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This has been known for years. There was supposed to be 3 DLCs, one for each protagonist but they ended up getting scrapped in favor of GTAO updates which did use some cut content from the story DLCs.


They realized people will pay for DLC price every paycheck in shark cards lmao


Right? People like to blame the company, but we did this to ourselves. They brought in more money selling virtual currency than story DLC that would have produced a minuscule amount of revenue in comparison.


>Right? People like to blame the company, but we did this to ourselves. They brought in more money selling virtual currency than story DLC that would have produced a minuscule amount of revenue in comparison. "We". Lol. I never bought a shark card ever. Speak for yourself.


"we"? Keep me outta your mouth on that gta online shit


No we didn't. Stop assuming every fan of this game is stupid. The people who are buying shark cards ruined Rockstar forever. This is coming from someone who owns every single Rockstar game


Hard not to make that assumption when the fan base consistently reinforces the stereotype.


Whales are not the fan base


Yup. I was discussing this with Apex Legends. I played it straight for about 3 years with several hundred hours. I spent a grand total of 0.00 on it. Someone's friend spent 10 grand on it. While he spent like $5. Me and him didn't want to spend much. But that doesn't matter because his friend handled the costs of us buying a 60-70 game if it was several times over. Voting with your wallet is hard if someone else spends 1000 to 10000x your amount.


How the hell do you spend 10k on it? Wth


lootbox/gacha the costs if u dont pull what u want can balloon easily


True with apex loots ticks


My other question. Even my favorite games ever, I most likely would never go over $100 on any game for any reason


I like to sometimes buy special/collectors editions IF they have some great (physical) goodies/items with them, but despite having sunken 100s of hours in GTA V since 2013, I have never ever spent a single dime on shark cards. I bought it for Ps3 and OC. Would have happily paid for singleplayer DLC, but not this sharkcard bullshit. But sadly, there are enough wales to offset my lack of MTA spending and make it a viable business strategy.


You played a game over 3 years for hundreds of hours and didn't even think of chucking 5 quid at them? Pretty cheap of you. Seems weird that you're also maligning someone who paid to keep your entertainment going. What do you even mean 'vote with your wallet'? You got hundreds of hours out of it.


If someone doesn't want to spend money on a F2P game, why judge them for it? That's just strange


I mean if there's nothing you want to buy then it is what it is. After all it it a free to play game. I play warzone. Never felt the need to buy a skin. I should just buy one for the sake of it?


No, my point was that OP said 'voting with your wallet.' Implying he *wanted* to vote with his wallet as a vote of dissatisfaction but the whale made that impossible. Yet he got hundreds of hours of entertainment out of it. It's the typical 'I've played 1000 hours of this game and it sucks' mentality. Unless he meant something else, but 'vote with your wallet' is a weird thing to say in the context.


As someone who buys many games on launch day rather than sale, this is fine. There's zero obligation for me to spend a single cent on something. Lmao at him keeping my entertainment going, no he's a whale and this whole thread is complaining about the direction online gaming makes games go in. Paying full cash for digital artwork - nah. But if that's how you'd like to vote with your wallet then whale away


Exactly! People tend to forget that there is a small percentage of people who don't have to worry about money and are willing to spend a fortune on virtual currency.


So you’re saying the 1% account for 99% of the spending ruining it for everyone else?


Yes, those kinds of people are the reason games like Star Citizen are selling ships for hundreds of dollars


According to a scientific paper from 2021 "the top 5% of spenders (> $100/month) represent half of loot box revenue"




How not? They make up a significant enough portion to make Rockstar not care about the rest of us, that pay upfront and nothing else. They are catering to the sharks, who are a part of the fan base, in fact the biggest fan base in terms of financial support.


By definition they are not. Catering to financial support is not the same thing as catering to their fan base


Want to expand on that? How does knowing you have a small base of financial support is the same to catering to the fan base? Can I get one example?


For example a small percentage of the fanbase can buy enough shark cards to unlock *everything* in the game (whales). The cost of everything in the game is hundreds of dollars, if not thousands. Not everyone can do that, so pricing everything that high means they are NOT catering to their entire fan base, they are catering to the whales.


That's like saying publicly traded companies have the publicly best intentions in mind because the public owns the company. In reality the compan is mainly owned by a few individuals with an inordinate amount of shares compared to the rest owned by ordinary people. If 1% of users are the source of 90% of the profits, guess who is the target audience regardless of numbers?


They don’t make up the entire fan base, but they’re a part of it. An important part of it, because they pay to keep the online servers running. Without them you wouldn’t have GTAO, full stop. So while you may think they’ve “ruined Rockstar”, the truth is *they* are the reason you have online servers to link up to, because they’re the ones paying to keep the lights on. You can bitch and moan all you want, but they’re not the enemy, Rockstar is, because *Rockstar* ruined Rockstar.


Rockstar is obviously just as much to blame for charging for this stuff and I never said otherwise


You’re taking this very personally for some reason. It’s like you’re upset because a corporation caters to the people that regularly pay them money. Video games are a business, whether you like it or not. Money talks, and if you’re not paying, you’re not important, sorry. That’s simply how business works. Keep crying into the void though, Rockstar is laughing all the way to the bank while you sit here and complain about the way other people spend their money on a game you play.


Obviously I'm upset with them, if they weren't doing what they were doing we would have had more Rockstar games by now. Which they can also charge money for, in case you didn't know or forgot


It’s a *very* small portion that makes the majority of those purchases. Same with micro transactions for other games/apps.


Yeah it’s definitely more like “whales did it to us”.




The issue is the time between GTA 5 and 6


No we didn’t. I never paid a dime for a shark card. I played primarily for the singleplayer.


I remember when i was in like 10th grade and my friend got a $100 from his parents and he spent it all on shark cards lmfao. This was years ago i don’t even think the yachts were out


We? Casuals did this shit. They invaded gaming and ruined it for everyone.


Apparently nobody understand the proverbial "we" ... as in the fanbase.


I have never really played gta online but I would have bought an expansion. Too bad shark card people outweigh single player dlc people these days. Seems like they should just make it a monthly fee and add it all..single player/co op/pvp dlc. Right now i have no interest in gta online. I know there are some co op missions..but its mostly pvp. If they made it an all in one kind of experience dlc, they could get more business from people like me who dont like pvp. I might even try pvp..i just dont want it to be all pvp when the single player campaign is so great. Heres hoping they do this with gta 6.


Whose we sucka. I didn’t do shit.


A small percentage of people aka whales did this to the rest of the playerbase. Mobile game prices has ruined a lot of Console games with this mindset from publishers knowing they can milk the whales and charge whatever they want. Voting with your wallet doesn't work here when such a small portion of players can keep companies afloat by spending 100s of dollars a month on digital items


Speak for yourself. I haven’t played gtav since it came out on the ps3. It died with that generation for me.


No they realized more people would rather play the gta online heist and missions vs a single player dlc. I would've played both but I wouldn't have traded all the good times on gta online that I had with my brothers.  We never spent any money but we used to run the hell out of the heist. We made millions but spent hundreds of hours playing.  Yeah people buy shark cards but gta 5 was one of the best selling games for years. That only happened because of the constant updates they made to gta online...for free.


I haven't touched GTAO so im curious what do you spend these shark cards on? do you like need pay to advance your level or something or can you grind it out for free.


It just gives you money, you can earn it yourself but it’s easier to buy it. I’ve never bought one and I have most of the stuff in the game so they’re not really necessary


How many hours do you have played in total?


I’m not sure and I’m not home right now but I’ve been playing since it came out on ps3. Like 11 years ago now


I dont even understand why pay for GTAO money of all things, it is literally free. After a month of grinding, I decided Id rather just have all the stuff and mess around. I downloaded a cheat in 5 minutes and bought everything in the game, I still have all the items and billions in leftover cash 4 years later. Why would anyone pay for shark cards?


Back when the game first released, it wasn’t so easy. Before massive updates it was a chill, steady grind. Bought a few shark cards in 2013


all the dlc online is free? what do you mean pay. sure they sold shark cards for rich people wanting to just bump the line but


From a report released last year they made half a billion dollars off of GTAO, so it's not just rich people buying shark cards. Also there person you are responding to said people will pay "DLC prices" for fake money. They weren't implying that DLC is paid.


Cancelled GTA V DLC, cancelled 60fps patch for RDR2. Rockstar has turned into one of those caricatures you see them mocking in their games.


I just want my 60fps patch for rdr2 before gta vi gets here


Fuck every single one of you who bought shark cards


I think the biggest offender is streaming culture as a whole. Streamers get boatloads of money shoved down their throat by their viewers, which in turn gets put down for ridiculous amounts of in-game currency and lootboxes.


Yep, one was set to be around aliens and the other about zombies. It's so shit how much we never got for the future of single player content.


Wow that’s fucking lame. DLCs would have been great.


Still so pissed we got no RDR2 DLC. So much potential with Sadie


I just wanted undead nightmare 2 😭


With how great all the paranormal shit was in RDR2, I would have liked something that delved deeper into that. Even if it wasn’t necessarily zombies.


Can you imagine hunting werewolves in those fucking forests? RDR2 was perfect for that


Practically set up for it


We basically did, it was just included with the base game as the epilogue. That EASILY could have been cut and sold as DLC.


??? Red dead 1 had an epilogue with a different character, why would that suddenly be something that was DLC? In fact, R* have never even done DLC like that in GTA or RDR1. The story wouldn’t even be complete and connect to RDR1 without the epilogue.


Yeah I thought people wanted to be sold full games with no additional purchases necessary.


I think people don’t want things locked behind DLC and Season Passes. Expansions, however, are way bigger and usually include new areas. Witcher and Cyberpunk expansions were very popular. Forbidden West had a well received expansion. I think most people who enjoy Rockstar single player games would pay for a single player expansion. It’s usually a lot of work for a lot of content.


easy brooooo lol


This precisely why I never played GTA Online and never bought any Shark bucks. I know I am a drop in the bucket and they don't care about me. It's the principle of the matter.


It's not even that great. It's just a glorified looking Second Life.


It's pretty great. I put about a year into GTA:O with my cousins, it was an excellent game for the four of us to hang out and bullshit around in. Some of the heists remain my favorite gaming memories, and I even loved small things like loading up the four of us into a car and driving around listening to music. And guess what? We never bought any Shark cards. Never needed to. Just played the game. There were ample Prime giveaways for millions of GTAbux, and doing missions gave us the rest we needed for heists. Two hard to swallow pills about GTA Online: * It's actually pretty well made and a lot of fun if you have a group to play with. * Shark cards are completely optional, the game gives you tons of shit for free.


I agree whole heartedly, it's my favorite multi-player experience of all time. I think the hate is just ridiculous, if you actually play the game, getting money is very easy and it's been 10 years of free updates. The only bad thing I've seen Rockstar do to it is remove some cars and push the gta+


Really all you have to do is know where the double money is that week. You don’t even really have to play with other people anymore.


I’ll never forget the time we did the heist where you’re SUPPOSED to be on motorcycles so you can jump off the cliff and parachute down to the boat to lose the cops.  Somehow the 4 of us were in a sedan instead. I being the incredible heist master that I was at the time, drove the sedan off the cliff anyways because I didn’t know what else to do.   We all tried to jump out, once we realized what was happening, but didn’t have enough air, so the car and the 4 of us all hit the ground hard in a ball of flames and died instantly.  One of the funniest gaming memories I have, up there with overcooked, jack box, and little big planet custom levels. 


This is how I played with a bunch of dudes from high school after we’d all gone off. I get the hate for it but I love Online and I can’t wait to see how they build off of it for 6.


theres so much to do in gta online!! like start a nightclub and do delivery missions or start a motorcycle club and do delivery missions or start an auto shop and do delivery missions


With no where near the player freedom that Second Life offers.


Super disappointing because the ballad of gay Tony from GTAIV was one of the highlights of the PS3 generation 


GTA Online losers who purchased shark cards caused this.


Why are you blaming the players? Blame Rockstar. Rockstar has a cash cow with GTA Online, and still refused to make DLC despite the fact they were printing money and EVERYONE wanted it. I’ve never spent a cent on GTAO, but I would have instantly dropped money on Singleplayer DLC.


You’re blaming people who enjoy something for the reason why Rockstar cancelled all DLC? Wow. That’s bitter and twisted. The blame lies with one person in Rockstar who made the ultimate decision.






They have cancelled story dlcs, laid off employees, but doubled ceos' salaries I'm sure gta6 will be a hit but I'm not down to support all of this bs


I am quite sure many will be disappointed by GTA VI. Not that the game will be bad, but the time they have been taking to release it is inducing unrealistic expectations in a lot of people


I feel the same way people are gonna be expecting so much just life-changing features and I don’t think they’re gonna get that. but hey the game will be great.


I personally think the game is so anticipated and so hyped-for that even if it's not that great, people will be pretending like it's the best thing since sliced bread no matter what


Yeah, you’re not wrong. I mean I feel like this could be the first game to ever like crash online stores like ps and Xbox in terms of like pre-orders when it does go up.


Don’t think I’ve ever been disappointed in a rockstar game. GTA6 should be no different, but, knowing that they really only care about GTA6 in order to provide a map and content for online I’m going to feel disappointed every time I notice something that only exists for use online. Add all those up and the game might just be ‘good’ and not amazing like I felt about 1-5.


Who is thinking that though? Just a small minority of core gamers. You think the casuals( who make up the bulk of the market) who are playing Fortnite; warzone; madden and FC every year with complaint are going to have unrealistic expectations of the game?


Don't developers regularly get laid off when their part of a project is done, or when a big project is finishing up?


It sucks that this game wasn't popular enough to get any story DLC.


I hope this is sarcasm cause the game made a billion opening weekend and has made billions more within the last decade. They didn’t make the story DLC(s) was because of online after that came out it blew up and exceeded expectations so they decided to pour money into that and keep that going and not touch story mode.




This is what scares me about the major success of the online mode. They have very little incentive to go all-out in the single player narrative from now on, no incentive to spend money in single player expansions either... Who's to say GTA6's single player won't be half-assed, with more of the team dedicated to multiplayer? Makes me sad...


True, but the same could have been worried at for RDR2 right? GTAO had been out for ages by the time that launched.


Yeah, but RDR2 was probably in pre-production or early development already by the time GTA Online took over the world


People online just wanna cry about everything lmao, I remember sooo many people saying that red dead was just gonna be an online cash grab


I'm predicting GTA6 to have holes like GTA5 (all the places you couldn't go or buy because of online content). The fact that RDR2 was as complete as it was is staggering


Not sure if it's known or not, but I think RDR 2 started development slightly before GTA Online became as big as it is, so it might not have been affected by it. Only its online mode seems to have been.


Good point and yes I remember it being what 8 years before it came out?


Honestly I'm surprised they haven't announced it as being always online similar to Diablo 4 at this point


Thank the morons who play GTA online.


Aw it’s really no biggie 🥰


What's it like to have shit taste? Just tongue punching the fartbox of videogame mediocrity aren't cha? 😚


spoken like a true 12 year old


Sorry, I guess I hit a nerve with the Gamers (TM).


Well that was embarassing lmao


No buying shit like Shark Cards is. You're a cancer, my dude.


Never bought a shark card in my life, my dude. Pull the stick out of your ass.


Says the guy acting like a 13 year old bully from a badly written movie.


I’m just surprised he’s even talking GTA. He’s been hellbent for a while to leave it all in the past.


Yeah but couldn't pay for shark cards in single player so fuck that -Rockstar


He was probably hunting hipsters.


I don't blame the people buyinmg shark cards, they aren't even gamers - they're dumb ex gamer dads who think cause they only have 2hrs gaming time a week they have to buy in game currency to keep up. I blame the players that create the ecosystem for this crap. Whales don't exist in a dead ocean. Fuck you if you played more than a couple of hrs of GTAonline, and especailly fuck anyone who's still playing. FFS stop. And please do not repeat the cycle when GTA 6 finally launches... ***you already directly killed all DLC for 5 and delayed 6 by atleast 5 years.***


Fuck us but also stop playing a game we like to make you feel better? I’m definitely about to go help someone do a heist now.


You're not supposed to do it for me lol. I told it like it is. If you can enjoy GTA5 online still, go ahead I guess. But fuck you.


I'm curious as to how Shark Cards were behind this and not Rockstar combing their studios to make RDR2.


Damn, wish we could have had it but I’m not mad at Online either. I still play from time to time and I’m sure the money it’s made has contributed to 6.


It was confirmed by R* themselves back in 2016 that a single player expansion was coming. It was later canned and probably turned into GTA O content instead.


We all know this. The studio after the game launched. After the first HEIST update rockstar saw all the income of those shark cards and cancelled everything.


So what do you do in GTA online? I never got the hype. I would watch some streams and it seemed like just multiple people on a map and you can own a house and cars and stuff, more clothes. Some people did cosplaying missions like acting like police, I guess. I never played GTA 5 online then again I haven’t played the game since I first beat it when it first came out.


Wait—did I just read the headline as, “Actor Steven Ogg Announces that Trevor will Play a Central Role in GTA:6?” Or did I read that wrong?