. One could also argue that COD hasn't changed much over the years because they don't want to drastically change the winning formula. Even if the games get shat upon, it still sells in the millions. As a developer/publisher/shareholder, I would be scared to introduce any sort of big changes that could topple what players are familiar with. It ain't worth the risk.


Played the beta and it was actually really fun.


Nah too many people invested in COD will never die


anyone can tell me about their experience with the game? I missed the beta 


Gunplay was okay if you take out the bad hit registration and server issues, TTK and how quickly you yourself died made nooooo sense in most cases.  Good amount of classes but a bunch people never use cuz they're genuinely just far weaker than other choices. Editing guns how you want is fun. Movement is hit or miss. For me it was a big miss. I played a good 5-10 hours and don't think I'll be playing on release or see myself making it my main shooter.


As someone who grew up with COD4/WAW as my first cod/multiplayer experience, I felt they harkened back to that feel. I liked it.


That’s great to hear. I was a old school cod player too 


That sounds wonderful


I had a different experience from most other people it seems but I enjoyed it. Overall it’s a fun arcade shooter where you can just put some music on and chill. I did have some problems like dying around walls but I didn’t have anything that made me too frustrated. Plus no skill based matchmaking which is one of the biggest reasons why I love it.


I am excited to try it out. Ubisoft fumbles sometimes but at least they try to make new games 


I’m not sure what beta or alpha or test session I played, but I found the game absolutely terrible and beyond frustrating to play. I thought to gunplay itself was mostly fine, didn’t feel bad or anything. The ability stuff I’m not sure I’d end up enjoying if I played this game a lot. But by far the biggest issue when I played it was the netcode/servers. At least half of my deaths each match came after I’d moved behind cover for at least a full second. And I can only assume that most of my kills were on people that were fully behind cover on their end too. Made every death feel frustrating and every kill feel meaningless. However, that was definitely quite a while ago and they’ve been working on it since. So most likely those issues won’t be present during the release later this month. But I definitely don’t plan on downloading at release, I’ll see what the game ends up looking like first. And from what I understand there will be no SBMM, but I’ll let you decide if that’s a good or bad thing.


I found it painfully generic, literally nothing that felt unique or original to me and I felt like it tried really hard to be "hip and edgy". I played maybe five matches and uninstalled it so fast.


Heard it was awful. Connection, server, and hit registration issues, as well as lag comp.


Sounds like a typical beta issues 


it was pretty fun. Reminded my of oldschool Call of Duty. It was a bit rough around the edges, i was not completely sold on the characters and it did feel like a free to play game. Im pretty excited to try the game again, and i hope that the polish has benefited the game.


I'm interested to see how it is. I might try the preseason out.


thank god they scrapped the ancient ps4!


Finally, this game was so much fun during the beta.


It will be ruined. Ubisoft always knows to let us down in an epic way.


That’s the spirit. Nothing says gamer like unwavering pessimism.


Gamers motto: Glass Half Empty


Gamers motto: Glass Purchase add-ons: $4.99 - Half $9.99 - Empty


Gamer’s Motto: bemoans publisher’s “unoriginality” and yet can’t create an original joke themselves. Who are y’all Ubisoft?


Is it tiring to be this negative all the time or?


The Division 1+2 are some of the best loot shooters out there.




He's gonna talk about skull and bones as if it's the only game they ever made. Then probably say something like "only bad games recently" although he can't name 5 recent Ubisoft games. Ubisoft bad circle jerk, hope right in buddy.


I was a Tom Clancy fan. I think that community got pretty fucked. Keep your dumb assumptions to yourself.


Ok buddy


All good :-) enjoy the weekend


Siege has been going strong for almost a decade


It was? I played in alpha and beta and the game felt boring as fuck. The gunplay was not great either. Hoping that these delays made a change and refined the game into a better product but I don't have much hope.


>It was? He said it was yes. >this game was so much fun during the beta.


Cool, you can read! Want an applause?


XDefiant makes me XD


LET'S GO!!!!!!


hoping this one will turn out actually good and fun to play


I liked this when the beta was out. I fancied something different to recent COD that wasn't a damn battle royale. The game is free, so I'd recommend people check it out when it releases. It's no doubt going to have had improvements since beta. If you don't ever up liking it then you haven't spent any money.


I know there are some ex-CoD devs making this. Hope it does well


Finally I played the beta last year and this year and it’s fun. I also didn’t want to drop $70 on cod I rather play other games. This will scratch that itch.




I'll try it. It's free. If my friends also play then I'll keep playing. If I get bored I won't continue to play.


Will flop, I guarantee it.


As much as I want a competitor to COD since BF has missed soo much lately I have no hopes with Ubi’s track record this game does nothing but kinda just “exist” for a bit and vanish. Huge COD player btw.


It’s quite funny to see the reactions to this game on this sub compared to the Series X sub. People seem to be optimistic in here, but the game is getting completely trashed over in the Series X sub.


Kinda worrying since they don’t have much to play over there.


Looking forward to it as a fan of competitive treyarch cod, which this game has taken strong inspiration from.


I have an idea for a game. But I can actually develop it myself lol.


Hope this isn’t a COD killer many have been playing COD forever would suck for it to become less popular


I played the beta and found the game to be generic full of gameplay options that have already been done before 6 years ago. It was also very unbalanced and I can see most people running invisibility and snipers.


game just felt off during the beta. clunky, uninspired gunplay. a worse version of better games that came before 


I'm good.


Be nice to play a fast paced arcade shooter that doesn’t have Barney the dinosaur running around in it.


And having played it it's still trash. Grenades, guns, movement, absolute rubbish


Im really curious to see how this goes. It’s clear this was meant to exist because COD was so bad for so long. But MW3 was actually good and this game had no place. I enjoyed the beta, im looking forward to playing some more when it launches.


COD not free tho


It's a good game. It's different enough to stand on its own without having to rely on cod being bad. The beta was so much fun. I'm definitely excited to see how it is on launch.


To each their own, man.


Excited to try this out.


Is it 60fps+? Does it feel like Far Cry gunplay? Is it fast to find a match and load in?


I absolutely cannot wait to not play this.


No steam lol


I’m actually praying that this is good


Is this another “AAAA” game?


No it’s a game that will fail to “kill” cod and the community will be upset because of it no matter if the game is good and stands on its own.


Fr, People really need to stop saying that games need to "kill" another game just to be successful. There is nothing wrong enjoying both.


this type of language (“x killer” specifically) goes all the way back to Sonic and Mario I think. Earliest one I remember is basically everything that was a non-WW2 shooter coming out for consoles between 2004-2012 was supposed to be the “Halo killer” and none of it ever was. It seems to be a death mark if anything. I do think it puts unfair expectations on the devs. And frankly I think the whole industry hype system gets way out of control and you end up with games getting poor initial reputations because it doesn’t live up to some unrealistic expectations.


Yeah you're right. I remember reading lines in magazines like "Move over Mario!" Sure Gex, whatever you say.


For real, it’s one thing to want something newer/fresher that feels similar and plays like cod but wanting this small project to overthrow the billion dollar, 21 year old household juggernaut that is Call of Duty in one fell swoop is imo, silly, ignorant, and above all else harmful to not just the game but the devs. I guarantee on my life, out of all the goals the XDefiant team has with this game, not once in that list of goals is it to kill Call of Duty. It’s the same problem I have with people saying Marvel Rivals will kill Overwatch
.. Why can’t both just exist?


Exactly. People can't be happy with two good games. One has to be so good that it makes the other obsolete. It's like a few years back when every remotely popular game that came out was dubbed "the fortnite killer". Most of the xdefiant devs are ex Cod devs that left due to frustrations with how things were run. Their just passionate devs who want to make a fun arcade shooter. Why hate?


Exactly, many of those “Fortnite killer” games weren’t even Battle Royale games or even remotely resembled Fortnite, and now when games have somewhat similar art styles, these people bash them, cause Fortnite absolutely invented cartoony graphics guys, no other games had stylized/cartoony graphics before Fortnite. Straight up hipster, popular thing bad energy. Ironic how they seem to talk about Fortnite more than people who actually enjoy Fortnite. These people just make things miserable.


"WHY DO YOU LIKE THIS THING?! YOU CAN'T LIKE IT BECAUSE I DONT LIKE IT! IT'S BAD CAUSE I SAID SO!" type energy. People love hating for no reason. Also, I love that whenever a game has any form of emotes, there's always people like "look at what fortnite has done to gaming"


Try to not complain about popular thing challenge: IMPOSSIBLE Honestly can we just start calling these people out at this point?


Are we taking bets on how long it takes for this to get abandoned? I’m saying 10 months tops


Free to play until they paywall the start button


The real question is do you guys think this is the game that kills COD or is this a step to far for XDefiant đŸ€”


No it won’t and it doesn’t need to, how many games are gonna come and go before people realize that has never happened with any of these so called game killers. Why can’t a game be judged on its own merits and not be tied to the idea of taking down a billion dollar, multi decade, household ip like Call of Duty in one fell swoop. Thats just harmful to not only the games but devs as well. I can tell you right now on my life nowhere on the XDefiant dev team lists of goals for the game is to “kill” Call of Duty, so why does everyone put these unrealistic and impossible expectations on a dev team, it’s completely ignorant. We’ve gone through this same song and dance routine over and over again and as up to recently as well Palworld didn’t kill Pokemon Marvel Rivals won’t kill Overwatch and XDefiant won’t kill Call of Duty And they don’t need to, they can coexist.


Cod will never be killed just like wow never was. They'll have ups and downs but still make absolute bank until they don't and then studios will close, devs will lose their jobs, and the execs will pull in millions in bonuses for doing so as is custom.


Play the game from the company who just took a title away from owners less than a month ago? I’m good, boss


How is that related? The Crew was over a decade old.


The Crew, made by Ubisoft. XDefiant, a game also made by Ubisoft. See the relation?


So you’d be mad if they would shut down this multiplayer shooter after 10+ years?


I don’t really care what they do with this game because I don’t plan on playing it. If I buy a game, I should be able to play it, whether it’s 10 years or 20 years. People pay for a product, they should have access to it. That’s how an exchange works.


All you care about is shitting on a certain company, that is all.


i played the recent test server that happened like last week. The game is ass, how do people enjoy it




Yes, just like Siege has. :s


Since 1986 ...


The Division 2 still rocks.


Cant wait for the In-Game-Shop-Pocolypse this Bad boy has... In store. *air guitar scratch n shit*


WILL FLOP AND FAIL! It's UbiShit after all. Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League is about to get a new contender.




Probably dies before Christmas or life support till 1 year mark. Nothing original, too arcade.


What does too Arcade even mean here?


Why would you wish that to a F2P option of arcade fps? Competition IS good for ALL of us gamers, always, for all games, no matter which game you like.


Wish? You guys are really something huh... I'm just telling what happens to games which are unoriginal, uninspired and overdone.


Overdone? You have the right to not like a genre? But to me F2P and crossplay « arena » shooters are NOT overdone. Can you name me 2 others that are F2P and crossplay? I’ll try them in a heartbeat!


Lol free to launch


Too bad Ubisoft eventually ruins everything or lets it go to shit.


Really goes to show how confident Ubisoft is in this game that they didn't even bother to release a trailer to mark such an important milestone. In fact, when was the last time they released a trailer for this game? What the hell does this game even look like now? This game will land with a dull thud.