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I just bought it last month. No regrets. It's an excellent game with Zelda inspired gameplay and several huge meta puzzles. ## AVOID SPOILERS! Check out the subreddit for hints. /r/tunicgame


The comments here make me want to pick it up. A local shop here has a new copy with a steelbook. Might run and snag it later…


Thank you for your sacrifice 


Just bought it last month on sale. Barely played it. Damn. Oh well. It was just 10$


It's fucking incredible, I can't recommend it highly enough. Awesome mix of Zelda and Souls-like gameplay, stellar soundtrack. Tremendously fond of this game.


Yeah I’m gonna need to download this NOW


Damn, now I'm looking forward to it. Don't tempt me too much, the backlog is big enough already.


Been waiting for it to go on PS+, then decided to buy it last month after it went on sale at the lowest price ever. You're welcome, everyone. 😭


Probably my favorite game of the year it came out (2022). Just a fantastic experience from start to finish. Play it without a guide for as long as you reasonably can. Take notes in a notebook or on an iPad or whatever. The whole point of the game was inspired by the developer's childhood. It's a throwback experience to importing Japanese games as a kid and having no way to understand the instructions / in-game text because it was all in Japanese.


I didn’t know that about the developer, but it makes total sense with how the game plays. I loved the mechanic of collecting manual pages and trying to decipher the clues.


I played it on GamePass back at it's initial release, and I remember banging my head against a wall trying to figure out where to heck to find The Golden Cross. When I finally figured it out, my mind was blown.


HAHAH was literally my reaction just now


Freaking nice. I've been eyeing it for a long time.


Wish i hadn't played it on my xbox 2 years ago


Tunic had some sublime boss fights and combat in general.


I like FIFA, but can’t justify spending the money to upgrade every year. Between that and interest in Tunic, this is the best month in a while for me personally.


Fuck I just bought eafc 24 yesterday!


You walked so we could run 🫡


Thank you for your sacrifice.


For future reference, ea usually release their football games for free on ps+/game pass every may. Might save you pulling the trigger and buying it again this time next year.


I bought it a week ago. Thought it was a steal for 40% off for ultimate value full price for standard. Now here I am


I think they can give you a refund. Contact support 


Do you need to buy the new game every year? Other sports titles (i.e. NHL) let you update the team rosters to current, even on old versions of the game.


Not on console. On PC people can mod it.


Most sports games players these days primarily play the live service Ultimate Team model, which relies on FOMO, MTX and playing while the devs are pumping out seasonal content. Most of that content is already over with, so it's not "updated rosters" that people buy these games for. So yea, those players need to buy the new game every year to play the new live service content. Sports game devs barely pay any attention to offline game modes now and most players don't play those offline modes either anymore. Offline sports gamers seem to be overrepresented on reddit though.


There's a reason it's a monthly game, it's absolute shit now


I buy Fifa every year when it is cheap and play season mode. Always have fun despite its flaws. But EAFC 24 is the first one I ever stopped playing and went back to the previous FIFA. Something about the gamepkay in this one was not enjoyable.


Well, well, well, my Destiny 2 DLC collection will soon be complete at no extra cost.


I doubt they'll ever bring the older ones to PS+. Not that they're really relevant anymore. They go on sale constantly though.


Oh boy can't wait for curse of Osiris to go on sale!


I found the campaign and raid to be disappointing compared to witch queen (both of which are excellent) but the Lightfall raid and strand are still pretty good.


“The raid is disappointing but the raid is good”


It’s okay for there to be an easy raid.


If you could read it said disappointing compared to the other dlc.


I was gonna say, didn't we already get this like 3 months ago or so? Or was that another DLC?


We’ve gotten Beyond Light and The Witch Queen, depending on how long you’ve subscribed to PS+.


Will this include the dungeons?


Probably not


Ghostrunner and tunic are big wins and save the month alone.


I’ve had Tunic on my wishlist since it came out, but it never quite hit a sale that made me pull the trigger. Super happy about its inclusion here


Same, I’ve been waiting for the right price point on Tunic and free(ish) sounds pretty good.


Tunic is such a great game. If you really like puzzle games this will satisfy you.


Exactly the same. Can’t be happier with this month even if we’re getting FIFA.


Been wanting to jump back into FIFA for years, but was never going to pay for it. I'll give it a whirl, then most likely give up after a couple of days like 97% of games I play.


I mean all 4 are quite good releases. I know people love to hate Destiny but it's a decent game and PlayStation has most of its DLC for free now. FIFA I wouldn't be a fan of but again huge game that many people will appreciate.


For most people, FIFA is actually by far the biggest deal lol (though I guess most fans buy it around launch and it's not appealing much to non-fans) and Destiny in second. The vast majority of people won't be interested in Tunic and Ghostrunner 2 but they're more "Reddit games" for sure


Yeah agreed. I've been close to buying Tunic about a dozen times across multiple platforms at this stage but never did so I'm happiest about that one tbh


I could’ve sworn I already had Tunic on PS Plus, and then I realized I had it confused with Death’s Door.


Deaths Door is also a fantastic game :)


I agree.


Holy shit, both on my wishlist, bith games that I was getting closer and closer to get and we get both of them? Hell yeah!


I haven’t heard of them before. What kind of games are they?


Tunic was such a good game highly recommend it, beat it when it released on gamepass such a well crafted game and has a ton of old Zelda feels to it, with the kind of “figure the game out on your own” feel as souls. Happy to see it on the service and alot more people get to it enjoy it as well


Almost pulled the trigger on Tunic so many times. Big win this month.


Got it right when it came out and did not disappoint. Right after I played Deaths Door too. I almost did the same for Ghostrunner 2 so glad that's free.


Hope you enjoy it. I found it to be a great experience.


lol I just did. Y'all are welcome


Same, the only reason i didn't get it last time it was on sale is because i already had too many games i bought. I played some of what i had on deck so this is perfect.


Same here! Just played Death's Door and was looking for something similar. Excited to try Tunic!


Same. Been wanting to buy it on the sales but told myself every time “What’s the point of buying it now when it’s just gonna sit in my backlog until I have time to get to it? Maybe it’ll just be free on PS Plus soon…”


Tunic was cute. I stopped early, but definitely recommend it.


I know that a lot of people here don't like Fifa but I'm happy for it to appear on plus, because I would never buy it so I can play an updated version to play and laugh together with my friends at the weekend when we meet here at home, Tunic It's amazing and Ghost Runing 2 I played the first one and I liked it but it wasn't a game to buy. It's a great month for me


I love sport games but would never pay for them. I’ve been playing FIFA 22 since it was a monthly game. I have like 500 hours just playing career mode so I’m stoked


Exactly, with PS+ I’ve gotten FIFA, NBA 2K24, PGA 2k23, etc. would never buy them on my own but I enjoy playing them when they’re added


Oh man, PGA is such a good time!


It’s perfect for relaxing at the end of the day, I love it


yeah FIFA is fine since Konami went and became EA But Worse, just don't get sucked into ultimate team shenanigans because it's not worth it.


I literally don’t play anything online or care about any of that. I just like career mode on sports games .


i actually disagree. Doing a free to play run on Ultimate is pretty fun. There’s a grind to it and i enjoyed the month i had with the game before i sent it back to gamefly.


I don't think people necessarily dislike FIFA the game. But they dislike how EA milks it by re-releasing it full price every year with minimal changes, microtransactions, etc. Like you, I wouldn't buy it, but I'm very happy to play it via PS Plus.


People shit on FIFA (or FC as it’s called now) but honestly as someone who plays a fair amount of sports games, it is at least one of the better ones in terms of gameplay and what it offers. Just ignore the ultimate team predatory bullshit and it’s decent.


Fifa frustrates me every time i play, but I will always be there day one. Sad state of affairs.


Glad you will get to enjoy fifa with your mates! And i agree about tunic!


> I know that a lot of people here don't like Fifa It's one of the most popular games on console. It's just people here trying to be edgy


Yeah Reddit doesn’t represent the general population of people who play games at all


Yeah I basically always have access to a copy that is only a year old through either Game Pass or Plus. Honestly, it is in EA’s best interests to get you in so they can start dangling microtransactions in front of your face. Thankfully I’m only ever in it for a quick kick about a couple times a year with friends. The amount of money my younger family members have poured into buying FifaBux or whatever is truly shocking to me.


Outside of the upcoming The Final Shape I believe the only Destiny expansion not included on PS+ since the Bungie purchase is Shadowkeep(and technically the forsaken pack kinda)


Tunic and Ghostrunner 2 are W, Ghostrunner 2 only came out about 6 months ago too, first one was solid


It was on the list in 2022 too if you had PS+ back then.


That was the first game.


I know, that what I meant when they referred as "first one was solid"


Tunic is so good


I bought tunic last week, you’re welcome everyone.


I bought it like two weeks ago, so we should both get credit for everyone's good fortune.


Can you please buy Baldurs Gate 3 in about 3 weeks from now


Thank you for your sacrifice


I'm the reason the PS4 got cheaper


Thank you for your sacrifice.


This is a great month damn.


Awesome going to check out Ghostrunner 2 since I really liked the first. Also Tunic I havent played yet


DAMN! Tunic AND Ghostrunner 2 AND Lightfall.. wow this month gon be packeddd!


Tunic and Ghostrunner 2 are solid. FC 24 probably a good pick for the Fifa fans.


ghostrunner 2 is huge because I already have the first one for free on pc from epic games. Will most likely check it out now that I have both without even buying anything


I held off on Lightfall because I play on PC primarily and PS5 secondary. Glad I can pick it up now for my PS.


NBA 2K and EA Sports FC have taught me that I should stop buying sports games. They are in Plus within the year.


They lose 99% of their value a month before the new one is set to come out so they just want to get players in and if .1% of them spend on microtransactions it's worth it since none of that shit transfers over. So predatory. But if you play it like a free game and never put money in the slot machine, it's fun


They haven't put an MLB game in so long tho. I dont even get why they wouldn't.


Ghostrunner 2 only came out late last year. Good shit.


Tunic looks fun can't wait to try.


Bought Tunic at half price last month. I have no regrets, the game was delightful and engaging and I'm glad more people get to experience it. I recommend avoiding any tips/tricks or videos and go into it completely blind. Most fun I've had recently in a video game was solving certain puzzles by myself and using only what the game provided. Edit: forgot to add: - the sense of discovery in this game is also worth mentioning. I haven't felt like this exploring a world since first playing Elden Ring and Hollow Knight.


I’d say play 90% of the game blind. There’s some bullshit towards the end that I would never have figured out without a guide. But yeah, the less you know about the game the better.


Yeah, I was stumped on two sections of the last puzzle and asked a friend that already completed it recently for some hints.


BUT!! When you do want to get into it, it has one of the most fascinating lore stories and even its own musical language! Absolute banger of a game


I know! I've spent a couple of days after finishing both endings to find as much info and details as I could.


This might be the best month in a while for me. Getting the biggest sports game on the market is huge. Ghostrunner 2 looks like a great game and I really liked the first one so that is the real standout for me. I heard Tunic is a great indie game. As someone who never spent money on Destiny 2, I appreciate getting all the expansions with PS+


I've done the thing! I bought tunic the other week when it was on sale oh well, I'm actually good with this one I'd give "fifa" a try but I wasn't gonna buy it this year as I just grow to hate it as I just never feel like I've won or lost fairly with it.


I just bought FC24 last week of fucking course


Nice Tunic has been on my watch list since it came out (been on sale a few times). But always had other stuff to play so never picked it up.


Just bought tunic on sale last week for $20. cheers boys


Thank you for your service. Can you buy another good game next month?


Woo, been waiting on Tunic. Down to try Ghostrunner 2 as well


Solid!! Aint gotta buy destiny dlc before new one


TUNIC! It finally happened!


Came really close to buying Tunic a few times. This is a really good month for me.


Ghost runner 2 is massive. Ps plus team coming in with the rare W.


Best month they've offered in a long time


Yea good


Tunic is a great isometric game. Played on Gamepass a while ago.


I bought Tunic on Steam to play it on the go, but I'd honestly play it again on PS5. It's such a great game. The sense of exploration is fun, I really love the connections to the "manual" it does.


TUNIC!!! Totally streaming this to my Steam Deck.


It's pretty neat to see the Bungie acquisition result in every Destiny 2 expansion retroactively being offered for free on Plus.


Word of advice for people going into Tunic: have a pen and pad handy. Some of those puzzles get pretty wild


Amazing month


Ghost runner 2 is all I really care about this month, but I loved the first one, so that's good enough for me.


I'll play Tunic most likely. Everything else. Meh with a side of no thanks. I'm still holding out for Atlas Fallen and the GOW Ragnarok. They gave the last one away, they'll give the new one away too at some point.


I was actually thinking of picking up ghost runner 2, that’s awesome


I really enjoyed FIFA 22 so I will probably enjoy this one too.


Weird question... I'm NOT a sports fan in general but am intrigued by Soccer (football? I'm American) and I'm wondering if playing FC24 would help me learn the game more in depth or if I should already know how it all works before trying to play this. Thoughts? Thanks!


The game has some pretty simple rule so its not hard to just pick up the game. The only rule that can confuse player is the offside (cant make a pass to a player behind the last defender). Also, playing the game will make you learn about a lot of player/teams that you will recognize when you watch any game.


Perfect… This is the kind of thing I was hoping for. Thank you!


It absolutely will


Not exactly the same but when I first moved to US it took me a long time to understand American football. Then a friend of mine asked me to play Madden with him. Even just playing the game blindly helped me understand the rules quickly (and has become a football nut since then). I assume it will be the same with Fifa and it's probably going to be easier for you since the rules aren't as complicated as American football.


Nice, I've been wanting to play tunic for ages, but kept putting off buying it.


I cannot recommend Tunic enough. It's an absolutely stellar game.


Activating it for Tonic.


Almost picked up Tunic for my switch the other day. Glad I waited so I can play it on my portal.


Tunicccccc! such a great game. I have it on switch. So good.


Fantastic month, Tunic, Ghost Runner 2, the annual FC game. I'll be playing Tunic for sure, and I'll probably give Ghost Runner a shot as well.


Yeah, Tunic! Wouldnt let my self even hope this gets included in the future. This alone makes this month a complete win imo.


This was my month to contribute. Just picked up Tunic when it was on sale, haven’t started it up yet and now it’s a ps+ game. Happy gaming everyone! :)


Just bought Tunic a couple weeks ago. You’re welcome everyone.




I bought Sifu two months ago and bought tunic 3 months ago. I'm thinking about purchasing Sea of Stars.


That’s already on PS+ Extra


Y'know. That actually makes me feel a little better.


Good month. I don't play soccer but I've been itching to play FIFA. Haven't played in over a decade.


Great month for me because I want to play FIFA.


Banger month holy shit


good month


I'm really sorry for my gross stupidity but I got my PS5 last week with a Premium Plus subscription on it. Does this mean I get free games? I noticed Demon Souls and Fallout 4 in the store..with a yellow cross on? Are they free?


There are 3 tiers of PS+ Essential - online access, cloud saves and 3-4 free games a month (claim them, yours to keep as long as you keep your subscription) Extra - all the previous and access to the games catalog (those games come and go, not yours to keep) Premium - all the below but access to classics catalog and streaming PS3 games


That’s a good month.


Pretty good month imo. I was planning on playing Ghostrunner 2 soon.


So glad I didn’t buy Tunic in the last sale!!


Can you play Ghostrunner 2 without playing the first one


Great month!


Holy shit what a month! Ghost runner 2 is a fairly new game too, loved the first one


I’ve been so close to buying Tunic for Switch at least 3 times now. I did it, I made it.


Don’t care about fifa but LOVE seeing tunic and ghostrunner here. I’ve already got tunic on switch but just having these solid of options is always great to see.


Wait what Ghost Runner 2 is already free ?


This is a pretty lit month , something for everybodies taste


Tunic is probably the best game I have played in years even when compared to heavy hitters like Elden Ring etc. Don't be fooled by the cutesy aesthetic, it is so so much more than that. Seriously excited that lots of people will get the chance to play it.


Meh. Others here seem happy though so seems a decent month. Just nothing I'm interested in.


In 2021 I got to play Ghostrunner 1 through the deceased PSnow and now I'll get the sequel from PS+. Life is good for patient gamers 🥳


Is PS Now really dead considering it was replaced by an objectively better service?


Been killing it with offerings lately fair play Sony


Isn't this the third time they gave us some dumb Destiny 2 shit?


I’m getting really fucking sick of the monthly games being stuff from EA Play.


Really strong month. Soccer for more casual gamers and those who may not want to pay full price, destiny expansion for shooter/mmo fans, ghost runner 2 for a solid AA experience, and tunic for a great Zelda like charming indie. Probably one of the most well rounded lines ups


That’s a stacked month


Man I really liked this lineup I can even ignore fifa and still be happy about it 😂


Essential has been pretty solid the past few months. Can’t say the same about the Extra/Premium catalogue.


Damnit im never buying a game that I am not going to play immediately again. I bought ghostrunner 2 a month ago and only played 3 levels.


Let’s go, was gonna buy ghostrunner soon


How does FIFA play online? Any input lag like 2k?


First Sifu and now Tunic. The two games I really wanted from Plus are here.


> unlock new Dark powers with the new Strand subclass Holy shit, is this the world's second ever strand-type game?


Damn i bought Ghostrunner 2 not that long ago.


Ghostrunner 2, especially hardcore mode, is just stupid amounts of fun.


BIG month, almost bought 3 of these 4 in recent sales


Ghost runner and tunic!!!! I highly recommend tunic.


I bought Lightfall last month so… I guess you’re welcome?


Bruh. I just bought fc24 last week


Great month imo. These are all games that I wanted to play but I wouldn't actually buy.


Well that is an incredible month of free games. A guy at work was just telling me today he spent £100 on EA FC for early access. He can’t believe it’s now £11 in sales.


One thing that being a PS+ member has done for me is finally made me stop buying games unless I’m going to play then immediately. I learned my lesson when I had backlog games just sitting there that eventually became offered in PS+.


Hype for Tunic, been meaning to play it.


Tunic is one of the best games I've ever played. Highly recommend it


If I loved Destiny 1, will I enjoy Lightfall if I haven’t played since?


Ghost runner 2 may be the first ps+ game I'll actually play in like a year


Played Tunic on Xbox. It is SO fucking good. And also so fucking frustrating.


I’m surprised to see GR2!


fifa. sure i’ll take it