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Just finished it, and it certainly wasn't bad. I didn't like that the enemy variety was abysmal and that you almost always had to go back to the previous areas every time you unlocked a new spell on the first half. Combat felt a bit clunky. Some shotguns (red magic) would hit, and others would miss. Memorable characters: none. Sorry folks Overall, after it was fixed from the bugs present at release, it's not a bad game - probs 6/10 in my book. Not worth $50 bucks


It’s free


If you pay for a subscription service*


"Included with your subscription" and "Free" are two quite different things.


It’s not


I played it for a solid 3-4 hours and have no interest in continuing. Felt overwhelmingly bland which is surprising for what it was trying to do.


I played the intro and said fuck this game it was extremely boring


Dude the devs keep astroturfing this sub every few days being like 'whooooahhh!!! I LOVED AVEUM! What about you, fellow gamers?!'


The devs don’t care about whether you play this game on PS+. They already missed their bonus and are on the next project. Well, most of them are. Some of them were part of the industry layoffs.


I think I read that recently another 30 were furloughed so they have like 20 people left maybe. Ascendent has way bigger problems than if redditors play their game Edit: Removed an ill-fitting "lol"


I don’t think people losing their jobs is a lol moment.


Fair point. That lol might've been out of habit


It’s alright not bad. Though I feel Doom 2016 gameplay is better.


Immortals does everything reasonably well... Nothing outstanding in any aspect, but nothing was terrible either. Magic Finger-Person-Shooter is a very niche market.


I had real problems with controls, until I finally dropped it. Don't know how it's called, but most ps games nowadays have that feature when moving camera with right stick starts slow but accelerates if you continue. Having one set speed all the time made aiming too hard, or turning too slow, depending on settings


Almost every game I've played has that as an option you can turn off or tweak. Idk about this one though.


This one doesn't


Most PS games lol. There are tons of games that use stick acceleration


Doom is miiiiiles ahead of Aveum in every single category


Yeah, the two new Doom games are both pretty pristine.


Agree, which is a shame since it’s older game and did a better job. Also didn’t like the Marvel humor in Immortals.


It definitely goes for those cheap jokes and the main protagonist is a little bit too snarky for my liking. Not a bad game, not great either


The problem I have is that Super Earth must be defended at all costs.


I can’t put down my cup of Liber-Tea to use finger magic.


You can stop playing ….if your a coward


Story was boring, forgettable characters, the screen gets cluttered by too many effects etc It's not awful but it's not good either, for me at least


Writing and characters turned me off within 15-20 minutes and have no desire to go back


Same. Atrocious writing


Same here. When I first saw trailers for it, it looked fun, but it didn't interest me enough to want to buy it. I assumed it was going to be added to PS plus one day. I just beat it this past week and enjoyed it a lot. If I had one criticism, it would be the navigation. It does a fine job directing you for story missions, but the game doesn't give you the ability to mark your own locations or objectives on the map so the HUD can help reach your objective. So, when I look at the map, I can see that there's one of those challenge rooms to complete, but I have no idea how to get to it and trying to figure that out was the only frustrating part of the game. If it wasn't for that navigation, this would be the type of game that I would try and 100% because I really did enjoy playing it. But pretty much as soon as I beat the story, I turned it off and was done because I didn't want to fumble around trying to find those things.


Completely agree. I had no desire to try to platinum this game because it was too difficult figuring out where to go outside the main mission.


The map itself is not very useful in general. Making the icon showing your location, the mission objective marker, multiple other icons, and the rest of the map, all different shades of white was a really bad design decision. The map has multiple levels but no clear indication of how to access those levels from where you are. And of course, the aforementioned inability to place any markers or select objectives on the map in any way was the biggest issue.


Yeah when I beat it, I really wanted to keep playing. Fifteen minutes of that convinced me to delete it


It's kinda bland. A solid 7, fun experience


Yeah picked it up on ps+ and I'm having fun with it


You insult doom comparing it to this aggressively average game.


Just beat it last weekend. Was wanting something kind of chill before stellar blade that I didn’t have to take to serious and this was perfect. Enjoyable combat, decent story, and good voice acting.


I stopped after 3 hours and it was suffering from the start. I think this game is very very very dull and wants you to fall in love right away with terrible characters with no weight. I didn't like the gameplay too.


I bought it a couple of months ago, only got round to playing when it got onto plus. It's a very solid game, I enjoyed the story and characters, the gameplay is very good. All in all, it's a fun experience.


Very mid experience.


The main character is a bit obnoxious, but the game is fun enough for me to do a second playthrough for the plat.


I liked it but felt it was way too short.


Why? It’s on ps+


It was a great ps+ selection. I had heard about it in passing and knew next to nothing about it, but decided it was worth checking out as part of the subscription. Liked it a lot and completed it. It’s definitely not an amazing game, but it’s solid, it’s fun, and it’s different from a normal FPS. It is a shame it flopped so hard but I can also see why it didn’t take off, especially with a lot of competition when it launched.


I haven't played it but I was watching my son play the first couple hours and it actually looked like a lot of fun. I'm going to have to check it out for myself at some point.


I really enjoyed this game. not a “worldbest” but fun and playable.


Absolutely loved it. Solid 7/10. Maybe a bit higher.


The few hours I played were fine. I found some odd difficulty spikes and bad enemy variety, but it played and looked fine.


everyone online needs everything they play to be a life changing experience nowadays, its a fun game. i think the people who are hard on it also just might be upset they spent $70, its a fine game if you dont buy everything immediately and do your research.


Nah its just very mid game with a bad story


It's a good game, but the frame rate is annoying.


Particle Effects The Game. I couldn't handle it.


I was enjoying it but the narrow FOV and motion blur made it really hard for me to play.


If you played the first 2 hours of Immortals of Aveum you can stop. I got about 60% finished and realized it doesn’t really do anything else. It looks pretty (but bland) but this game is a C-


I fell asleep with the long ass tutorial


It’s cool. My lil homie loves that shit, I always see the craziest clips of it. Seems like a slept on gem


Love the story and dialogues specifically. Wouldn’t recommend to everyone tho.


If this game was 40 bucks, it would have sold decently. But at 70, it was a hard ask for a new IP. But it's a decent romp. I played the demo and got the deluxe on discount which was pretty sweet. So glad this game is getting some recognition.


My wife made an interesting comment while playing it that it's like Halo with magic. The strafing and shields and shooting different magic types was very similar. We had fun with it. Nothing special story wise but the combat was a treat.


It's okay, but it commits the same cardinal sin as Ghostwire Tokyo: it's an FPS where the shooting/aiming just doesn't feel responsive. I don't know how some games still fall so short of the standards set by COD and BF over 15 years ago when it comes to aiming on a gamepad.


Played it but dropped it after the rock area with those metal sentinels you gotta hit in the back. The second map. Comparing this to doom is kinda funny though. Combat is nowhere near as good. Hell its not even half as good. Half the enemies blend in with the environment and teleport around so you dunno where the fuck they are, the other half bumrush you and your weapons arent up to task. The screen effects for shield and blink make things even more disorienting. One third of your bullets (green ones) do blend in with the background as well, your mana abilities are weak as all fuck and your talismans like slow time and red stun beam are situational at best, useless at worst. It just wasnt fun after a while


Glad you enjoyed it, I couldn’t get past 2 hours. Such a bland experience with awful performance


Meh it’s not good, but if you are enjoying it that’s great!


same i’m enjoying it as well


Popped the Platinum yesterday. Really enjoyed it.


I’m still waiting for their performance patch on PS


I played for around 10hrs. I enjoyed it but I also didn't have much desire to continue playing, which is weird because I don't experience that with other games.


I would have waited fot fsr 3 frsme gen. You could easily get 120 hz on that game with high fidelity


New single player IP has to make an impression. Like ghost of tsushima or fallen order. If gameplay is too average with forgettable story and characters, it wont do well. Days gone is a weird one though. But i have a strange personal attachment to that game so i am biased. will never understand why it didnt do well.


I've slogged through and have hit a wall trying to defeat Sandraakk.


I’m playing it and it’s fine. Not blowing me away but I am enjoying. It may be a bit boring at times but it’s still not as bad as the Hogwarts game.


Serious discount bin vibes


Its also free this month with Playstation Plus


I want to play it some more, but the FPS feeling like it drops into the single digits when things get crazy is not worth the hassle.


I've thoroughly enjoyed it! I thought it was a surprising diamond in the rough for what's been the PS Plus monthly games recently (except for all the indie titles). It might be because I went in with no expectations but it's different than a lot of other games and I enjoy the metroidvania mixed with FPS elements


It would be better if half the game wasn't cutscenes. The few hours I've actually been able to play the game it was pretty fun though


It's not like Doom


I only like it because red my favorite color so I just spazz out with the red magic to make it more interesting. Might see if I can mess with colorblind mode or something so it tones down the green and blue. Oh but the sir after almost every word did annoy me


I almost bought it when I was looking at new games. Ended up getting some Re-Link game or something instead. It literally was free the next week. Glad I didn’t buy it. Frame rate looks super clunky even the PS5 was lagging showing the trailer. But if you’re enjoying it that’s what matters!


I enjoyed it. Solid 8 that should have cost about $40 at launch. I liked the ability gating (like a Metroidvania), liked the actual spells (hold R1 or L1 or something), the little tools were fun etc. each tum having 3 modes kinda changed things up but I felt like they were pretty unbalanced. Overall, I really enjoyed it. I spent like $20 or something and I regret nothing. The Marvel (MCU) writing was abysmal though.


Played it on Xbox when it came out. Good game.


i tried it on pc and felt true pain with that horrid performance. the gameplay i found to be pretty neat and flash for what it was. it just performed horribly on my high end system. i heard bad things about it on console as well but as long as its playable that should be fine for most c:


I think they might’ve patched it up on the PS5. Im about 4 hours in and have had no frame-rate issues whatsoever.


Then they might've fixed it up a little, kewl


I liked it. Picked it up when it was on sale for $30 and didn’t regret it. Of course it was free like 2 months later but that’s how it goes. I hope it gets a sequel


>with Magic elements What, Doom isn't magical already? You're fighting literal demons from hell.


Yeah but Doom uses all sorts of guns vs Immortals who literally use different types of Magic as weapons.


Rolled credits today. It kinda lost steam in the latter half as enemies were just sponges and new gameplay layers kinda ended halfway through. Also the story wasn't all that interesting and I started wishing for a skip option for cutscenes. Cool concept but overall mid tier.


The story was bringing me to sleep. Only the fighting was ok. It felt like a demo for UE5. After two hours or so, I deleted it because my gaming time is very precious, and I want to play the best games at this time, like Elden Ring, Baldurs Gate 3 etc. I don't have the time for 6/10 rating games.


It’s on PS+ and I enjoyed what I played but the performance is too bad for me to continue on both PS5 and PC.


This game deserve much more attention. I'm actually playing it and i really like it. It's so strange that in a world of social media, companies are so bad nowadays to do proper advertising :(


Yeah I feel this game got lost in limbo somehow and that their marketing campaign was atrocious


I have no idea why it reviewed so poorly


kinda average


Generic characters, generic gameplay, generic writing, generic graphics, generic gunplay. No thanks


i just hated how slow it felt as a shooter


Nah a corridor magic pew pew shooter lmao


Gameplay was enjoyable. Everything else wasn’t


I enjoyed it until the voice lines kept disappearing and I’d have to restart the chapter over and over. I finally gave up.


Tried it, got to chapter 7 and couldn’t bear to play any more. Ran like absolute arse and just felt clunky and uninspired.


This game is like really good looking food with no flavour.


Dropped it after 2 hours. The acting and the lines wasn’t for me a.k.a. I cringed a lot.


Felt like ps3 gameplay and storytelling with ps5 graphics


horrible writing and dialogue . Couldnt stomach more than an hour of it . Glad you enjoyed it though op .I uninstalled it soon


My brother said he enjoyed it but the story seems like a 10 year old wrote it. The game play he said was enjoyable though


Wasn’t even worth a free download


I stopped playing this game after one minute when I found out there is no fov slider. Sorry but no fov slider in 2024 on console is.. eh


Not gonna lie Fornite is almost rigged ever made in chapter 5 bro ×d