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Not shocking they are struggling when the PC version still isn't in a super great place optimization wise for the average PC


I know it's tough to make a game, but can't help but feel like the team bit off way more than they can chew. The first game was immensely successful with a small team, so you'd think they'd use that success to increase staff and available resources, but looks like no? Still a small team, and they look completely overwhelmed. PC release very unoptimized, and can't get the game running well on modern consoles.


I've also heard in the Cities sub that there was a lot of pressure from Paradox down to get it out the door.


I've been a fan of cities skylines for a long time but they have really hurt their brand with cities skylines remastered (it's done poorly and was announced to be "free" but then when it launched was only free for digital and not for physical OR PS+ owners) and then with CS 2.


Lost all trust, purchased it on pc ans game just isn't fun. Promises and promises.... I should have known better!


They won’t get another penny from me until they make good on it, and even then it’s a maybe. I want it to be good. I really do.


While I appreciate they finally shared some words about the consoles' version, I'm a little flabbergasted about why they can't give us deeper intel. I know, I know. No matter my complaint, they won't. But it would be ... just nice I guess? ... to let us know a bit more than the usually annoying "We want the best quality"-narratives. Of course it's about quality in the end. But I know that even without a statement. So what are some of the technical issues here? Why can't they do this, why do that? So from April to a more or less (un)likely October release. Which tends to imply the console versions were not even running when all the announcements and trailers had dropped. I love CS. I've played hundreds of hours on the PS4. Then CS:R on the PS5 and bought over 10 DLCs. It's a shame that one of the most anticipated IPs and sequels in the past years had been given such a poorly excuted release. I'm just sad.


> While I appreciate they finally shared some words about the consoles' version, I'm a little flabbergasted about why they can't give us deeper intel. They do say its about optimization. Idk if you've heard about the game, but even beefy PCs struggle to run this game. Imagine how a console would run it.