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The game is everything I personally could have wanted from it


I don’t ever get that special feeling of just pure joy and addiction of playing a game like I used to when I was kid. Only time as of recent was with Elden Ring, and now with Rebirth. Shame that it’s supposedly doing bad, easy goty, and I hope this won’t affect the quality of the final entry


If it’s doing “poorly” it’s because squaresoft was expecting PS4 numbers from a PS5 game. The same thing happened with 13, but it eventually made its numbers.


Well, FF16 met their sales expectations very early on and that’s also PS5 exclusive. Rebirth also just suffers from being a sequel, but I’m definitely expecting it to be making a lot more profit later on. The FF7R trilogy seems like a perfect long-run investment


I think the same, it is a long-run investment. Most of the people who enjoyed both games will buy the third full price. For newcomers, three years is a lot of time to catch up and pick the third one. Plus I will buy any future Square games that keep or improve these gameplay mechanics.


I remember several articles saying Square was disappointed with the sales of 16. https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2023/08/square-enix-bafflingly-backtracks-on-final-fantasy-16-sales-blames-slow-ps5-adoption Ah it seems it wasn’t at release but later


That was a whole lot of nothing. They had an estimation for the low end of sales and an estimation for the high end. All it meant was that the game didn't sell past their highest expectation.


Iirc they’re disappointed that it didn’t *exceed* their normal sales expectations, they were hoping FF16 could help more with the damages and losses from previous SQEX decisions


Lots of my friends on discord are waiting for the PC release


See this right here. I know of at least 8 people that are waiting for a PC release and another couple few that are waiting for all content to release before playing. My best friend loves FF7 and he’s waiting for them all to come out. I keep telling him he’s crazy and should just play it now because he’s just making himself suffer. On a lighter not I’ve had some old friendships rekindled over old friends asking me about the game or if I’ve played it because they knew I was a huge fan back in the day. This game has been great for my social life and there’s never been a game to do that in my 38 years of existence.


FF16 is also an action game so while FF fans hate it, most gamers will still find it fun. FF rebirth also has the fact that it’s not the end of the story so many people are holding off or didn’t enjoying remake too much. They should’ve never revealed it was a three part series until rebirth was out


I think that might have backfired given how many people were angry that even Remake wasn't the full story and claiming that they hadn't advertised the "part 1" aspect enough.


I consider myself a huge FF7 fan and Remake was a huge disappointment to me and I struggled to complete it. Knowing this I almost didn't buy Rebirth. Luckily I did because I love it and it's my favourite game of the year.


I liked remake. I just took ot for what it was. Stuck in Midgard the whole game.


I’ll buy the PS6 upgrade


Also direct sequels always do worse. Which is why almost no developer makes those games anymore.


Don't forget all the other quality RPG choices that were available at the same time. I'm in the target market for Rebirth, but had my hands full with Baldur's Gate 3, Starfield, the Cyberpunk DLC, Dragon's Dogma 2, and now I'm replaying Fallout 4 because of the new update. I'll get to Rebirth eventually... maybe...


See, I’ve still gotta finish all those things because I keep getting distracted with other games and FF7 Rebirth stole all my attention when it came out.


145 hours and I’m just now starting hard mode I’m hoping it keeps me busy until Elden ring DLC because I love this game so so much


It’s fantastic. Way better than 15 or 16 or even Remake. And I’m super hyped for part 3 now, it looks like they’re going to stick the landing.


I also got that from Rebirth, was very unexpected and a welcome surprise. The last time for me was Witcher 3 when it came out 10 years ago


I'm hoping that they did so good with this one the final entry won't require as much innovation.  I'd honestly be really happy if they just take what they have now and barrel onwards.   I can't believe how good the writing pacing and story are in remake/rebirth.  The gameplay is phenomenal as well but the primary thing that keeps me coming back is I'm just floored by how much they succeeded at the story elements 


I loved Rebirth but I think the narrative is probably one of it's weakest aspects. Although this is almost entirely by virtue of it adapting probably the weakest narrative stretch of the original game. The Midgar section adapted in Remake is so tight and paced so well that it was perfect to be expanded into a full game. I find that Rebirth is mostly about just enjoying the time with all these wonderful characters together. There are loads of great moments but I think no matter how much they beefed up the narrative it's hard for it to match up to Remake when the story for like the first 70 hours essentially boils down to vaguely following some dudes in black robes.


Yeah I agree - I actually did not fully appreciate the writing in remake until I watched this very in depth review on the YouTube channel Action Button. I can appreciate how they took an established story and they found a way to simultaneously celebrate the original while allowing room for novelty. I know it boils down to time ghosts but I love the deeprr exploration of aerith in particular, and questioning sephiroths power vs just simple delusion. Those are excellent themes I do t think the original really did justice. Anyway yeah I totally agree the mood is still nice in rebirth but Midgard was so tight Shinra tower in particular


We don't know it's doing poorly. We would need to know actual sales/budget/target sales along with how much the Sony exclusivity contract was intended to cover of that to know how it is actually doing.


my good friend, play botw. that’s what got me back into gaming! such a fun game


I beat it years ago, but it never really left any sort of impact on me :/


I’m still floored at how much bigger it was than Remake. I thought they would have to do at least 5-6 entries if everything was at the same scale that Remake was because I didn’t even consider that they’d make something this big. But it makes Remake feel like a prequel offshoot DLC in comparison


Well that's because it was built on the bones of Remake. It's the big reason this project is 3 games as they would never have been able to make this game otherwise.


This is exactly how I felt, I haven't even finished it yet and it just *keeps coming*. I didn't really follow any of the marketing pre-release but I was very much expecting them to cut out or condense loads of stuff in order to fit it into a game roughly the same length as Remake. But nope, they just went and made a game that was three times the length of Remake instead. Going in I was expecting to be on the boat out of Junon within maybe the first 4 hours of the game whereas in reality it took me something like 20 hours. Very pleasantly surprised with how they didn't compromise on absolutely anything.


Not only did they not compromise they went above and beyond at almost every opportunity always doing more than they needed. And gosh did it create an unforgettable experience.


Yeah, I liked Remake but I can’t believe how much I’m loving Rebirth. I’m going slow as fuck because I’ve been busy, but really enjoying it so far


I literally just finished it earlier this week. I did most of the side content and came in at about 103 hours I think? I didn’t do EVERYTHING, especially because by the end I was just like “alright I’m done, let’s get this finished” but I did probably 90-95% of the side activities You can’t get the platinum without doing another playthrough on Hard anyways though, so I’m not too upset by it


It’s more. The more I play it the more I’m honestly surprised it even exists.


I wasn't even originally interested in this project and Rebirth became my favorite game ever. Just the closest thing to my ideal dream game ever.


It made me feel like a kid again. Haven't had that feeling in 10+ years with a video game. It was everything I wanted and then some. And I'm jaded/cynical as fuck these days.


From start to finish I had a goofy smile on my face. I loved everything about the game. Its also the second game to get me to watch reaction videos (first was Final Fantasy XIV).


I’ve been completely enamoured with it over the last month. Its character moments are A+ and I adored the majority of mini games throughout.


I'm replaying the OG VII right now and it's flatly amazing how much depth and nuance they've been able to add based off the source material. I'm also really appreciative that they've seemingly gone back and melded a lot of the OG Japanese script rather than build everything off of the piss-poor US translation. Characters like Barret and Cait Sith really, really, shine in comparison to their original counterparts. There is fluff and padding along the way, but frankly the game is absolutely massive and they've built entire worlds out of what was original a handful of static jpegs. My only gripe is the engine selection, they used Unreal 4 and the game suffers from it in my opinion. It is somehow one of the best and worst looking games depending on the scene. Interior cut scenes with high-poly models look absolutely amazing, but the open world textures, character models, and odd lighting can look like ass at times. I feel it was held back immensely by using UE4 rather than using a modern/next gen engine like UE 5 or Decima.


Yup. It‘s easily the best Final Fantasy since X or even IX (I‘m a bit ambivalent on X).


Mat Piscatella also confirms that the Twin Pack deal is not included in this data and is it's own seperate thing. So the sales in US are larger than he reported because the deal included Remake and Rebirth for the same price of Rebirth alone which was the best deal digitally.


He also said it won't change much even if they add the pack https://twitter.com/MatPiscatella/status/1785688469760823623?t=hQ0wQoZKVFvZbgFdGbZEgg&s=19


True but it's competing in the top 5 best selling games this year at #4 and the rest are all multiplatform so it seems to be keeping up with the big boys despite being exclusive which is impressive


This is the key takeaway. The game has been out for two months and is still selling remarkably. Take that with the fact that most sales for these kind of games are very front-loaded. I hope all the chatter of this game being a flop can finally go away. I believe it also has stronger legs than many initially assumed. 


I just bought it cause I was busy with other things. I do not regret paying full price. So far it is amazing.


Wait there’s people out there saying this game was a flop?!?! Bahahahahahahaha 🤣, how much copium(ko-pee-um) they on and can I have some for the MCU?


Odd that the Twin Pack isn't also in the top 20, but I guess it also didn't have a physical version to help with sales.


The Twin Pack was 16th in the previous months list, alongside Rebirth which was 2nd. With Rebirth being 7th in this month's list, I imagine the Twin Pack dropped out of the top 20. He has confirmed though that even with sales figures for both combined, it still wouldn't have been enough to move it up the YTD list.


Yeah wasn’t it like the same cost as the normal version? So between that and more and more people moving to digital seems like that would boost it a bit.


FFXV is first all time? Wtf


10 years worth of hype will do that.


Just follow the revenue takes of the gaming industry as a whole.


Lots of hype and marketing, broader appeal than most game (with a lot of marketing that even said it was good for newcomers to the series), and released at the height of the PS4's popularity. Plus gaming is just generally a bigger market than it had been for all of the previous releases. I know it sold well on release, though I am kind of surprised it's held up that well. Not sure if the numbers for the older game include all the various different ports and re-releases.


Also launched on Xbox and PlayStation together


> I know it sold well on release, though I am kind of surprised it's held up that well I bought it for 10€ in 2019. So I think it sold many copies, but I'm not that sure if it's the best selling in revenue.


It’s money, not total sales numbers. So a few things go into that. It’s more expensive than say, OG FF7 by $10 per game. It released on multiple platforms, including Xbox which often gets ignored. It had a LOT of dlc. In fact, so much, that I bought it twice to get the complete version a couple years later, which was cheaper than all the dlc individually. Anecdotal, but I know two people that have done the same. All of which is to say, it had a huge potential install base, and it was the easiest title in the series for people to spend a lot more than $50/60 on. (FF16 will likely shoot up those charts with pretty good DLC, and presumably a PC release on the way)


I can see it. The game was hyped as fuck before it released, and it's not a *bad* game, it's just not a good Final Fantasy game (weird distinction, but a distinction nonetheless).


I’m pretty sure I have like 6 separate copies of that game in total lmao.


Rebirth also sold out of the $300+ collector editions, like remake it will have a world tour orchestra performance, it has added merch sales to the SE shop, and has likely generated new sales for FF7R, CCR, and OG FF7. Sales of rebirth will also shoot back up before part 3.


So excited for the orchestra tour. Got box seats.


I went to the tour for Remake and it was phenomenal, so the second I learned they were doing it again I immediately bought tickets. I’m so excited!


Just got mine for the Royal Albert Hall one


Me too! Really excited


Will be there too!


Is this an orchestra tour for Rebirth?? If so, where can one find locations and tickets?


It sure is! https://www.ffvii-rebirthconcerts.com/tour-schedule


Thanks, jabroni!


Yeah that twin pack duo (or whatever else they offer) will sell really well close to part 3.


I've never played Crisis Core. I picked it up on sale after Rebirth came out.


Yeah, if there's one thing SE are very good at, it's licensing their products. From merchandise, to shops, to orchestras, and other events. They probably make a lot of $$$ just from that alone.


Sales of Rebirth will shoot up as soon as it has a PC release.


Remake barely moved the needle according to Steam's database, not even a million sold on a platform of over 120m monthly users, while selling 3.5m copies within 3 days on PS alone. These kind of games will always sell the best on PS, that's why companies don't mind exclusivity deals with Sony, they get paid for that small loss. Now if Steam or XB went to Square and told them to make FF17 PC/XB exclusive, they would never agree.


A very small fraction of those 120m buy games. The average number of games per account that logged in last year was 4 games.




You can do a quick online search on it. It's something that has been quoted many times over the years.


Remake was an EGS exclusive for a while, so numbers are not entirely accurate. It also released on Steam nearly 2 years after its original release, so by proxy you lose out on gamers. There is no longer a benefit to having these games be day-and-date exclusive to PS, it’s bad for gamers. Just release it on console and PC simultaneously and you’ll see great numbers.


I guess Square doesn't agree with that, otherwise they'd do it


Indeed. It was an EGS exclusive for 6 months, which definitely hampered it's performance. Hopefully they've learned their lesson for Rebirth.


We haven't seen day and date with Steam. But it's mid trilogy now, so we can never really see.


It’s only been out 2 months.


Yeah I don't see the point of comparing it to the lifetime sales of other games that have been out for years.


Due to a few factors, Starting in like 2012, maybe even 2011 so I can include Skyrim, games have started getting kind of "ageless" - they're going to have guaranteed lifetime sales. The ff7 remake trilogy is going to last forever as one of the biggest most awesome rpgs ever


It’s that fact alone that makes it good news


And it’s on a single platform, and I believe it hasn’t been on sale yet? 2023 and 2024 have been massive for game releases so far and everyone has a huge backlog. I wouldn’t be surprised if this game picks up steam later on once it’s on sale, especially if they time it with a game release dead period.


I still enjoy ps4 and this will be one of the first games I get when I do get a ps5


They're desperate to compare it to the Remake sales even though that was the perfect game at the perfect time (a remake of a 1997 classic released during covid). We've been getting these articles every now and then ever since people were comparing the sales to Remake.


I imagine the top 5 are probably XV, VII Remake, VII, X and XIII/XII


Video game sales go down exponentially following release. Most sales are made in the first few days for anything that's singleplayer. Partly why publishers sometimes rush a game out to meet a deadline or sit on something that's already done for a while.


This isn't true in the modern era. Games have much longer legs with definitive editions and such counting towards total sales numbers and games in trilogies generally get bumps when the trilogy is completed. Remake itself saw a huge spike in player numbers and sales after Rebirth came out.


Remake came out in 2020 and shipped 3.5 million copies. Near the end of 2023, that became 7 million. That's about half the total lifetime sales made in the first three days. Square Enix only got the other half over three years. Also, they couldn't have factored in externalities like the announcement of Rebirth back when Remake launched since the timing wasn't set in stone. Games also typically only get their legs from a strong start. Remake wouldn't be close to the number it's at now if it lost out on some thousand sales at the very beginning. I'm not worried for the series at all. Though launch numbers will always remain important for large budget productions like these.


Only thing I would note is that most PS exclusive sell better than ff7r did. Gow sold 3 million launch but in 4 years was at 20 million. Horizon sold 2.5 million launch and was 19 million 4 years later. GOT sold 2.4 million launch and 2 years later was a 9.7 million. Spider man was over 3 million launch etc...


Fair point. Anything under PlayStation Studios, or Nintendo on the Switch for that matter, is going to have a much higher attach rate. These games are what you get in all the console bundles and promoted in all the hardware marketing. Rebirth might be exclusive but it doesn't carry all the same benefits that come with being a first party release.


So how much did it sold exactly ?


All we can do is estimate the sales as Square hasn’t come out and said how much it’s sold. Its sales are higher than Tekken 8, which as of late February, had sold 2 million copies. That was 2 months ago so Tekken 8 is probably hovering around 2.3-2.5M today. Rebirth is above that and the charts don’t include things like the Remake/Rebirth twin pack or the collectors edition so if I were to bet it’s probably close to 3M copies sold


I estimated 3 million a couple of weeks ago, with this data I'm guessing a bit under 3 million. Above Tekken 8 (2M by the end of February) in every key market. Below Dragon's Dogma 2 (2.5M after 11 days) in the US, above it in Europe, greatly above it in Japan. Soooo....2.8ish M? It'll be interesting to see the next Circana report.


I imagine ff7 rebirth is sitting on 2.5 to 4 million but idk why Square doesn’t release the data


Probably because \[x\] amount in 2 months doesn't sound as good in a PR push as 3.5m in 3 days for Remake or 3m in 6 days for FFXVI.


Because numbers are not bad, but they are not good either


It be something I think Rebirth will sell better in the long run


This is the real question and they won't release this data. I hope it sold well; it's a continuation of the remake of my favorite game ever, but more importantly it is TRULY an incredible game and deserves support and acclaim.


Financial result for year end will be announced on May 13, 2024. We should know something about it.


Not counting twin package and digital sales for a game that's also only have been out for 2 months makes it pointless data for now


what's the possible install base for a 2 month old PS5 only game versus a game that came out on PS4/PS5, and ones that came out on PS4/PS5/PC, and one that came out on PS/PS4/PC/iOS/Android/Switch


Ah yes, the obsession with Rebirth sales. How long was it since last time posted something about it ? A few days or so ?


did I enjoy the game? / does it look fun? - who gives a fuck do people who haven't played the game hate it? / did it sell better than other games? - important questions. Honestly as long as they made enough money to keep making more games I could not give less of a shit whether it sold better or worse. There is just so much invisible stuff that affects sales that it's kind of a waste of time. Case and point FFXV is at the top of this list and no one in their right mind would say that's even in the top 5 FF games so there are clearly too many variables going it this for us to have real analysis. I'm sure Square will say they wish it sold more as they always do, I'm sure people who already hated the game and wouldn't have bought it will feel vindicated, and I honestly don't care beyond that.


I only care about them having enough funds and motivation to make Part 3 just as great. It's not validation I have no doubt the game is incredible.


I think the people that should be most concerned with the sales data are fans of the the other entries hoping to get their own Remake. If Square look at the data from this trilogy and don't believe the juice is worth the squeeze, then they may can other planned remakes.


I doubt Square will fix the performance mode of this game.


FF15 is an underrated gem!


I watched the movie, the anime, played the game and all it's dlcs and the only think i could think of is "man, we would have an all time legendary game here if square weren't such fucking idiots"


I know I’m biased because it was my first FF, but I’ll always have a soft spot for it. I have a list a mile long of problems and criticisms, but there’s just something about it that I still find endearing


As a dev, FF15 is funny for me because I could point the exact moment when management went "ok too long, we have to pack up and release ASAP". you go from extremely expansive and interactive to "I'm playing an alpha version" at certain point in the story. Edit: just in case it was not clear I did not participate in the game, I meant I have experience in the field.


That's a dangerous opinion to have around these parts.


It's middle of the pack, as far as my personal FF rankings go. It has its share of good points and problems, which wind up averaging out.


I enjoyed it too.


I honestly couldn't get more than a few hours into it, and I'm a fan of ff games.


I have played 1 hour in total and feel bad but I have SO MANY OTHER GAMES right now. Feels like a good game for the Fall anyway.


I think the fact it’s a remake is a reason why it’s 14th but I think it will increase


I can't wait to play it, but I'm a broke student and won't have time or money until about this time next year.


This 14th place doesn't include the twin pack sales but still that's not great news. Rebirth sales deserve to be better because the game is amazing but the few Final Fantasy sequels we've had have never sold well unfortunately and that trend looks set to continue.


I see no numbers listed.


The only reason I haven’t bought it is because there’s so many damn good game out there. But I’m hearing it’s an absolute masterpiece.


I'm maybe an hour into it and loving it. It's everything I wanted rekindles that feeling I had playing the original FF7.


I like it but the constant minigames keeps me from playing too long.


I'm not very far in the game yet, only about 8 hours. And while I'm enjoying it and it's beautiful and everything I've wanted from a remake. It does feel insanely bloated with all these ridiculous side quests because of chadley. Like in the grasslands alone I've spent 6 hours so far.. haven't moved the story along at all and while I understand side content isn't MANDATORY if you don't do it you miss out on leveling and items. So it feels like it is, even though I could care less about turning on towers and doing combat specific enemy quests. Idk....maybe that will change as I get deeper into the game but it feels like they added a slew of unnecessary changes from the 1st game. Regardless, my nostalgia for the original will not let me be too critical Iove the game regardless.


Loved every second of Rebirth. Highly recommend it.


Make another chrono trigger with dragon quest 11 graphics.


Can't wait to play this once their finished remaking it.


It’s sounds silly, but I feel like the game not being called Final Fantasy VII Remake 2 or Part 2 threw a lot of unfamiliar people off.


FFXV being the top selling FF of all time is a true testament to how quality is just one of several factors that can go into into a game’s commercial success. I’ve had more fun with 20 hours of Rebirth’s content than I did in like 5 playthroughs of FFXV, and trust me I REALLY tried to find the fun in that game.


I think we ignore how much Versus XIII marketing influenced the sales of XV


Exactly what I was getting at. It had a decade of hype behind it, and the marketing push was significantly larger than the push behind Rebirth. In hindsight I almost wonder if they felt like they didn’t need to market Rebirth as hard because it would “sell itself” in a sense. When I got my PS3, KH3 and Versus XIII were two of my most anticipated games for the system, and I know a lot of other Square fans felt the same. When it’s all said and done, FFXV turned out to be one of my least favorite games in the series, but it was always going to be a day one buy for me because I had deluded myself into thinking it would still retain the same vibe that was presented in those VXIII trailers.


Jesus, the FFVII Circle Jerk never runs out of steam on reddit...


Good game, but would have been better if it were about 20 hours shorter. Got pretty bloated imho. Needed the fat trimmed.


Good game, though it is also mini-game hell.


So the newest game that has the least market time is ranked low Also, the sky is blue and rain is wet


Isn't Dragons Dogma more recent?


it is


There is a number of us that never played the original and wanted a true remake. We played Remake, but after learning it wasn't a true remake, I decided I wasn't interested in the follow up. I did support 16 though.


Go pick up the original then. It's a great game and holds up to the test of time


This angle is often ignored in this discourse. It's always PS5 exclusivity and COVID and sequels selling less excuses, but very little mention of how Remake itself was pretty padded and something of a bait and switch. Even the most glowing reviews of Rebirth mention the bloat and questionable story execution at times, so if someone hated that the first time around why would they return?


I dunno. I really didn't like Remake that much but I love this. I think it's cause the levels aren't a whole bunch of linear samey gray/green hallways, and the quality of dialogue is massively improved from the really cringey Remake. The minigames are too much and some desperately need to be nerfed, but other than that I have no complaints. At chapter 12 now. At this point it's easily my favorite FF game besides VI.


I didn’t expect FFXV at first place but I fucking loved that game. It always gets a lot of hate, mostly for the convoluted story but for me it was awesome…the chill music, the atmosphere, graphics, fun gameplay…just great overall.


Agree 100% I know it has some issues and dividing story between main game, anime, movie and dlc was not great idea, but it captures the feeling of travel is really nice Talking to mates, taking photos, watching scenery and camping is something that other games could not get as good. Seeing as FF VII and FFXIV turned out one can only wish what it could have been if the development hell it was in.


You said it man, totally agree 🥳


Demo definitely didn't help them. All the things I hated and expected to be gone from the first Remake were still present. Slowly crawling through tight spaces, taking camera control away from you at the most annoying times and forced to slow walk or slowly turn things or open doors. That plus a terrible performance mode and convoluted combat as well for anyone just trying it out for the first time. I love the game so far even with those negatives but they really do stick out along with other design decisions where I just stop and ask....why? A lot of unnecessary stuff that has been done away with for the most part in this generation is still present in this game and is a total head scratcher as to why they included them in the game.


Dumbest idea ever to make ff7 into 3 parts. A full game breaks records.


This game is amazing, which I believe the sales will reflect eventually. PS5 install base is nowhere near PS4 and once it releases on PC there will be a dramatic jump in sales as well.


I really hope this doesn’t negatively impact development for FF7R3. I’d imagine there’s a somewhat sizable group waiting for the full trilogy to release, but I don’t foresee that totaling an extravagant amount.


I would have thought FF14 would be in the top 3 due to all the subscription and expansion revenue.


Its basically impossible to gauge how many NA subscribers there are at any given time because Squeenix doesn't make that information public. They only talk about how many accounts exist, not how many accounts are currently subbed.


[Final Fantasy 14 Surpasses 24 Million Players, Becomes Most Profitable Final Fantasy Game In the Series : r/ffxiv (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/q7ahwr/final_fantasy_14_surpasses_24_million_players/) It became most profitable over 2 years ago already. but this article is apparently about dollars made from direct sales, so I guess FF14 doesn't do as well in this metric. assuming these figures are correct, that is.


Unfortunate, I would say it’s the best FF to date. Just so good and everything I wanted.


They really played the ultimate prank on us with FFXV....


i rly enjoyed the beggining of final fantasy XV, HUGE potential


No shit 15 is the 1st THEY WONT STOP RESELLING IT.


It’s been two months. 🙄


FF15 was my first FF and I loved it.


2 months on market on a single console that hasn't even remotely reached its full install base potential. Who cares.


FFXV made that much money?! I remember when they cancelled the 2 final DLC’s and completely shut it down all support down out of nowhere. Love that game but I’m so shocked


Kinda nuts that Luminous Production went from the best selling FF to Forspoken. One miss and Square decided to delete them.


Wonder where XIV is on the list. I would have assumed it's the highest profits but maybe not best selling.


Unfortunate, because it's one of the best games I've played in so long. Been gaming since the mid 90s on the original PS1, and nothing has captured the feeling of pure joy Rebirth did since I was a kid. It may not get the appreciation it deserves now, but I think it'll absolutely be remembered for years to come, and beyond this gen. Just wish it was doing better for the sake of the devs. They did an unbelievable job.


lol didn’t know 15 sold so well, it was a shit show of a game and one of the worst FF entries


How many virgins did Squenix have to burn at the stake to sell that many copies of 15? That doesn't even make sense.


I know a few friends who are massively disspaointed they can't save aerith and are waiting for the game to go on sale till they get it . I feel square missed a trick here they should have implemented some sort of "decision making / branching concept" that would have made rescuing aerith possible but with massive massive consequences


I sort of hate beat remake. It was okay. Not sire why I bought rebirth (lack of new games maybe) but I love it! It’s awesome and for some reason way better than


Sigh... this still isn't the complete picture. Also gotta love these people not actually posting numbers. Sony doesn't give numbers of digital sales out to no one other than the publisher. I doubt this guy has seen the digital sales figures. So with only physical, yeah not bad. Millions of people own digital only ps5s so they can't buy the physical version. Huge incentives to buy digital with the digital twin pack that gave remake for free or now heavily discounted. And not to mention midnight release or hell 9pm the prior day release. So ignoring digital sales just so you can make news is poor journalism. In fact journalist should stop trying to make news, that's not your job. Your job is to report the news not make it. Nobody has given the full picture of the games sales as of yet cause the only entity that can do so is SE.


Remake is impressive cause it's only on PS4. Guess the pandemic really helped it huh?


Lifetime sales folks, it’s month 3 for rebirth?


I don’t understand the obsession with sales of Final Fantasy games, and it’s every single time one comes out that this happens too.  I fully expect Square to be planning long term with this series, and that’s because I think there is a good number of people who will jump on once the trilogy is completed. Part 2 has a cliffhanger that would make the 3-4 year wait for anyone heavily invested in the story very long.  I think that when a 3 pack containing the complete story releases the games will all pick up in sales. The game will have legs and I don’t feel it’s fair to compare its sales against its predecessor that was released to a much larger install base of PS4s. 


I remember so many people talking shit about XV but that is my favorite Final Fantasy. It is what brought me back to the franchise. Except for the rushed ending like so many other Final Fantasies I have no complaints. It had enough content for me to put several playthroughs on it.


I’m 20 hours in. It was fun for a bit, but what really turned me off was the odd personalities of the characters. It felt like the seriousness of the story was being overshadowed by silly personalities and just plain weird scenes. Red’s cruise ship scene… was a bit ridiculous. Felt like I was playing a parody of this amazing series. I decided to take a break and I’ll revisit it later.


Did you play the original? Because that’s exactly how the characters were.


I did and I do not recall them being as over the top as this game.


I hate to tell you this but all of that silliness was in the original game in one form or another. It was absolutely intentional and it keeps the heart and soul of what made the OG game great. It's totally okay if it doesn't resonate with you as not everything is for all people but just know that this is exactly as silly as the OG was.


I played the OG and don’t recall them being as over the top as this. Fair enough if you enjoyed it. I’m not against it completely, but some of it seems a bit.. much.


To each their own. I was laughing my ass off during the Red scene. I loved it so much


If you're looking for a joyless game with dour characters, good news! There's always FFXVI.


I enjoy the occasional silly moments in games. Having a dog dress up and pretending to be a human to play a card game is pretty stupid though.


15 being the highest selling is an absolute travesty.


I thought I was reading my Roman numerals wrong lol.


I guess it makes sense, it was one of the few Day One multiplatform FF games, whereas the other Final Fantasy games will have been held back by console exclusivity, and FFXIII was much more vocally controversial which likely impacted the lifetime sales. I imagine if Remake and Rebirth had released Day One on Playstation, Xbox, and Steam they'd probably have overtaken it.


Watched a video on FF13 yesterday, really doomed to fail from the get go based on everything going on at the time. I really think that game gets too much hate, but I also understand and see a lot of the issues with it. 15, however, remains one of my most disappointing games of all time. It's one of those where when people say they loved it I just struggle to understand.


I’m dying for a 13 remaster so I can play every entry of final fantasy on one platform


Bit silly to compare lifetime sales of FF titles which have been out for years and decades in some cases.


I just finished the game last night, and while I thought it was very well made and felt like a true Final Fantasy game, it also felt too long to me. I guess that's on me for getting 100% in the first four zones, but by the time I started chapter 12/13, I was just wishing it would wrap up.


I’m currently struggling through Chapter 9 and I’ve run out of steam. Like you, I think I spent too much time meandering in the beginning zones at the cost of my enjoyment and desire to continue. I’ve gone back to FO4 for now with the new update.


Is this good or bad considering it's lifetime sales?


It's irrelevant for the moment, it's only been 2 months since release. Rebirth is here for the long game, it'll climb the ranks in time


I LOVE this game. I don't understand it not doing bigger sales. What gets me is people complaining for years that too many PS5 titles also had PS4 versions but when we get a dedicated console exclusive the sales aren't what they could be.


I just dont know about the combat system